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Everything posted by SniperGYS

  1. I always fill all the spots in a chapter. For Birthright I used all the siblings, Corrin, Kagero, Oboro, Kaden, Selkie, Kiragi, Kana, Joker and Hana the most. That is 13, if I needed more characters or I just wanted to use different ones, then Hinata, Kaze and Azura took the place For Revelation where, the 8 siblings, Corrin, Kiragi, Kagero, Velouria, Selkie and Shigure, so 14, and again if there were space left or I wanted some changes, it was filled with Keaton, Azura, Kana, Midori And now I'm near to finish Conquest and I'm using: Corrin, the 4 siblings, Niles, Nina and Effie, that is 8 characters, but I use some Takumis and Oboros to fill the number of characters (most of the times 2 Takumis and 2 Oboros), sometimes I use Forrest and Kana too Yeah, I like to use the more I can... Minus in Conquest LoL
  2. Anyone over Odin Laurent!! I would have liked to see Laurent! Kid is one of my favorites and he receives so little...
  3. I'm overcoming the emotions of fighting (and killing) Takumi and Oboro in Conquest with a bunch of Takumi's and Oboro's recruited from other castles. So, now half my team in Conquest are different Takumis and Oboros... And one Oboro!Kiragi I found. This is making Conquest more enjoyable for me but still make me feel sad, so, the last healing for me will be to play Birthright with only Takumi and Oboro and a weaponless Corrin after I beat Conquest
  4. For favorite and well written: Takumi x Oboro, the one and only... ... But I also think that Leo & Forrest is very good too, then there is Leo & Takumi because some bias for both of them being like little kids but winning development in the end, Sakura & Elise and Hinoka & Camilla are good too... And I don't know if it counts, but Takumi and Subaki conversation in the Halloween DLC is very good too (I just wish it doesn't get modified in localization)
  5. I will try that next time, thanks! --- I forget which number is who mmm Kaze - I like him and he is speedy, with problems for his strenght but still very useful. And of course I can't understand his possible dead on birthright, but aside of that, I like him in general. Azama - As a unit he is interesting, as a character he is a jerk haha, but at least he didn't want to hide it, he accept to be a jerk, so I give him points for that. The best of him shines in his supports with Effie Gunther - I don't hate him or anything, but I will never forgive him for what he does in Revelation... Is like, Nothing against you, but if I had the choice of forgiving, I will never accept it LoL Azura - My favorite Azura is troll!Azura, the one from the Anthologies and her supports with Sakura, it really give her a bit more of personality, how I wish we could see more of troll!Azura in the games Mozu - Similar to Kaze, I like her, I can't see anything wrong in her, yeah, she is good. Yukimura - I don't know a lot of him, so like any of the others characters who can support only Corrin, I would have liked to learn more of him Setsuna - Similar to Dwyer and Mitama, I don't know what to think of her... Hehe, in my mind she sounds like the perfect mother for both of them in terms of personality. But this last time, I trained her, and she was fine, maybe I will use her in my team next time I play birthright again Soleil - Somehow I like this girl, I know all the controversy around her, but I still find some bits of her personality that I like. For some reason I started to ship her with Forrest. Reina - Same as a Yukimura. Her whole sadistic side is interesting LoL Xander - Oh boy, actually... He is the sibling I like less... The story make him look really bad in the three routes and I find him a bit boring? Probably only me but I find him a bit boring, he is just less interesting than other characters to me, still he is ok. In game I call him the wall on a horse, because of good defense but not good spd. Asugi - I like Gaius in Awakening, and marry him every time I play, but somehow I can't connect with Asugi, idk why. For the small bits I see of him, he isn't that bad. Shiro- Little Cheese make me remember Ephraim, but Ephraim Cheese is better with girls. It looks that I screawed him in my games, since in both files he ended with a magic mom, but... eeehh, is fine, he will stay as a Basara Siegbert- I like him more than his dad for sure, but I haven't used him as a unit (like most of the childrens). I was thinking in making him a Dread Fighter and see what he could be able to do
  6. I'm sure is only me, but I hate this part from Oboro and Silas' S support: "I look forward to seeing just how good a Nohrian can be!" I think it sounds like a common phrase from nsfw movies (again, maybe is just my impression) and it make it sound that she can't see how good Nohrians are before marry one? Did she really need to marry one, to see how good they are?... Also Oboro's supports with Azama are a mistake too, but actually most of Azama's romantic supports are bad Then, there are some of what Silas says in his supports that I don't like, one of the bigger examples is this with Hana "So I can infer the loyalty Lady Sakura deserves from the quality of your fighting. She must not deserve much if this is how you fight in her name..." Anything coming from Corrin x Siblings S supports too... And... I don't like the phrase that was changed from Kagero and Takumi's C support
