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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. and a would be suprised if they send any remakes over to America considering how FE11 fared... (and them not giving us 12 :( )

    If they remade FE6 and still didn't localize it I would be seriously pissed. That would be the worst troll move. Thankfully I think whatever the next game is will be released everywhere because of Awakening's success; 12 not being localized probably had more than a little to do with the three games before it not doing well at all.

  2. 2 and 4 are the ones I haven't played I'm most interested in, and of those I kind of see 2 as the more likely one to be remade. But I love 6 and it would be nice to finally get it localized and improved to boot. Really any non-localized game would make me happy though, as long as they handled it better than Shadow Dragon...

  3. I remember that volcano has significance to Gaiden... and that was lost in localization. Not sure what it was though.

    The only clear references were obviously Valm, and the Mila tree.

    I haven't played Gaiden but I think I read somewhere the Demon's Ingle is the remains of Gaiden's final boss...? Don't quote me on that. Edit: Or do, thanks above poster :D

    I honestly think the closest we'd get to a sequel to Awakening is a game featuring Priam. Anything with the children would be tough to do without making canon parings, especially for Chrom since any of his pairings results in Lucina having a sibling. Uness maiden is made canon lol And that, we can all agree, would send fans into fits.

  4. They can also only support The Avatar. =|

    Anna can only support Avatar and Tiki, who also comes in a paralogue.

    I think of it this way: Ismaire, Selena, etc from Sacred Stones' Creature Campaign are examples of non-canon bonus characters; compared to them, Gangrel, Aversa and so on are clearly meant to be canon. Otherwise, why bother to think up ways for them all to survive?

  5. Panne

    + Beaststone bonuses help her bases to get her leveled easier

    + Reclass to Wyvern for great offense

    + Good growth rates

    - Low resistance makes magic a problem, especially since she won't even be able to counter it in two of her base classes (all three really until she gets weapon rank up) and will be extra weak to wind in her third

    - Starts off with low speed

    - Thief line won't do much for her besides getting some "just alright" skills and maybe helping her speed at the expense of too much elsewhere

    7.5/10 no bias.

  6. Cynthia: Blue or white. I imagine blonde would fit her too but I've never seen her with it.

    Kjelle: Virion silver, black, purple.

    Noire: Black or brown.

    Nah: Brown or white but pretty much any colour looks good on her.

    Inigo: Blue, silver, black, brown.

    Owain: Blonde, brown, black.

    Brady: Brown, blonde, orange.

    Yarne: Orange, Donnel colour (matches his clothes), white.

    Severa: Black or brown.

    Gerome: White, silver, black.

    Laurent: Hat.

    Lucina: Grey or pink. ;)

  7. Gaius

    + Locktouch

    + Great speed and skill

    + Good classes and skills (Vantage, Astra, Sol, Acrobat, Pass, Lucky 7)

    + Passes Pegknight and nice speed as a father

    - Starts with low strength and HP making him quite vulnerable, coupled with...

    - Low defense and resistance even after training which means he struggles in combat

    7/10, thieves are always useful and Gaius is one of the better ones offensively, + bias = 8/10

  8. It would be tricky. They'd have to advertise it carefully or people would get pissed at losing the Rekka no ken cast. I also think second seals wouldn't work so well since this would presumably be a linear game (ie: no world map and grinding). Pair up, maybe, but tweaked a bit perhaps. Tbh I'm curious and slightly worried to see how similar to Awakening the next game will be, remake or not. Newbies might be turned off if they go back to a less open style, but it'd be pretty terrible if every future FE was as focused on grinding as Awakening.

    Anyway, part of me wants to see it happen because I'm a fan of Elibe, but another part says it'd probably be too complicated to please new fans and those who played the originals on GBA in a linear fashion. Although it would be awesome to have Serra voice acted. Don't deny it.

    As for Gaiden, I think it had some sort of world map...? So maybe that would be easier to adapt, but who knows, IS might want to stay away from remakes after 11/12 since they didn't do so well.

  9. Maribelle

    + Pony (and later, possible Pega-Pony! ...oh, sorry Cynthia)

    + Good class options

    + Good magic and resistance

    - Bad speed and defense

    - Quite a bit underleveled when she comes, and staff lock doesn't help much unless you have a bunch of Rescues

    6/10, has her uses and makes a good staff/rally unit after a few reclasses. Bias to 6.5/10.

  10. My first FeMU whose file just got deleted a few days ago married Chrom just because I wanted to see what all the fuss was about (it's alright but not the greatest imo).

    Now I'm going through another MaMU file. He married Sully. And Lissa. Oh, and Miriel. And Sumia and Panne and Maribelle. Player file ftw. After I get all the female confessions he's gonna end up with Lucina though, cuz why not?! And then it'll be FeMU's turn to get with all the dudes. Good times.

  11. Jumping on the Sully train. There's no problem with a non-feminine woman. She may not be as "pretty" as some of the other ladies but that shouldn't really be a basis for disliking her (also her confession is adorable so I don't really get this view but to each their own). Her personality has reasons behind it too, if you read any of her supports. One reason: her wanting to be like her dead brothers. Still think she's just a man-hating tomboy?

  12. In defense of Lucina's flat chest...she was trying to pass as a man, so you know, flattening her chest on purpose is probably a thing she did, a la Sheik. Her Great Lord design has more boobage since by then everyone already knows she's a girl. :B

    I know it's not the only thing people don't like about her design, but just thought I'd bring it up.

    In other news, we are officially out of things to talk about regarding this game

  13. Ricken

    + Comes with Elwind on the first Wyvern chapter that also has a moving Wyvern boss

    + Good magic

    + Access to Cavalier

    - Access to Archer (waste of a slot)

    - Bad speed

    - Unremarkable growths, including his defense which means his starting bulkiness (for a Mage) will unfortunately not be a plus for very long

    4/10 slightly below average

  14. actually i was already planning to do it for Gerome too on my next save file, but on my current one his father is Lon'qu and he has no access to Dark Knight, so no dice

    besides they're both perfect Dark Knights seriously have you listened to Owain's drivel lately

    I personally enjoy making Gerome a Dark Knight and Owain a Dread Fighter. It's PERFECT.

  15. Donny! Er, that is...Donnel

    + Aptitude from the start makes the tedious task of leveling him somewhat easier at first, once promoted he will grow like crazy

    + Mercenary/Hero

    + Passes Pegknight to daughters, if you're into that sort of thing

    - Villager screws him over from getting a third tier one class, and Fighter is pretty meh

    - Awful bases

    - Starts with lances but never uses them again

    - Absolutely needs babying for 10-15 painfully slow level gains

    - His fast growth makes him very useful in main game should you manage to promote him, but he's pretty average for postgame at best

    2/10 he is so painful to train and you're generally better off benching him and investing in other units. But he does have potential, which prevents him getting a lower score. +0.5 bias because I like his character and his hair even if he doesn't (why do the two worst so far have the best hair?). So 2.5/10 with bias.

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