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Lord Raven

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Everything posted by Lord Raven

  1. Then explain why Wolt < Barth and for that matter Douglas, as well as why Karel <<< Merlinus, Dorothy, Bors
  2. Nor did I hear any counterarguments to my long posts about Karel > Wolt, also implied a bit of Dorothy > Bors and I could argue up to Douglas if someone cared enough, but I know for a fact that Karel has the potential to be way more useful in the final 1.5 chapters than Wolt in the first 5.
  3. ...I maybe got Volug two level ups from BEXP but I assure you that was not the case? Are there enemy stats you can bring to back it up? Also: I didn't mean halfshifted. I actually meant full shifted Volug. He'll be popping Olivi Grass and shit but him and Zihark absolutely lampooned the enemies in HM together.
  4. I've read your post and I refuse to read and acknowledge your points until you've done the same for me. You have not only evaded the points I brought up (the FE6/FE7 efficiency tier lists and the fact that they conflict in some of their requirements/assumptions/etc) but you brought up the same points I countered and didn't counter any of mine.Sophia vs Wendy can be banned if anyone cares, its pretty obvious Sophia is a slight bit better but they're both equally extremely useless.
  5. And the Micaiah using Herb/Vulnerary is extremely dependent on the situation, because the Soldier hits for 11 sometimes and 12 other times. I'm assuming worst case scenario; 15 HP Micaiah being hit for 12 every turn.
  6. My six turn strategy, Nolan/Sothe/Micaiah (RNG proof but you need to get lucky with a couple things -- easy with better biorhythm than I had with Nolan. You may need extra Def or HP on a level up, because base Nolan takes 10 damage from those Fighters in NM and he needs to have enough HP left to take 5 hits after one use of a vulnerary). Turn 1: Micaiah blocks the chokepoint to the east, unequipped, Laura goes one left of the tiles below the cliff and Leonardo rescues her. Edward goes to the right of Leonardo to block the cliff from enemies. Nolan attacks the northern fighter. Turn 1 EP: Nolan gets attacked twice by a fighter to the east and the west. Turn 2: Nolan goes west above the Javelin Soldier and equips the Hand Axe, then uses a Vulnerary. Micaiah uses an Herb. Turn 2 EP: Nolan gets attacked twice and survives most likely with like 4 HP left, and the Soldier will attack him with a Javelin and have like less than 10% hitrate. Nolan will counter with a hand axe double. Turn 3 is where it gets odd. Move Nolan below the cliff and in the square so no one can get him. Equip Steel Axe and use a Vulnerary. Battle Save. Move Sothe to the edge of every single enemy's range, but also be as far east as you can be; at this point, I'm actually not sure at all if an Energy Drop is likely. Make sure you equip Kard unless the Soldiers ALL have 8 Def (or 9 Def/22 HP); he'll one round the Fighters easily but the Soldiers are iffy. If they do have 9 Def/22 HP or 8 Def/23 HP, then the Bronze Dagger will OHKO very easily. If not, then Kard will be needed. Micaiah uses a vulnerary. Turn 3 EP: MAKE SURE NOLAN HITS THE MYRMIDON! All other enemies can't hit Nolan so they suicide onto Sothe. Turn 4: Kill the Myrmidon with Nolan, kill the Archer with Sothe (DEFINITELY use Kard here). Move Leonardo as far up as he can get, and have Edward do the save then Shove Leonardo. Micaiah uses an Herb. Turn 4 EP: Nothing of note that I could recall, this is different from my actual strategy because I moved Sothe south as opposed to east. Turns wise, it only matters if you want an Energy Drop, but overall you can six turn it either way. If Nolan misses the Myrmidon earlier, then make sure the Myrmidon is dead at this point. Turn 5: Kill the eastern Soldier I think, move Leonardo up (if you want you can shove once with Edward again for good measure) and drop Laura as far east as possible. Micaiah uses a Vulnerary. Turn 5 EP: Nothing of note? Turn 6: Grab the energy drop from the chest. Laura Arrives. If you equipped Micaiah at the start and hit 2 times out of the 3 needed for a KO (on a counterattack, mind you), then I recommend you kill that Soldier now for the EXP before Laura Arrives. I put Celerity on Sothe, but given Shinon a Crossbow or Bowgun for that chapter for enemy counter attacks and having Wind Edge/Ettard Ike in that case could easily net a 3 turn. It requires Ike to kill the Swordmaster directly south so Shinon can go as far south as possible, then you go as far southeast as possible on Turn 2 and you have to proc a critical with a Bowgun or Crossbow (making sure Shinon has Adept too) so something dies and doesn't get in Ike's way of shoving Shinon on Turn 3, so Shinon can wait at the edge of the Boss' range with a forged max Mt max Crit Steel Bow and Adept for a very good chance of an ORKO. I don't have the numbers worked out but I'm guessing 28% critical and like 24% Adept with a double attack?One turning 2-E with Haar/Elincia's something good to mention, but with either of them it either requires procing speed with BEXP or making sure Elincia stuns Ludveck. (Attack the Steel Longbow Archer, fyi).
