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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. How they didn't have enough copies to fill all the preorders on time?

    Speaking about that, I still haven't seen it in stock in many places...what, 5ish months later? I wonder if it would have made a significant difference in sales numbers if they had actually produced enough copies to meet the demand. I'm sure there's gotta be some people who ended up not finding it in stores and weren't able/willing to download it. Hopefully next time they don't try to force us to download it. >_>

  2. So lets see.. I forget the exact release dates but we have these upcoming.

    Mario & Luigi Dream Team

    Pokemon X & Y

    Super Mario 3D World

    Wind Waker HD

    A Link Between Worlds

    DKC: Tropical Freeze

    Sonic Lost World

    New Yoshi's Island

    X [Possible Xenoblade sequel]

    FE x SMT [does not have a release date but could before Smash 4 comes out]

    MGS 5 [i think is slated to come out sometime before Smash 4? I dno I forget]

    Sheiiit, Newtwo and Tingle incoming


  3. There's pros and cons to either kind so the best case scenario would be both, but I think the commercial failure of the Radiance games has really turned IS off from the idea of making more big-budget console games. Tbh with FE being so close to cancellation prior to Awakening I'd rather they not risk putting a game on the Wii U especially since it hasn't been selling. Handheld seems to be a fairly safe bet. I even think remakes would do quite well now even if 11/12 didn't, since a) Awakening has boosted the series' popularity and b) they've probably learned what not to do with a remake.

  4. I had an idea for either Chrom or Lucina a while ago:

    Actually, I was trying to think of special moves for Chrom/Lucy. Here's what I got:

    B: Javelin (thrown, charge for distance)

    B >: Pierce (quick sword dash with strong knockback based on their Luna Aether animation)

    B v: Convoy (switch between Lance/Falchion for attacks, Falchion is stronger but lance has longer reach)

    B ^: Couldn't think of one, they might need to borrow Marth's Dolphin Slash which could reference their blood connection I guess

    I suck at thinking up Final Smashes but I like the above poster's idea for Lucina's. Chrom's could be changing into his swimsuit and making all the other fighters automatically faint right off the stage.

  5. Story: Probably isn't joining for maingame unless you cheat her Paralogue = 0.5

    Post: Good skills (Shadowgift <3, Deliverer AND Galeforce, Vengeance, etc), good reclass, good growths/stats = 8 - 0.5 bc no supports

    Rating: 4/10 + bias bc how can you not like boobies flying Nosferatu = 5/10

  6. Story: Paralogue is probably at least endgame-difficult so it will likely wait until postgame. Off chance you do it before he doesn't contribute much besides Amatsu and his good speed = 0.5

    Post: Meh reclass but he does get Lancebreaker to help his swordieness; decent stats I suppose... 4.5 - 0.5 bc no supports

    2.25/10 - bias for 1.25/10

  7. Gameplay: Awakening - Fast-forwarding battles? Skipping enemy turn? DLC worthy of purchase? YES. Also like the reclassing more than in 11 and that supports are easier to get and not limited.

    Story: Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn - I know RD gets a lot of sass for not having the strongest story ever, but I can overlook most of the little things because the rest is very good imo. It's really not until Part 3 where it starts to suffer, but even then it doesn't get to me as much as it bothers others. PoR needs little explanation; awesome villains, pacing, themes, and Ike was definitely the most interesting Lord to date if you ask me.

    Music: I can't choose.

    Characters: Blazing Sword. Protagonists and antagonists. I admit nostalgia might play a bit of a factor.

    Difficulty: Radiant Dawn. It's challenging enough without getting too frustrating, and I actually liked how it switched between POVs.

  8. That sounds like it could have been interesting. But then the first arc would have had to be longer (not necessarily a bad thing) to get all the first gen characters in/married off and a bunch of emergency villager brides and grooms.

    It sounds like it would be tough to balance the enemies' levels/stats, too. I'm picturing the kids starting at near-base level so they wouldn't be too OP by the end of the second arc when the parents come back in. But with grinding to take into account...who's to say the kids wouldn't be miles ahead of the parents and the third arc enemies. I wonder if it'd be possible to put in a mechanic where the enemies' stats adjust themselves to mirror your party's overall levels, with difficulty setting in mind too...

  9. I don't think PKL deserves all this hate. It's a frickin RTU. She's explained why she didn't count certain votes and I think her reasoning is mostly justified. A week from when it ends we will all have forgotten who scored what anyway, some people just need to start fights where there's no need for them.

    Still not as bad as the Tellius one?

  10. This is my constant fear whenever I get a new Nintendo handheld. Happened to my GBA and DS. Blowing into it from the side works for a temporary fix. You'd think they would have come up with a way to prevent it by now though...

  11. Morgan is a second avatar, who can still get veteran, and his only difference between him/her and his/her parent is that there'll be slight stat influence from her mother. Because he can have any parent, he can acquire exclusive skills, exclusive classes, and things that even the Avatar can't get. He also has one of the easiest paralogues.

    The only bad thing is that he joins slightly underleveled; but with the rescources availible and the inherited stats, does that really matter? Also, both Morgans can acquire Galeforks.

    9/10, though with bias it's 10/10, because the optimism and sadism moments are hilarious.

    Copy without bias

    I feel like we didn't do Yarne *checks* d-d-done like rabbit stew

    Thank god never again RTU

  12. Gerome is a pretty balanced unit, so using him is never going to be a real risk. He can hit like an absolute tank if he has the right father (Stahl is a good option) His base class sets are sort of average, but he can still pick up Sol, Rally Strength, and Deliverer, which is decent.

    Gerome has the issue of joining fairly late in the game, So he might have some low stats by comparison with the enemies, but his base stats in general are pretty good.

    I'm not really sure what else to say, his stats are going to be pretty balanced, he's probably one of the strongest units in the game regards to strength, and he has a pretty okay class set.

    5/10 with no bias for 5/10

    This but 6 because strength is ridic, 7 biased

  13. Oh, poor Inigo.

    Your availible class set, combat potential and general use are all very, very nice, considering Olivia's wide range of potential partners, and the decent starting mercenary class, and once you're grinded a bit, you could be very good. You're very similar to Severa, but there's one key difference that hits you HARD.

    Inigo has some bad availibility. Not due to his paralogue, because while it has strong enemies with forges you can draw them out group by group, but because of his mother, Olivia. Her starting stats are renowned for being HORRIBLE. It will take a lot of training her to make sure that Inigo's stats don't purely rely on his father's, and that's what usually causes you to wait so long to get him. This makes it so that you either get him early at very low power, even with skirmishes ahoy, or late in the game where he'll only contribute for a few chapters anyway. Poor Inigo.

    If you manage to get past that, he's as good, if not better, than Severa.

    4.75/10, though 5.25/10 if it's with bias because his flirty nature is amusing.

    That but 5 and 6 biased

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