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Lord Raven

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Everything posted by Lord Raven

  1. people would rather look at your avatar anyway
  2. ring wraith, radiant kitty is fairly good about updating the thread
  3. The fact that Raven's 12/5 is superfluous anyway, if we're considering 15 spd to be overkill then having a 12/2 or 12/3 Raven means you have 16 AS.
  4. Give me like 10 mins to figure out my first pick, btw. EDIT: Zihark
  5. smh and i forgot sothe exists again -_- i think my main question ended up being what this means: Though, Tanith/Sigrun comes to mind as long-range in danger of being hit especially because I could theoretically use them to rescue chain if I wanted to get to the end really quickly.
  6. o rite you're not in college so you don't ever see weird slang
  7. How would they check exactly? The secret conspiracy organization in Begnion were the only ones that knew he was alive. He was sentenced to execution, in fact; you merely captured him in FE9.
  8. I've got a couple questions because I'm new to this and I apologize in advance if they're slightly stupid (although I'd get snippy if someone answered them condescendingly). Also, from the 23rd till the 27th I'll be in Colorado on vacation so expect a 4 day delay for news from me. Anyway, 1. One of Edward or Nolan is free in each of 1-P, 1-1, and 1-2 (you don't have to use the same one in each chapter). 2. Elincia, Marcia and Nealuchi are free for 2-P. 3. Brom and Nephenee are free for 2-1. 4. One undrafted, six-move unit is free for 3-1 and 3-3 (you don't have to use the same unit in both chapters). So you've imposed these. First off, this one doesn't make sense: Huh? What constitutes as "meatshielding" exactly? What if an undrafted unit gets attacked in, say, a rescue chain or by a 3~10 range tome? Are we allowed to use Haar to rescue at all? What about for 2-P? Do we have to recruit every recruitable unit? I don't feel like recruiting Heather in 2-P because I can't think of any reason to keep her. How do you feel about Tauroneo in 3-13 in case we don't have many Dawn Brigade units chosen? Same with Nailah in 1-P, and Tauroneo in 1-6.
  9. why was this a debate about urbandictionary and not about being jelly ;-;
  10. yea, I got into FE in like... 7th grade? we couldn't really afford many VGs then so I ended up having to ROM a bunch of games. Path of Radiance was the first one I'd ever owned, and Radiant Dawn/SD I also own for real.

    when my HD died my uni docs were lost lol but the thing is I had sent my resume and personal statement and such through so many emails that I actually had ...

  11. it means "jealous" cause you know "jelly" and "jealous" have the same first syllable. the badge is like ninian-meets-micaiah
  12. my member badge is p. awesome

  13. Oh wait, you're right... the thing is I don't remember them being that much of a nuisance, though but then again i liked the long sea routes in RSE so.... to each their own.
  14. LOOK AT MY MEMBER BADGE [04:07:31] <Hextator> that is the beta character from FE 12 or some random thing [04:07:38] <Hextator> she is super rare and other members get butthurt that you have her and they don't
  15. He's only getting doubled by Mercs and Myrmidons for the next little while anyway, and even then they won't really be doing that much damage to him. Wolf Beil and Hand Axe help.
  16. The purpose was to take that luxury away, though, which is my point. It's not affecting THAT much in the grand scheme of things, to be fair, but it does make the early parts of Part 1 somewhat difficult. FE has tons of fake difficulty but it also has tons of real difficulty at points (FE5 and Cog of Destiny come to mind, as well as trying to S Rank HHM). Battle Saves are a good failsafe against that random 31% hit/1% critical that hits you and kills Geoffrey (true story).
  17. I liked Hope... someone will probably make fun of me for this but I'm fairly sure I have good backup when I say that FF handles its teenage characters extremely well and more realistically than most other RPGs tend to.As for the battle system, I like it and it's nice and innovative, but it's extremely puzzle-esque -- in the sense that once you fuck around enough with paradigms you can come up with a good strategy for a couple of groups of enemies then when you hit an entirely new group it's either the same trial&error (which I like) or spamming a previous paradigm. I loved it, but I feel like it's a one-playthrough type of game as a result. The plot was okay, I don't remember it being too memorable but I'm going to try and play it again for plot. I generally liked Fang and Lightning's foil, Hope&Sazh, I thought Snow was okay, and I hated Vanille a lot. The plot is also sorta confusing but it makes sense if you take a bunch of time to think about it or read a tvtropes or something. It's very strange, it seems like an idiot plot on the surface but reading between the lines gets rid of like 95% of the idiocy. The other 5% consists of Snow showing his l'Cie brand sometime in disc 3 LOL
  18. Infinite is fine because if they fuck up just once then they have to reset the chapter. Some of the arena enemies later on in your levels get really retarded.
  19. Don't forget about Lightning unzipping so Fang could check her tattoo.I liked FF13, but there's an equal amount of hate for it as there is love. I recommend buying it used and returning it if you don't like it based on the first week -- honestly it only really picks up (and has side quests) after Chapter 11, but before then it's extremely linear. Bearing in mind, it's chapter 11 out of 13; also bearing in mind that post-chapter 11 has far more gameplay than pre-chapter 11. It's still a hassle getting there, though.
  20. 5 limit per chapter would suck shit cause I do weird rescue chains with using the arena if I try to finish a thing in x chapters, and I'm about to kill the boss. Besides, Arena Abusing (if you play legitimately) is a pretty hefty gamble in many ways anyway.
  21. Yeah, FE9/10 easy modes are a joke. In fact, I thought FE10 easy mode was easier than FE9 easy mode. FE8's not particularly hard, but so long as you don't abuse the tower (the occasionally level up or two here and there for phantom ship isn't a sin, especially since if you played like I did you would've had not very much money to get new weapons) it's not extremely easy either.
  22. Bawb you should play Legendia then, that was the first Tales game where someone not only didn't use swords but used their fists. And Senel looks nothing like Yuri Lowell, either. As for the stateside release, I have some hope because of TotA 3DS and Graces F. We just gotta hope those do well.
  23. he wasn't being a waha idiot, the emoticon is the only reason i come here
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