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Everything posted by Agro

  1. you can add any map change pointer, it doesn't actually matter. you could also change a map pointer to a map change pointer. map change pointers, map pointers and event pointers are all contained under the event references table so they're all interchangeable, if that makes sense. you might need to fiddle with the chapter data editor module afterwards though sorry I'm a bit drunk
  2. FEXP has a far more flexible engine, but unfortunately doesn't have the capacity to save at the moment (and I'm not sure it ever will, unless someone wants to reprogram it). Its creator has since moved on to FEXNA so there's virtually zero proper support. I don't really know much more about it than that. ROM hacking is much more limited in its potential but it forces you to get creative and, to be honest, it's a fun challenge, at least for people like me. FE7 is the most commonly hacked program, although FE8 is overall a better engine and we now have enough documentation to match FE7's standards easily. FE7 is the most well-understood of all the games and arguably more popular due to the fact that the two big tutorials on events and general hacking are written primarily for FE7. If you're starting out, I would just recommend jumping straight to FE8 as most development is slowly shifting towards FE8. There's actually a program called SRPG Maker which FE's original creator, Shouzou Kaga, is using to make a new game. Unfortunately it's a Japanese program so obviously all of the documentation is in Japanese. I'm not a fan of the default aesthetic either, but that's all customisable.
  3. Worse comes to worst, you can rebuild the map in Mappy and use the MAR inserter, provided that one works, too.
  4. Sorry, I honestly have no idea what's going on. The only thing I can think of is that you installed or extracted the program incorrectly. I'm confused though... is the error coming from the Tiled map inserter or the Tiled program itself?
  5. Has it worked for you before? Do you have the latest version of the .NET framework installed?
  6. Agro

    Tasigat's sprites

    Why don't you use tags and post them in non-zoomed versions so we can give proper feedback?
  7. Can I ask why you need to do that?
  8. The colour/shading/texturing is spot-on but I think your lineart needs a bit of work if you're trying to emulate Kozaki's style. Seems a bit rushed.
  9. Ohhh right, I forgot to update to SF version. No wonder you're all scratching your heads. Yeah, for the 3rd time, it's 16 tracks and 12 sounds/notes.
  10. No worries. By the way, thanks for taking the time to post the screenshots. Really helps with troubleshooting!
  11. You didn't tick "compressed graphics"
  12. Yeah, 16 tracks and 12 notes. 11 notes of you wanna be a stickler about sound effects not cutting out your music, but that's only for footsteps on the map and battle sound effects. I don't know of any because I never use any, but there are programs that exist.
  13. I imported the entire soundtrack from FE12 so that's what I'm using
  14. I'd love to do overworlds but only if there's new battle sprites to base them off - not really interested in doing smalltime edits. So if you manage to get some nice battle sprites going I'd be more than happy to help out!
  15. Your art style reminds me Another World/Out of this World, and in a good way. There's a bit too much jump to his swing, though. His club just kind of teleports, along with his arm. If he were to also raise his club arm while turning, that would make a bit more sense. Or if he were to swing upwards instead.
  16. It probably has more than 16 colours, open the image in Usenti and check the palette thingy there just to be sure
  17. Your first question would probably be answered by this thread As for the second one, I'm not sure.
  18. It's a recolour, so of course it looks passable. It just looks like Eliwood with blue hair.
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