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Lord Raven

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Posts posted by Lord Raven

  1. I think "becoming useless because Marth has the Fire Emblem" goes along vaguely with what FE3 Player said.

    At any rate, I don't think they should go too low - if you send a unit or two to protect them and go after chests, it allows your other units and Marth to go through the chapter a bit faster and kill more enemies as opposed to having Marth get the chests and the others using the Door Keys on the doors. It doesn't redeem too much for late game fail (although APPARENTLY YOU DON'T NEED MUCH FOR LOLNM SO I HAVE NO CLUE WHY 15/16 STRENGTH + SILVER SWORD ISN'T ENOUGH). Not that it should be the main factor in making them high, but it should be counted.

    It's a shame they can't steal. Not like there would be much worth stealing in the first place.

  2. I think part of it is also how much my RNG hates my speed stats on Cain and Abel right now. 10ish at Level 10 awesome... and the last two or so were gotten in the last two level ups.

    Also Draug as a Hunter is awesome. He gets decent Strength and Speed on his bases although his defenses will be total ass.

  3. *Checks*

    I see 5 AS on All pirates. 6 On the thief and Hunter and 5 on Gazzack.

    Want me to check chapter 2?

    Abel needs another level up to double them. Hmm.

    I think Chapter 2 is like 6 AS since I vaguely recall some early game pirates having 6 AS. In which case, everybody's having a hard time with them.

    And I'm still curious to hear your thoughts on opportunity cost.

  4. I think Mount > slight earlygame win and WTA over dark, especially since Lute can evade more things later on than Artur can (Artur's luck starts to bite him). But personally I think the mount should be better than Slayer for the most part especially since Slayer's output is more or less the same as everyone else's; unless it's against a select few enemies (like the big things with the Axe whose name I forget and those promoted zombies). But I dunno I can't see why Artur > Lute.

  5. And then to help preserve Funds, and because they're always available. Well, you can probably afford better weapons if I recall correctly, but iron weapons are ALWAYS available and are quite safe on Funds.

  6. "Level 3 is what he needs before he can use a Javelin without AS" well he can't one round the Archer unless he takes an Iron Lance from someone else or is Level 3. The former can happen, the latter is not guaranteed. I'm talking about the Prologue III Archer by the way.

    1. It's often possible for him to be level 3 (assuming you're talking about Prologue 3, where Cain joins).
    If you ignore Marth and Frey altogether, then yes. But Abel isn't entitled to all of the EXP.
    4. Where is Cain in Prologue 2? Why does Cain need some1 to weaken the enemy for him? Why is Cain stuck with direct attacks when he starts out?
    Cain doesn't need anyone to weaken enemies for him. He comes in with 7 Strength and can easily do a direct attack with a lance and double every enemy and kill. It's not like the Javelin lead with Abel means much - Abel loses AS at base level to the Javelin. And it's not hard to get from E -> D to begin with especially since Abel and Cain both rape the shit out of the Prologue.
    5. Not denying that one, the Skill stat sucks ass. Still... THE LEAD IS PRETTY INSIGNIFICANT.
    So is a level lead of 1 where you're not even guaranteed a speed, strength, or whatever else stat up on the first level up. You're never guaranteed one, but the averages don't fully reflect a strength up (although, 50ish% chance of getting just one strength up by level 3 is pretty hot).

    After the Prologue, neither can reliably double for a couple chapters. And both start to double around the same time, reliably. Cain just has a slight lead over Abel in HP (while Abel has a lead in availability and level at the very, very, very beginning, and even then the latter is negligible).

  7. iron lance? Oh yeah, and at lvl 3, the javelin won't even weigh him down anymore, and 1-2 range is nifty.
    He won't be level 3 when he's going up against the first archer.
    one level>no level
    Still only one level.
    When Cain joins, it's TWO points behind Abel.
    No, it's not. At Level 2 it's a 50/50 shot at being 2 higher or 1 higher.
    Early on? Yes, he is.
    Their performance is more or less the same, though.
    +4 in stats not named HP>>>>>>+4 in stats named HP.
    Yet... +4 HP > breaking even in everything but Skill.
    How ISN'T it minuscule? Does that HP even help?
    Technically yes because it allows him to survive more shots.
  8. ... actually, I'm looking through vids. NEITHER are doubling Fighters, Abel is NOT one rounding Archers. His Javelin doesn't double and Iron Swords don't have the might.

    Abel is not better than Cain for most of the game... Cain's Speed is only one point behind the entire game while Cain will have a strength advantage early on, as well as an HP advantage throughout. Luck is kind of irrelevant.

    His level lead is one level and he is doing exactly the same as Cain throughout the entire game. He's not even slightly better considering they both double pretty much everything, and have the ability to kill pretty much everything too. Cain just has that lead in HP; hell even you say that "10% isn't slight" (which I still disagree with anyway) yet you seem to imply that 4 HP is minuscule?

    Abel's availability only allows him one more level up anyway. At which point, Cain can VERY easily catch up and excel. They're about equal but Cain has a slight upper hand.

  9. o, it's not. Abel can snag a level out of that one mission, bringing him up to a nice AS for that time frame [8] while Cain's 6 base AS struggles to double.
    The main difference between their doubling is their ability to double fighters. Other than that, Cain and Abel both can snag enough easy level ups from soldiers and mages that AS won't be such a huge problem for Prologue III. Then Cain starts to basically beat out Abel in the relevant stats. On top of that, Cain deals with Prologue IV just fine after getting a level up or two.
  10. Basically, Ike couldn't stay in Tellius. He'd done the greatest thing he would ever do. He defeated the goddess and ended all wars for quite some time. He wasn't needed anymore, and probably wanted to do something with his life. Anyone who's read Orson Scott Card's Ender series will remember how Ender left Earth after he defeated the bugger aliens. And many war veterans in real life find that they can't go back to normal life. He's fought in war where it was life or death for the entire world. There is no way he'd be able to shift gears and go to a meaningless life as some noble or simple mercenary.
    Because of the two years of war experience he's had throughout his life, in a year's interval each, with a three year gap between them. >_> I honestly think the ending was just there for the cliche, not any reason more. >_>

    Ender's Game was different; wasn't Ender unable to go back because his brother basically took over the Earth as well? And he wanted to help the Buggers rebuild, on top of letting the other thirds live in peace on their own planet. It's not like he completely vanished like Ike did, either.

    I hated his ending for all the same reasons you guys had. First thought in my head when I read it, what about the troop? I would've thought he'd continue leading them for his father's sake
    This, also.

    For the stability thing, things were already pretty unstable to begin with. It's not like stability will return in a heartbeat especially considering the war that was occurring. Maybe it didn't return for a while and after doing stuff, he got bored and left for his retirement or something..?

  11. I just noticed that despite being in every FE game to date, there are hardly any Pegasus/Falcon Knight bosses. Off the top of my head, the only ones I can think of are Deetva and Pamela of FE4 from the Silesia map (Chapter 4, I think) and that blue haired girl in FE6 when you go Illia. I haven't played FE1-3, 10, and 11, though, so there might be more in those games.

    Post more!

    FE10 had a grand total of two. One in 3-12 (technically, if you count her as one) and one in 4-1.
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