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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. Edit: Oh Shoot! I forgot Majora's Mask! I like all the sidequests and masks and stuff, but for whatever reason I find most of the dungeons to be annoying (to hell with stone tower temple). If it weren't for that Majora's Mask would get a lot more love from me. Overall the game is still great.

    Oh no you didn't! I love the Stone Tower!

    I'm disappointed in everyone who didn't vote for OoT or ALttP. :Knoll:

    Except ZM, Emerald, and BLS because they're cool. And Soul because :awesome:

    (Sorry, it had to be done though :P)

  2. I always have trouble deciding which is my favourite...

    I love Majora's Mask for how deep it is gameplay-wise (the sidequests are simply the best in the series to date) and story-wise (there's so many interesting angles), for how different it is from any other Zelda game...

    But I also love the Wind Waker for having a great story that's a lot darker than you would expect, which culminates in what I think is the most memorable final boss battle in the whole series so far (second would be the Majora moon sequence for sure). WW does suffer from having a few temples cut (can't remember if it was two or three), but I have to say I never found sailing boring, nor did I have that much of a problem with the Triforce quest.

    I've also always had a soft spot for Link's Awakening. And of course there's OoT and LttP... Skyward Sword was very good too...

    Can I just vote for all of these? XD (I think this time I'll vote for MM, but I'm almost sure it'll change in the next poll I come across :P)

  3. I got some new confessions to make.

    I refuse to fight any of the Spotpass teams in the villains group with anything other than Chaos as the map theme.

    I prefer Sumia with Chrom and Henry with Cherche, but I have to admit white-haired Trickster Cynthia and Virion-silver-haired Gerome as a Dark Knight are just tooooo cool and somehow feel so right XP

    I paired Brady and Noire together on my first file because they were my least favourite of the children. Since then I have warmed up to Brady but Noire still makes me uncomfortable...

    Edit: Also, anyone else experience that awkward moment when your brain links traffic signs to FE skills instead of things you should actually be thinking of while driving? ...


    Clearly I've been traumatized by Counter Warriors...

  4. So I just got a barracks conversation between Yen'fay and Say'ri...and to my surprise, it wasn't generic! I wish I had written it down word for word (oops), but it was basically Yen'fay commenting on Say'ri's smile and asking if she was glad to fight alongside him again, and she answered that he may not be her Yen'fay but she is comforted to see him alive and well all the same.

    This makes me think the other Spotpass characters probably must have similar barracks conversations with specific characters... Has anyone ran across any and possibly transcribed them? They may not be concrete supports but they're still cool!

  5. Woohoo! Happy birthday Lucina! I'll take you out for ice cream to celebrate.

    File 1: Paladin Lucy got a Blessed Bow :|

    File 2: Swordmaster Lucy got a Dying Blaze :|

    We'll also stop by the nearest shop to exchange your presents.

    Edit: Forged her a Brave Lance on my main file and named it O-tanjoubi♪. That's better :p.

  6. I can't believe so many of you've never seen them! I was so happy when I saw them on Say'ri's map XD. Anyway, aside from the ones chilling on the rooftops, I am pretty sure there is one in that map that's inside one of the houses, you can see it in the door only the first time playing the map (as after that the doors are closed). Can't confirm right meow as I am past that point in both my current files but I'm pretty sure. Neko Emblem.

  7. Tbh shadowofchaos I've never had a problem with how you describe your preference of the Japanese voices, because every time I've seen you post on the topic you always say in the same post that the English voice acting is very good too. But some other people make it sound like preferring the English voices makes you inferior or something, for not being able to grasp the omgobjectivesuperiority of the Japanese ones. At least, that's the impression I've gotten.

    Also you were so right on predicting the inevitable outbreak of arguments

    I find Tiki's english voice to be so goddamn cute.

    So earlier in this thread I said I couldn't think of any Japanese voices I liked better than the English... I believe you have just reminded me of an exception :p

  8. I actually found the Anna map really easy. Maybe I should try it without Galeforce...

    Speaking of the Pegasus sisters, anyone else find Est's new art kind of creepy? I mean... that demonic look... it's like she's staring into my soul and getting ready to consume it. Nightmarish.

  9. ^ Because I don't have a Wii U :( I wish it was coming to 3DS as well... But it's great news regardless, hopefully this won't be an isolated occasion and will actually mark the return of the franchise over here, I've always wanted to play it. I'm curious to learn how much they had to change to deal with copyright issues...

    Also, Bravely Default looks really good!

  10. And I think Donnel is like 14. But I like him with Lissa anyway. They're SO cute. And there's nothing wrong with a woman being with a guy that's a bit younger than her.

    Lol, what?? It's cute for an older woman to be with a younger man, but disgusting for an older man to be with a younger woman? Double standard much...

    Donny and Lissa seem more like 18-19 to me, anyway.

  11. I am wondering though. Anna mentions this week's team as the first of many assorted ones. If she had said today, I would assume she meant the other 9 teams one would receive every 24 hours. Then there's Narihiro telling us that there will be more spotpass surprises, when we only have 1 paralogue and a few weapons left to give. Does this mean there will be a round 2 of spotpass?

    I thought it was phrased...oddly, too. But given the tendency of the notifications having all sorts of typos and errors I'm not sure if we should think anything of it. Would be a nice surprise, though.

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