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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. Jellyfish Tron is the PERFECT description XD

    Cordelia and Sumia make pretty awesome Brides even if it does take away their mobility. I probably wouldn't make them both go Bride in a single file though, unless my goal was to have a Bride army...which let's be honest is a pretty great goal.

    I do agree with Kyung about the generic sprites though, ah well.

  2. I think my fave is pretty clear :P

    Second favourite though is probably Severa, who happens to be my daughter. Cuz female Hero yes. At first her personality turned me off but her supports make her more likable.

    I'm gonna rank them cuz I can:














    Sorry Morgan, you're pretty low on my list

  3. I like my daughter with Owain cuz I'm biased, their supports are pretty sweet. I put male Morgan as alone because I prefer the girls with other guys, probably a consequence of me playing a male avatar file first and getting used to the idea of Morgan being a girl.

  4. Lon'qu would have a super feminine Troubadour thief daughter with a personality similar to Serra and Aversa put together. Also her name is Rox'an.

    For best results also make Inigo his son. Hilarity ensues.


    As a reminder children need to be a class from their parents class sets. They can only be different if their parents have gender restricted classes.

    Dang, changed.
  5. Lissa. Before I got the game I thought she seemed annoying. Then I got the demo and her voice was annoying. But somewhere along the way in the full game I grew fond of her, then made her a Sage and came to love her. I even like her voice now ("I may surprise you!"). Doesn't hurt that her kid is my favourite of the second gen either.

    Maribelle. I knew very little about the game before I got it because I don't like spoiling things, so I didn't even know about Maribelle before I got it. When she showed up I was pretty indifferent to her but used her because I like Troubadours. Now she is probably my favourite Valkyrie in the series. Love her supports and personality behind the snobby front she puts on.

    Cherche. Also didn't know about her until she showed up in-game. I instantly loved her design (I momentarily regretted already getting married, sorry Cordelia! I love you~) but she seemed to be just "okay" in combat. Then I realized she just seems that way because of how broken other characters can get. I think in a traditional FE she would be way more useful. Still didn't stop me from making her one of my mains. Also, I love how WEIRD she is. Every time she calls Risen adorable makes me chuckle. Or when she talks about seeing shapes in the lava. XD

  6. So I'm replaying Sacred Stones after years not touching it (doing both paths but only going to endgame on Eirika's) and last night I was doing chapter 10 on Ephraim's route... I've always had mixed feelings on this map...

    On the one hand I like the challenge and map design.

    On the other WHY IS?!

    The fact that there are reinforcements coming from all directions, villages to save, ballista fleets for Cormag to sink and for Peggies to stay away from, means that I had my units spread out in several smallish groups. Everything was fine until I decided on turn 9 to have level 16ish Franz take on the boss...

    But I didn't realize he could be doubled on enemy phase (this after being weakened by the endless mercenaries near the boss). Everyone near him was done for the turn so he couldn't be rescued and Natasha was too far to heal him. If Seth and Duessel weren't necessarily so far away blocking reinforcements things could've been different... I turned it off in frustration but I'll probably just let him be dead. At least he still lives with Eirika...but ughhhh.

  7. For the record Tharja's curtain tent flap isn't as lol bad in-game as it is just in a picture (imo). But it definitely looks more risqué than the uncensored one, especially since she complains the swimsuit is riding up her butt XD

    I'm wondering if this wasn't a genius move now knowing this localization team

  8. Oh wow, I was thinking by curtain you guys meant like a little skirt flap attached to her bikini bottom...but nope, literal curtain XD Terrible...

    I got a Sorcerer army featuring myself, wife Cordelia, Henry, Tharja, Libra, Gangrel, and Aversa. Let's do this.

  9. As far as I know, the only 100% official relatives between 7 and 6 are...

    Eliwood is Roy's dad (the mother is unnamed, Ninian and Lyn seem to be popular with fans)

    Hector is Lilina's dad (mother unnamed, Lyn and Florina seem to be popular)

    Pent/Louise are Clarine/Kent's parents

    Canas is Hugh's dad and Niime's son

    Karla/Bartre are Fir's parents and Karel is her uncle

    Hawkeye is Igrene's dad

    Geitz is Geese's brother

    And these are taken as fact though I think not 100% confirmed in-game...

    Nino is Raigh/Lugh's mom (dad unnamed, Jaffar seems to be popular)

    Rebecca is Wolt's mom (dad unnamed, Wil and Lowen seem to be popular)

    Rath is Sue's dad and Dayan's son (mom unnamed, Lyn seems to be popular)

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