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Lord Raven

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Everything posted by Lord Raven

  1. I don't have MVP access cause I didn't use a cleared epilogue (I had two playthroughs running apparently). Having that said, I wouldn't have access to Pelleas or Lehran either, but that's about it for significant gameplay changes. 1-P I do a Battle Save on Turn 4 after Edward decimates all of the Brigands. He gains Strength and HP on his first level up, gets hit by the boss (shifting his HP to 20% so he can use Wrath); this sets him up to Wrath kill the boss right on Turn 5. Leonardo trades Herb and Dracoshield to Micaiah. Drafted units stats: Lvl EXP MHP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Micaiah 2 35 15 2 7 9 7 11 2 5 Turns: 5 1-1 Leonardo gets the Vulnerary from the village. I have Micaiah go as far north as she can and Edward shove her one space so she can block the chokehold. Nolan attacks the Soldier directly to the north and kills him on enemy phase of Turn 1; Edward visits the Hand Axe village on Turn 3 and all those fighters are cleared out at that point. On Turn 4, Nolan receive the hand axe from Edward and Nolan goes two spaces south of that other fighter to block THAT chokehold. He weakens every enemy on there; Micaiah kills the Archer on Turn 5 and the northern Fighter on Turn 6 (Nolan attacks that fighter on Turn 5, having that said). All of those enemies are dead by Turn 6, and Nolan moves in front of the boss and his lackey (equipped with a hand axe for insurance) for the kill after using a Vulnerary. He kills the boss on Turn 7, and Micaiah Escapes. Lvl EXP MHP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Micaiah 3 61 15 2 8 10 7 12 2 6 Turns: 7 Total Turns: 12 1-2 I have Nolan go directly above the cliff so that he can fight off all the Fighters. Micaiah guards the eastern chokepoint, and Edward rescues Laura for mobility. Nolan kills the northern fighter by the end of Turn 1. My idea was to proc a speed gain for him so he can double attack the Soldier to the south on a counterattack on Enemy Phase Turn 2 and hopefully kill the Myrmidon by Turn 4 (so turns 5&6 can be dedicated to snagging Thani and a Wind Edge), but thankfully I didn't have to do that -- the Fighter missed on EP Turn 1 and nolan got the kill (and gained defense!) Sothe comes in on Turn 3 and pretty much kills all who attack him, whereas Sothe puts himself in position to kill 5 enemies (two fighters, three soldiers) and so he can block the archer to allow me a Turn 6 clear (so I don't have this fear of Laura getting atacked by it). Turn 4 I move Leonardo up and kill the Myrmidon with Nolan. I also accidentally left Light equipped so I had Edward take it; this didn't affect anything but survability lol. Turn 5, Edward shoves Leonardo which provides him with just enough spaces to drop Laura exactly five spaces from the Arrive point. Nolan grabs a Wind Edge, Sothe offs the Archer, and Micaiah gets her tome back. Turn 6, Micaiah kills a soldier, Nolan grabs Thani, and Sothe kills a Soldier also. Laura Arrives. Lvl EXP MHP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Micaiah 4 13 15 3 9 10 7 13 2 7 Sothe 1 21 35 18 4 20 20 15 14 9 Turns: 6 Total Turns: 18 Damn, this is the last chapter I can use Nolan. Oh well, Sothe's got it covered from here. I'm going to use the Dracoshield on him so he has a smaller chance of dying. 1-3 Ended up going through the east. Kurth and Aimee are blocking the chokepoint so that no enemies get through, and Sothe is doing most of the killing (but Micaiah is snagging wherever she can). I can't go into too much detail here, but Kurth and Aimee absorbed hits just fine (Aimee didn't get knocked out either) and I am extremely satisfied with Sothe and Micaiah's performance even though they were the only two units I could use. On Turn 6, Micaiah attacks the armor in front of the guy on the escape square (Sothe is directly diagonal to that Archer on the escape square). I have Nolan shove Sothe so he can block a chokepoint. From here, I proc hits so that Micaiah doesn't get OHKO'd by the boss (the boss has less than 50% hitrate on her so it *should* be fine, especially since the other enemies are going after Sothe). The boss is actually trapped between Micaiah and Sothe at this point. What I'm trying to proc: 46% hit chance x2. This leads to about a 30% chance of survival. And she lives through it, anyway. Turn 7: Sothe kills the Longbow Archer, Nolan escapes then Micaiah escapes (Nolan does so for extra BEXP). Nope, no bosskill. Lvl EXP MHP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Micaiah 5 13 16 3 9 11 7 14 2 7 Sothe 1 56 35 18 4 20 20 15 16 9 Resources used: 1-P Dracoshield Sothe Turns: 7 Total Turns: 25 Am I doing well so far?
