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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. I agree with everyone who mentioned plot and map design. I won't go into plot, but as for maps after a certain point they started feeling very half-assed. The first one I can think of is the Ferox arena. Also the map in which you first fight Walhart and the map against Gangrel. The Dragon's Table unfortunately was pretty boring (outside and inside) as was the mountain near endgame (always forget its name). The last map itself while possibly the coolest ever conceptually was so straightforward it hurt. The desert chapters were alright but nowhere near as fun to do as their counterparts in other FEs. I can think of one obvious reason: no hidden items. In general Awakening's maps look pretty but are not on par with what I expect from FE.

    I miss having more complicated maps/missions. Awakening only had a few that really did something different like factor in defensive strategy or split up your group, which is why I love Tiki's and Severa's paralogues, the map with Pheros (I'm bad with names, sue me), Ylisstol, inside Plegia castle (even if that plot point was terribly executed), etc...

  2. When explorers in the 16th Century found America, they called it a new world. Crossing between worlds could easily mean crossing continents. And Hatari survived the Great Flood, perhaps more did, or Ashunera might've created new continents.

    I have to agree. I feel like there's more things hinting that Tellius is a neighbouring continent than a separate reality.

    There's the aforementioned Laguz references made by Panne. The song Donny and Olivia discuss in their supports seems to be about Leanne and Naesala (more obviously so in Japanese) and in Harvest Scramble Laurent and Yarne find some paintings of shapeshifters that Laurent explains were said to be from a continent near Ylisse.

    I personally always assumed Ike's ending meant he travelled into the unknown parts of Tellius past Hatari. I don't think it's inconceivable other continents could have re-emerged or something after Ashera's fall and Ike brought people over to populate them therefore allowing for Priam to be Mist's descendant

  3. no one who actually speaks japanese sounds like they do in FE13 so I just use the English voices

    I have to agree...they just sound so "cartoony" which I guess is to be expected since the game is much more anime~ than previous FEs. Maybe if I'd heard the Japanese first I would like them more, but eh.

    I do love Kjelle's Japanese voice though. Also, Inigo is awesome in English! "Guess I win..." You win so much.

    Also I prefer to go by my headcanon ages for the characters and the English voices are closer to that >_>

  4. And I thought the favourite pairings thread was asking for trouble

    Chrom and Sully/Maribelle/Olivia because I just don't buy these people actually falling for each other. Olivia I would change my mind if she was around longer. Also Sumia over FeMU for Chrom because I like pie. But MaMU over Sumia.

    Tharja and the Avatar because it's too creepy.

    Nah with Laurent because it's the worst support ever.

    Lucina and Owain. Call me a prude if you must.

    Cherche with Fred or Gregor because I love Cherche and I don't love the other two >_>

  5. Loving these Future DLCs. I'm crying right there with you Brady.

    Not loving troll reinforcements. My meh team on my second file was doing pretty well until that army of Generals/Snipers/flying units spawned in the northwest ._.

  6. As I was writing down the supports between Female!Morgan and her mother (Severa in this case),

    But...Severa and Morgan are my daughters...

    Morgan's also grown on me, but I'm still not a fan of the Avatar obsession. It's a bit much, especially when I made her into a Sorcerer and she wondered if she looked like her dad ._.

    I wish we knew more about their backstory especially after Future Past 1, boo. I haven't seen much on future...Future Past episodes, but I doubt there's anything amazing in tomorrow's and afaik they're not even in the third.

  7. Galeforce is definitely overhyped by most people as it is in no way needed for any of the content. Given that, everyone here seems to have an incredibly strong bias against galeforce, likely because everyone else thinks it is so good.

    It's pretty much the hip thing to hate Galeforce. There was a thread a while ago that actually went beyond just calling it a bad skill and basically implied having it is worse than not having it.

    I'm pretty sure you don't need any specific skill on difficulties below Lunatic for non-DLC...saying Galeforce is bad because it's superfluous isn't really a good argument. Then again this is a forum where a lot of users seem to think in terms of Lunatic/+.

