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Lord Raven

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Everything posted by Lord Raven

  1. and hey you're visiting your gf so it's all excused :D I LOVE FE6...

    also my hd borked this past... february? i lost all my roms n shit, but I'm fine now because I redownloaded my ROMs and I can go through old modes that i'd never go through again just for the sake of getting to where i was...

  2. yeah I love the patch... phantom ship was a pretty horrible chapter so I grinded a little bit (Cormag to 19 str + killer lance = win). I also got Tana to rescue Larachel for recruiting (cause Dozla can survive by himself) and Tana was fine against the Eyes and Gargoyles that fought her. It really left the only challenge to be the promoted enemies and getting a Killer Lance crit on the boss..

  3. ...I wouldn't call that strength and defense complete trash, considering the defense almost matches oswins except ~2 levels lower.
  4. Except in Raven's case it's "add (hand) axes to bitchin stats and watch the the sparks fly".
  5. Yeah, in efficiency it doesnt seem to matter nearly as much because there's no EXP rank to be worrying about.
  6. to be honest i have no idea aha... i left due to debaters being themselves, but i guess ROM hacks brought me back haha.. Oh, and SF doesn't crash as much anymore, and I have a somewhat renewed interest in FE because of the Sacred Stones hard mode patch.

  7. dont do this waha shit with him, he'll ream you he's................ 1st mate bob
  8. With the satisfaction of only coming in one dungeon!
  9. i change on IRC sometimes between Yuri Hyuga, Caim, and... my first name. And Mercenary Raven (used to be Lord but that makes no sense T_T)

  10. hey mothafucka i came back a couple days ago too
  11. I think I read a theory somewhere on this -- essentially, they're not literally made of silver or whatever, but they're a "rank" of swords. Where Bronze < Iron < Steel < Silver in that ranking system.
  12. No. Get Tana or Vanessa to rescue her; if my Tana (with like 15 spd, Slim Lance, and prob like 12 luck) could rescue Larachael and bring her all the way to the first ship in the HM patch then it would be easy as hell for a well-built Vanessa to do the same in a much easier mode.
  13. ew, its that OTHER raven...

  14. 310's the max turn count so its the slowest you need to go for in-game rewards, but I guess I was trying to point out that you two are debating on different terms; Cog of Destiny ranked is different than Cog of Destiny efficient. You can afford to turtle a little bit in ranked, whereas in efficient you really can't.
  15. He's probably, relatively speaking, better than Titania but you can't really do cross-game judging. I solo'd hard mode with Seth (well i had difficulty with one of the chapters in the second half of the game, namely Fluourspar's Oath cause I was trying to keep Gerik and Tethys alive too). I'm playing the Hard Mode patch now, and Phantom Ship was awful on that. It's not as hard as CoD, i forget what Victory or Death was, and I don't remember Elincia's Gambit being particularly hard either. Father and Son doesn't look too bad on my FE8 HM Patch run either, but it doesn't help that the chip damage managed to compound and allow me to gain a shitton of levels. I liked FE8 though.
  16. S ranking != efficiencydondon's 0% growth sets his low turncount at 197 turns... you need 310 to s-rank. You could probably get lower than 197 turns through over 0% growths.
  17. hey listen guys... i bleed a lot... not necessarily out of my dick, but out of my scabs..... so srsly will this give me aids???? i don't want to die like that..... i want to die while killing osama bin laden WELL SAID SIR WELL SAID
  18. so i was feelin up my foot like 3 minutes ago... ya know, i'm like quentin tarantino except... not a movie director. anyways, it felt a little bit rough... like something had dried on it. i figured, for a split second that this was paint cause i slipped in some wet paint yesterday and there was still a little on my left leg this morning. this discounts the fact that i didn't keep scratching at my foot this morning or last night like i scratched on my left leg, but whatever. then i saw RED holy frak dude, turns out i opened up a scab a little while ago that caused my blood to fall and dry up on my foot or something could i possibly have aids?? y/n
  19. yeah dude... even when I was starting out playing FE6 (after my first FE7 playthrough where i'm like OSWIN IS FUCKING AWESOME!!!) i hated using Bors.
  20. Not my point; the finer details are way more important than the general premise. Since when do the beginning and end of a story matter in the grand scheme of everything? The point of my first half was that the entire plot fucked around with your formula with more than just slight deviations. They changed entire words, meaning you have to actually stretch it in order for it to apply to FE7. That doesn't get into the fact that the entire first and last sentences did not really apply to FE7 anyway; you're just trying to prove the second sentence. Morphs and Black Fang weren't the same, the hell are you talking about? They're connected -- through Sonia -- but the Black Fang were also being controlled through Sonia (by Nergal). Doesn't mean they're the same, it just means one was being used by the other. The chain of manipulations was one of the differences between this and, say, FE6/9/1/3 which adhere to your formula (and even then they're all completely different games with different points; FE6 seemed like it meant to serve as a sort of parallel to FE1&3 anyway). Generalizing is fucking retarded. You can easily twist things in order to make them seem exactly the same when they're really not. It's exactly like saying that Tales of Symphonia and Final Fantasy X are exactly the same game because it's a plot about a "Love interest who comes from a weird background and a girl who is planning on sacrificing her life to regenerate the world. The love interest has father issues, too. At some moment, they realize the religion of their world is a total lie and there exists an alternate world outside of theirs, so they decide to fight the fate that their pilgrimage has lead them to and find a way so that everyone wins..." which is true... except that FFX and TOS are still completely different games. So people should always have a defeatist attitude instead of shooting for the stars? Christ you're pessimistic.
  21. Still doesn't fill out your entire form, since there's no "kingdom" (especially because your target changes from bandits to laus to black fang to morphs, with some bern mixed in), no one's kingdom invades the other (Pherae/Ostia invade Laus then the Black Fang), and there wasn't any control; just manipulation from Nergal to the black fang. The "Princess" is not related to any kingdom except the final kingdom in the chain of command, and frankly most people don't even know that Ninian is nergal's daughter on the first playthrough.Basically boils down to some point I keep making but you keep ignoring; a similar premise does not mean the same plot, and there are more than just "slight" differences.
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