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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. I wish clumsiness would get a more realistic treatment in Japanese media overall. Being clumsy doesn't make others think you're cute, it makes others think you're useless/an idiot. The (Western) fandom's general opinion of Sumia is proof of that...

    That may be more of a cultural difference than a right/wrong situation. And even then Sumia does constantly bemoan her uselessness, so I'm not really sure what people's issue with her is...

  2. ^ I've always wanted to play Leif's game for that reason. I feel like he would become one of my favourites too.

    Anyway, it's harder to pick an absolute favourite than an absolutely hated character.

    But I'll go ahead and say Cherche. She is unintentionally hilarious, smart, kind, pretty, marry me irl and is one of the less one-note characters in Awakening. Sure she's usually all about Minerva but not 100% all day every day. Also her son is the man.

    Honourable mentions: Soren for being one of the more developed characters of the Tellius games and for being one half of the best same-sex FE couple and Jaffar (enough said).

  3. Da-da-daaa~

    Hurray! You really grew on me! Pegasus-shaped cake for everyone!

    File 1: Princess Cynthia (Paladin) got a Seed of Trust. Coulda been worse. Maybe she'll make a new friend. She'll probably get her Pegasus back today.

    File 2: Trickster Cynthia got Katarina's Bolt. She'll lend it to daddy Henry since I like her too much in her current class.

  4. Probably because he still 'ran away' at first. Even if he later went back to defend or take his land back... That's what I think anyway. Maybe it's the way he initially ran away first.

    Hmm, I guess that makes sense. But he only ran away to get Ylisse's support ._. Although I can see why "ordinary" villagers might focus on what they could see and not the politics behind it. Poor guy.

  5. So this is more of a story question...don't think it warrants a thread though.

    Spoilers for Virion's ending:

    Why exactly is Virion considered a traitor by the people of Roseanne? My thought is it's because Walhart had good intent behind his war...but, uh, it was still a pretty brutal war wasn't it? If anything Virion should be seen as a hero since he defended his country/continent and also against Grima. It always bugged me how it's just thrown out there in his ending like the reason is obvious. Unless it is and I'm just having a derp moment :/

  6. Validar for being a totally uninspired, bland, laughable, unecessary antagonist. He hijacks Awakening's plot not once, but TWICE, from much better villains (Gangrel, then Walhart--and I hate Walhart so you can see how I feel about Validar by comparison). He has zero personality and zero motivation. His ultimate role in the story could have been filled by Aversa or even by keeping Gangrel around longer. He literally contributes nothing to the plot save a tiny bit of character development for Aversa in her backstory that, again, could easily have been achieved without him. He actually damages the plot and pretty much everything I disliked about Awakening can be traced directly to him.

  7. I judge this thread recent enough to revive

    Literally THE most thorough RNG screwing just happened to me. Sure, we've all heard of those 3% criticals. But Caellach doesn't think that's enough. Oh no...

    Went up and stole his Hoplon Guard with Colm. Rescued Colm with Vanessa. Joshua attacks with Shamshir, has chat with C, hits twice at 89% for 10x2 Dmg but refuses to activate his 51% critical. Caellach, predictably, misses with his Tomahawk.

    Then enemy phase starts. For some reason, C's regular battle quote activates (calls Josh a stepping stone yaddayadda)--never seen that happen before after a special quote but okay...

    34% Hit. 22 Dmg. 1% Crt.

    I swore. It's like he knew what was about to happen.

  8. From FE I also want more variety. Lords are fine and all but at least choose unique Lords too. I wanted Micaiah for Brawl but I doubt she has a chance now. I don't expect Robin/MU/Avatar but it would be a bit better than having Chrom or Lucina. My wish is Tharja is somehow seen as popular enough to make it in

    I also wanted Isaac from Golden Sun in Brawl as playable. Again, he probably has no chance anymore, and I would be surprised if Matthew or anyone else made the cut given GS3's meh sales/reception. Pleasantly surprised. Maybe if Camelot has GS4 in the works someone will be added as advertisement, like Roy.