  7. smh i'm sorry i completely misread what you said, whoops :( its been a rather long day...
  8. I think 3-2 is a really easy 3 turn if you use Haar or Shinon or some sort of ranged unit that can easily proc a critical against the boss (not Soren, they need like 7 move, but Haar can Rescue Soren I guess and Soren can proc a critical from a Thunder tome -- the boss always moves first when someone's in range after all); I did it by sending Shinon and Ike straight south and having Ike shove Shinon when he's literally one space away from being at the tip of the boss' range. I actually can't really do that until the very end because Ike needs to get some of the heat from enemies to make sure Shinon isn't being gangbanged by an enemy pack. Also, apparently there's a Nolan/Micaiah strategy for 6-turning 1-1? What about a basic Nolan/Sothe/Micaiah strat for 6-turning 1-2 with getting every treasure (even the Energy Drop because I realized an inefficiency behind my original plan that, if I were to plow past it, could get me the Energy Drop, but I can't play the Wii for the next week and a half due to busy-ness so I can't exactly play it out).
  9. If it's a B by 3-6, it's better than what most units can do unless they support with Zihark and get an A (which is when THEY give +2 Atk and +30 Evade). Them standing right next to each other with +30 evade and Volug having some shit like Resolve and Beastfoe can destroy things -- even untransformed, Resolve and Beastfoe is ridiculous for Volug's evade and offense. Zihark will get 2HKO'd but he actually has pretty good odds to dodge and heal every turn.
  10. Then why argue tier lists? Just make a chapter by chapter guide of how to play efficiently and to hell with tier lists. We may as well debate about that because not only is that universally more productive but it is far more helpful. Then if nobody's fuckin willing to argue the Bottom tiers, drop the Bottom tiers entirely. If you're going to trivialize arguments by "well, it's bottom tier anyway who cares" then don't even fucking post. That's the entire point of what we're trying to say.Also, Dayan's in Low/Bottom and guess what? He can snipe off Wyverns extremely effectively. Some low tiers are plenty viable to argue about.
