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Lord Raven

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Everything posted by Lord Raven

  1. yeah i'm not picky about who represents me, I don't really know anyone here that well yet~ EDIT: I'll find someone, actually. hold on
  2. That's cool but I honestly don't care. I don't like using Nolan due to my personal experience and I don't care how good he is (in fact, I'm very well aware how good he is, I used to debate FE too so don't say that "you're funny" crap to me) but if I'm going to play a draft I'm going to pick units on my own terms. Games are for fun anyway, competition is a side aspect that should never get in the way of that. EDIT: You're not even in this draft, why the fuck do you care? I feel like everytime you post in this thread its to make fun of people for who they're drafting.
  3. Hey bro, it wasn't personal experience, I just didn't think Nolan would be that much help to a limited playthrough past the chapters I can use him for.
  4. Not necessarily personal experience, but Zihark's much easier to manage once he comes in than Nolan is for the next couple chapters. He'll get me through Part 1 easier than Nolan would (Sothe picks up the slack prior to that) and Part 3 will be irritating (except 3-12) regardless of whether or not I pick Nolan or Zihark.
  5. I preferred Zihark for endgame stuff more than Nolan -- don't debate me on this but I feel like Zihark would've been more handy in part 1 than Nolan once Zihark comes in. I was actually thinking of hard mode more than normal mode, too, which affected my decision (I barely had any use for Nolan in Hard Mode past the beginning chapters). I honestly felt like there was nothing Nolan could do at some point that Sothe/Zihark couldn't do after Nolan loses those 2 chapters I can use him for. As for Shinon, since most of the GMs disappeared, I went with him. I contemplated Gatrie but for some reason picking Gatrie didn't quite strike a chord with me; during the endgame I'd think Shinon has more use, especially considering 3-1 and 3-3 aren't really an issue.
  6. hey some other dude took Volug, I wanted to snag him its what you white people call karma
  7. Hey bro I had to see every single DB unit save Zihark (I still think that's the ideal first pick so I can get past Part 3 chapters, by the way!) and like 7 units on top of that, I deserve it :(
  8. I play and abuse the first playthrough (so not possible anymore) and then I do efficiency/hard mode stuff second playthrough onwards.
  9. Judging by HM stats, the boss is an easier kill, but the lacky is better i guess simply because I don't have to worry about a hand axe to the face right after beating the boss... but I could also wait until we actually start the draft. I may start my playthrough depending on Leonardo's status as taken in the near future.
  10. The other thing I can think of is that Leonardo and Eddie go way to the east (like WAY to the east) and avoid reinforcements/enemies while nolan hits the boss once, then Micaiah goes for the kill. The problem with this is the fact that the other guy can move and attack I think... so I guess a better idea was having Micaiah weaken and Nolan go for the kill. I'll check how much a Dracoshield helps, while I'm at it.
  11. Where was it posted? Anyways, so far I'm coming up with things: 1-P should be fine. Pretty straightforward; I never used Leonardo in 1-P so I'm not saddened at the fact that I can't use him. 1-1 will be... irritating, a little bit. Does the boss move? If he doesn't, then it shouldn't be all that bad; I can have Micaiah attack him while Nolan takes a chokepoint. 1-2 will also be irritating, but having edward and leonardo go in front of the thing and having Nolan help with a chokepoint should be fine for me. Sothe can handle himself, after all. 1-3 I cannot imagine being too difficult. It's the first chapter I can't use anyone, but it isn't all that bad as far as I can think of; I was looking at dondon's stuff and kurth makes a mighty meatshield while i keep my characters out of combat. Thani also helps take care of some things. I'll miss out on Aran but I'll live. 1-5 shouldn't be too bad compared to 1-4 or 1-3. I'm assuming I can't use Volug at all in Part 1, but Zihark can easily cover himself up there (with Tauro and Jill) and it shouldn't be hard to get Volug out of the way for Sothe and Micaiah. Sothe is fine by himself, it's just finding a good place for Micaiah that will be difficult. 1-6-2 is where it'll start getting easy as I can imagine, what with Zihark/Sothe/Micaiah being able to wreck everything. I'm assuming I can't use Tauro or Volug in this map either. 1-6-2 isn't going to be too bad compared to 1-6-1 and I can live through that as well. 1-7 won't be too bad either. I'm thinking a ZiharkxMicaiah support but I'll look up the practicality of that in a moment. 1-8 will not be too bad either so long as I can get Vika to just transform and rescue one villager. 1-9 is straightforward and 8-turn 1-F... just abusing the fuck out of BK will suffice, Zihark/Sothe should be at high levels at this point anyway. Rafiel could help things a little bit. It's kind of odd to think about NM atm cause last time I played was when I beat my HM file. I'm worried about part 2 right now. 2-P and 2-1 are easy enough, but I don't have any units for 2-2, nor will I have anyone for 2-3 so far (except Geoffrey, but he can come pretty close to soloing the map anyway). I'm not quite there yet as far as thinking goes anyway, so while I'm worried I still have hope. 2-F will hopefully end up somewhat straightforward, I just need to figure out a practical way to lure out the boss and then have Elincia kill him. The only thing I can really think of to do is bring all my yellow units to the center and take the entire 15 turns to beat it, while Geoffrey's group can (err... just Geoffrey, in other words) can take out the bottom. Greil maps I should be fine with, considering the only thing Ike fears is Mages (but Shinon is there for that). If I end up getting ZiharkxMicaiah to A then 3-13 won't worry me; in fact not much of Part 3 worries me at this moment. I just need to abuse the fuck out of forging. And I think it's WAY too early to think about Part 4 now.
  12. Shinon, Elincia For some of the DB chapters (1-4 is one that comes to mind) I may end up having to take a 4 turn penalty like a man :( it sure as hell will be shorter than not doing so :P Once 1-6 hits it's smooth sailing what with Zihark and Sothe.
  13. But his Earth support with Ike means massive evasion!
  14. Ummmm... I offered some criticism/things that bugged me so I mean, this statement serves no purpose. Feels like he ripped the FE7 engine. Fair enough. Honestly I'd prefer the latter simply because the README makes no sense as far as controls go and neither do the images provided in the thing. No you don't understand what I mean by lagginess; I probably don't actually mean lag so I apologize for saying that. When you select where the unit moves (from point A to point B) and you have that unit move, it's not smooth at all is what I meant. Take a look at the game at its max speed and compare it to and you'll see what I mean. I have a pretty fast computer and everything else was smooth except the to-battle and from-battle transitions. I feel like there's generally clunkiness in this hack, as good as it is, so I'm just doing honest criticism. , see how (if you don't press A or space bar or w/e) when Lloyd attacks it shows a little target over Wallace before he attacks? That's what I mean. It makes it hard to tell who an enemy's going to attack and it's kind of annoying to be honest cause I'm used to seeing that target indicator.
  15. so by the time we get to me again there will be no good units left v_v
  16. no i can't they grew up into my children

  17. I like your hack but can I offer a couple suggestions? The Config -> Animation -> Solo doesn't work. normally i think it goes to a list of units you have and then goes from there, but yours doesn't do that. Could we have adjustable controls? I'm not sure if you know how to do that, but... I'm used to B being the B key, not X. There's something lagging weirdness with when people move, and normally it shows who targets who when enemies are about to attack. Other than those minor nitpicks (made it sorta hard for me to want to try each map after getting the main lord killed, cause it felt so slow and clunky) this hack is beautiful.
  18. i came to your member badges

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