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Lord Raven

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Everything posted by Lord Raven

  1. Dracoshield was used on Sothe, and taking 2 less damage per hit allowed me to more easily do some strategies. For example, Sothe was left with literally 5 HP at the end of 1-8 with terrible biorhythm, and he had close to around 6-8 HP left in 1-E.Micaiah got reamed by her HP growth -- she grew 2 HP before I gave her my second Angelic Robe. Getting the Energy Drop was not at all worth the extra couple turn it would take to do so. Zihark was nowhere near 4 (or even 6, for a 3HKO/2RHKO) away from killing something. I didn't even get the Secret Book considering I burned through Iron Knives really quickly.
  2. That's beside the point. She can easily get ganged up and boatmurdered if she wanted to, and an Iron Lance obviously doesn't help her because it either gets her ORKO'd right then and there or 2RKO'd on the next turn. Getting you a promotion item is a million times better than... whatever Wendy can do for you. I took a better look at the enemies and its the knights/iron bow archers/reinforcements later in the chapter (LOL) that don't ORKO her. Steel Sword Merc reinforcement kills her, Mages lampoon the fuck out of her, Steel Bow Archers double her if she has a Javelin or 2RKO her, and Soldiers 2RKO her with startling accuracy. Soldiers. Soldiers are a joke class for the love of god.Sophia is easily OHKO'd, but her offense in a later chapter from 2-range is easily just as good as Wendy's in an earlier chapter from 2-range. OHKO vs 2RKO does not matter considering there is a greater enemy density in FE6 compared to the other GBA games, and Wendy is easily ganged up on just like Sophia (especially if we use an Iron Lance like you suggested). And in the case they are... Sophia's better because she gets you a Guiding Ring. Either to sell or to use on like Lugh, Ray, Clarine, Saul, Ellen... etc Yes, it does... As I said ORKO doesnt really even matter here. >_> Yep, absorbing sleep staves is actually the primary one (what someone else said) which actually makes her infinitely more useful in her forced chapter than Wendy's forced chapter. There's one you didnt counter...Also, ever considered the possibility that these two units suck so much dick that someone used that trait of theirs as snark bait for this tier list? Creating two tiers to highlight how much they fucking suck gets the point across quite well. Sophia > Wendy in either case, and I'm glad you at least concede to that.
  3. Assuming that's St. Germain from CV CoD, I'm glad I'm not the only one who fuckin loved that game.
  4. I didn't like his BEXP level ups. You can't soft reset for BEXP level-ups either. Remember I had Tauro drafted too; Tauro did most of the killing in 1-6-2.
  5. I'm not sure why but Jamka > Ayra > Briggid bugs the crap out of me simply due to archers. Is it because Jamka with Continue and a Killer Bow is fucking ridiculous with using Continue? (Continue's what I'm thinking of, right? with Pursuit being the one that allows double attacks?) Then why is Ayra > Briggid, given that Briggid's got Ichival going for her? If not, then why is Ayra < Jamka if Jamka only has Bow utility? In that case, why is Midir > Jamka and Ayra?
  6. You actually get her to attack at 1 range? The fact that you're bringing this point up makes it feel as if my point went way over your head.The only enemies that don't ORKO her are the Knights, and that's because they have less than 7 AS needed to kill her. That's at 1 range with Iron Lance. She tinks the Knights that don't kill her, for the record -- they have 12-13 Def in that chapter and it only goes downhill. The only other units that don't ORKO her are... Iron Bow Archers, some of the reinforcements, and some Soldiers considering they don't have 7 AS. The nearby enemies completely maul her, and using her is way less efficient than using Sophia because her movement is far more retarded in a large map (and large in this game means a shitload, considering the first map is twice as big as most maps in FE7 and 8). And the problem with this is...? Better than Wendy who is 2RKO'd in her chapter and attacks at range worse than Sophia does. She does a hell of a lot better against those Wyverns at 2 range than Wendy does at 1 and 2 range to any enemy in C8 -- not saying it's recommended, the fact that you're actually using that point against me when I mentioned it myself is blatantly ignoring me -- but I'm just saying it's there and that both units are retarded to use.I'm also looking at the enemies list and I see no reinforcements back there... we're better off not arguing that, since obviously you'd want to move Wendy in that case. She still doesn't get you anything. Absorbing a Sleep, doing a little bit better against enemies (RELATIVELY good 2 range compared to Wendy, but still fucking terrible, as I emphasize), and getting you a guiding ring is better than... sitting there and dying most turns and not really doing anything otherwise.
