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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. I love the Cherche love in this thread~

    So Cherche

    + Flies

    + Great strength and defense, pretty good everywhere else

    + Hammer in knight filled chapter/arc

    + Fairly quick access to Deliverer

    + Decent skills via reclass (mainly Renewal and DS+)

    - Magic based reclass sucks for her during story

    - Terrible resistance (seriously it's Chrom bad) and lowish speed

    - Comes halfway through the game a bit underleveled

    - Double weakness, wind magic is especially a problem

    7.5/10 plus bias for 8.5/10 because I love her if it's wrong I don't want to be right

  2. I think it's possible just because of how he worded it, saying the same number is not the same as saying the same characters. But I hope not. I want to be able to play as the Villager and he currently lacks 3DS screens.

    I imagine it would be in Nintendo's interest to make everyone playable on both versions anyway. People who only own a 3DS likely already know about Chrom, but people who only have a Wii U might not. Playing as him in SSBWii U might encourage them to buy Awakening and a 3DS. Same goes for console characters if they're included on the portable game, might boost Wii U sales.

  3. Maribelle's "Darling" because I almost always find myself saying it after she does.

    And then there is just about everything Miriel says: Fascinating. Hold a moment. Why thank you. Very gracious of you. <- I repeat most of those on a daily basis, and am having trouble saying 'thank you' regularly now.

    Haha I'm glad I'm not the only one who repeats lines XD I always do it without thinking and then feel like a fool ._.

    I also tend to repeat Owain's "Hoy there...", Cynthia's "Nuh Uh!", Henry's "Teehee", and probably several others...

  4. I thought I would hate it, but it grew on me. The only times it doesn't work is when they scream full lines ("Don't mess with a bunny" was only funny the first time) but this is only a problem with a few characters. Miriel is probably the best example of how it should work since I can't think of her saying a line longer than "Why thank you" or one that doesn't fit the text.

    I wouldn't mind if they took them out during dialogue but I hope they keep voices in in-battle.

  5. ...


    + Dancer

    + Has combat ability as dancer (even if that sucks terribly)

    + Good reclass

    - Will die if looked at (read: terrible bases)

    - 5 move will put her behind the army quickly, especially if she's giving extra turns

    - Dancing is hardly necessary (yeah, I said it! >_>), not invaluable, though very helpful

    - While her reclass is good in the long run, it takes away her most valuable asset and requires quite a bit of babying (not as bad as other units, but still there nevertheless) due to low offensive and defensive stats



    Dancers are always useful, but I just don't think the ability is as useful here as in other FEs. She's quite slow to level up, especially if she's dancing mostly instead of finishing enemies (which why would she be doing that if the point of her being brought into battle is to dance). If you intend to reclass her, it takes a lot of patience to reach level 10, and she still remains quite fragile for a good while in her new class.

    I would subtract bias to counter the 10s which are too high imo...but instead of being petty I'll be honest and give her a +1 because she's darn cute. 7/10 biased.

  6. I can't help but to see it as a slap in the face to Nintendo. KH has been mostly on Nintendo platforms since 2006. Not to mention Xbox doesn't really mix with JRPGs so it probably won't sell well on there... Of course this is assuming it won't also be on Wii U, but if it was I would have expected them to announce it by now.

  7. Also in case anyone missed this awesome little tidbit from the developer's trailer:

    Sakurai is going to be uploading pictures from his desk of the game onto the Super Smash Bros for Nintendo Wii U and Nintendo 3DS (SSSBfNWu&N3DS haha, please make a smaller name) Miiverse community five days a week.

    Probably just going to give us more info on our three lovely new fighters, but you never know when he'll sneak something new in.

    Agreed on the name, lol.

    I'm thinking Sakurai won't be posting huge reveals very often though, maybe like once every 1-2 weeks, considering there's probably at least a year to go before release. The other pics will probably be movesets and items, and "YOU MUST RECOVER" type things :P. Still exciting though. I'll have to find somewhere online to keep up with the posts.

  8. "GET BUSY DYIN'!"

    Just cuz it's said at the least appropriate times.

    This. And Maribelle's "WRETCHED BEAST" for the same reason XD Pretty sure they say these to each other at some point too.

    I also have to mention all of Owain's, but for some reason the grunt he makes when embarrassed/taken aback is hilariously adorable to me. Right in the pride!

  9. Anyone else like Bowser's new stance? He looked like a hunch back in the old game. Maybe he had some training with the Wii fit trainer.