  11. Fuck off and don't argue about them then. Is that not a hard concept to understand? Is it so hard to not stick your nose in other peoples shit when they're arguing tiers of characters you don't care about? You don't have to argue shit. fyi *I* give a shit so your last sentence is completely wrong. You mean your one post that still wreaks of the exactly same fallacy that my post spent time countering? Let's also say something in terms of how the FE7 tier list works; Geitz is in Upper Mid because despite his joining condition his existence afterwards results in efficiency (maybe not increased but still a good amount nonetheless).Let me find the exact post that "finished moving dorothy over karel": Not only does the first point contradict a point that is assumed and applied to another tier list on this very forum. And on top of the fact that this does nothing to take care of any points I brought up regarding the "Comparison" thing. "Sure it's just as good and we have another user anyway" is a bullshit argument in terms of a tier list; that's not too far off from saying anything in the bottom of High is a shitty offensive unit because Alan and Lance are just that much better, and Zealot is shit because frankly Marcus does his job better. No. That's stupid as fuck.If ease of recruitment were a factor in tier lists, then Fir and Shin would be a bitch to recruit. In fact, so is Douglas. So is Juuno cause it requires you to take Zealot late game. In fact, so does Juuno in general because that means you have to level your fliers more than your Bowmen. Fuck, Cath requires you to talk to her like 3 times throughout the course of an efficient playthrough. Bartre even suffers from the same downside of a "potentially untrained Fir," and Gonzales AND Barret have the downside of being recruited by Lilina. If you're going to factor in this "difficulty of recruitment" bullshit then you may as well bump every single unit you have to talk to down. And if you're going to say that you may as well bump her above Wolt because he is doing 6-7 in chip every single time he attacks. Against soldiers he doubles but he doesn't have the move to keep up with Alan/Lance/Marcus at all nor does he have ANY sort of quality with enemy phase. The same is a problem with Dorothy except she's deployed in a chapter where she can chip stupider enemies (but still get VERY easily 3HKO'd, at best). Karel doesn't just "chip," and he may be frail but Wyverns aren't the only thing he's up against in that chapter. The only reason Wyverns even beat him in that chapter are because of WTA. Against Mamkutes most characters get 3HKO'd as is so any amount of doubling up that they do can apply to any single unit that exists in that chapter. I bet they'd have something like 40-42 attack at that point and not many of your own characters even break 20 defense, by the way, so they will be doing at least 20 damage to each and every unit. You can't possibly bring that up against Karel when it applies to every other unit in the game. As for the Durandal thing, 21 or 22 (most likely 21) Strength is actually on par or better with Fir and Rutger's average at that point, as well, so if you're going to compare -- Karel's Attack actually beats theirs out. How does he barely OHKO? With Durandal (51 effective Mt + 25-27 Str = 76+ Atk) definitely OHKOs especially considering Karel has 20-22 AS at that point (and Mamkutes hit 2 or 3 points below the teens LOL). If not, then get a fuckin Wyrmslayer; that's 50-52 attack against 23 Defense, doubling with a 30% critical hit rate. That's not "not OHKOing" in the slightest. 2HKO yes, but that's if you just give him a Wyrmslayer; who competes with him for Durandal, exactly? Fir and Rutger don't have as much Strength and all 3 have the AS to double, Dieck would probably want to use Armads or something and if not then he's an equally good recipient. Alan and Lance? Maybe. But once again, Karel is more likely to effectively deal with these Mamkute bitches than Dorothy, for one. For another, one Angelic Robe and he's out of 2HKO range and into 3HKO range like normal people. 40-42. 26x2 = 52, one angelic robe will bring him to 53 HP and voila, no more 3HKO! And bear in mind, this is just one Angelic Robe. Dorothy does chip and nothing more. She brings each soldier down to 17 HP, pretty low even still (Karel's offense leaves a fuckin dent in the late game even if he's just a Swordmaster -- 23 AS and 20 Str is not to be trifled with). She gets hit very hard by the Javelin dudes who do like 9 damage to her. Fucking hell, the L9 Soldiers do something ridiculous like 13 damage to her, and the Mages 2HKO her. She doesn't have durability against anything, and those are the only things outside of Knights and Mercenaries she can really do significant damage to. Yes, there Iron and Steel Lance Soldiers, but after the ones nearby they all switch back to Javelin and attack your primary units that aren't Dorothy. Her