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Lord Raven

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Posts posted by Lord Raven

  1. Okay, that's a bit of an exaggeration, but they will either hit it at some time in 4-E or will already have their important stuff capped. Still, deploying your 10 best units regardless of their level and packing on your best skills and weaponry onto them will make most of your deployed units wtfpowerful.
    A bit? I don't see much past 20/20/8.
    I know that but it forces someone to commit to making the trade whilst still being able to attack an enemy, be besides a support partner or some other useful function, so the restrictiveness is bad. What you get in return... Shinon w/ crossbow is easily losing to Haar, Gatrie and Titania with hand axes, Ike with a wind edge and maybe even some of your weaker characters like Oscar and Mia with 1-2. The only thing that will allow him to do reasonable damage (though likely not 1RKO) is a crit, but that's unreliable, even if you give him some bonds or something.
    I myself would only do it when it's most convenient.
    Bleh, I'd argue first of all that the stronger enemies would match the higher MT of the aqqar, or at least be close to, then aqqar has more limited uses, plus it has a lot more competition. For instance, Rolf, Leo, Nolan and Boyd can all use it, and it's very valuable when combined with beastfoe/dragonfoe for 4-5 and 4-E(3).
    Leo/Nolan won't even have access to it until Part IV. Which leaves the remaining part III chapter up to Rolf/Shinon... both get equal might, but Shinon has a level lead so he gets more durability and speed to use it with. Boyd has better things to use than Aqqar.

    Btw, +6 might from Crossbow = +12 total damage so it can do a potential 16 damage to the likes of Armors and even more to Fighters. To Swordmasters maybe around the same because he won't double them that often.

  2. But Marth in his game is better than Roy in his game.

    Do you understand now, or are you going to continue to obstinately refuse to acknowledge that a promotion at a very late point in the game is not better than a relatively unrestricted level cap?

    The Sword of Seals has 20 uses - that's 10 rounds of combat, assuming that Roy doubles and requires 2 hits to KO. You're not getting 20 levels off 10 kills. Also, average endgame level in FE6 for most units is 20/10 iirc, and most units (i.e. not Roy) promote in chapter 16, probably even earlier. If they reach 20/10 with, what, 9 more chapters of play than Roy, how is Roy even conceivably reaching 20/20 without massive favoritism?

    58 uses sounds more right (Hammerne x3 for max potential). 19 levels off 29 kills could make sense.
  3. All five of the endgame chapters are short lol... I take like three or four turns to beat the first three and like two to beat the last two.

    But everyone else is 20/20 by the final chapter? In hard mode? Shinon's like six levels away from promoting! (Though, HM experience is a BITCH, but Titania's the only one closer.)

    (aside from crossbows, which are horrible)
    Crossbows can be decent if you manage to figure out how to use them. If you can, switching around his equipment before the end of the player phase could allow him that 1-2 range that people wished Archers could have, on top of how they're doing enough damage to get enemies to 1/2-2/3 health. Early on at least... Aqqar can serve this role later on, but Arbalest is worthless because Double Bow comes right when it sees use. (Blizzard/Meteor/Bolting/Purge the Archer then switch out the equipment).
    Lethe > Nealuchi. If you still think availability alone is w1n (you still have Leo > Muarim/Stefan) then you should notice that Lethe has a lot more availability than Nealuchi, plus she arguably beats him in part 2 damage.
    Leo is > Muarim and Stefan? That's kinda stupid... Stefan has potential to be good, Leo will always drag. And Muarim is actually useful somewhere as well... but Leo is not doing well enough ever.
  4. Actually, if you tier everyone without considering unit costs, then (and only then) factor in unit costs, it makes for a tier list. I mean, it's not like FE10 was much better.
    FE10 was a LOT better, are you kidding?
    I don't know if it's this, or if it's because I would rather have you two bicker over it.
    Seriously though.

    Units can change class now. They can basically change their stats and growths this way, although their base growths and stats are still a factor. So you can make basically anyone a healer, mage, cavalier, or mercenary (of course, depending on which of the two cycles they're in).

    You also have to factor in how the gaiden units, while quite decent in performance, only allow you 14 characters. So you have to basically kill off half your units in order to get Horace, about a quarter of your army for Athena, and like 2/3 of your army for Ymir.

    The variability in each unit on top of the massive opportunity costs make it worse than a game that jumps around a lot. FE4 Generation 2 Tier List is probably a better comparison than FE10.

