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Everything posted by Agro

  1. The head is HUGE. The eyes are too high up, the mouth is about 2 px too low, and the jaw is inhumanly large. The jawline should go back and then up into the ear, not continue to the back of his neck. The collar's lower origins are inconsistent. Is it coming from behind the gold trim on his armour, or in front? The collar on our left seems to indicate it comes from inside the gold trim, but the one on our right says it comes from outside. Which one is it?
  2. Where are you sourcing these colours from? Just grab them from existing FE portraits, your current ones look kind of horrible. As for using less outlines, ideally the 3rd or 4th shade should be dark enough such that it can substitute for an outline. I would reference with existing FE portrait such as the cavaliers to get an idea of how to do this. Your line work is okay but the shading is just all over the place. You can't be using the outline as much as you are at the moment for FE7/8 style portraits.
  3. You'll need to change some of the notes so that the Eb3s and Ds and I think there are some notes that are drum roll sounds which means they aren't compatible with general MIDI unless you manually turn them into lots of individual notes. Are you using the native instruments or general MIDI?
  4. As long as you're not importing the entire sound library from FE12 you should be fine. Which is what I did. And may get me into trouble at some point.
  5. it makes it boring when everyone is equally usable but they don't provide any new layers of strategy
  6. who has time to reconstruct every single game mechanic in path of radiance back into a 13 year old game anymore?
  7. It's probably a problem with the percussion, you need to either change some of the drum notes or fill in the blanks oh I wrote a tutorial on it, that's right http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=56934&hl=boop
  8. If she's a mage then the scarf should flutter around in a loop like a mage cloak.
  9. Which BMP file are you using?
  10. Agro


    that one is anything you want to be. it's any pointer that happens to be in free space. we generally recommend putting it somewhere between D00000 and E00000 or from 0x1000000 onwards
  11. Branching paths should be very easy, although the execution may not be as smooth as you want it to be. Looks promising but I'll refrain from further commentary until I see some screens!
  12. Why don't you just tether WiFi from your phone?
  13. how are you hacking without a computer?
  14. I don't understand what you mean by "human-readable" code.
  15. The easiest thing to do would be to study existing portraits
  16. it's a little bit spoilery, but one of the main villains comes into existence by way of two half-siblings getting married and having kids (they didn't know it at the time).
  17. Oh, uh... sure. I don't think I really did that much but no worries!
  18. Did you expand the class table? What's the address of the original?
  19. Question: have you ever thought of doing horse models with Blender?
  20. Question: is there any way for me, a PAL 3DS user, to access the US eShop with something like tubehax?
  21. Spoiler alert, FEXNA actually already uses 32x32 tiles. They are FE tiles doubled in size and then scaled back down.
  22. please search "palettes" in hacking resources
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