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Book Bro

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Everything posted by Book Bro

  1. Aversa, Flavia, and Basilio, Gangrel GHB and Idk who for TT but keep Validar forever shunned in the corner please.
  2. Dieck (sword), Guinevere (blue? Could borrow Aureola), Lalum (dagger), and Lugh (red), Echidna TT, Idunn GHB (armoured dragon?) Elphin (mage refresher), Perceval (sword), Miledy (sword just to make her stand out among wyverns?), and Brunnya (green) after that, with Gonzalez TT, and Gale (lance) GHB.
  3. Archanea is really overdue imo. I'd like Nyna (healer), Wolf (coloured bow?), and normal Hardin, Caeda alt if they want, Xane TT, and Gharnef GHB After that, Etzel, Lena, and Elice, Bantu TT, Gotoh GHB. I think if Medeus is gonna be playable he should be a Legendary Hero.
  4. Altena, Sarah, and Homer, Mareeta TT, Travant GHB. This is assuming they'd add Altena and Travant as Thracia characters but if they're added as Genealogy characters then switch it to Mareeta, Sarah, Homer banner, Othin TT, Raydrick GHB. Kind of harder for me to make theme here since it's the game I have the least experience with, but these are characters I remember liking.
  5. Tethys, Gerik, and Selena, Ewan TT, Caellach GHB Then Knoll, Natasha, Cormag, and Vanessa if they want another woman on it, Saleh TT, and Duessel GHB.
  6. For laguz, the first banner could be something like Ranulf, Lethe, and Reyson, TT Mordecai, and GHB Tibarn. I would've put Tibarn in the banner itself but I'm not sure how they'll handle the laguz kings. I'm pretty sure Naesala and Deghinsea at least will be GHB so maybe they all will be. For non laguz, I'd like Jill, Haar, and Ilyana, Pelleas TT, and Ashnard GHB for a Daein theme.
  7. This is my favourite new trend :P Of the remaining cast I want Tatiana, Python, and Rinea (light mage dancer?), Atlas as TT, and Rudolf as GHB. Not sure how likely that is. I don't see it as that unlikely but they would probably add Silque instead of Rinea and maybe switch the TT and GHB to Conrad and Jedah or Nuibaba respectively. So my idea for a second banner would be Silque, Valbar, Forsyth, an alt for Celica with the Golden Dagger to make this more tempting, Conrad TT, Jedah GHB.
  8. I think Pent and Louise are a must. I'd like Nils but I do think they may go with Erk instead. If they want a second female character, then I'd personally want Leila just because I always wanted her to be playable in FE7. It would probably be Fiora or Farina though. GHB... my biased pick is Limstella with Bolting, my semi-realistic pick is Sonia with Fimbulvetr (I say semi-realistic because all the Black Fang adults have been GHB but she screams whale bait), and my actual guess is Nergal. Nothing against the guy but I'd be much more excited for the morphs. TT should be Rath. He should've been added a long time ago. I think a free bow cavalier would be appreciated. With all that said I'll propose two banners like in the Fe4 thread. First, Pent, Louise, Fiora, GHB Limstella, TT Rath Second, Nils, Sonia, Farina, GHB Nergal, TT Leila/Erk if Leila is too much to hope for :(
  9. Brigid, Lex, and Aideen, Manfroy GHB. Shannan, Tine, and Oifey, Hilda GHB. Altena is probably my most wanted Jugdral character now but I do kind of feel she'd be saved for a Thracia banner. I'd also like Ced and Arthur but on a later banner. And Emperor Arvis could always be a Legendary Hero instead of a GHB.
  10. No, having the Awakening kids in Fates was jarring and convoluted, even if I like them. And Caeldori and co were even worse. It would've been better to have original characters. In the case of Anna, I would like her back but as others have said I'd rather she be a shopkeeper or some other type of helpful NPC. Ideally without the gold digging/multiple Annas gimmick that's made her more annoying than likeable to me recently.
