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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. They didn't think Noire through, did they?

    Tharja has fairly low skill to begin with, and its one of the archer's main stats. Noire can be reclassed to, say, a mage or dark mage, and function fairly well with a magical father, though her E rank tomes hits hard. Magical Fathers? Henry, MU, Libra, Ricken...

    5.5/10. 6.5/10 with bias because she is Nathaniel's waifu.

    Copy but no bias

  2. Being a Manakete, Nowi Nah is going to end up having some really high endgame stats, but she tends to have limited availability due to a hard paralouge. This means her maingame usefulness is limited, and her viability really relies on who her father is. In the end, Nah is one of the less flexible children characters, having a strong endgame but an okay maingame at best.

    5.5/10 with +1 bias for 6.5/10

    Yoink but changing score to 6, no bias

    Awesome tank but it takes her too long to get there, even then unless Avatar is her dad she feels a bit limited compared to some other kids

  3. Severa's definitely one of the better children characters, getting Cordelia's good class set, (Access to a lot of breakers, including bowbreaker) Galeforce, and some pretty good base stats. As with all children characters it really depends on who the other parent is for usefulness, but Severa tends to come out better than most of the others.

    8/10 with no bias for 8/10

    Edit: Bumped the rating up +1.

    This, but joins later than a lot of kids so 7.5 unbiased, +1 for 8.5

  4. Brady (based on Ricken, Libra, Donnel)

    + Can inherit decent skills from Maribelle by now (Renewal, DS+, Tomefaire, Galeforce if you're an ultra Maribelle lover, Demoiselle if you're not)

    + Magic mom for a magic unit, makes him a great Sage for postgame

    + Cavalier (which I think he always inherits, yes?) can get him insta-Discipline to get him out of E ranks

    - Paralogue is medium difficulty, probably on par w Cynthia's, unless you boss rush which I don't like to do so he'll have to fight for a spot (and likely will not get it)

    - Maribelle's non-magic stats don't really help him, so he relies a lot on his dad's

    5/10 none of the kids are below average to me if only because they rock the postgame, and priest doesn't matter since you can buy seals. +1 for 6/10, least favourite kid at first turned into one of my favourites.

  5. Those long, slim legs are really something!! 。・゜・(ノ∀`)・゜・。

    Tharjas whole body is covered by black tights, its amazing how the texture of the tights comes out so vividly just through the paintwork!! It genuinely looks like she is wearing tights!!!


    What is this strange warm feeling?

    Tharja must have cast one of her hexes on me!!

    I feel dirty just reading through this. *blushes*

  6. Cynthia (based on Chrom, Henry, Gaius)

    + Decent bases and good growths

    + Decent classes from Sumia; should be able to inherit Galeforce to save her going DF (Lancefaire if Sumia went Falco is also good)

    - Limited fathers means limited potential, though she does still get a very good variety

    - Paralogue is a bit on the hard side so she'll be joining a little late, which hurts her chances of being more useful than not with the difficulty spike and other new units

    6.5/10 +1 for 7.5/10

  7. Laurent (based on Kellam, Gregor, Vaike)

    + Paralogue can be done fairly early

    + Inherits Sorcerer

    - Since he's almost a copy of his mom he likely won't inherit any really great skills from her; most useful is maybe Tomefaire to go Dark Mage instantly

    - Dependent on father for any good offensive skills (well ok he gets Vengeance from Miriel but that's only useful with Nosferatu or Vantage) but most won't help him too much stats-wise


  8. I was also under the impression we were rating "efficiency" ie main game potential without much grinding if any. Which is not exactly how I personally value units. Would have rated a few people differently if I realized it wasn't limited to that. Ah well what can ya do.

  9. Kjelle (based on Virion, Stahl, Chrom)

    + Paralogue can be done early, easier to train and use

    + Inherits her mom's good stats and classes, Sully should have a nice skill to pass down too

    + Discipline through inheritance or Cav reclass means she can catch up faster and doesn't have to use E rank weapons long while she goes through classes

    + Solid bases and growths, pretty speedy for a knight

    - Underleveled like all the kids

    - Res tends to be on the low side, this may be because of the fathers I've given her, I dunno, this is really just being picky because I can't think of much wrong with her besides availability

    7.5/10 one of the better kids for sure, +1 bias for 8.5/10

  10. Umm do you think Sakurai is the one doing all the coding for each character? ... He does more than just characters of course, the above is stuff that isn't actually as stressful as you all make it seem.