  7. SO HOW BOUT THIS DRAFT HUH also thx for tormod, thats a lot better than anything I was expecting
  8. rolf looks like a total bamf in rd, to be fair Yeah, my entire time the Tiger move itself to such a range that he was exactly enough spaces away for him to transform and maul Micaiah. I think it might've been the Beast Killer that did it, but frankly there was no way I could get the thing done in 7 or 8 turns with the strategy but i also kinda fucked up by saving over my file so yeah...
  9. I'm trying to get as much as I can done before tomorrow -- my cousin comes tomorrow and therefore I won't really be playing video games for the next week or so. Now's Part 2! I'll probably end up getting a penalty somewhere, but I don't mind. I can think of one place where I'll be getting a penalty, and that would be 2-2 due to using Lucia. 2-P A side note: I fucking love On Glory's Wings and Proud Flight. I'm turning on animations for this chapter just for that. There's not much to say here. Haar didn't receive any combat or anything so no penalty there, and Leanne was only caught once. No bosskill, and Elincia has 27 EXP with all base stats. Turns: 9 Total Turns (Part 2): 9 Total Turns (W/Prt1): 91 BEXP: 1000 2-1 My original thought was going straight east, but as I have learned repeatedly that this is probably not the best way to do this. The fact htat Brom gets like 11RKO'd would be fantastic if he didn't get hit like 8 times per turn. I'm going to have Brom get a Steel Axe from the village and Nephenee goes around South. Nephenee gets into the Wrath zone at the start of Turn 3. I proc a Wrath crit on the Mage that got her to that HP level. Heather is recruited Turn 6. Turn 7 I place Nephenee in front of the boss and try to proc a wrath crit on EP (she needs around 9 HP, one hit gets her to 7 HP from her current 25 HP). Bosskill on Turn 8 with another Wrath crit. I'm not sure where I could've saved a turn. There was a myrmidon that I couldn't kill but I think Heather killed it. Still though, I like my 8-turn; 7 turn could've been done but I had to manipulate a 7% critical and then avoid the shot that came afterwards, then manipulate a Wrath crit right afterwards as well as evading one hit (which would've been extremely irritating for me). 8 turns was most practical. Turns: 8 Total Turns (Part 2): 17 Total Turns (Overall): 99 BEXP: 3900 2-2 Now let the penalties begin! I plan on using Lucia for this, so I fully accept my 4 turn penalty. My outfitting consists of giving Lethe a Laguz Stone; she'll be my backup. I also gave the Talisman to Heather to transfer to the Mercs. I have to finish by Turn 6 or I get a fuckton more penalties which I won't like. So Lethe goes through the North to -- not take anyone out, so to speak -- but to attract the ranged enemies. Reason for this is that my first time through, the ranged enemies directly blocked Lucia's path. Basically, Lethe's meatshielding up north and popping Olivi Grass (and a second Laguz Stone) until Turn 5, when she gets an opening -- I move her a space behind the General in front of the boss. I move Lucia in front of the General (she does 9x2 damage so she essentially kills him -- he has 35 HP). I want to proc a crit against the boss, but that doesn't happen -- instead, Lethe kills the boss on the first try (thank God) so Lucia Arrives on Turn 6. In retrospect, I should've moved Lethe after I got a critical on the general (so I could one round the general); then I could've switched Lucia's equipment and make use of the Wind Edge to damage the boss, therefore not relying on the critical to kill the boss. Alas I was too lazy to redo the chapter (I needed to proc one critical somewhere on Turn 3 or 4 if I wanted to go through the chapter again, but that's not a big deal) but thankfully Lethe got an 8% crit on my first try through it so I wouldn't have to worry about anything else. Turns: 6+4 penalty = 10 Total Turns (Part 2): 27 Total Turns (Overall): 109 BEXP: 7150 2-3 is going to be really fucking easy. Geoffrey and Danved have got it.