  2. Precisely my purpose, I didn't mean to sound confrontational or anything about it.
  3. i was pretty frazzled, i apologize @_@
  4. As well as you ignoring the fact that I acknowledged all that and changed my question to "why is Zihark > Mia"
  5. err we're passed that now smh it's Mia v Zihark and I'm not saying Mia is frail or anything, just that Zihark is more durable.
  6. When two units are neck-in-neck... yes, it does.
  7. Except Ilyana has an evade advantage and defense advantage (her HP is losing but her Def is 3 points greater on base and her affinity gives her defense). Muarim has 1 more move than Zihark and Ilyana has 1 less move than Zihark. They'll be together for 2-3 turns assuming you're going max move every single turn. Ilyana having Shade at base doesn't hurt either, which is something she has over Rhys until Chapter 18 when Shade becomes available (so Chapter 19 when you can use it). Ilyana's better at being a front liner and using her supports than Rhys is for a long time, because she's the least likely to be attacked.
  8. The point is that Rhys needs to be shielded at all times; Ilyana can hold her own far better than Rhys (not all that well but way better than Rhys) and Brom/Muarim are very durable as is.
  9. Well no- considering the amount of characters left, I don't think that's an assumption I'm willing to make lol
  10. Is it alright for me to start this draft now until I hit Chapter 6-2 (when I recruit Fiona)?
  11. EDIT: Just saw your post Kitty Admiral... is Zihark better because of Earth support and the fact that he needs to consume less resources to hit that level? Then what exactly explains Soren being used here? Tier lists for these games confuse the piss out of me.
  12. I'm all for it, but can you clarify the rule a little bit? Something about your wording isn't clear to me and I'm sorry if I ask so many questions over really really miniscule shit... The general consensus is that we're allowed to use one unit in 2-2, and Lucia no matter what leads to a penalty if undrafted? I'd be all for that. I'd actually be for stricter use of Lucia considering 2-2 was the only reason I even contemplated picking Lucia.
  13. Maybe it's late and I'm _really_ slow but let me ask this question better; how do penalties work with 2-2 if you hypothetically have absolutely no one from that chapter in your draft? And by "hypothetically" i mean "I just reamed myself in the asshole for not picking Lucia but I'd rather have some support in 3-12." Is it 4-turn no matter what? I have no problem with that because i'm a moran!!!! but I'd just like to know.
  14. Oh, so Lucia is free for that chapter? Sorry if I'm slow. If she is then disregard my question; if the northern Armor doesn't move then I'm not worried, especially since Leanne is free.
