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Everything posted by Krevin

  1. Exactly. It was the official tournament result rankings, and it's definitely not a tier list. I was just judging by the transformation of Melee's metagame, assuming it would transform faster in Brawl because the tourney scene is growing so fast, and looking at who is growing the most. MK is the new Sheik: Instant top tier status, and the metagame is going to revolve largely around bringing him/her down. Falco is the new Fox, started out good and able to keep up with every AT out there, with a growing metagame that suggests a likely jump to the top. Of course, this is all speculation, and you're right, we can't tell what's gonna change yet, but IMO there won't be any drastic tier shifts. I mean, if there's an AT that completely alters the metagame (Like MK's IDC, which technically didn't alter the metagame because it could only be used by MK, who was already too uber for this game, but it made MK unstoppable) then it will almost definitely get banned from standard play. Other than that, high tier characters will usually stay high-tier and low-tier characters will usually stay low tier, because no AT will ever alter the basic rudiments of the game. Again I point out: http://super-smash-bros.wikia.com/wiki/Lis...ious_tier_lists We can all agree that there were drastic ATs between day one and the most recent Melee tier list, but there weren't many drastic changes in the list. Sure, Zelda moved down while CF and Jiggs moved up, but for the most part there wasn't a lot of movement for characters. And because the current competitive smash scene is a few zillion times the size that it was back when Melee was around, I think it's safe to say that Brawl is gonna develop a lot faster. Naturally, I assume it will be a couple years before MK is dethroned, but I have no doubt in my mind that Falco will be above MK when SSB4 is released.
  2. Define "good". It pretty much just means you don't know all the cool nerdy lingo us Melee players use.
  3. Wasn't Sety the god that made Incognito batshit broken in Hellsing?
  4. Friendly fire is AWESOME! I'll probably have holyr9k come over to my house on doubles nights, to reduce lag. EDIT: And I think Friday night would work best.
  5. I love the blue haired hero of this game.
  6. I guess I'm not a cool indie kid, then :<
  7. Oh, I'm thinking the top 4 for Brawl is gonna end up being Falco, MetaKnight, Snake, and Diddy, in that order. Falco seems to be developing a lot faster in the metagame than any other character, MK is already broken, as is Snake, and Diddy shuts down all of his enemies. Sheik will probably start going up on the list (note how much faster we're all playing compared to when the game first came out. Speed is once again important), Dedede will likely move down a few spots because he's fat, but he'll stay high. Bowser will move down, Jiggs might move up a bit. Yoshi is gonna move up because of his ability to fight MK and Snake without a disadvantage, and most other high-tier characters are proving to be less efficient counters.
  8. Brawl is definitely different. http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=165954 Yeah, I didn't follow the Melee metagame too well. I was (and still am) a lot better at Melee, though.
  9. Of course you don't. These aren't Brawl puns, these are MELEE puns! TURRRRBO PUNS
  10. Oh GOD. I haven't seen that shit in years. Uhh, benadryll is my anti-drug
  11. Like I said, his top tier position is irrelevant to his tourney wins. It's not a cycle because the Tier List is irrelevant to tourney wins (again note: CF is near the middle of the list for current Brawl tournament results, but he's still the bottom of the tier list). It's more of a cause and effect with two effects.
  12. Krevin

    Gran Torino

    Oh... I got a light.
  13. TL;DR @ the replies, but FE6: Zealot, Wendy, Sophia, Yuno, Wolt FE7: Karla, Wallace, Renault, Louise, Karel, Wil FE8: Ewan, Dozla, Syrene, Innes, KNOLL FE10: Meg, Fiona, Lyre, Astrid, Gareth, Kyza OH AND RUTGER IS SHIT IN FE6 HE HAS NO CRIT RATE >:o
  14. It's the other way around, actually. Fox has the most potential, which puts him at the top of top tier, which means he has the most followers, which (paired with his previously stated potential) means he's gonna win the most tourneys. Yeah, I know. I think I brought that up already, did I not? No. Well I mean, THEORETICALLY they could, if somebody were to find a way to drastically control the metagame with them, or if they became extremely popular (Fox can't win if all the good Fox players switch to Pichu). But assuming that smashers are metagaming properly, it's pretty obvious that Fox is gonna place first most frequently. Yeah, I already made this statement. But in a much straighter way. By excluding pro-level, I didn't mean that only scrubs were in mention. I was just referring to all those good smashers that are good enough to win local tourneys, but not good enough to fight on-par with big names like Ken and M2K. On a relevant note, why would you bring up Fox being the best if you're assuming everybody to be a high-level player? I think it's pretty well-known that Fox has been considered the best since like 2007, if anybody can use him efficiently it's pretty much a given that they know he's the best.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKS1q89FpNA...feature=related
  16. I'm guessing that the warning system here is the same as at FEE, since it seems like it's all the same format. It pushes it down to like 5 years or something, but the limit to how long a mod can suspend a member is generally longer than you can expect a forum to stay active.
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