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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. Anna

    + Staff and thief utility while being able to survive pretty reliably more reliably than your typical healer or thief should she venture into enemy range

    + Good speed

    + Fairly quick Lucky 7 (which I really like)

    - Severely limited support options

    - Swords only in combat as a Trickster puts her at a disadvantage

    - Low defense, resistance, strength

    6.5/10 she is quite useful as a healer/thief, but staves and Locktouch have limited value and her combat is not so good. -0.5 because she's such a golddigger *stank eye* but only -0.5 because she's still Anna, after all, and how could you not love her. Biased score is 6/10.

  2. I... I like Roy... He's one of my favorites...

    So do I, in FE and in Smash, and I'm in the West. FE6 isn't that bad, really.

    But to be honest despite his popularity Roy is probably not coming back, because I don't see FE getting more than three characters and that third spot is likely going to someone from Awakening.

  3. Apart from third parties and non-game characters, popular characters I don't think will/should be in...

    Toad - mainly because he's pretty generic, even if I always play as him in Mario multiplayers. There are better options if Mario really needs more representation (doubtful) before we start adding generics. Same goes for Waddle Dee from Kirby, whom I've seen in a few wishlists.

    Paper Mario - I admit he would be unique, but just as I dislike generics I dislike "alternate versions" of characters because in my eyes they take up a spot that a totally different character could use. Ditto Toon/Young Link and Toon Zelda, though I expect Toon Link will be back, hopefully de-cloned.

    Chrom...yeah I said it. We don't need a third blue haired swordsman representing FE, and I do believe Marth and Ike are staying. I would prefer Lucina if only because she would be a blue haired female sword user, but I'm hopeful we'll see someone more unique, like Tharja (popularity), Anna (mascot status), or maybe even Tiki (ditto)?

    Dixie Kong - I'd rather K Rool gets added to the DK family (doubt we'd get more than one newcomer), although it would be interesting if she was put in as a partner for Diddy...

    Zoroark - the way I see it, the Pokémon roster makes most sense if it's Pika, Jiggs (all vets must survive!), Newtwo, and a new Trainer with either the last gen's starters or the new gen's starters. Doesn't really need to be bigger.

    For the Wario franchise... No one from Warioware needs to be added, imo. And Waluigi definitely needs to never become playable, just because I really hate him.


  4. Wow this isn't as bad as I was expecting


    + Dark Magic

    + Comes with Nosferatu

    + Good defense, speed, magic

    + Access to Luna, Pavise, Dual Guard+ ...

    - Everything else about her class set sucks

    - Low skill and luck

    - Subpar resistance

    7/10 minor flaws but is a very good Mage especially if you get her some skills and go right back to Sorcerer asap.

    Edit: Meh, +1 bias for 8/10.

  5. If you're directing this at me, I'm talking about healing power based off the magic stat, not the weapon rank. The fact that Libra starts at C staves like Lissa and Maribelle would have by this point makes him all the more wanted.

    Nah, not you specifically I just noticed a lot of people were naming his staff ranking as an advantage.

  6. What exactly are you asking? For the bolded part, wouldn't his turn be the same as the Avatar's if they are paired?

    I think they meant would it raise Avatar's chances of dual support if Chrom is in the lead, or would it raise Chrom's chances of dual support if Chrom is in the back?

    I'm pretty sure it's only the latter, but I actually wondered about this myself.

  7. New thread :o


    + Good start with decent bases and Killer weapon

    + Nice Res

    + Some alright skills available, though reclass isn't the greatest

    - Low growths

    - Doesn't often double enemies, and his strength doesn't grow well enough to give him a pass

    - Loses his lead pretty quickly and significantly

    6.5/10 he makes a nice staff user should you still need one when he arrives, but he suffers from bad growths. He is bulky for a healer but not so much as a fighter, which is why reclass tends to be a bit off for him in my experience.