  11. 1. I said yes just because it's a bonus that while I've never planned around it, it can add a little extra strategy in who you support with who. 2. No, I don't want marriage. I would be fine with S supports if they're just paired endings, but including all types of relationships and not just romantic ones. Kids are a no no at all costs unless they are integral to the story (ie: there's a time skip). 3. Base because I feel it allows for more variety and it's less awkward for two people to be chatting off the battlefield. 4. No, it's more important to have a good quantity. Of course, if they can make them voiced then that's great. It's just not a must for me. 5. I think this is worded a bit confusingly, it could be taken as "not everyone can support with everyone" but I think the intended meaning is "a unit can have 5 conversations per campaign" like in the GBA games. For the former it's a yes, I don't think everyone needs to talk to everyone. For the latter, no, I would like to be able to view all supports in a single play through.
  12. It's time for Dieck, Guinevere, and Lalum, with Idunn GHB. I'll also accept Nils, Pent, and Louise, with Sonia GHB. I don't think we're seeing laguz/beasts until Book III.
  13. 1. Micaiah: I've voted for her every time, I want her to get a Brave version and with the most popular ladies out of the running and her now having two good versions in Heroes she may have a good shot this time. 2. Elincia: One of my favourites and I'd like to see better art for her. 3. Jill: Can't believe she isn't in the game yet, being so popular. I don't expect her to win but she deserves to rank high. 5. Lewyn: He's finally in the game, but I'd be interested in seeing what a Brave version would be like. 6. Black Knight: He's been getting a lot of Smash Bros attention so regardless of whether he gets in or not I expect him to rank higher this time. 7. Marth: He deserves a Brave version. ...and on my second account: 1. Arvis: The best villain in the series. 2. Pelleas: I actually like him in RD. 3. Leif: While I've only seen a play through of FE5, he struck me as an interesting lord. 4. Haar: Another favourite from RD who should be in the game. 5. Nino: She's gotten more popular so she may even have a shot at top 2. Would be interesting to see an adult Nino. 6. Jaffar: A favourite from my first FE. 7. Minerva: An awesome character who I feel doesn't get enough attention.
  14. Sora is my number one, but I don't think he's very likely (prove me wrong Sakurai). I'd also love Neku from TWEWY or, slightly better odds, Agnes or Tiz from the Bravely series. However, I think Terra or Noctis are the most probable and I would be happy with either or both. I personally don't care much for Geno. I know he's popular but I would feel a bit disappointed if they went with him instead of anyone I mentioned.
  15. I think a summer banner or a special theme like the yukatas would fit Ike much better than playing holiday dress up. I could see him being in a more general winter banner that isn't specifically Christmas themed. Or in carolers clothes, that would be interesting.
  16. As an Ike fan, I don't care even a little bit that he doesn't have a seasonal alt. In fact, as an Ike fan, I'd find it out of character for him to be dressing up for Halloween. This Halloween banner is objectively good. It has characters from 3 different generations of FE and none of the outfits are embarrassing.
  17. I'm really surprised that Arvis was the one father to move on, over Hector and Robin who are much more popular than their daughters. Hoping the victor of Arvis or Lilina can take the win.
  18. I had hoped that Legendaries would be rare, that only characters who actually did legendary things would be given the title. Marth, Tiki, Ephraim, Ike, Robin, and Lucina make sense as Legendary heroes; Lyn, Hector, and Ryoma less so, even if I like them. I think it'd be cool to add some actual legends this way too for maximum fanservice. As far as OCs, I wouldn't mind more being legendary as long as they earn it. Neither Fjorm nor Gunnthra really did anything legendary in book II. I expect that we'll just get all the lords and the Fates royals regardless of whether they're actually legendary.
  19. My totally unfounded guess is we'll get one newcomer and possibly an echo this month. Then November will have a Smash Direct where the remaining 1 to 3 newcomers and X amount of echoes will be shown. DLC will be announced in the January Direct.