  10. i fuckin love you, i'll do this for my next RD draft
  11. ... not when he did most of the kills with forged Iron Knives. That made things go by a lot faster with OHKOing Mages, ORKOing Fighters, Soldiers with Javelins, etc. Wind Edges, despite there being about five of them, don't have the critical rates that Iron Knives have and Micaiah support (as well as having a +2-4 Str advantage, with Micaiah adding 2 more Atk on top of that) made him far better for attacking. Zihark did help quite a shitton, but Sothe was simply a lot more useful.
  12. Not really, considering forged Iron Knives with 7 Mt >> Wind Edge, on top of the fact that Micaiah support really bolstered his Strength massively. I meant 6 for part 1 and 5 for Part 2... LOL I'll keep that in mind and play through it in my head -- I can't see how it'd end up being four turns because I need to still go in the corner. But 5-6 seems more viable, yeah.Does 2-P count as 8 turns or 9 turns? It ends at the end of enemy phase. Or are we not counting turns like we would in a ranked run?
  13. 1-8 -- Celerity + Savior to Sothe (I plan on making him Rescue one of the Civilians) -- Paragon + Cancel to Zihark -- Resolve to Micaiah -- Bought a Wyrmslayer -- Micaiah to 15.0; +2 Skl, +3 Spd, +2 Lck, +2 Res -- Zihark to 6.0; +1 HP, +1 Str, +2 Skl, +1 Spd, +1 Res -- Sothe to 8.0: +1 Str, Skl, Lck (maxed Strength) I proc'd two dodges on Turn 5 EP for Micaiah -- I actually didn't proc, since she dodged them both. The general strategy was that Sothe took the east, Micaiah (with her powers of Resolve) took the west, and Zihark took the south. that plan actually had no problems working. A ridiculously straightforward chapter; my first time through was 14 turns with using Nailah, but then I wisened up and gave Micaiah a bunch of goodies. What ended up happening was Muarim saved one of the villagers (the Brigands didn't kill another one) and I got them all the fuck out of harm's way for a quick and easy 5 turn clear. Seraph Robe used on Micaiah. Bosskill: Sothe, Turn 4 EP Lvl EXP MHP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Micaiah 17 58 30 5 20 16 13 22 7 17 Sothe 8 91 37 22 6 25 24 18 17 12 Zihark 6 48 31 18 6 25 25 12 13 13 Rafiel 12 31 base Turns: 5 Total Turns: 65 BEXP: 2673 1-9 -- brought Micaiah to 17.99 That's about it. Thani #1 has 15 uses left, but that should be enough for this chapter. I'm using a modified version of Oval's 8 turn to get Micaiah some exp; I feel like I can make use of the fact that Oval's strategy relies on Micaiah NOT getting combat, so I'm easily a turn ahead. Boss kill is on Turn 7 with the black knight, obviously, since the trigger for Jarod is routing the enemies until you reach the top left corner. Lvl EXP MHP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Micaiah 19 50 30 5 20 17 14 24 8 19 Turns: 7 Total Turns: 72 BEXP: 5304 1-E -- Forged a +5 Mt +15 Crit Iron Knife for Sothe -- Brought Sothe to Level 10, +1 Mag, +1 Skl, +3 Spd, +3 Lck, +1 Res -- Micaiah to Level 20, +1 Skl/Spd/Lck -- Zihark to Level 7, +1 HP/Skl/Spd 12 BEXP remaining units deployed: Volug, Micaiah, Sothe, Black Knight, Zihark, Rafiel Also a pretty straightforward map. On Turn 1 I had Sothe rescue Micaiah (he has Savior) for fast transport, since he has both Savior and Celerity. On Turn 6 I have Sothe unlock go to the same floor area as the boss. On Turn 8, BK breaks down the door and Zihark goes forward. Also, on Turn 8 EP I have to proc a couple things so Zihark survives when he goes forward. such as a 60% hit missing (that's more or less it, the rest are below 40). On Turn 9, I have to get 57%, 27%, and 44% hits to miss Zihark to ensure his survival there -- this actually would have been a lot easier had I given him Resolve but to be perfectly honest I'm satisfied with 10 turns here. But I need him to survive so I can have Micaiah seize on Turn 10 due to Rafiel being exactly one space below where I want him (and the BK lacking the move to shove him that one space that I need him to be shoved). Boss kill occurs on Turn 9 by Sothe (13x2 damage against him, Sothe is extremely powerful in Part 1). I move Sothe back to put Micaiah in range of Rafiel on Turn 10, then the BK