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Everything posted by SniperGYS

  1. Probably to add emphasis in that Nohr was more a war kingdom than Hoshido??
  2. Klein, I will love to have him just because I like him... I only have 19 orbs and bad luck. This sounds hard
  3. Armor units? I'm doomed even before the quest start, I have the grand total of 0 armor units! And Flying units? The only good one I have is Shaana but she is lv 26 only ahahahaha, that's it, I'm doomed xD!
  4. Ephraim has become a meme thanks to Heroes
  5. Why do I choose a side when I can choose both? Even if I'm not an actual fan of Xander, I choose both sides! Better have all 8 siblings than only 4
  6. I always do everything for fun, and this game is not an exception! I'm sure some people think that I did wrong for making my Oboro a 5 stars, but hey, I wanted her in my team, and I wanted her to be shiny! My team is obvious not a competitive one, but is the one I'm enjoying. Similar to Pokémon or in Fates (in which my team are only Takumis and Oboros), I always make my teams only with what I like.
  7. They will add more chapters to the story too, I think, since there are stuffs with no answer, so there is still more to come, and they are going to add the inheritance skills, that could keep players working on their teams for more time now. Also, you can send an email to the developers and tell them of what your think about the game! At first I thought you will receive a common answer, but I still send an email asking them for something, and I received a good answer, the person who reply did really read what I wrote, so, they are probably taking in account all the feedback they got
  8. You can see my post with some pictures of the chapter, if you have interest: Here Aaaaaand, the chapter ended bad haha... Leo can't survive the attack of the axe user or the lance user... Welp, looks impossible haha. He is lv 36 but even with Oboro's help, he can't stand the hits. Oh well, I will keep trying, if not, at least I got the 2 stars Robin!
  9. I see, then I lv him up to lv 35 and try to beat the hard map! Oboro will keep him the more safe she can with her def boost for the axe user and I will see what happens! If he survive the enemy turn, then I can aply the same I did for the easy map to kill the enemies that survive Leo The scans are from the Revelation Anthology! From a chapter in which Oboro, with some "help" from Charlotte, try to teach Rinkah how to use chopsticks (and Oboro manage to forge the Indestructible chopsticks xD)
  10. Oh yeah, maybe she can't... Mmm Leo is at lv 34 right now, but Linde have a boost for Res, maybe I can lost a turn so, she can activate her boosting skills for Leo, then I use Oboro to use her Def boost on him too, and finally I move him to deal with the mages and axe user. Could this be able to do the trick? Maybe I will try to lv Leo up a bit more too
  11. I have only completed the easy map for FRobin, it was actually easy thanks to Leo, he handed all the mages alone... Even when I forget to take care of the enemy with the switch position skill! But Leo dealed with everything very good, all the enemies that survived ended near him, so I let Takumi and Oboro to kill them and then I finished FRobin with Leo (who, even with the advantage of her weapon, she did poor damage to him). I don't think that Leo would be able to deal the hard map in the same way, maybe I will try with Linde instead, since I have her at good lv.
  12. Here is my 5 stars Oboro if you still need it You can see both her stats before becoming a 5 stars, and the ones she get after "promoting" Name: Oboro HP: 17 Atk: 17 Spd: 7 Def: 9 Res: 5 Weapon Skill: Heavy Spear+ Assist Skill: Rally Defense Passives Skill: Seal Def 3, Threaten Res 3 Plus here is a screen of her at lv 20 if it can be of help
  13. I have 20 orbs, and all the maps in Lunatic intact... I really want the twins right now, and I'm not sure if waste my orbs or not. What I want the most are Geoffrey, Elincia, Camus and Innes but there is still no release time for them, so, I'm not sure if waste my orbs on trying the twins or what (and I already have the castle at 100%)
  14. Yeah I still play, not as much as last year but that is because of my job and other stuffs (plus I can't play in the public bus anymore because godamn insecurity). My idea of playing the three routes in Lunatic hasn't changed yet, and I'm near to complete Birthright Lunatic. And yep, still love the game, the only thing that has changed is that I hate Conquest story even more now that I played it. I got all the Fates Anthologies and I'm happy with them. Cipher probably will got more Fates expansions, since Izana hasn't showed up, and the bosses like Iago still don't have a card, so there is still room for more Fates cards. The only thing that keeps me still sad is about the DLC... But, Animal Crossing got a DLC years after its release, right? So, I still have a small hope on the festival DLC's ... Very small but... there is still some hope left... I think...
