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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. I'm still getting busy with the ladies on my latest file but I got all the first gen confessions so here's my faves:

    Cherche - I love anything Cherche

    Cordelia - wifey

    Maribelle - love, and imo the best-acted of the girls'

    Sully - so cute even if she called me a bastard

    Olivia - adorable even if the confession image was a little random and PG-13

    The only ones I really didn't like were Lissa and Sumia, Lissa because I was reminded of why I used to think her voice was annoying and Sumia because she looked scary :c

    As for the guys I've only gotten Chrom's, which swept me off my feet pretty successfully. Oh Chrom, y u so attractive?

  2. Say'ri

    Having practically no supports really hurts her, coming in swordlocked in lanceland is idiotic, she can reclass sure, but e axes/lances this late in the game rofl. Decent stats, but no giving out support bonuses and swordlock is awful. 3.5/10

    I'm gonna be lazy and steal this but give her 3/10. -1 because she annoys me, 2/10 biased.

  3. Can't promise you a ten here, brother. Even with an amazingly fast AvaMom, my Morgan tends to start with ~17-18 speed at best, which wasn't doubling much. I haven't fiddled much with any of his reclasses, though, so that might be the clincher in my case.

    Actually, I had a change of heart. I keep forgetting we're not rating postgame value (or at least not mainly) which is where all of Morgan's worth is. So I won't give you the stank eye when the time comes :P

  4. We should do Morgan first because I like talking about good units.

    If anyone gives Morgan less than a 10 I'm going to call serious BS. It was bad enough with Avatar getting like 7s but Avatar's kid I think we can all agree is on another level.

    Would we be rating Morgan as two units like with Avatar, btw?

    Not that Morgan is up anytime soon

  5. What do you guys think of characters like Black Knight, Lyn, and Micaiah? They're all relatively popular.

    Personally, I feel they've lost their chance since there's been six games since Lyn's and three since Micaiah/Black Knight appeared. Granted, they're all in Awakening as bonus characters, so that counts for something. I just feel that realistically FE will get 3-4 characters at most, most likely being Marth and Ike as veterans, Chrom or Lucina as one newcomer, and then either Roy or someone else from Awakening for popularity.

    I would really love Micaiah though. I wanted her in Brawl.

  6. *brofists*

    My man.

    He doesn't get the love he deserves! :c

    I'd say Koume and Kotake/Twinrova. They've appeared in multiple games and are fairly important. Could have a mechanic where they are two characters but can shift into one.

    That's actually a pretty cool idea I haven't seen before. Their Final Smash could fuse them together either like ZSS or Giga Bowser transformations.

  7. I've been holding out for Tharja for a while. She'd be unique among the FE cast and in general. But I expect the Awakening rep will be Chrom or Lucina.

    Actually, I was trying to think of special moves for Chrom/Lucy. Here's what I got:

    B: Javelin (thrown, charge for distance)

    B >: Pierce (quick sword dash with strong knockback based on their Luna Aether animation)

    B v: Convoy (switch between Lance/Falchion for attacks, Falchion is stronger but lance has longer reach)

    B ^: Couldn't think of one, they might need to borrow Marth's Dolphin Slash which could reference their blood connection I guess

    Anna would also be fun and would represent the whole franchise. Hadn't thought of Caeda before but she would be pretty cool...would she get her Pegasus for her Final Smash? Triangle Attack?

  8. Either Skull Kid or Ghirahim would be awesome. I agree the latter seems more likely because he's more recent and practically had a moveset already, but you never know when dealing with Sakurai...

    I would actually rather not have Impa, as cool as she was in SS. First, she'd probably be too similar to Sheik; second, she changes too much from game to game so it could be a little odd if by the next Smash her most recent appearance is more like Oracles Impa.

    Tingle... I'd say he's long overdue to join the party :)

  9. I would love Junior if he came with his Paintbrush and wasn't just a mini-Bowser clone. I don't really like the idea of Toad as much as I love him, but if he got in he'd probably be one of my mains, as contradictory as that sounds :P

    Paper Mario and Waluigi I definitely do not want.

    I know this is not happening, but I still want Fawful playable dammit!

    As for spin off franchises, I want K Rool but I think we might get Dixie. Wario and Yoshi don't need any more characters.

  10. Okay, I planned to give the children one rating based on personal experience and we seem to have agreed one rating is good. Just to note, I'm rating Lucina based on her having Sumia, FeMU, and Sully as mothers, but I'm gonna try to keep her rating fair considering she is forced whether or not you have Chrom married to who you want or if he marries the Maiden.


    + Parallel Falchion

    + Fairly good bases thanks to Chrom, even if her mother gets screwed over or isn't the best

    + Inherits Cavalier from Chrom, can inherit at least two new classes from all her mothers (save Maiden), at least one of which is great on her (Sumia-Peg, Maribelle-Peg, Sully-Wyv and Myrm, Olivia-Peg and Myrm)

    - Starts a bit behind your team, though level 10 and inheritance usually mean she's not too hard to train

    - No 2-range for a while can hold her back since mostly everyone else will be fighting 1-2 by this point

    8/10 from me, she's pretty great and can be the better Lord thanks to having more classes and skills, but like all the kids comes a bit late and behind your group

    +1 bias for 9/10

  11. I'm fine with just buying the 3DS version instead of a Wii U + the HD version. It would be a different story if the 3DS got less characters or if there were version-exclusive characters, but Sakurai already said all characters will be in both. I don't mind not getting the same stages, so meh.

  12. -shrugs- Yoshi has some solid moves on him he just needs a more solid moveset. After I saw Smash 4 Bowser the confidence for character's being changed up rose dramatically

    Me too regarding Bowser but also with Pit getting apparently a whole new moveset I get the feeling several other returning characters will be a bit different this time. Dunno if Yoshi will be one of them. I think Luigi will for sure get the Poltergust and maybe some of his M&L moves (Thunderhand? :P).

  13. Henry

    + Dark Magic

    + Good defense, skill

    + Thief gets him some decent skills, Barbs can help with his speed (but at the sake of his magic)

    - Last of the marriage candidates to arrive means he may not get an S partner or even a spot in the army

    - Low speed, resistance

    - Magic is kinda slow to grow in my experience, even though he does like getting criticals so it's not a huge issue

    6/10 above average, +1 bias cause he's cute and his supports are cute 7/10

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