two spaces beneath Micaiah; Rafiel Vigors them both, BK rescues Rafiel and Zihark shoves Micaiah. This gives Micaiah *just* enough to get to the throne. Lvl EXP MHP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Micaiah 20 -- 30 5 20 16 13 22 7 17 Sothe 12 73 38 22 8 26 28 21 17 14 Zihark 8 47 33 18 6 27 26 12 13 13 Rafiel 13 12 32 1 6 1 6 31 4 13 Turns: 10 Total Turns: 82 BEXP (Micaiah): 3762 I didn't get any treasures; if I had gotten any, I probably would've wasted a turn because I don't think the Mage would move out of its place to attack Sothe (and getting into that place puts me in Jarod's range). I'm not sure where I could've shaved off a turn or 2, but if I had Volug I would save a bunch of turns. Part 1: 1-P: 5 1-1: 7 1-2: 6 1-3: 7 1-4: 10 1-5: 6 1-6: 11 (6 each) 1-7: 8 1-8: 5 1-9: 7 1-E: 10 Tot: 82 Lvl EXP MHP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Micaiah 20 -- 30 5 20 16 13 22 7 17 Sothe 12 73 38 22 8 26 28 21 17 14 Zihark 8 47 33 18 6 27 26 12 13 13 Rafiel 13 12 32 1 6 1 6 31 4 13 The only chapter I'm not particularly satisfied with is 1-4 which I accidentally saved over. Sho's strategy honestly didn't quite work here because one of the Tigers kept stalking Micaiah, so an alternate route was what I needed in the end. I could've shaved a turn or two off of the endgame, and Micaiah with Celerity could've actually saved a turn in 1-9 but then I wouldn't have gotten Sothe to the east side as quickly in 1-8 if I had done that. 1-7 could've actually lost a turn or two if I had remembered to give Sothe Savior, but overall I'm satisfied with the results. Part 2 later.
  14. Yes, because you're using Word. I'm suggesting you use Notepad. EDIT: Greil :3
  15. Nytefahr; I use spaces and I type my stuff up in notepad beforehand. Anyways, I'm doing a couple things but 1-E should be expected to be a 10 turn.
  16. ...I would, Wendy has base 64 hit and 10 Atk if she wants to hit with a Javelin. Sophia on the other hand has 75 hit and 14 Atk. (These are base levels, mind you). Sophia has 50 something displayed hit against Wyvern Riders and 40 something against other enemies in the chapter (the Mages probably way less) -- Wendy's hit is closer to the early 40s/50s as well. The difference? Wendy does less damage to enemies in her chapter than enemies in Sophia's chapter, and that's assuming that you can get past her movement deficiency to go near enemies and hit them. Sophia's got movement and gets you a Guiding Ring, too (if you go by dondon's 0% growth strategy you can easily get this Guiding Ring without exposing her to combat). The point is they're both really heavily reamed by the enemies in their chapter, except Sophia has the luxury of having better stats at 2-range making chip damage more viable. Especially because she's forced in the middle of the chapter you get her in and you have to move her around (or rescue her if you're feeling lucky), whereas you can easily keep Wendy behind due to the lack of reinforcements at that area of the chapter. I just like to know that I am not advocating using either. In fact, I think the player is a fucking retarded if they so much as touch Wendy/Sophia outside of -- not even Filler units -- outside of doing some maneuvering out of harm's way and MAYBE random trade ferrying (.... what?) but that's more or less it. (In my ranked run, I managed to get Sophia a good number of level ups simply because I wanted some EXP for my EXP rank -- same run actually let me make use of Lilina and she ended up using Forblaze in the final chapter, but ranked runs are stupid as fuck in this game).
  17. but if you use celerity gatrie will have more move!!!!
  18. ... so you're arguing for them to... stay? They're a tier below Karel; Karel can at least wield Durandal and participate in the final chapter or something (and kill some things in his current chapter) whereas Sophia can do stuff... but its a pain in the ass. And Wendy is way worse than Sophia. They may not suck *as much* (applies to Sophia at least, Wendy is way unusable without any like... triangle attack support LOL so she stays) but they still suck waaaaaaaay worse than Karel. Is Dorothy only > Karel because of chip damage in C6?