    I dunno man, managing people working on a project as big as a Smash game sounds like it'd be pretty stressful, considering if anything isn't up to par it'd be his ass on the line and his name the one everyone would be trashing. And that goes beyond just characters.

  11. Owain (based on Vaike, Lon'qu, Frederick)

    + One of the easier kids to recruit without grinding so he can actually be around for the second half of the game

    + Pretty solid bases and growths

    + Lissa can pass down some good skills by his join time (Miracle, Renewal, Tomefaire for a magical Owain, Galefart to name a few)

    - Magic mommy doesn't help his swordie dreams (ie inherited stats and classes aren't great)

    - Underleveled like all the kids, though he can catch up fairly quickly he does need a bit of grinding

    - One range boo

    5.5/10 + obvious bias for 6.5/10 10/10 in my heart

    Edit: added half point actually

  12. Basilio

    + Pretty good if you use him I guess?

    - Comes too late to make a worthy contribution

    - Too late to the party

    - Why bother

    He's alright as a fighter, has alright reclass, though realistically he's staying Warrior for the rest of the main game. Virtually no supports so he wants to bring Flavia with him, which means you need to open up two spots to use him effectively. He's not completely useless but there is no real reason to use him. Rally Strength is helpful but you can do without it if no one else has it already. 1/10 but bias +1 because...do I need to explain? 2/10 biased, I would bias you up to 10 if I could man.

    Also, this is relevant: (from the general fanart thread)



  13. Tiki

    + Good growths

    + Dragonstone+ bonuses and 2 range

    + Suports with loners so her limited supports shouldn't be contested and should be available to her

    - Kinda underleveled

    - Speed is kinda meh

    - Reclass is meh due to E rank this late

    - Late arrival means she's going to have to hope someone got really screwed over on the team or use those jugs to get the tactician's attention

    5/10 average since this is hard mode you'll probably already have a solid team that's better than Tiki when she joins. She's good but she isn't so good that it warrants training her up to where the rest of the team is at by this point in the game. -1 for 4/10.

  14. That would be some nice variety for Starfox actually.

    Obligatory Grima mention.

    Venus Lighthouse, if Isaac is in. It could go through a cycle from dormant > lit > crumbling (the fighters could fall from the top to the ground floor or inside and dodge occasional rubble) and then repeat like Castle Seige.

    Tal Tal Heights from Link's Awakening! It doesn't need gimmicks, but I think it'd be funny to finally include Cuccoos and have one wander on stage every once in a while that when attacked summons his buds. But since there's already two Zelda stages on 3DS it's probably too much to ask for more.

    I had more ideas for Brawl, I blame this on not playing video games much anymore :(

  15. I did the normal path, default options on my second try. I only had Maribelle and Lissa rallying/healing/rescuing; Lissa had Heart, Magic, Speed, Move, Luck and Maribelle had Res, Magic, Move, Luck iirc (don't have my 3DS here to check). I didn't need to rally every turn but I had most people LB'd and everyone paired. So I'd recommend at least two staffers who can also rally even if not the whole spectrum. I only gave tonics/candy/etc to a few units who needed help.

    The first two rounds were pretty simple since I knew where they were gonna spawn, after that I lured enemies in and then Galeforced them to death. I only came close to losing someone once or twice in the last few rounds, but everyone survived~

    Most of the fighting was done by LB GM Morgan + LB DreadF Owain, LB GL Lucina + Gen Cynthia, LB Hero Severa + LB (but not capped) WL Gerome, and LB (uncapped) DFl Aversa (in place of my Avatar who was getting Armsthrift) + LB Bride Cordelia. It was fun.

  16. First file ever: Stahl x Frederick, Libra because I didn't feel like using them; Cynthia because Brady/Noire support was slightly cuter

    Second file, first FeMU: Kellam (started annoying me), Brady because he waited too long and I wasn't really using him

    Current playboy file (aka female confession run): Kellam (still annoying), Ricken (I already paired him with Maribelle and Nowi, I guess Lissa next run), and that should be it cuz I'm ending up married to Lucina so it should even out

    Dating Emblem is fun

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