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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. Lon'qu

    + Nice reclass

    + Amazing skill and speed

    + Killing Edge is always welcome

    - Low strength catches up with him

    - Low def and res, though not a huge issue because he likes to dodge

    - Low HP (at least in my experience) also makes getting hit worse than it should be

    6.5/10 he is always great at first but gets progressively mediocre without stat boosters and such, bias him up to 7/10 cause I'd buy him a drink

  2. Lissa is so good as a Sage. Her high magic can be used offensively and for emergency healing. I've gone level 10 Cleric > level 10 Pegknight > level 15 Dark Flier > Sage and it was pretty doable but if you don't wanna grind so much it might be better to go level 10 Cleric > level 15 War Cleric > Sage. Dark Flier gets Galeforce and War Cleric gets Renewal, both awesome skills to pick up on the way to Sage.

    I think having Sully go level 10 Cavalier > level 10 Wyvern > level 15 Wyvern Lord > Paladin is pretty doable by endgame. Myrmidon is nice on her too instead of Wyvern if you're so inclined, but I love flying and axes.

    I don't really have a set path I prefer for many others but off the top of my head, Cordelia makes a good Hero, Sumia as a General for the lulz, Cherche as War Cleric, Lon'qu as Assassin...

    Really a big part of what makes Awakening fun is experimenting with classes. You can always change characters back to their original class tree after grabbing skills so go nuts.

    I also like making Cordelia or Sumia Brides because they get a pretty dress and are good with lances :D And Owain and Brady are good Dread Fighters together.

  3. I think I missed something. When did it say that the children characters came separately? I thought they came at the same time and were separated.

    In Laurent's support with his dad he says he arrived years before Lucina did which is why he is older despite being born after her. Not sure if it says anything about the other kids but it does seem like some have been around longer considering their paralogues (for example, Severa seems to know Holland pretty well but Nah apparently just arrived in the manor)

    I think we can assume they left the future at the same time but entered the past at different places/moments.

  4. I really hope there isn't a Wii U FE game. IS would just cheap out on the graphics and I'd be down $300.

    I'd rather they just stick to the 3DS this gen mainly because I don't have a Wii U

    It might not be a stretch to say they will since their last console FEs didn't do so well. They might not be willing to risk a bigger budget.

  5. My guess

    Laurent 21-22

    Lucy, Gerome 19

    Severa, Kjelle, Inigo, Nah 18

    Owain, Brady, Yarne, Noire 17

    Cynthia, Morgan 16

    But Nah could be anywhere in that range really. Also if official ages were ever given they'd probably be like 14-20 instead cuz Japan likes young characters but that doesn't seem believable to me.

  6. Kellam

    + Nice defense

    + Likes pairing up with weaklings

    + Access to some good skills

    - Can barely move

    - Hates hitting more than once

    - Res is unimpressive

    5/10 average, tempted to subtract bias because his gimmick got seriously annoying and why is his unpaired ending the only semi-good one for him...but I won't ._.

  7. If I remember correctly, she's the one who once posted that she kills off the female members of her cast because she doesn't like any of them or something. It was in the confessions thread, I think.

    XD Oh god I'd forgotten that... I'm pretty sure whoever posted that started off saying "I'm not sexist but..."

    Anyway, if we counted Stahl and Fred getting 10s I don't see why Sumia getting a single 1 shouldn't also count. I went there

  8. Sumía

    + Doubles easily

    + Good class set

    + Flying pony

    + High resistance very helpful against early mages

    + Fairly quick Galeforce

    - Weak to both bows and wind and pretty easy to kill in two or three hits with anything else until she gets some stats

    - Demands a pair up partner for her low low strength

    - Like no one wants to support with her

    8.5/10 she is always great and in my experience gets off the ground much faster than the other earlygame weaklings