  19. I'm just going to put it out there now that I literally am unable to recruit Pelleas in my current position (I didn't use a clear file) in case no one takes him. ... do we HAVE to recruit drafted units?
  20. Figures :P I'm running it through in my head right now and it doesn't seem too bad so long as I send Zihark south and Sothe east (with Micaiah support on the eastern front obviously). I may end up using Nailah + Micaiah (Micaiah would love some EXP, and it'll boost my killing by 1.5x) because the turns I'd be saving far outweigh the turns I'd spend trying to avoid penalty. I'll just do two (polished) runthroughs and compare my results on each. Sorry about that, i'll change it for the next updates.1-7 -- Got the Wind Edge in the Shop and sold a shitload of things to afford three forged Iron Knives. 2 have +15 Crit +5 Mt and 1 has +5 Mt and +10 Hit. -- Gave Paragon to Micaiah, and Resolve to Zihark. Will not allocate any BEXP until Micaiah maxes her Magic stat. -- Got Micaiah to 11.99, Sothe to 6.99, Zihark to 3.99. 1921 BEXP remain units deployed: Micaiah, Sothe, Zihark, Volug Note: I will not recruit Tormod/Muarim/Vika. I will allow the end-of-chapter to take care of that so they can wipe out some enemies. I get to the boss around Turn 5; Sothe attacks on Turn 5 and on the EP he kills both Archers. Boss kill happens on Player Phase Turn 6 by Sothe. Recruited Tormod&co on Turn 6 also. I tried this chapter twice and I got 8 turns each time with a completely different strategy both times. Micaiah's 5 move and the fact that I can't use Volug to rescue her is kind of a snag in this playthrough. Seize on Turn 8. Lvl EXP MHP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Micaiah 12 97 23 5 20 13 9 19 6 13 Sothe 7 79 37 21 6 24 24 17 17 12 Zihark 4 72 30 17 6 23 24 12 13 12 Turns: 8 Total Turns: 60 BEXP: 3437
  21. No Volug penalties ^_^ I can even take a photo to prove it -- Volug stood out of combat every single chapter he was deployed. The "Units used" refers to people I brought into the chapter, including forced units.
  22. 1-5 -- Forged two +5Mt +15Ht +15Crit Iron Knives. -- Sold a bunch of Swords/Spears/Vulneraries/Herbs/Keys to buy a Spirit Dust (for Micaiah) -- Gave Micaiah two levels of BEXP then another 99 for an almost level. Micaiah is Level 6.99 with 14 Magic. I'm not that bothered about this chapter because it's a Survive chapter. I still await the pain in the ass it will be, though. Units used: Volug, Micaiah, Sothe Notable things: Turn 3 EP, Micaiah got two kills on Mages (she weakened them earlier then retreated to take a Vulnerary). Turn 4 EP, Sothe killed the boss (and other things) Turn 6 EP I had to proc Jill surviving two hits -- once against a Fighter and once against an Archer. Had something like a 60% chance of survival. There's not much to say in this chapter. It's 6 turns regardless, may as well milk it for everything it's worth Though, I know of no greater pain in the ass so far as making the NPC units stay alive. Christ, man. Lvl EXP MHP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Micaiah 8 46 23 5 16 11 8 15 5 10 Sothe 5 42 36 20 5 23 22 16 17 11 Turns: 6 Total Turns: 41 BEXP: 868 1-6-1 Put Resolve on Micaiah. I'll see how much I like Resolve Micaiah; I doubt I will but it's worth a shot. Brought BEXP down to 125, Micaiah is now Level 10 with 18 Mag/17 Lck. Hopefully I can max out Magic and then her Speed will receive more favor; it's what I'm counting on. Forged nothing, but I gave Tauroneo the two Hand Axes in my inventory. Units used: Zihark, Micaiah, Volug, Tauroneo, Sothe Generally I just had Zihark take care of Pegs and reinforcements in the corner. On Turn 6 EP I had to proc a 17% critical rate with the Iron Knife, otherwise the game would've gotten slightly more complicated due to the fact that there are enemy pegs that come from the south. I'm not getting much out of those Pegs that I won't really care about since Wind Edge Zihark would just take care of them anyway. Interestingly