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Everything posted by Krevin

  1. PenisXVagina VaginaXVagina PenisXPenis TentacleXVagina
  2. Quickdraw is a decent attack, it's just shite for recovery. No useful ATs? He's got quite a few involving Aether and the ledge, and they're all useful to some extent. Ike > Mario, because Mario really can't kill anything.
  3. k Characters that Dedede can't chaingrab with his dthrow, by tier: SS: MetaKnight A: Game&Watch, Marth B: Olimar C: Pikachu, Kirby, Ice Climbers D: Zamus, Toon Link, Peach E: Zelda, Sheik F: Lucas, Ness, Squirtle G: Jigglypuff I'm a bit unsure of Falco, Sonic, and Pit, since I've never seen Dedede chaingrab Falco (all the D3 vs Falco matches I've seen, Falco RAPED before Dedede had a chance to grab) or Sonic (I don't know many Sonic players), and I heard somebody say that Pit can break out of it. Anyways, my point is: A lot of the characters he doesn't chainthrow are closer to the middle of the tier list. Besides, whether or not he can do it to other characters doesn't change the fact that Dedede's grab is instant death for Ike. Once again... They don't need to be infinities. They can all be used for 0-Deaths, and 0-deaths are far more troublesome than infinities. It would be something Ike could exploit, were he faster or in possession of a projectile, but he's slow and has no projectiles, so it's more likely going to be Ike that will be exploited if the enemy gets a way. *coughsonicforremovedfromsmashtier*
  4. Only got about halfway through the first video so far, but I can say this right off the bat: Your Ike uses dair over the ground too much. Landlag = fail If that Diddy is choosing to play without bananas, he needs to get better at switching between playing offensively and defensively. Also, when he did pull out a banana, he didn't use it very well. After more watching: That Toon Link needs a lot more bair, and a lot more bombs. That Falcon vs Ganon fight was disappointing. Falcon is faster than Ganon, you should've focused on exploiting his lack of speed instead of trying to land as many smashes and knees as you possibly could.
  5. Okay, either you're trolling or you have no idea what game we're talking about. Dedede chaingrabs Ike to ~80-90%, and then camps the ledge with nair and bair. Falco chaingrabs Ike to ~40%, which gets him off the ledge and in danger of being spiked. MetaKnight chaingrabs Ike off the stage, and who cares about damage? Metaknight is gonna combo you away while you're falling downwards, so you can't recover. Wario chaingrabs Ike, though I haven't seen enough Wario-Ike matches to know exactly how useful it is I'm almost 100% sure that there are other characters with deadly chaingrabs against Ike that I'm not realizing, but ICs aren't the only one that kill Ike with just a grab. EDIT: And IIRC Wolf can chaingrab Ike, plus Yoshi can do the Krevslap combo (dash -> double kick -> dash -> double kick, etc. until they're off the ledge, then spike with fair) with ease against Ike. His usmash and fair are predictable, most enemies will usually be able to get away from it. Quick draw is one of his only good moves. You can edgehog Aether, you just have to time it properly. Captain Falcon has enough options to be competitive, that doesn't mean he's Top Tier. What you have to realize about smash is that your match isn't guaranteed to go a certain way just because of your characters tier placement or match-up against your enemy. I've seen some highly skilled Pikachus get beaten by equally-skilled Foxes, despite the Pikachu - Fox matchup being dramatically in Pikachu's favor. I've seen a Mario destroy a MetaKnight, and both players were really good (one of them is JWN3D, who got an honorable mention in the Mario power rankings, and IIRC the other was Eagle, best MK in Vegas, so that should give you a perspective of their skill level). TL;DR: Quit bitching. No matter where your character falls, he/she will always be usable to some extent.
  6. This thread is now about In-N-Out meals. Animal style.
  7. Who gives a fuck about an Oxford comma? I've seen those English dramas too-hoo, they're croo-hool
  8. Yes he does. EDIT: Roy is top tier, he has fire.
  9. All of my characters, save for maybe Sonic, perform better than my Wario, but that doesn't mean Wario should be bottom tier. Ike is slow, and his high-knockback makes it hard for him to combo (comboing somebody from 0-100 and keeping them right in front of you >>>>>>>> hitting them once for 12 damage and forcing them to recover, especially since Ike can't gimp for shit). Marth is fast and almost all of his moves are either killing moves or low knockback moves that can be used for epic combos.
  11. Tater Tots have AIDS as well. And herpes. Lots of herpes. FOUR-HUNDRED HERPES.
  12. Yep. http://www.ataricommunity.com/forums/archi...p/t-549788.html That's not the whole cast, though. There's a severe lack of Great Saiyawoman on that list :/ Yeah, except in Pokemon the Uber Tier is usually banned from tourney play, so Shedinja is bumped back to UU because damn near every Poke in OU tier can hit Shedinja, and Shedinja can hardly do any damage to anybody ever. It's more like how Lapras is OU instead of BL in Pokemon RBY: Your enemy is almost guaranteed to have a Golem or Rhydon on his/her team, and Lapras hits them so zetta hard, and then Lapras can play a fair wall against Slowbro and Exeggutor (unless you get unlucky and your enemy put Mega Drain on their Exeggutor). It also exploits Zapdos' Ice weakness, making Zapdos less of a counter. Lapras holds his/her own in OU, but against BL or UU tiers your Lapras is gonna die hard.
  13. Chicks dig me because I rarely wear underwear and when I do it's usually something unusual.
  14. 1/10 because I have no idea where it's from but she looks like a hoe. Fo sho.
  15. That's not necessarily true. I heard somebody (can't remember where) explain how Great Ape Baby is only a high tier character in DBZBT2 beceause he can counter Omega Shenron and SS4 Gogeta, and the rest of the cast rapes him.
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