  8. I'm pretty sure Chrom X Villager girl is a stronger pair than Chrom X Sully. The more handicaps the better, right?

    Really? I've never done either but that seems kinda weird to me... Lucina would be limited to Chrom's meh classes/skills. I'm no stats expert but wouldn't she also suffer there?

    Oh, just saw your add on and I'm pretty sure I missed sarcasm there somewhere... :P

  9. Pair up units with their spouses/best friends and lure the enemy to you. Stay just inside their range instead of going in offensively. Have at least two healers hiding behind your front lines with Physics/Catharsis/Fortify. Use Galeforce if you have it to kill off any approaching Counter Warriors/Longbow Snipers and then retreat back to the edge of enemy range. I would advise sending out three groups: main one goes directly in between the big ruins and the smaller ruins, smaller one goes into the big ruins, and a third of 3-4 units goes to the right to lure some enemies away from your main group.

    I just did his Paralogue on hard last week with units that had nothing capped so if you follow a similar strategy you should have no problem.

  10. And for those who are not weeb enough to get the lewd joke:

    "Frede-niku", a pun on his katakana "Furede-RIKU". With "Niku" meaning "meat".

    I went there.

    I was like...am I confusing this Kanji...and then what follows on the next line XD

    Out of context innuendo ftw

  11. Mute MU x Emelina/Emmeryn

    I want to make this my headcanon because I can't stand how sad Emmeryn's unpaired ending is even though in that case my headcanon is she gets most of her memories back and visits Ylisse all the time, but I just can't bring myself to not let a second kid attain Tactician reclassing superpowers...

  12. Exactly, her execution has a lot of stereotypes stuffed into it and she just comes off as unreasonably annoying, even for an unashamedly one-note character. She'd be grating no matter what sexuality, though her being a stereotypical representation of an underrepresented group might make her even worse than something like a het character refusing to interact with anybody they weren't chasing after.

    Now that's a much better reasoning for disliking Heather than simply "not supporting" her sexual orientation (like what does that even mean)

  13. Everyone seems to love FE4 around here... I'll need to see what the fuss is about then!

    I know right?! I wish they would remake it or something but I guess fans generally agree it would be too hard... Alternatively, I wish I wasn't so lazy to play the original ._.

    For main villains GBA onwards, I would have to say Zephiel is my favourite. It's terribly heartbreaking witnessing such a sweet boy being so abused and broken by his parents' envy/disinterest (King & Queen respectively). As if that weren't enough, seeing his relationship with Guinevere change so much as a result is very sad as well.

  14. Oh, no it's fine. I know exactly what you're talking about though. I was talking to a girl in my neighborhood the other day - who's twenty-one, mind you - about the game and she suddenly goes into the long-winded rant about how much she hated Lissa for trying to approach Lon'qu in chapter 4. "Sinking her claws into him", she claimed. I sat the whole time literally thinking NOTHING except, "What the fuck is wrong with you."

    Haha, I was gonna suggest you tell your sister to give Sumia a chance until I saw she's only eleven. Then I was like, aww, that's cute. An adult behaving the same way though...not so cute. Am I ageist

  15. Yay pairings discussions

    My only "headcanon" is Chrom/Sumia. Other than that I have a few preferred pairings but I wouldn't go so far as to call them headcanon.

    Lon'qu/Olivia - Shy girl and shy guy? Love it. And they have a womanizing son who gets easily flustered? PERFECT.

    Cherche/Henry - Great great great supports. Shows Henry is more than just a bloodthirsty psycho and that Cherche is a very caring individual.

    Gaius/Panne - Lollipop tree.

    Maribelle/Libra - Does wonders for Maribelle's character and makes Brady existing that much more hilarious.

    Haven't found favourites for the other characters. Cordelia/Avatar maybe but I'm leaving it out because I might be biased since she was my first wife.

  16. I love how much attention this thread got within like hours of being posted XD

    Anyway, I like Sumia with Chrom because they birth Pega-Pony Princess and it makes the most sense to me out of both their possible pairings other than Chrom with FeMU. I used to consider it canon but the drama CD made me reconsider that as they seem to really not want to make any pairings canon. Still my headcanon though.

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