  15. I consider the three paths as canon, just different "universe" ... But since I hate Conquest story too much, I'm going for Revelation, why? Because I love the cheesy ending of both families happy and alive
  16. Yesterday I got 40 orbs and decided to use 20 into trying to get the siblings... Well... It was bad luck... These what I got: 4 stars Chrom, 4 stars Hawkeye, and 3 other characters of 3 stars... It sounded like a waste, but at least now I finally have a 4 stars axe user, so I'm keeping Hawkeye, the other 4 characters were exchanged for feathers!! Sorry Chrom, but I already have Lyn and I needed those feathers for Oboro, and now I finally 5 stars Oboro! So, at least all those orbs got an use after all I still have 20 orbs and all the Lunatic free orb, but I'm not sure if trying another summon for the siblings again or keep saving my orbs
  17. Saizo... And I'm actually not a fan of him even in Fates, but he keeps appearing, an as a 3 stars... I'm not even bothering to keep one... Game, really I want Kagero or Gaius. Also Odin, not a fan of him either, and 3 stars too... Welp, at least I won some feathers
  18. INNES!! Gimme me the Prince jerk of Frelia!!! I really really want Innes! Also Naesala, Ranulf, Jill, Echidna, Geoffrey, Elincia, Colm, Lyon... ... And Kiragi since I want Oboro to have her kid around haha
  19. Oh that's good, because I wan to see Oboro's one, but since I still can't upgrade her to 5, then, Takumi and Lynwill reach 40 first. I'll tell my friend too. Thanks a lot!
  20. Let's make him a Kinshi Knight (with a personal skill that nullify the weekness to arrows)
  21. I got Leo today!! Now I have 4 charas with 5 stars! (and a soon to be 5 Oboro)
  22. They are going to dissapear after the end of this "event" ???
  23. Hi, I'm here again with a question from a friend, since I didn't knew what to answer her. That conversation you have from the 5 stars characters after reaching lv 40... You only have it for the first character you lv up to 40 or for every character that reach 40? I don't have anyone in 40, so... I wasn't able to answer her but now I'm curious too, because if this is only for the first one, then Takumi will wait in lv39 until Oboro reach lv40, since I already read his conversation in tumblr
  24. Now I was thinking I would like to see... Small "supports" between characters when they are in the castle? Like similar to Awakening's DLC conversations, like that one between Lucina and Seliph. If you have both Lucina and Seliph, maybe they can exchange some words to each other about their story. This could be like just for fun in watching interaction between two characters from different games. And if they add Innes in the future, I would like to see him fightingtalking with Takumi Innes: Let's see who is better! Takumi: Of course is me, I have a sacred weapon! Innes: I have one too! Is probably a useless idea, but... Idk, I would like to see it, for giggling and fun -- Another idea I got is like an option for customising our "tactics". We can't decide what our characters will do when defending in the Arena, but maybe they could add an option to choose what the AI could do to the characters. For example: If our team is based in powerfull characters, we choose an option to make them go full aggro. If our team is one based in supporting and boosting each others, we could choose to keep them in "defense stance" , so they wait to get attacked, and in their turn, they heal or boost themselves and using the obstacles to their own benefit instead to go to break them. I say this because I have won some battles taking advantage on how sometimes the AI move the characters just to break the obstacles instead of attacking me, leaving them vulnerable to my archers or mages. And other times I watched the AI using the characters with boosting skill (like the boost defense skill), using the skills after the enemies attack instead of before attacking and I don't know if is an error or what. Maybe the maps are too small for aplying something like that, but... If they add bigger maps, maybe it could help?
  25. I want the Reposition thing too... In arena sometimes I get problems because of it... Also feathers as rewards in the tower too... And, maybe and option to get 1 summoning for free every week (only open 1 orb for free)? I played a previous gacha that allowed the player to summon a character for free 1 time peer week, so... Maybe this could be an option. And of course the ovbvious more chapters since the story is not complete.
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