  5. Wait I don't get it, you didn't want Karel penalized for blocking out Harken (a very good unit) and Ymir to move up despite the fact that you have to kill all but 14 units you get him by then but now you wanna penalize Norne because you have to kill just 2 units when you've got 2 horrible ones ripe for the picking? WTF?
    I'm actually not sure at all what my thoughts are. I didn't think of the Ymir thing for a while, but my main thought FOR Ymir is; there are enough units at that point for you to kill enough so that you can still keep your team intact and get rid of the trash. Yet, this is still taking away from units you're able to use so that's where the logic becomes double standard/self contradictory.

    I'd actually penalize all of the Gaiden goers and Norne, as a result.

    Individually, Norne >>> Gordin and killing Jagen is hardly a cause for penalty since his best performance is during the first chapters and using him then means taking earlygame EXP which is the most necessary.
    He doesn't take much damage, you can easily unequip him, and you can make him a Swordmaster and he will potentially help baby your other units for the sake of utility. But he fails past... well, basically throughout the entire game, but he's still more useful than Norne.

    Gordin is just as much taking a slot away from Norne as Frey, Cain, Abel, and Jagen are. You could easily penalize the six characters for taking a slot away from two others... but Frey, Cain, and Abel's high spot won't even be affected that much for it. Jagen, Gordin, and Norne have the potential to go lower, but not that much either... I would place Norne with Gordin myself, at any rate. :/

    (I believe Harken and Karel should have a mutual penalty for taking away slots from each other).

  6. Norne requires two chars dead by the time you finish the prologue, not necessarily Gordin/Jagen both sacrificed. At any rate, she should be penalized for requiring two characters to be dead on top of her poor performance... which is definitely Bottom tier. I'd place her around Est's level >_>

    Bord's being below her really does irk me. Bord's status at the worst of the worst irks me as a whole.

  7. Considering my argument earlier, I can't disagree. Same applying to many other characters like Etzel, Ymir, and Horace (and someone else). Not even the fact that they're higher in the tier list, it's the fact that you have to have most of your team killed to get Athena in the first place.

    But the argument for stuff like Etzel and Ymir and Horace could consist of the fact that units that are guaranteed to be unused (not listing names, considering how the average chapter requires 10-15 characters and you could kill off enough characters you aren't using while reaching the limit per chapter) could end up killing off anyway... and Athena requires you kill off many units that you have on your team at that moment. If you understand what I'm saying?













    ... it bothers me so much to see Bord below stuff like Norn, Arran, Lorenz, Samson, Gordin, and Astram.

  8. Except, not really because her bases suck ass considering the atmosphere she's around.

    Also, Harold, she's getting 32 EXP per hit, and a full level up per kill are really quick EXP gains. After promotion she gets access to Axes while still having the skill that doubles EXP gain. Nobody gives a damn about the fact that she uses Bows because of how fast she grows on top of how this disability is rectified after promotion.

    On top of how she's mounted, can hit and run, doesn't really have to suffer through counter attacks, and has decent stats everywhere (not just Speed!)? And you're calling her an average unit?

    Titania isn't even raping enemies in the second half of the game. Her level lead diminishes greatly (a level up every three or four chapters early on, yay? Everyone else is getting a level up per chapter) and her lead in every other stat does as well. At best she'll be around 20/15 when everyone else is 20/10.

  9. ... I don't think Ymir's capabilities are Bottom tier worthy. Elice and Ymir deserve Low tier both, anyway.

    You still neglect the fact that Ymir comes too late for his contributions to matter. He'd be great if he came a little earlier but no, you already have 8 Master seals by then and more than enough power to easily tear through the chapters he's in. His existence in NM makes little or no difference since most units will do fine.
    But... this is irrelevant because it has nothing to do with Ymir's contributions. It matters whether or not they're good or bad, not whether or not it matters.
    How's the difficulty of normal mode an invalid argument?
    Because all it determines is how well more characters will do, and really it shouldn't be used as a way to trivialize a character.
  10. Not everyone in the game can handle normal mode. And Ymir can certainly handle it better than many others anyway.

    Normal mode being piss easy isn't a valid argument, either. It merely means that more people have a chance to go higher because more characters can handle the mode they're in...

  11. But... he still does well in those chapters. How does that not put him above all of the bottom tier? If individual worth matters, then he's good because he can handle Normal mode just fine. If usefulness matters, hell he's a decent fighter so he's still put above bottom tier in both instances.

  12. And Marth is still on the same level as your other units. He'd be broken if he reached level 40.
    He'd be broken if he had like 4x the EXP gain rate of your other units and had the potential to reach that level. But alas, reality bites us in the ass once again.

    That really wouldn't make him broken, considering how his caps all even out at 25 anyway and he's not even getting past Level 25ish anyway. He could reach Level 30, but even with a cap of 40 he wouldn't get anywhere near without Arena whoring.

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