usefulness is more or less boned at this point, and after the first couple turns you're more likely to want to bum rush the chapter somehow as opposed to getting some stupid Archer to do some chip. In fact, you'd more likely want to bumrush with Alan, Lance, and Marcus/Zealot in the early game chapters than get Wolt to chip. Karel can help with this bumrushing and only needs one level up and an Angelic Robe to actually fight against Mamkutes in the endgame. Not saying he's any bit as good as better units (wow, Department of Redundancy Department) but he deserves way more credit than fucking Wolt, Dorothy, and Bors. The reason I'm actually fucking arguing in favor of Karel is that Karel can actually do lots of shit despite his availability. Some weak argument about his joining being kinda tough and being generally outclassed is stupid as fuck and goes against most tier standards that I've seen -- recently -- on SF of all places. I even argued Bors a page back and nobody listened. Sophia's better at chip in the chapter after she joins and Sophia fucking sucks, also considering Bors' chip is only different from Wendy's in damage and not accuracy. Though, I guess that only really concludes Bors > Wendy because Bors can hit something with an Iron Lance and live (unlike Wendy, who is just barely alive after attacking with an Iron Lance) and I guess Sophia's reamed forever. The chip means absolutely nothing in terms of the argument; Sophia getting you that guiding ring is comparable to Thief utility with Chests (except only one, so she's still bottom tier), considering it actually nets you 5K spendable Gold (you get Silver Card in the same chapter) which is more important than attacking one or two enemies every chapter with low accuracy and not very good damage. Sophia can do that too with more frailty but better 2-range/damage (relative damage is worse though) LOL so I mean it's guiding ring vs... whatever Bors has going for him. I even think Dorothy and Wolt are better than Bors because they chip from a distance and Dorothy can at least be used against a couple Wyverns to significantly make that mess easier. (She has like 34 attack or 31 or something against those monsters, man, and probably ends up doing damage in the 20s with a Steel Bow). (and yes I did just gain the balls to say that Rutger and Fir are worse than Karel against endgame Mamkutes, Karel has more Str but honestly they'll all be either 3HKOing at equal rates or doing a complete OHKO at either equal rates or slightly lower rates [in favor of Karel]) I could even push Karel as high as below Hugh in both tier lists in their respective routes, but it's late and I have to be up in an hour and a half because my flight takes off at 7am. And the primary point? You judge someone's quality based on how they act upon deployment from the moment they join onwards, and even little spurts after that initial point. You don't judge it based on the fact that they're not being deployed at all and the fact that they suck dick compared to someone else. That's fuckin bullshit.
  12. Volug A support actually destroyed Laguz when I played hard mode. Both on 3-6 and 3-13. It may not increase his concrete durability but his overall durability is bolstered by his Avoid as a result of the Earth support.fyi, Volug had Resolve/Beastfoe and Zihark had Adept and something else that I don't remember.
  13. I don't mind banning Wendy arguments for now. She is arguably the worst character in the fucking game by a long shot. When? If you're going to say that then argue points or have someone else argue it.
  14. Cecilia barely has anything better to do, Clerics have enough move to get around.
  15. Of course they wouldn't be doing better than characters better than them, that still doesn't mean they don't have that potential. In which case, the fact that Karel can wield Durandal and go against Mamkutes in the final chapters (as well as some nearby enemies in the current chapter) is a point in his favor against Dorothy and Wolt who can only chip enemies and Wyverns. If Sue does it "better" and Wolt is doing it "just as well" it doesn't mean Dorothy isn't doing any worse, it just means that they're given priority and therefore are a higher tier. This "competition" nonsense doesn't apply here in this case.Furthermore, Karel doesn't require much more shielding than some of your current units in the final chapter. This is, depending on your perspective, better than random chip that Wolt/Dorothy can do (unless Wyverns are really THAT bad in HM -- I don't entirely recall). The argument is that you may not need him, but "may not" does not speak anything on his potential or his abilities in an efficient run. As for Bors, I still don't understand how he's really above anyone. I played a ranked HM run and he could not keep up at all; a ranked run makes a difference here considering I have a lot more ability, resources, and turns to build him up or help him catch up. This