    At first I didn't like his new stance since it seemed to be going off his more "cartoony" appearances, if you will, but now I think he seems a lot better than he's ever been in the series. He seems lighter and faster for sure.

    Dixie > King K and Toad > Bowser Jr are looking like serious possibilities now, looking at the new DKC and Super Mario 3D World.

    I thought the same for Dixie Kong when I saw her in Tropical Freeze. I'm still not sure about Toad. It seems like they've redone the movesets a bit so whether or not Peach's B move has changed will be quite telling, whenever she is shown, assuming we'd see her before a hypothetical Toad reveal.

  10. Bold: Something tells me that this is wishful thinking... I don't know what you're thinking, thinking that Tharja - a minor character - even has a ghost of a chance of getting in. I'll believe that when I see it. I mean, I'd like to see more FE representation, but I think your way of thinking is wrong.

    Lol, it's totally wishful thinking, hence "but I'm hopeful that..."

    It's 99% surely going to be Chrom or Lucina.

  11. I still think Endgame would be a great stage to fight on...

    Fighting on the back of a dragon? Fighting on the back of a dragon.

    Yes. This needs to happen. Music for said stage would obviously be Id (Purpose) and Id (Hope).

    I want Tiki as an Assist Trophy. Dragonbreathing foes to death. For items maybe Javelins or Hand Axes. Or magical swords. Or all three.

    Since Arena Ferox seems to be in, music I want for it would be Conquest (Ablaze) and a medley of past arena themes (including the ones from Binding Blade and Sacred Stones).

  12. I was surprised to see Villager become playable! I honestly was expecting either Tom Nook or KK Slider. He looks like a fun character, but that permasmile on his face just screams trololol. Mega Man was expected, but I wasn't sure which of his designs they would choose. Looks good, as does his stage.

    DK's fur and Bowser's skin textures look awesome! Link looks sexy. I guess Toon Link won't be back since he appears as part the Spirit Tracks stage. So this means we may possibly see two new Zelda characters after all...Ghirahim most likely, but who else? Tingle? I'd dig it.

    Lol at Samus looking more feminine than usual...


    Stages look pretty good; I also noticed that Arena Ferox-looking one (seems to be 3DS exclusive?). Glad we're finally getting an FE stage that comes from the actual games. Hopefully it's not the only one.

  13. Nintendo...mediocre :/

    SSB looks amazing. The 3DS version looks sufficiently good for me to not need to buy a Wii U. Although it does look like Villager might be Wii U exclusive, so I'll have to wait and see what the deal is in the final product. Villager looks like such a little troll with that blank smile on his face. Mega Man looks great!

    X looks really good too. I take it it's a sequel to Xenoblade, which I didn't get to play. Not quite a system seller for me, unfortunately. Same goes for Wonderful 101 (Superhero Pikmin?)

    I was a bit underwhelmed by Wind Waker HD. It looks nice...but it doesn't look that much different to me. Sailing never bothered me so I don't really care for the new mechanic. Here's hoping the lost dungeons come back though. As for 3DS Zelda, I'm still looking forward to it, but I'm getting slightly more worried that the speculation it's going to be almost cookie-cutter LttP world might be true. Cool new title/logo, it looks like the Dark World will be back somehow.

    Pokemon X/Y continues to unimpress me. The graphics look awful and Fairy type seems weird. Marill and Jigglypuff? Not that I play Pokemon anymore, but it did look interesting at first.

    Sony's made the biggest impression on me so far, though I hear Nintendo might still have more to show. KH3 is now apparently also on Xbox One...and I am not happy. Should be on Wii U before Xbox considering most of the KH franchise is on Nintendo consoles at this point. Lame move, Square Enix.

    Edit: lawl, and I forgot to mention Mario 3D World...which tells you how I feel about it. It looks pretty boring, even if multiplayer looks nice. I don't get why they went this route if they couldn't be assed to make an original entry, Sunshine 2 or Galaxy 3 would have been so much better than 3D 2. Ah well, one less reason for me to get a Wii U.

  14. OH MY GOD

    I hadn't checked any E3 stuff all day until now. I saw FFXV and KH3 announced. My heart started racing. I watched the trailers. Crying and hyperventilating. I can't, Sony, I can't! You're going to make me broke! I've been waiting so long for KH3 ;-; I can hardly believe that trailer is real. And FFXV looks incredible.

    I skipped PS3 but I guess this means I will be buying a PS4 eventually...and I have a feeling Nintendo is going to seriously tempt me to get a Wii U in a few hours. Gah.

    Microsoft, just pack up and quietly excuse yourselves until next gen

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