  20. I'll go with Arvis first, then stick with any of Arvis, Julia, Hector, or Lilina.
  21. Aww, she looks so cute. I'll spend some orbs on blues, greens for Hector, and greys for Maribelle.
  22. 1. Ken (Street Fighter): echo 2. Incineroar (Pokemon): newcomer 3. Elma (Xenoblade): newcomer 4. New Square Enix character: newcomer 5. Isaac (Golden Sun): newcomer 6. Shadow (Sonic): echo 7. Medusa (Kid Icarus): echo 8. Dixie (DK): DLC echo 9. Rex and Pyra (Xenoblade): DLC newcomer 10. Malos (Xenoblade): DLC echo 11. Pokemon DLC newcomer 12. Pokemon DLC echo 13. Heihachi (Tekken): DLC newcomer 14. Jack Frost (SMT): DLC newcomer 15. Impa (Zelda): DLC echo 16. ARMS DLC newcomer
  23. Interesting idea. Okay let's see... One of the first series I got into as a kid. I started with Link's Awakening and Ocarina of Time, but I think I have the fondest memories of Wind Waker, playing with my sisters when we were all growing up. Wind Waker is one of the best games in the series for me because of the characters, the setting, the music, and the story. The credits theme encompasses all of that. The first two KH games came out during my early to mid teen years, so of course I related completely to all the melodrama and teenage idealism/angst. Although it's been over 15 years since the debut of the series I've kept up with almost every release. I'll always associate these games and this song with the memories of growing up and starting to discover new feelings. This is where I started really getting into RPGs, which became my favourite genre. Previously I'd only played Pokemon and some Dragon Quest, but the former had been losing its appeal and I'd never gotten much into the latter. The world of the first two GS games pulled me in so much and the amazing music was a big part of that. Along with Golden Sun, this game played a big part in introducing me to the broader RPG world. It felt much different than other games I'd played, more mature in a way. I started to see games a little differently after this and story and character development became more important to me. Sort of cheating because what I really like here is the 8 Melodies from Earthbound and the Love Theme from Mother 3. I played Mother 3 a few years ago when I was going through a rough time, which in hindsight may have been a bad idea because of how emotional of a game it is, but it really made me take a hard look at everything going on in my life and snap out of the negativity. It's the only time I've cried in a video game. I played Earthbound some time later, and while I didn't react as strongly to it, it still moved me and the two are cemented as some of my favourite games. ... No FE unfortunately, not because it isn't worthy of mentioning, but there's just so many impactful memories tied to these 5 that I couldn't have left any of them out. I was going to name an honourable mention for FE but I'm torn between two pieces of music, so I'll just leave it for a future favourite FE music thread haha.
  24. Since release day and checked in pretty much every day. My first 5 star was Lucina and I remember I got Lyn soon after. I used them both for a long time until Ike was released. For CYL1 I picked Ike and didn't get Lyn until a few months later. Still don't have Lucina or Roy. For CYL2 I picked Ephraim and haven't pulled any others. My favourite event is Tempest Trials for all the orbs and free characters, and my least favourite was Voting Gauntlet until I stopped taking it seriously, now it's Forging bonds or whatever the supporting event is called. Overall I'd say the game has improved a lot since the start, and the developers have done a great job listening to feedback and rotating through games for banners. At this point most of my favourites are in the game even if I haven't pulled all of them yet, but it's been great to see old favourites with new art and often voiced for the first time.
  25. Honestly like others have said I don't expect this to happen because they've expressed interest in doing more remakes. But if they did release collections I would be so down. I imagine they could release FE 1, 2, 3, 11, 12 as the Archanea collection; 4 and 5 as the Holy War collection; 6, 7, 8 as the Advance collection; and 9 and 10 as the Radiance collection. The Archanea collection seems big compared to the others but since 2 of the 5 games there are NES and 2 others are remakes it seems like a fair deal. The 3DS games are too recent and they can still sell them separately so yeah. If anything they'd port them to Switch/Switch 2 individually once the 3DS is dead and buried.
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