enough, Resolve Micaiah doubled a Steel Lance Pegasus and killed it. Still doesn't convince me though, because her 8 Spd really blows. Turns: 6 Total Turns: 47 Lvl EXP MHP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Micaiah 10 98 23 5 18 11 8 17 5 12 Sothe 5 99 36 20 5 23 22 16 17 11 Tauroneo 14 5 38 24 12 22 20 18 21 15 Zihark 3 34 30 17 6 22 23 11 13 11 1-6-2 I am forging the fuck out of some Iron Knives next chapter. -_- Units used: same as last chapter Thanks to Sothe support Micaiah managed to OHKO the northern Archer on Turn 2. Zihark, Sothe, and Tauroneo took care of every single unit that was in the vicinity on Turn 1, save that Archer in the Ballista. Nothing special really happened here, to be honest. Micaiah managed to get Speed and Defense on the same level up (as well as 19 Mag/18 Lck). Tauroneo got the boss kill on Turn 5, and out pops one nice Paragon scroll. Lvl EXP MHP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Micaiah 11 26 23 5 19 12 9 18 6 12 Sothe 6 32 37 20 5 24 23 17 17 12 Tauroneo 14 52 38 24 12 22 20 18 21 15 Zihark 3 64 30 17 6 22 23 11 13 11 Turns: 5 Total Turns: 52 BEXP: 3683 Quick question Radiant Kitty: How do penalties with 1-8 work? It's really REALLY difficult to not make those units attack someone cause there's so many forced units. A penalty on like Nailah, Vika, and Muarim wouldn't be a bad idea, to be honest, but I'll leave it to you to decide. I'm currently making some 1-7 adjustments and then I might just eat something and watch TV. I like this draft, it's really fun to try for low turn counts.
  23. revamped, I actually kept my turncount intact: 1-P I do a Battle Save on Turn 4 after Edward decimates all of the Brigands. He gains Strength on his first level up, gets hit by the boss. I had to proc a critical (10% chance, more or less) so end this in 5 turns. Used unit stats: Lvl EXP MHP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Micaiah 2 10 16 3 8 8 7 11 3 5 Edward 5 94 19 8 0 12 13 8 6 0 Turns: 5 1-1 Without my shoving strategy I'm only minorly inconvenienced; Micaiah doesn't kill the Fighter that I don't want her to kill and all the eastern fighters are dead by Turn 3. It basically starts with Micaiah as far north as possible and nolan attacking the soldier guarding the village. He actually gets three lucky dodges here, I'm not sure how, but Micaiah doesn't end up killing what I don't want her to kill which is a plus. Micaiah visits the village on Turn 4 and I use Edward/Leonardo to chain trade the hand axe over to Nolan so I can take out the enemy fighter really quickly. Micaiah occupies the spot below Nolan on Turn 5 so she can kill off the Archer that Nolan weakened, and on Turn 6 shit kills the northern Fighter so Nolan can reach the boss quickly and off him on by Turn 7, so Micaiah can Escape on Turn 7. I do the same thing I did before with the Hand Axe so I can off either the Fighter or the boss depending on circumstances. It ended up being the boss Used unit stats: Lvl EXP MHP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Micaiah 3 13 16 4 9 8 7 12 4 6 Edward 5 94 19 8 0 12 13 8 6 0 Nolan 11 8 31 14 1 12 12 8 9 4 Turns: 7 Total Turns: 12 1-2 Turn 1: Nolan attacks the fighter, Micaiah blocks the chokepoint. Leonardo rescues Laura. Turn 2: Nolan has 11/31 HP so I bring him up to 31. Nolan is brought to the north of the Javelin soldier with the Hand Axe equipped to get the Chest Key by Turn 4 and open them on turns 5&6. Turn 3: I heal Micaiah with an Herb (second turn) and now unequip Light so the Soldiers don't ream her. Heal Nolan with Herb and move him one space south (not in that order obvs) so Sothe can handle all of the enemies that are in the corner and Nolan doesn't have to worry about them. I proc a hit on Enemy Phase. Turn 3 EP: Nolan misses. Whoops. Turn 4: As soon as I checked the hitrate I don't need to proc. It'll go down to 45% at worst at enemy phase, and he hit the Myrmidon for 19/20 damage (lol -_-) I am definitely proc'ing this next