  15. How does AS with Siege tomes even matter? The purpose is to hit from afar and weaken for something else (Sages do have low movement), not necessarily kill from afar. There is a point in the game where you will have trouble double attacking and even one-rounding, so Siege tomes help massively in that sense. Though, to be perfectly fair, Callil also has access to Siege tomes while being less of a nuisance to raise -- it's a point up for both of them. Also, as for Zihark and Mia's differences; wouldn't Zihark be less of a chore to train considering the chapters he comes in at and the chapters that follow? Mia barely does any damage in the chapter she comes in, all I recall are a couple Fighters (read: literally two) that she will... 3RKO, and one of them has a hand axe. They may be inaccurate but that is the only reliable source of EXP in that chapter for her. Compounded by the fact that she has a pretty bad source of EXP in the next couple chapters (considering Chapter 9 is filled to the core with spear users and only a couple axe knights -- I doubt you'd have the two level ups she needs to have a decent shot [64%] of at least one strength level up). With Zihark, he has 3 more Str, a Killing Edge at base (so he can do some decent damage as soon as he comes in), Adept, and 4 more HP at base (realistically Mia will have 1 more Def at this point... at best). Hes got significant HP and Defense leads on her (L10/0 Mia will have something like 23/7.8 HP/Def, and Zihark can close the gap pretty quickly. essentially Zihark comes in outclassing Mia in every way with quite a bit more ease of training- not to say he's exactly easy, but he's not as difficult as Mia. I don't understand Stefan > Mia, Mia pretty much has no durability until promotion and she's definitely nowhere near outclassing Stefan once you recruit him. Mia also only has doubling on her side; Stefan comes in with high sword rank and 19 str/25 AS (Mia can't hit that) as well as Astra for that random chance of activation (even though it's.. just a weaker critical hit). Mia's offense at that point (let's say like 16/0?) comes nowhere close to Stefan's; in fact the only person that probably has Stefan beat in offense when he arrives are some Laguz and Titania. Stefan's pretty much beating Mia in durability until she promotes and gains a couple levels due to his evade (and his massive 38 HP in comparison to her having around 26 at l16). for me it amounts to complete ease of use vs frail earlygame and not necessarily stronger but more durable lategame considering Stefan will always have a Str lead on Mia. Always, which is pretty important when both of them are doubling. Stefan > Zihark is something I can't argue for; I don't think Stefan would honestly be that much better than Mia and be that much worse than Zihark. Zihark has more durability and evasion once his supports build up and he manages to promote. His offense is lackluster, but the durability gap between Zihark and Stefan is far greater than that of Mia and Stefan, especially since Mia and Stefan don't even have evade boosting affinities (and Mia's defense growth is pretty poor as is, I think Mia has to be promoted and raised a couple levels -- not unlike Zihark, in fact -- to match Stefan, but Zihark's got an HP advantage over Mia). EDIT: nvm on Volke and Sothe but I don't understand why Sothe > Largo?
  16. Fionarde and anyone else that feels the need to get into an argument like this, shut up. Don't act like a tool in a thread like this -- it's fucking shameful. Someone close to the OP died. At any rate, "on/off" boyfriend is not at all an appropriate statement in the thread at hand; if you left out the "on/off" people wouldn't be so hardassed about what you said. Your intention was beside the point considering it came off completely differently than you'd expect. At any rate... this reminds me of the time that someone (I didn't know them but others did) from my high school, same sort of predicament (GREAT person) died in a motorcycle accident. It was scary and extremely sad just hearing about it, especially because he was a senior when I was a freshman in high school -- we went to the same school for a year and it happened just like that. I am extremely sorry and while I dont really know you i'm around if you need to talk or vent (no guarantees on how much I'd be able to help)...
  17. ayanami what a fuckin hero

  18. yeah, if i end up picking once it's 99% because I was thinking about my second choice. What are my rules since I didn't pick anyone who can really participate in 2-2? Would I just add 4 turns to whatever I end up getting in that? I think a Lucia solo is what I'll end up doing just to be safe, but... EDIT: sorry about flipping out, Soul/Saber, some debaters from back in the day annoy me (going into every thread and be trollin trollin trollin trollin troll just for ego and proving people wrong) and i feel like anyone who comments on quality of a char is one of them >_<
  19. sorry bros i'm in pittsburg, i wasn't able to get on at all last night >_< Giffca (two laguz royals fuck yea) Tauroneo
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