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Lord Raven

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Posts posted by Lord Raven

  1. 3-6, enemies will constantly overwhelm you. Laguz meter goes down. 1 Olivi Grass per 2 turns.
    Overexaggerating much? If anything it's somewhat viable to do it right on your own phase for the simple reason that he'll take down enemies on their own phase.

    They won't overwhelm him considering he can't one round them anyway. Then again I play that chapter with a diagonal defensive line in the corner you start on.

  2. minor correction but Knoll's base is level 9, not 10 so your numbers are overall slightly off.

    Moving on, I can see how he can level up from a Trainee but I have a hard time believing he'll get to Level 3 as a Shaman...

  3. Hmm, Caesar only huh? I'll check his growth changes and such. And yeah i know, Etzel is... meh. I just want to try one out, since I never did use one.

    	   HP|Str|Mag|Skl|Spd|Lck|Def| Res
    Caesar 20|  1|  2|  1|  5|  6|  6|  3   Base/Level 3
    Caesar 50|  5| 30| 30| 45| 20|  0| 25   Growth

  4. Ewan has the potential to be a good character, though. Knoll doesn't.
    So? Ewan still takes a lot of work to become a good character. A lot to the point where he has no stats.
    Knoll comes late with nothing going for him. By the time you get him, you should already have some good magic users i.e. Lute, Artur, Saleh, Moulder, Natasha, etc. And even if you do plan on using him, he could hardly double any enemies, even with Flux, and any other Dark tome would weigh him down way too much.
    So? He can weaken a couple enemies here and there and probably kill a few monsters in the forthcoming monster maps. What can Ewan do when he comes? Pretty much nothing.

    And the "you already have some good magic users" argument applies to Ewan, pretty much. It's irrelevant but matters for both if you're going that route.

    But this is FE8, so any character is usable. :rolleyes:
    This nulls the tier list. This argument is kind of moot.
  5. True, but his skill, luck, and defense are almost nonexistant and his only good stat is magic. He is useless on the front lines until he promotes, and even then he's really fragile.
    Ewan has every stat non existent when he enters.

    PROTIP: 35% is actually an average speed growth. That's not quite "non existent" if you ask me. 70% HP is also considered good. His Def and Luck suffer but... below Ewan? Come on.

  6. it is combined with a 4 def lead
    And this still separates the two by an entire tier when their offense is practically the same?

    Roger and Caesar are about similar statistically; Caesar has a slight defense and 20% HP whereas Roger has like 15% more strength. Roger's bases as a whole are just as good as Caesar's with a huge lead in Speed. They should be ranked around the same place as well.

  7. I would argue that Knoll > Ewan because he's at least somewhat usable when he enters.

    Saleh should be higher than low-mid from Ephraim's route.

    Colm should be lower in the Top tier, or even in High. There's not much to steal in this game so all there is is that lockpick utility...

  8. Even though I am completely biased towards bow users, I agree with Fury. Tanya and Robert are the best primary bow users in Thracia, but they can be no where near god/top tier (nor can any other bow user in the series because of the "no counter attacking rule" :rolleyes:). Tanya could solo Beldo, though. :]
    Shinon. (I think Faval too).
  9. Does anyone else give Volug Resolve while he smokes the Grass? That way he has a fighting chance against the enemies when they're attacking him (evasion and preventing double attacks) and he can somewhat securely get to beast form. 55 base HP is a shitload. And he gains plenty of EXP from attacking untransformed too.

  10. He's usable, not God tier. There's a distinct difference here.

    He's not the only one who can kill Priests and long distance magic users. In fact, babying him with them is kinda stupid because it's easier to just go and get the kill.

    ... if most enemies in the game are Armors, how is he doing damage? Hell in the early game (when he comes in, anyway) he'll have about 20 evade more or less and they'll hit Robert a lot.

    Ballistas have high Def too, and thieves don't get doubled/killed by him for a while.

    Personal experience does matter, rather than just pitiful theories.
    No because it's often biased and the fact that the RNG works way differently for everyone. The theoretics are all that we really care about since it's completely free of bias and randomness.
  11. http://fea.fewiki.net/fea.php?game=5


    He maxes Speed/Luck at level 20/8, but that's beside the point.

    Terrain doesn't help much considering we're still only talking a single RNG game. Their attacks may not even be 40% the entire time; 50% seems pretty realistic as well. At base though it's more like 70 or 80% which really kills Robert.

    He can't counter attack which is what we're talking about.

    His Speed growth his good, his speed base is mediocre. I forget where I dug up the elite thing, but that's a point he doesn't have... so he doesn't gain levels faster either.

  12. He doesn't have 20 speed/luck throughout the entire game. Only when you max him out, which takes ages because he starts out mediocre at level 1. I dunno if he has Elite (something tells me he does) but if he does I guess that helps but not much because his base kinda sucks!

    20 Speed/Luck = like 60 Evade. In a single RNG game.

    And damn, the boss doesn't mean anything. It doesn't speak for the millions of enemies this game has.

    I recall they can double attacks, with decent/good speed of course.
    Of course, Robert isn't double attacking immediately. He's not doing much when he does considering he can only use an Iron Bow for a while.
  13. That's not really a problem actually. They can kill just fine. It's not like your other units are so godly that the enemies will die in one counterattack.
    They can't "kill just fine." They can't even kill on the enemy phase because the AI actually has some degree of common sense in this game. They're restricted to only one attack per turn.

    Doesn't Robert suck with weapon levels anyway? I can't help but recall that I only got a D with Bows after getting him to Level 20/0...

    Bosses are perfectly stationary anyway. It's not like they speak for every other enemy in the game!

    The only way for Robert to get action is if he's ganged up on and counter attacks a ranged attacker that decides to attack him. In which case, he'll barely survive through that shit and it's situational as hell. I'm sure the Archers would rather go for a unit that doesn't have a ranged attack available anyway!

  14. By the way, you should know that I just checked chapter 9, and 11 spd...is doubling everything there. Boss included.
    But why is Kashim like a tier below Darros (two slots below seems fine really) even though his offense is pretty much just as good? If it's purely the defense, then a 4 point lead in HP really isn't that significant.
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