    From other games...it's very likely that new Mewtwo will replace Lucario (personally I'd rather have cool Mewtwo back than that lame thing). I would LOVE to see Fawful from Mario & Luigi, he would be so much fun to play as, and his taunts are practically there already (his chortle!). Ghirahim from Zelda needs to be in, he has the potential to be a very unique character.

  9. How come I didn't hear Lissa use Chrom's voice clip? :( Guess I'll try again and see if I just missed it.

    I did Future Past on my second file, which has 55hrs vs main file's 200+... Units were NOT prepared XD But I eventually got through with only NPC Noire getting Mire'd.

    Henry/Cynthia in Future Past, how cute? Him being a good father in his ending makes sense now.

  10. Some of y'all think the kids are waay too young.

    The way I see it: Cynthia and Noire are probably the youngest of the children, I think most people agree. (Aside from Morgan and possibly Nah). I'm basing this off of their appearance. Thing is, their appearance also includes pretty sizable breasts... Based on that (assuming they are of average cup size) they have to be at least 16-17, unless my memory is faulty/girls have begun developing faster/more since I was a teenager. Yeah, Noire does say she wants to be a normal teen in Future Past...but teens are from 13-19. The way they speak also makes me think they are older teens rather than younger ones (yes even Cynthia, she comes across as wanting to be a kid foreva rather than actually being a kid). So I'd put them at 17ish, the other kids at 17-18, Lucina at 18-19, Laurent at least 20.

    Morgan is Morgan, s/he is pobably ageless.

    As for Nah I have a totally unprovable (inprovable? is there even a word for that) theory that she is older than most of the kids save Lucina and Laurent. So if we put Lucina at 18 and Laurent at least 20 Nah is probably 18, looking like a 10-year-old because that's what Manaketes do and her 1000ish-year-old mom looks like a 13-year-old. Would explain why she won't tell anyone her age.

  11. Oh god, so many tracks that I adore... Let's see.

    10) Powerful Foe - The first time I heard it, I was totally taken aback. It's so... \m/ XD. Seriously, can you not picture Valter rocking out with a guitar playing this? (Glen on drums, Duessel on bass, Selena on keyboards, btw). Awesome.

    9) On Glory's Wings - I dunno what it is about this one, it isn't quite as awesome as the other RD battle songs I have on here, but everytime I hear it I just think of Elincia fighting down Wyverns and Geoffrey being a badass, and that is cool.

    8) Dawn Brigade - RD is my favourite FE, and this theme fits so well in part 1. I was super happy to hear it in Awakening's DLC.

    7) The Prince's Despair - Reworked Lyon theme? Yes, doing this will often win me over. This one perfectly fits the title and Lyon's character.

    6) Softly With Grace - Reworked Black Fang theme, sped up and made even more threatening? Instant love.

    5) The Devoted - What needs to be said? When the Greil Mercenaries finally become playable in RD, THIS is how you feel.

    4) Battle For Whose Sake - I played 7 before 6 and I found the whole side-plot with the Bern royal family to be one of my favourite arcs. I was super excited when I saw the ending with Zephiel. I was extremely upset when I found out 6 had already been released in Japan and was probably not coming over. When I finally played it, hearing the Bern theme incorporated into a badass battle song (and Zephiel's sprite, so cool) was just...too much to handle.

    3) Id (Hope) - Incredible. Might be my favourite boss theme to date in any Fire Emblem, and that is saying a LOT (as evidenced by my list, I am partial to boss themes...). It conveys "ruined future", desperation, hope, so well. Much better than Id (Purpose).

    2) Conquest - I actually prefer this to (Ablaze). It's so soothing and it makes me feel a mix of nostalgia (that FE theme) and like...serenity. I just love it. This summer, I will listen to this on a beach. Perfection.