  7. Probably the most random and weird one that I did was Hana x Jacob in my Birthright file... It just... Happened, when I noticed they already had unlocked support C... Then somehow they got to B... And then I decided to see where was this going, then I ended finding a bit funny the S support and I was like: Ok, I keeped it. Next one, but it wasn't random, was Benny x Rinkah, he was the only one left to marry, and I only had 2 girls left, but he only was able to support Rinkah, so they got together. I don't know, I ended liking it, and I think that Ignatius looked kinda cool with white hair, still a bit weird since I'm not the bigger fan of both Ignatius and Benny
  8. 33) Benny - I'm probably the only one that don't like him. I find him boring, and actually... I'm a bit tired of his type of character (scaring looking guy who is in fact a muffin), also... like I already say, I'm not fan of the Knight class. I only used him for filling supports and nothing more... But at least I think I like him with Rinkah (maybe) 34) Arthur - I tried using him... He varely acerted a hit, poor hero-guy, I was only able to train him after giving him certain blow :/ , at least he have a fun personality 34.5) Iago - He can go to hell with Hanz 35) Hisame - He is lacking something ... I don't know exactly what, but I like the small bits of what he does in Heir of Fates 36) Camilla - Ahhh, she is ok... I prefer Hinoka over her but, she is ok... I just would like that she wasn't very possesive of Corrin. As a unit, I prefer her as a wyvern Lord haha 36.5) Izana - He is so funny! What happens to him in Revelation is very stupid! Just a pointless event to make the route "tragic"... maybe I'm saying too much by mention this here, but I'm actually tired of people blaming Takumi for his death, when in fact he dies for doing a special ritual to give Corrin a message, but oh well... Anyway, forget that little rant, how I wish he was still around in Revelation, and to see him with more supports, maybe with every royal to see how they deal with him 37) Nina - I would like to know how she started her hobby haha, like if Niles talked her into it or what... Her relationship with Niles is interesting 38) Dwyer - He falls in the same area than Mitama, I just don't know what to think of him... But I find funny how he tries to "educate" Kiragi
  9. For what I know, the only way to carry skills are via the 5 characters you upload in the logbook after you finish a game. That will allow you to buy the skills from one file, to the characters of another file (I did this for Takumi with Birthright to Revelation)
  10. Oboro with Forrest! Not as a mother, and of course only C to A supports, but I would like to see both of them talking about the different type of clothings between nations And what a bout Niles x Orochi? I wanted so bad of let them get married... But no :(
  11. 27) Orochi - She is like that mom that say embarrassing stories about her kids to anyone she found, but I wish she learn when to stop, especially for the sake of Takumi... it took them reaching to A support until she realise that he don't like how she talks about him mmm... I used her for a bit in Hoshido and she did fine, but couldn't use her in Revelation. 26) Mitama - I can't understand her haha, she just sleep. Never used her as a unit since I don't know what to do with her actually... 29) Charlotte - I liked her supports with Arthur, and I would like to learn to use her in my team, but she is in a class I never used before, so... maybe after a while, I could learn how properly train her 30) Odin - I found him annoying in Awakening, so having him back in Fates, didn't make him happy... I still find him annoying, so is the same like in Awakening, he is just here in my castle, but only was used for supports and nothing more. I'm just not a fan of characters with his personality 30.5) Zola - Even of what happened with him in Birthright, I still don't like him... Actually made me go "YAAAAAAY!" when Leo kills him in the 3 routes 31) Peri - I couldn't use her? She joins in a terrible moment of Revelation, and that was a big bump (I don't grind that much, only for supports). I'm still asking myself why she can't support with Oboro btw, since both girls got their parents killed infront of them, I was expecting the girls talking about it 32) Midori - I would never accept the "I'm an adult now" thing!! She is a smol girl with less than 13 years and nobody will make me think the contrary *looking at localization team* . She is right now in the ninja class and she is doing fine... and her supports with Kiragi are cute (????)