was not the case. Bors did not have the accuracy with a Javelin and the only chip he ended up doing was to a random Soldier on Turn 1 of C2 and nothing more. C3 only has him useful to go to the eastern villages so no one else has to go out of their way, and C4 is filled to the brim with Cavaliers that double him at base Spd (considering there's no way he could get any more than one level up by this point without massively hurting efficiency). And I did do a fact check, Pirates tend to have between 5 and 8 AS (Iron Axe has 7-8 and Hand has an upwards of 7), Archers have 15 Atk/7 AS (if Bors is getting hit by one he's getting ganged up unless you go out of your way). Iron Lance Cavs 2RKO him, Iron Sword cavs KO him in anywhere from 7-10 Rounds but he'll easily get attacked by anything else that will completely kill him. Karel? Requires you to visit a village and then he's pretty much ready from the getgo. He may be outclassed, but he can double Snipers. He can kill them with a critical hit, which is quite likely considering his 44 base crit with either 40 from Wo Dao or 30 from Killing Edge. In two hits, he will clearly one round them (20 Str + 9 Mt = 17ish damage against C23 Snipers, 51 on a Crit, I'm not going to number crunch but if they have 14 Cev he has essentially a 60% chance to OHKO with a Killing Edge). So tell me, when exactly does small chip damage (and being too weak to effectively defend against anything, in Wolt and Dorothy's case, meaning that against Wyverns they must be heavily protected- not all that efficient) and being a piss poor high defense/low move unit in the earlygame ever get better than being an average endgame unit? The fact that he doesn't need EXP works quite effectively for him, and when he does get EXP he gets a tad bit better anyway. Fuck, the fact that Sophia can absorb a Sleep staff and get a Guiding Ring -- essentially being a free Restore to any single one of your units and not being hard to guard considering she doesn't make use of her offense -- is way better than anything Bors can contribute. Or even Dorothy, considering Dorothy's 14 Atk either weighs her down against some of the faster enemies or she does quite literally only scratch with an Iron Bow. And, of course, the fact of the matter is that her use dwindles considering she only has 5 move forever. Of course, I won't argue anything about Wolt being compared to Dorothy, and I don't think I made any sort of case for Karel > Wolt, but I'm pretty sure Karel can contribute by being an extra unit to kill off annoying Snipers and use a Wyrmslayer against Wyverns for more killing than Wolt can with scratch damage on early-game enemies and Wyverns. Either way, it's not ideal to be dragging around a 5 move unit on some of the harder maps in the game, especially because Wolt will get absolutely mauled by Cavaliers in the Wyvern chapter. Still better than what Bors is doing. Once again, Durandal/Wyrmslayer for final chapter; nobody gives a fuck if even Zealot can do it. Who the fuck cares who else can do it, that's not relevant to the argument; notice how I didn't bring up Sue one bit in this argument, otherwise that would've been more of a "who gives a fuck about Wolt and Dorothy," since my point deals more with Karel than Wolt and Dorothy. Sue can completely trivialize anything Wolt and Dorothy can pull off against those Wyverns simply due to her move, and she gets better chip because of her movement. In Ilia, her movement compounds even more and she has a bunch of Pegasi to pick off. On top of Rescue utility, etc etc etc we don't need to hear some dumb lecture on why Sue > Wolt and Dorothy simply due to the sheer irrelevance of the situation to the argument at hand. tl;dr, Bors is fucking awful, Karel > Bors, Karel could be > Dorothy and even > Wolt, and Sophia > Bors, Sophia could also be > Dorothy and Wolt but still not likely.
  16. I'm sure he's busy as fuck with his own personal life, but I know for a fact that he was offered root admin of FESS way back in the day before its ultimate demise.
  17. hey who wants to PM me every night at like midnight filled with flaming and insults and motivations to make me sleep on time? in other words, i'm sorry, for some reason i stop thinking clearly whenever i go to this site... so in the future if you hear me rambling or saying something completely stupid/nonsensical its because of that How viable is getting Rhys to the Forest tiles up north, exactly? My Ike actually criticaled his way through the bottom portion and Shinon crossbow'd the fuck out of the top enemy units, whereas Gatrie hung back and took on reinforcements (he aided Ike and Shinon too). I had Oscar, Titania, Mia, and Boyd rescue people so that they would be easily transported in case the needed arose (and it obviously did, there ARE reinforcements with 7 mov that show up on some turn). Just check hitrates up there and see what happens. Did you inject BEXP to bolster Rhys' speed at all?