    1) Don't Speak Her Name - Just...beautiful music right here. Regardless of what you feel about the story context (trying not to spoil), I think we can all agree this is amazing. I seriously don't think I've heard anything comparable in a video game.

    That...was hard. Couldn't find the Awakening tracks on Serenes, apologies for anyone with slower browsers.

  12. Faye's pretty much got the right idea I'd say. I really don't see anyone being younger than Ricken, who seems 15-16.

    Edit: I'd probably put Virion out of his 20s, though, 30-32 seems right. And Henry does seem young with his Japanese voice but in English he sounds at least as old as Lissa.

  13. So I finally played through Future Past, totally lived up to my expectations. So good. The family conversations are amazing (Nah imitating Gregor's speech <3), can't wait to play through with different pairings.

    For the record, even though FoD sounds better to me Future Past is by no means a bad title.

    Edit: Also, my opinion of Tharja and Noire continues to improve. And Cynthia was so heartbreaking. Kjelle haters should definitely see her convos in Hot Springs and Future Past. That is all.

  14. So there I was, minding my own business, up late wasting time on YouTube.

    And then this just comes on my screen. And changed my life I laughed. I cried. Etc. THE MEMORIES MAN. I dare anyone to NOT listen to the whole thing.

    Yes, you could listen to orchestrated medleys. But WHAT. The fact that someone actually made this on Mario Paint (and so damn well, those transitions!!!) hasn't stopped blowing my mind.

  15. After looking at those pictures of all the possibilities I have to say Brady looks really good with orange hair! Probably the only kid other than Yarne who can pull it off imo.

    Also: Nah with white hair. She looks like a creepy ghost girl. Manor of lost souls...appropriate. I love it!

  16. Reading through posts I guess I'm in the minority, but I would actually prefer if any future Avatars were less involved in the story...Blazing Sword style. I actually didn't expect Awakening to make the Avatar such a big part of the plot, and I'm not sure it worked so well. Sure, part of it is that I did make my first Avatar a "self-insert" (which I really feel was the intention, sorry Robin fans) so it was a little weird to have all these things being revealed about "me." I say they should choose between having a very customizable Avatar with moderate story involvement or a less customizable one with big story relevance.

    That being said I don't particularly care if Avatars return or not. FE can work well with or without the feature.

  17. Alright, I'll do this.

    Best looking guy: PoR Ike. RD Ike is too built, like exaggeratedly so.

    Least attractive: Marth, too skinny and for lack of a better word feminine-looking. He is much better in his FE12 art though. On second thought, Alm is pretty...weird looking, so I'll go with him since Marth at least became attractive.

    Best looking girl: Lucina, I guess the Marth build works when long hair is added XD. Her official art is cute.

    Least attractive: I really hate Eirika's SS portrait and official art, I think they make her look really spacey and soulless, respectively. She does look better on the cover art.

  18. Tbh I think the weapons are fine. It's the choice of Eirika that doesn't fit. It would have made a lot more sense to make, say, Elincia give the Bride Bouquet. She actually used staves in her games and I think lances (or was it just swords? still makes more sense for her to use lances than Eirika either way), and imo she fits the class better than Eirika does.

  19. Severa must always have dark brown hair. Even her official art looks a bit strange to me after seeing her with dark brown hair :P

    Cynthia is cute with white hair.

    Gerome with white or Virion hair, though I imagine black would be cool too.

    Owain looks best with either light blonde or dark brown/black.

    Nah with brown/reddish hair.

    Noire with black/dark brown/Donnel hair.

    Inigo with dark brown/black/INDIGO~.

    I've only had Kjelle with Virion hair (awesome) and Stahl hair (boring). Darker shades would probably look good on her, also Avatar purple.

    Brady looks good with brown-red or blonde hair.

    I don't really have a preference for Yarne and Laurent. Morgan looks good with pretty much any colour imo.

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