hit though. I also only have to blow through 2 uses of Kard -- better than I expected. One of the Soldiers has 9 Def but it's a later soldier, and a million units won't be coming at Sothe so it's fine. Turn 4 EP: Only thing notable that happens is that Nolan kills the Myrmidon and gets the Chest Key. Leonardo dumps Laura 5 spaces behind the arrive square. Turn 6: Nolan has both items in his invetory (both are traded to Edward) and Micaiah kills a soldier, Sothe kills another Soldier, and Laura arrives. I'm *extremely* thankful that all the soldiers have 8 Def right now. 8 Def is enough to kill with an Iron Dagger, and I want to save Kard for the later chapters so it doesn't break; last time it got down to like 9 uses at the end of this chapter. Lvl EXP MHP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Micaiah 3 65 16 4 9 8 7 12 4 6 Edward 5 94 19 8 0 12 13 8 6 0 Nolan 11 87 31 14 1 12 12 8 9 4 Sothe 1 21 35 18 4 20 20 15 14 9 No boss kill, no Strength Drop. Oh well. Turns: 6 Total Turns: 18 1-3 Basic strategy is to send everyone east (Edward rescues Laura, Leonardo rescues Ilyana). Kurth isn't guarding a chokepoint but theres enough on his dick to keep the enemies busy and away from my units. Sothe opens the door on Turn 3. Nothing noteworthy really happens until the boss attacks on Turn 6; I had to proc a 10% critical on a soldier so he wouldn't kill Micaiah and to get him out of the way. I also proc'd another 10% critical on EP for an armor knight so I could clear on Turn 7. Turn 7, Sothe kills the Longbow Archer and Micaiah escapes. Lvl EXP MHP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Micaiah 3 88 16 4 9 8 7 12 4 6 Edward 5 94 19 8 0 12 13 8 6 0 Nolan 11 87 31 14 1 12 12 8 9 4 Sothe 1 59 35 18 4 20 20 15 14 9 No bosskill or Aran. Hell I didn't even attack the boss -- it would've actually been far too much to proc because I have to evade a 40 something percent shot from the Wind Edge and then I had to risk him blocking Sothe's killing the archer. Really wasn't worth trying in the end. Turns: 7 Total Turns: 25 Compared to my previous run, Micaiah has 2 more Def, just as much HP, the same amount of Mag, more Str, less Skl and like... 3 less Skl (who gaf) and 1 less Resistance (yes Mages are SO COMMON RIGHT NOW). BEXP: 646 1-4 -- Giving Shade to Micaiah -- Giving Sothe Cancel and Wrath -- Using Dracoshield on Sothe -- Using 22 BEXP to get Micaiah to 3.99 -- Forging a 7 Mt 80 Ht 15 Crit Iron Knife for Sothe -- Bought Beast Killer Units used: Sothe, Micaiah My strategy is Sho's strategy. I had to modify it a little bit so it took an extra 3 turns (because of the fact that there was a beast that was following Micaiah and wouldn't really stop -- I took three extra turns because a couple Tigers blocked me to get back into the area I needed to be at (I was hoping for 2), as well as wanting to get the Seraph robe so Micaiah at least doesn't get OHKO'd by everything. The extra turn I ended up taking also lead one of the laguz to the east to untransform meaning that I could've actually finished this on Turn 8 if it weren't for those little (unavoidable) things that got in the way. Cats tink Sothe, and Micaiah's pretty useless overall. I had Micaiah do random Sacrifice healing just so she could get EXP. On Turn 4 I proc'd for a Beastfoe. I think it was something like a 60-70% chance of finding it. (Normal Biorhytm) Lvl EXP MHP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Micaiah 4 50 16 5 10 9 7 13 5 7 Sothe 4 56 36 20 4 22 21 16 17 11 Turns: 10 Total Turns: 35 I accidentally saved my clear file over this... somehow. Otherwise I would've redone it for better results. I'm sorta satisfied with the way it turned out, though. BEXP total: 1074
  24. ... I think what I'll do is keep this file, but also start another one to see how far I can get and check my turncount then. EDIT: Disregard the previous post, I'm redoing this. I'm on 1-2 now with the same exact turncount.
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