  12. I only remember the exact first and second places: 1- Geoffrey 2 - Elincia The other 3, in no especific order, were: Nephenee, Haar and Ike Sometimes, Soren, Mia and Jill pop up in the top 5 too!
  13. 25) Hinata - Usually, I can't stand characters with his personality, but somehow it didn't happen with Hinata, I actually enjoy him around, and he even was in my Birthright team. He isn't one of my most favorite characters, but I like him, he is fun and I'm glad he wasn't annoying like other characters with similar personalities. 26) Silas - I don't like him at all, and I really hate that he called himself my best friend... And of course I don't like how he treats some of the girls. I can't talk of him as a unit, because really, I will never use him again (At the beginning of my Birtyhright file he was in my team, but after reading some of his supports with the girls, I stopped using him). 26.5) Hans - He can go to hell and I love to put a critical on his face.
  14. 23) Leo- My favorite character from Nohr (I'm not a big fan of the Nohrians, so, he have it easy), he is a very well written character and his interactions with Forrest are very good, showing he can learn from his errors and work to be better. Since I always use my favorite characters in my team, he won a spot, and has stayed with me in the whole game, but I always reclass him quickly to Dark Flyer, to give him more speed... Also he looks good in that class, the black and gold armor don't make him look very different to his default Dark knight. 24) Hayato- I used him a lot in the first half of Revelation, where he have a better start than in Birthright, he wasn't that bad, and did a good job for the time I used him, I just... Would have liked that he had a good start in Birthright too, so I could use him more (I didn't wanted to grind too much in my birthright file, that's why I couldn't use Hayato)
  15. Her supports with Kiragi are very cute, and both love going to the mountains so win-win for them???
  16. Takumi's "OH, THAT'S IT!!" - I just love it every time he say it... Oh and his "proud laugh" when he get a good lv up Oboro - Same as Takumi Kaden and Selkie's laugh Shigure singing "Happy Birthday" Kiragi's "YAAAAAAAAAY!" and "NICE!"
  17. 19) Kagero - I'm not sure how, but somehow she become one of my favorite units actually, thanks to my birthright file. I keeped her for Revelation too, and she totally rocked my game, destroying generals with no problem. She is cool too. 20) Kana - My Dragofoxy kid, he is cute and all, but I don't use him that much like Morgan in Awakening, and I really didn't like how the localization "killed" the S supports, if localization team didn't wanted to put him in actual marriage, they could have made like with FKana and Kiragi support but noooo, let friendzone the poor kid minus with Selkie... And poor kid ended alone in my file since Selkie is his sister lol. After realising that out of me, I will add that I don't like their personal skill, I want the kid in another class but that make the personal skill pointless 21) Jacob - His backstory is interesting, and kinda I can see why he is very rude with people, I think I give him credits for acepting that he is rude with others, as a unit he is Ok, but I don't see something remarcable over others... Maybe I need to try him in another class 22) Effie - Ok, I'm not a fan of Knights-Generals class, actually I never use them... Until now that I'm playing conquest and since I'm not using lot of conquest characters (just the siblings, Niles and her), she stayed in the team, and she is doing very well
  18. 12) Saizo - I actually don't use Saizo, since I prefer Kagero, so I really don't have an opinion of him, but what I can say, is that his seiyuu is one of my favorites, and if Fates had dual audio, probably I could have used him more, just for hear Tarusuke's voice 13) Velouria - I ended liking her as a unit, and she perform very good in my game (in where Camilla is her mom). But I found her attachmend to her dad a bit weird 14) Fuga - Since he joins very late, I actually didn't had the opportunity to use him, it could have been more interesting to see more of his story, so yeah, the lack of supports affect him 15) Subaki - I never thought that I would end using him a lot in my Birthright file, but it happened and I'm ok with it. He is a bit weird as a unit, and I feel that he did better as a Swordmaster for the time I reclassed him than in his default class. 16) Hinoka - Ooooh Hinoka, she become one of my powerhouse in both Birthright and Revelation! Actually she was my final MVP in my first Revelation file. Very fundamental in my team, but I prefer her as a Spear Master, and I actually like her english voice
  19. They look very cool and all but... I don't want to throw more money unless is Leo or Takumi or both... Or one of Oboro!!! Elise nendoroid looks very cute though, I'm sure people will love it to have it
  20. Good from you to do this, I'm thinking in do the same with my cipher codes, but i'm still unsure... I want this theme so much! Is very cool! The worst part is that I have the code to download it from my Cipher cards, but my 3DS is American so... No way to download it!