  18. Early on, Merlinus makes a great diversion for enemies. He's basically immortal, too. No one was actually contesting Sophia > Wendy, it was more their relative tier ranks (they were in separate tiers with Sophia being above). I'm pretty much passing it off as a joke, and even if it's serious I don't mind it staying. As for Karel, he may be outclassed by the time he shows up but he's usable. That's the key difference between him and Sophia. I honestly believe Karel could go above Bors and for that matter Sophia... simply because he has the potential to help out in the final chapter. Bors honestly has no real potential, being surrounded by Axe users for a while and then being too slow and inaccurate to end up dealing with Soldiers and Mercs/Myrmidons. Karel isn't stupidly frail or slow, he's not particularly good at combat either but I'm sure he could help more in 23 than Bors does in the first couple chapters. Dorothy's chip damage towards Wyverns in C7 is kind of worth something though, compared to Karel's use in the final couple chapters. I actually don't really support Sophia > Dorothy and Wolt, but Sophia&Karel > Bors is something that could be brought up? EDIT: I may be missing something here but Klein is listed twice in Upper Mid. Is one referring to Lalum's route and the other Elphin's route or am I missing something else? Sacae upper mid, that is.
  19. Attack the boss from the South and ignore the enemies that come up north. Pass on Ike may not be a bad idea either; the purpose is to kill the boss with a ranged weapon. I can easily see you getting a nice 4 or 5 turn clear if you go directly South. I got 3 turns with Shinon, but that's not advised when you haven't drafted him and can get less than 7 without him.
  20. I was talking to someone who pointed that out right after I saved over the chapter smh.. just teaches me to be better about save states. First draft's the worst, anyway.
  21. damn... and I really fucked up part 3: 3-P -- Adept, Counter to Shinon -- Vantage, Provoke to Ike I can't think of a way to describe this chapter nor can I think of a way to explain just how infuriated I am. Took me 9 turns because Skrimir made some stupid move on Turn 1 and got untransformed on Turn 8 NPC Phase. I got Shinon to get the kill on Turn 9 Player phase and Skrimir seized then -- thank God for that at least, I feel like the Crossbow will be pretty useful next chapter. Lvl EXP MHP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Ike 12 ?? 45 27 2 30 25 14 23 7 Shinon 14 53 44 21 7 28 25 16 20 14 Turns: 9 Total Turns (Part 3): 9 Total Turns (Overall): 125 BEXP: 5392 3-1 -- Ike to 15.00, +3 HP, +3 Spd, +1 Lck, +2 Def -- Shinon to 15.00, +1 Str, +1 Skl, +1 Def BEXP left: 377 My extra unit is Gatrie, outfitted with every single ranged weapon I have (and a Killer Axe for fun). On Turn 2 EP Ike managed to take down the entire line of Generals in the South... I battle saved the moment it happened. This chapter was irritating overall because I only had three units to kill with; Lethe and Lyre did nothing (Lyre did 5x1 transformed and her gauge went down REALLY slowly). I managed to prevent anyone undrafted/free from getting hit, and the Crossbow is now at like 10 uses. |: Lethe and Lyre both got killed. Those dumbasses... Lvl EXP MHP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Ike 17 15 49 27 2 30 29 15 26 7 Shinon 16 69 45 23 7 30 25 16 22 14 Turns: 10 Total Turns (Part 3): 19 Total Turns (Overall): 135 BEXP: 3398 3-2 -- Forged a +5 Mt +15 Crit Sword for Ike (got +5 Crit from a coin) -- Forged a +5 Mt +15 Crit Bow for Shinon (got +2 Mt from a coin) -- Shinon to 17.00, +1 Str, +1 Spd, +1 Def -- Ike to 18.00, +1 HP, +1 Spd, +1 Lck -- Removed Vantage from Ike, replaced with Pass -- 2 Bowguns for Shinon, 3 Wind Edges for Ike 1209 BEXP remaining In order to kill the boss with his forged Steel Bow, I have to either get a Critical (~30%) or Adept (at least 26%). I like these odds. My basic strategy here is Crossbow/Bowgun on Shinon, and Ike uses the Wind Edge at the start of the chapter. We go straight down and, when we get to turn 3, Ike shoves Shinon so Shinon can get into the boss' range; then Shinon hopefully delivers a ORKO to the boss (3HKO, but once again 30% crit rate and 26% adept are vital). I have to proc the final hit and Shinon's getting shoved (Shinon needs to be able to kill one of the Paladins so they're not covering two adjacent sides, which will prevent Ike from shoving him). This chapter was easier to deal with than 2-E, because this strategy came to me as I was about to 5-turn it. Lvl EXP MHP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Ike 18 51 50 27 2 30 30 16 26 7 Shinon 17 80 45 24 7 30 26 16 23 14 Turns: 3 Total Turns (Part 3): 22 Total Turns (Overall): 138 BEXP: 4959 3-3 -- Removed Adept from Shinon, gave him Wrath -- BEXP Ike to 19.00, +1 Mag, Lck, Res -- BEXP Shinon to 19.00, +2 Str, +1 Mag, +1 Lck, +1 Def, +1 Res -- Pass goes to Titania BEXP Remaining: 1674 Extra unit: Titania Titania burns the Northwestern, southwestern, northeaster set of supplies, Ike burns the one behind the boss, Shinon burns the one in the middle and I think Ike got the one to the right. I'm not satisfied with this turncount, but without Haar it's tough. Lvl EXP MHP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Ike 20 -- 50 27 3 30 30 18 26 8 Shinon 20 52 45 27 9 30 26 17 23 15 Turns: 11+4 = 15 Total Turns (Part 3): 37 Total Turns (Overall): 153 BEXP: 7024 I accidentally saved over the file again... dammit, 11 turns SUCKS.