    For the record on my most recent run both Lissa and Maribelle had C staves by his recruitment, and I haven't been grinding much at all. Granted I tend to Heal spam, but it's not a huge deal with unlimited money.

  8. I posted my Morgan before with random skills, but this is what I gave her for Apotheosis (normal run): LB, Galeforce, Luna, Ignis, Armsthrift. She owned baddies with her forged Celica's Gale, Brave Sword, and hubby Owain, and made her daddy proud ;-;

    For Anna route I might swap out Ignis for Renewal or something.

    I keep changing my mind about her StreetPass set up though not that I actually get StreetPass hits

  9. Nowi

    + Dragonstone bonuses

    + Constant 1-2 range

    + Good growths in strength, defense, HP

    + Tank potential

    - Terrible start with low stats

    - Reclass isn't great for her at level 10 because her low stats need the Dragonstone bonuses for a good while

    - Speed always seems to stay bad no matter how much training I give her, even though it's apparently 50%

    5/10 she would get a higher score if she wasn't so bad at first

  10. Cherche apparently was planning to join the clergy before meeting Minerva, hence her odd set.

    Cordelia gets Bowbreaker, Axebreaker, Tomebreaker through reclass because she's perfect.

    Ricken has Chrom's classes because he wants to be like his idol.

    Nowi has Wyvern Rider because the Wyvern she is riding is actually her new dragon friend Bantu

  11. 3DS E3 notification got me excited! Even though I don't have a Wii U and the Wii U version will be superior


    K Rool







    Pac Man

    KK Slider Little Mac


    Edit: Switched KK for Little Mac and added Lucina.

  12. GVG does not exist because I say so >_>

    But she adds so much to the story!

    After Chrom saves her from bandits in chapter one it's love at first sight. They may lack supports but that relationship is so much more romantic than seeing each other naked or pies. As the game goes on she's right there in every town, can't fight, but she follows the army across the world just to make sure Chrom and Lucy are alright. Even if Chrom doesn't marry her, she still tags along giving you tips and items, a sign she's meant to be canon. When she occasionally gets attacked by more bandits it really gets you in a panic since you know if she dies, you can't reset, unlike with Chrom's other love interests. Thankfully she always comes out unscratched somehow.

  13. Future Past spoilers...

    In the main story, Lucina doesn't know Tiki and doesn't know about the gemstones or the Awakening, but in Future Past the kids are working with Tiki to gather the gemstones and perform the Awakening, and the kids in your party were apparently doing the same before coming back in time since they remember being in the situations as their FP counterparts.

    Seriously why they didn't make Lucy and Tiki a power duo in the main story ._.

  14. Gregor

    + Myrmidon is pretty good

    + Quick Sol access if you just promote him right away

    + Likes to pair up

    - Stuck with one range swords if reclassed, will take a while to get hand axes in Hero

    - Armsthrift is kinda useless on him since his luck isn't the greatest in my experience

    - Slow as slow

    - Thinks dodging is for chumps

    3.5/10 below average, meh

  15. Bias is still bias whether acknowledged or not


    + Flier who joins in a cliff- and mountain-filled map (granted she comes a few turns in)

    + Good bases and growths

    + Great reclass with access to all breakers she needs without Iote's Shield, Armsthrift, Sol, Galeforce, and Lancefaire

    + Fairly quick access to Galeforce

    - Low magic makes Dark Mage branch iffy and Dark Flier only worth dipping into if you want Galeforce

    - Double weakness in base class

    - Comes a bit underleveled, though this is easily fixed

    - Speed is good but not great

    8.5/10 plus bias for being my wife 9/10

  16. Well, there is one that was unquestionably made canon. And depending on who you ask, the number could be two, but that's a very foggy field...

    Actually I guess the only one that would really need to be confirmed is Chrom's wife if Morgan was left out, which I could see happening if only for the sake of simplifying things for the developers. The other kids could just keep their mothers' hair colour and never reference their fathers :P

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