  21. #1: Laslow/Inigo - I love Inigo in Awakening, but... I'm actually not very happy to have awakening characters back... I'm not angry either, but is not the same as before, so, he ends in the ok department #2: Shigure - Precious boy. At first I didn't paid too much attention to him, but after training him and specially, after Heir of Fates, now he is one of my favorite kids. He is such a sweet boy. He is Kaze's kid, so he become very fast. #3: Selkie - She is funny, and omg her spd!! Since my Corrin is married to Kaden, I use her a lot, and I'm happy with her. #4: Flora - She is ok, I don't use her that much, but I like to see her around in my castle #5: Scarlet - I'm salty for what happend to her in Conquest and Revelation. Good in Hoshido, she was in my team a lot (not all the time, but a lot). She deserved better, and I still believe that it would have been better if in Conquest she joints you to start a real revolution from inside the country #6: Selena/Severa - Same as Laslow. #7: Nyx - I actually don't know what to think of her, she is interesting but... I can't see to find the way to use her in my team??? #8: Takumi - Favorite character material here. He is awesome as a unit, and one of the best characters in the game. He is always in my team since the moment he join, and always do an awesome job. He didn't deserve what happens to him in Conquest (I hate Conquest story a lot! ), and I don't mind his hate agains Corrin or other Nohrians, since he have good reasons for them, but the most important part is that he learns that not everyone in Nohr are bad people and he starts making good relationships with them. #9: Corrin - Oh god... Sometimes I'm ok with Corrin, and sometimes I want to punch them!! Specially in Conquest, I want to punch Corrin in the face to mae them search a better way to do stuffs... But oh well, in the end, Corrin is in the ok department #10: Sophie - She is funny, and I like her more than her dad... I didn't use her that much, but I actually ship her a lot with Hisame haha #11: Shura - Same as Nyx
  22. I have these two up in my castle, the team is on hold, and the throne is free (the only thing is the dark dragon up). Castle code: 15741-38400-87603-16245
  23. I have both of these: Buuuuut... My modem died yesterday... And it was supposed that my service will send someone to fix it today, so... if you both can wait for a day, I can upload them tomorrow... Still even if my internet is not fixed, I can always take my 3ds to my office job, so if there is no hurry and someone else don't have them, I can update my castle tomorrow!
  24. My chosen husband is Kaden, he looks so fluffy, cute and he is adorable... But I still think the best guys in everything are Takumi and Leo, I just prefer them with other characters more, since I don't like the idea of them with the avatar (and still I'm going to marry my Conquest avatar with Leo since I don't like the other conquest characters as husbands mmmm)
  25. I didn't start with a hate on characters, it was all the other way around: characters I thought that I would like but I ended disliking. Overall, I can divide the characters like this: My favorite ones (Takumi, Kagero, Oboro, etc), The ones I like (Hana, Kaze, Keaton, etc),The ones I don't find interesting but I'm ok with them (like Odin, Saizo, etc) and the ones I don't like (Benny, Silas, etc) But there a lot of characters I just didn't pay too much attention at first and now are in my favorites or I just like them a lot, like Shigure and Soleil, also Kagero who become one of my favorites after my first Birthright play
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