  9. Wow I thought I was gonna be the only one to rate her low


    + Dark Mage is a nice tree and Troubadour gets her some good skills

    + Magic helps with enemies' low res and knights in the beginning

    - Squishier than, like, a very squishy object

    - Average growths

    - Won't be doubling or doing much damage in the beginning, which can make training her annoying

    - Needs to hide behind Lissa and Virion

    - Should be named Squishiel

    3.5/10 yet another unit that needs lots of attention before being good

    Edit: Slightly adjusted score because I felt I was a bit too harsh

  10. All except Sports and DK

    Paper Mario loses out a bit because I didn't like Super and didn't bother with Sticker Star since I heard it's very different. Kart and Party are fun but really I only play them multiplayer after I unlock everything. Sports I've only played Golf on GCN and original Tennis, both of which I liked, but meh. And never played the DK ones, except the original if that counts...

    My top 3 would be 3D, RPG, and side scrollers. Side scrollers might be the nostalgia factor kicking in since I don't like the newer ones as much. 3D are always a blast. I think RPG slightly stands out for me because of the humour and playing with plot a bit more than your typical Mario game.

  11. I posted this in another thread, but I think having Tiki and Lucina working together a la Future Past would have been a much better way of bringing in Valm. Naga instructs Lucy to find Tiki, Lucy dresses up as Marth to get to her in the past. In the two years between Plegia and Valm Lucy finds her and brings Chrom to Tiki's tree fort. Then a slightly different course of events plays out in Valm with Gangrel trying to hunt down Tiki or something. Or Walhart capturing Tiki after Lucy goes back to Ylisse because he's a giant red lobster and everyone needs to do as he says dammit.

  12. If you dont transfer data you get the maincanon characters Sumia!Lucina and Lon'Qu!Gerome for example

    This would piss off so many fans... People hate Sumia as it is, imagine if she was confirmed canon. Also Lon'qu is obvs Olivia's hubby not Cherche's

    I really don't think a sequel would work because of all the variables. A game with Priam post-Awakening is probably the closest we could get to a follow-up.

    But honestly I'd rather have a totally new game for 14, either in a new world or revisiting the GBA continents.

  13. I think a DLC involving going to Chon'sin would be cool.

    I like this idea. Explore more of the world map. Maybe they could add some as Spotpass paralogues. Also agree with BS type DLC episodes. How about one where Gregor saves Nowi from her captors?

    It's funny because before the series 2 DLC I was on the fence concerning a hypothetical series 3, but the Scrambles and FP were that damn good.

  14. I would totally love another episodic side-story like Future Past. The Morgan idea is cool, I was really bummed they didn't figure much into FP though I have my own headcanon. I probably wouldn't pay for more lords but getting new art for them would be nice.

    Also, a return to the beach and spa for more boingy bits and muscles.

  15. I was until Awakening. I used to hoard Silver, Brave, and legendary weapons for final chapters and used Heals instead of Mends longer than necessary.

    But then I played Awakening and when I went back to play 8 I just didn't care anymore. Which is a good thing, because I like using better weapons dammit! I did feel a little uncomfortable giving Josh Marisa's Shamshir to use though

  16. Virion

    + Can use Longbows fairly quickly if leveled consistenty

    + Alright reclass options, mainly Wyvern

    - Only bows until at least level 10

    - Very vulnerable at the start

    - Unimpressive stats all around

    - Can take a while to level due to having to hide from enemies consistently

    2/10, sorry bud, I still love your hair

  17. Hmmm

    Most F



    Limstella (no shame)











    Most M












    Henry (adorable)



    Least F



    Echidna (cool though)






    Least M
















    ...There is a serious imbalance in unattractive males and females in this series

  18. Totally agree with everyone who mentioned Nergal, btw. Aside from all the shit he pulls on the main characters, the fact that he goes around killing people, makes creepy servants from their remains, and then makes those servants go kill more people for him...seriously disturbing. Actually, that dude from Death's Embrace DLC is pretty similar, now that I think about it, only his assassins < morphs.

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