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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. You don't always have to put the stronger unit in front. Putting a weak unit in front with a stronger one supporting them gives the weaker unit bonuses in stats and can make them able to take more hits or deal more damage. So, for example, you could put Frederick with Sully and have Sully attack pretty safely as long as you check she won't be rushed by a bunch of enemies.

    Remember you can switch between pair up units before attacking, just in case there's a particularly strong enemy or you can't heal the one in front.

  2. If you want to stay on hard you should at least be reading the tutorials (not sure if you have been). In battle go to an empty spot and press A to access the menu.

    Also, if you aren't already doing so make sure you check enemy range with X for all enemy units or pressing A over a single enemy. You should do this before moving Lissa or any weaker characters that are not paired up. Personally, I also like to use healers every turn if I can to heal even minimal injuries so they gain experience faster and can change classes sooner.

    As for Frederick, use him but don't overuse him early on so your other units can get experience too. It's a good idea to use Frederick to attack enemies first without killing them and have another character then finish the enemy. Kills get more experience.

    Don't give up!

  3. Second one:

    I didn't play Fire Emblem since Rekka no Ken, so I had to get in shape. Still my stubbornness didn't allow me to go for the lowest difficulty, so I had to go for classical hard. The start was really frustrating, totally not needed. That's one of my greatest flaws - even if I would have more fun on a lower difficulty, I don't go for it.

    For me it was the opposite. I own all localized FEs, played through Awakening's demo on all difficulties, and for some reason still decided to make my first file on normal difficulty. It's the file I play all DLC on and I've come to regret it because most of the postgame stuff is too easy. I'm tempted to replace it with a hard mode file with mostly the same pairings and the same Avatar but I'm hesitant because of all the time I've put into my normal file :/.

  4. Least Favorite: Chapter 26 E/28 H in Rekka No Ken. (It's ok on easy, but on harder difficulties Jaffar's survival is pretty much entirely down to chance, and given that you need him to stay alive in order to progress onto the upcoming gaiden chapter, your going to need to continue endlessly soft resetting regardless of how well you strategise.)

    Ah! I love that chapter! It's so cool in terms of the story and I remember the first time playing it the sense of urgency I had trying to get to Jaffar and Nino, and then being attacked by an unseen Ursula was sooo creepy to me.

  5. Hmm, off the top of my head the chapter that takes place in Serenes in PoR was cool because of how unique it was with its "phases" and different objectives, although it can be annoying in the part you have to defend a certain heron. Another memorable one is part 3 endgame in RD because of the atmosphere and it being pretty much the climax of the story.

    Ones I dislike... I honestly have a harder time thinking of any which I guess is a good thing :P. The one in RD part 3 in which you control the Dawn Brigade in the swamp can be pretty frustrating. Low mobility + low visibility + underleveled units...thanks IS.

  6. Well, Selene is still related to the Moon, being a Greek Goddess. It's highly likely it got changed so the skill retains the foreign feel while keeping the same theme. It's not an uncommon practice.

    I may need to review my Greek mythology >_>

    Well, I guess it makes more sense than I thought. Still seems a bit odd to me that they wouldn't leave it even if it didn't sound "exotic", though, since in the original Japanese there's no such connotation.

  7. On Normal mode too? Hmm, sounds like a good challenge!

    I hope this will be a good chapter and... yeah, a good unit too. And reading posts about bringing 25 units... uhh.... whoa. I don't even have 25 units I've trained. It's only under 10 that are really good. Or around 10. And I pair up. A lot.

    And I guess that's why no one posted the Avatar (F) x Priam support conversation in the thread... and had to grab it from youtube.

    Lol wait, I think I got mixed up when I said I brought 25 XD I just remember I brought about half of the max amount, I was thinking 50 was the max but that's the enemies.

  8. That was fun XD. I was so excited with this AND new DLC today! I only brought 25 units to Priam's map (50 seems like a LOT o.O). Wasn't expecting them all to rush me from turn 1! The map itself... It looks nice but ugh, more huge flat plains? :(

    Anyway, reclassed Priam to Mercenary to get Armsthrift. After that I might get him Astra and then go Dread Fighter, but his starting skills are pretty darn good already.

  9. Two generations would be cool but I'd be sad for the kids that didn't make the cut :(

    EDIT: Why are people still saying Sumia is Chrom's canon wife? There is nothing saying she is.

    Because she's in the intro movie and the game developers clearly intended for her to be the one most players would pair Chrom with (introducing her as crushing on Chrom, making her have a second movie with Chrom, giving her very few support options especially considering Henry's join time...)

  10. I totally thought about this too XD

    My guess, assuming there would only be ten...

    Lissa (Cleric) - main character, pretty sure bet

    Sumia (Pegasus Knight) - likely because at the end of the day she is the main character's canon love interest

    Gaius (Thief) - guessing based on his popularity in Japan

    Tharja (Dark Mage) - also basing on popularity

    Morgan F (Mage or Tactician) - to represent the kids and Avatar, female just imo

    Say'ri (Swordmaster) - story relevance

    Aversa (Dark Flier) - story relevance, along with Validar present in both Plegia and Valm arcs

    Validar (Sorcerer) - story relevance, as much as I may hate him

    Lucina (Hero or Swordmaster) - clear choice, just not sure of the class

    Chrom (Hero?) - duh, also unsure of the class

  11. Imo it's pretty useful to have before you can access some of the better stat boosting skills. Obviously if you have a unit with a Stat+2 they'll be better off replacing it with All Stats+2. After a while it does become outclassed but it's not a bad skill to put on a few units in the early chapters. I don't bother to get many of them though.

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