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Everything posted by Randa

  1. I say no subs for an even representation between 4 and 5.
  2. I think they might run into some trouble with the browns secondary being relatively good. Also if the o-line isn't radically better the ravens will definitely get Rodgers out of his comfort zone. The secondary wasnt as bad as you make it seem with a solid pass rush and a few second tier corner backs they were 11th in pass defense, not bad. The major issue comes with the middle backer as you said for a team that has some solid d-linemen 17th in run defense not good. But I think a lot of stress will be taken off Rodgers shoulders with the tandem of Franklin and Lacey, which would lead to a more controlled game making it easier on a defense.
  3. I'm sorry but coming from an extremely clumsy person, she could have a legitamate reason to be this clumsy. I'm not going into the neuro science of how you are born clumsy and don't decide that you want to be clumsy, but there could very easily be a reason. Also sumia for the sake of the story is the classic stereotype of the ladie. She's probably never slapped someone, never punched someone, or even thought of it, because that is not lady like in the game. Finally you say sumia is an idiot. Aside from the whole pie thing give me three examples of her stupidity. In my opinion I don't think her personality sucks. But on the other hand Severa's is awful. She's arrogant, she's rude, and she has an unfounded inferiority complex that leads to a nasty habit of belittling other people to make herself feel better. Sumia's "issues" might not be her fault, but Severa's issues are her decision to act this way.
  4. Why? Atlas is awsome. I still don't know who any of them are.
  5. Vaike, Cervantes, mustafa(excellus(if neither of them then Henry)), Say'ri, gerome.
  6. I propose a test. Make a thread in the awakening forum about awakening. And since I believe 7 is still the most popular game(according to favorite games) then match them up on the same week and see which forum is better for this.
  7. I don't think it should be moved over to the awakening forums. Aside from more views there is no connection till we get to awakening. Your best bet to see if its the forum or the fact that it FE2 try doing awakening next/ASAP.
  8. There are definitely better. It's only around 6th on my list at this point. The more I play it, the less I like it. I've devoted hundreds of hours to 7,8, and 13. In comparison I don't think it has this amazing replayability. The characters and plot are shallow. The music and graphics are both solid, but that isn't what I focus on. 9,7,10,5,4 and maybe even 6 are more fun to play. It's a great game. It's a great introductory game(lol easy mode) but it just doesn't match the rest of the series in my mind.
  9. Just one last thing before I go to sleep. Why not use both Lissa and Mariebelle? They both technically use magic and eventually have acces to tomes.
  10. How's 3000 sound? Gives a few stat boosters the second seal and the large bullion. I think the first tome is at 10,000.
  11. Agreed. Also use Lissa just promote into a sage.
  12. So wait, do we nominate the seed of five characters or do we nominate five characters and the nomination totals decide the seed?
  13. Now we just need soul's agreement.
  14. So soul gets sumia, you get Miriel, and what do I get. I'll take wyvern sully.
  15. If soul ever makes a pick
  16. Wait I just got an idea. Lets give quint both Cherches
  17. So the last round is reversed. That means troubadour Cherche is also still on the board.
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