  22. I used Wind Edge with Zihark on 1-6-1 and 1-6-2 and onwards. I only unlocked that chest because Nolan was right there and I had a Turn to spare (he went on Turn 6), and Sothe actually wasn't able to reach where I needed him to reach in time anyway in order to get the Energy Drop. 2-3 -- Injected 3 Levels of BEXP into Geoffrey. +2 HP, +1 Str, +1 Skl, +1 Spd, +2 Lck, +1 Def, +1 Res -- One Level of BEXP into Danved. +1 Spd, Lck, Res Deployed: Geoffrey, Danved, Kieran Turn 3 I try to proc the Horseslayer missing. The generally strategy is to go north a whole fucking lot, after all. I have to use the Short Spear so that asshole bow knight doesnt block the door (something he really likes to do). Attacking the rightmost Warrior with the Crossbow/Steel Axe lures the Speedwing Halberdier in case there's a situation where I'll be able to fight it. Turn 4: Geoffrey Brave Lances the door and moves in front of the boss. He kills the boss on Turn 4 EP, and Seizes Turn 5. Danved manages to kill the Speedwing Halberdier on Turn 5 as well; I plan on using that on Geoffrey. Danved's biorhythm was pretty fucking ridiculous this chapter; he had something like 90+ evade the entire chapter. Lvl EXP MHP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Geoffrey 19 48 40 25 8 24 21 12 20 16 Danved 10 74 39 17 8 23 22 19 15 13 Turns: 5 Total Turns (Part 2): 32 Total Turns (Overall): 114 BEXP: 8631 (Red Army Survived = 4K :O) 2-E -- BEXP'd Elincia to l5.00, +1 HP, +3 Str, +1 Skl, +4 Spd, +2 Lck, +1 Res deployed: Elincia, Leanne Erm... 2 turns. You read it right... This is the easiest chapter in the draft, in my honest opinion. It's not very straightforward, so I'll outline the steps. Turn 1: Move Elincia right in front of the breakable wall. Have Leanne vigor her. Have Elincia kill the Steel Longbow Archer, move down one. Turn 2: ... attack Ludveck. Elincia's +3 Str and +4 Spd from BEXP REALLY helped me here. She does a straight 4HKO (Amiti did 12x4 damage) and he only has a 33% chance of hitting her with a Tomahawk -- she would've survived the hit anyway. Lvl EXP MHP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Elincia 5 51 37 22 17 22 26 31 18 25 Geoffrey 19 48 40 25 8 24 21 12 20 16 Danved 10 74 39 17 8 23 22 19 15 13 Turns: 2 Total Turns (Part 2): 34 Total Turns (Overall): 116 BEXP: 3617 (a bit more than that, actually, I pressed 2 way too quickly) Part 2 2-P: 9 Turns 2-1: 8 Turns 2-2: 10 Turns (6+4) 2-3: 5 Turns 2-E: 2 Turns Tot: 34 Turns
  23. Yeah, I know. I 6 turned and got Wind Edge AND Thani, Sothe killed the Soldier blocking that room.
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