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Everything posted by Krevin

  1. Don't you mean Olimar? You probably haven't noticed it, though, since the Pikmin hold him down so much. They make him heavier so his ^B isn't as useful.
  2. If you merge SS tier with S tier, then I have a main and an alt for each tier, just like in Melee and 64 :D EDIT: As for the tier list its self, I disagree with Lucas being so low, Yoshi being so high, and Pokemon Trainer still being considered one character. Charizard would be G Tier, Ivysaur and Squirtle would each probably be in D and E tier, respectively.
  3. I lol'd, but they overcredit Isai. He may be the supreme overlord of 64 (and the man I aspire to be), but people can actually beat him in Melee.
  4. No, it was only about wavedashing. They didn't necessarily "ruin" brawl, they just marketed it to the people who QQ'd over getting JV 5-stocked by their friend who learned how to waveshine after watching a few Youtube videos. I find it hilarious, though, that Sakurai wanted to make the Brawl character roster more balanced than Melee's, but it ended up being even less balanced.
  5. Actually, that's completely contradictory to what I was gonna say here. Tripping has advantages and disadvantages. If you're chasing after your enemy, it's a bad thing because it gives them a chance to attack you. However, tripping gives a few invincibility frames (during the trip, not when you land) so if you accidentally run into somebody's attack, there's a small chance of you not being punished. In essence, it increases the luck factor of Brawl, which is nice because the only thing close to luck that you needed to frequently worry about in Melee was the cloud on Yoshi's Island (err, Yoshi's Story? whichever one was a neutral stage), and Game&Watch's neutral-special and side-special, neither of which are used much by higher-level players.
  6. Few things in Brawl are better than Weegee's recovery. Ike's >B forces you into helpless mode if it hits anything. Weegee's >B doesn't force you into helpless mode, and goes about the same distance as Ike's. After Weegee uses >B, he can use his weegeecopter and ^B for massive Vertical recovery. Imagine this, you're in a fight against a skilled Toon Link on Final D, and you've teched to around 180 damage. usmashed Toon Link at a low damage and now he's coming back down. You go in to land an aerial, but he hits you with his amazing bair, sending you way off the stage. When you finally break your hitstun, you're in the left margin, level with or below the ledge. Luigi can >B, then use his Weegeecopte, then ^B to make it back, and possibly not even touch the ledge. Ike has to use his second jump, then use his >B and hope two things happen: 1) he's high enough to grab the ledge, and 2) Toon Link doesn't gimp him (shoot a projectile, jump in front of the >B, or grab the ledge). Now, who has the better recovery? Thats right, MetaKnight.
  7. That link says that L-cancelling might've been a glitch in 64. It wasn't. It also says that float-cancelling might have been a glitch, but considering people used it in the original releases of Brawl (when Bowser had flame-cancelling), they would've taken it out if it was unintentional. Its just a different form of a DJC, which isn't a glitch. It also says Dash Dancing was removed, which is a false statement. As for the B-moves that get cancelled when you land, it's only moves that are supposed to have minimal lag anyways (Fox's lasers, Samoo's missiles, etc.). They're right about wavedashing, it's just the mechanics of the game, and the competitive scene found ways to make it extremely useful. Now then, not ALL of Melee's AT's aren't glitches. For example, Samus' super wavedash, superduper wavedash, and super tether were all glitches (I'm not sure whether or not her extendo-chain was a glitch, but I'm guessing it wasn't). Also, Ness' yo-yo glitch is obviously a glitch.
  8. Recruit by talking with Tino in chapter 12-2008 at the cost of 100,000 gold
  9. EDIT: I was just informed that this is a twilight reference. That makes it a lot less funny :/
  11. YOU'RE wrong. The width of the column that shows text is gonna be the same size (810 pixels, if I'm not mistaken) every single time, unless a pagestretching image is posted. In that case, its only IE (nobody uses IE) that will stretch other posts as well. Anyways, if you don't like the built-in indent feature, you can always hit the space bar, then alt+0173 (the invisible hyphen that's only visible in notepad) and then another space, and then another invisible hyphen, and so on and so forth until there's a big enough indentation.
  12. I think he was talking about pursuing an enemy with dair to gimp them when you could just guard the ledge with your fsmash. DH is dumb, though, because it's easier to dodge Ike's fsmash than his dair. I'm pretty sure he was talking about doing that when you've already caught the ledge, so you're just getting your enemy away. short-hopped nair -> sidetaunt is a combo. I'll see if I can get my Ike vids up later. It was me vs my cousin (who actually mains Ike) and I won every time with at least 30 side-taunts per match (usually 3-stocked or JV 3-stocked him) PREPARE YOURSELF! PREPARE YOURSELF! PREPARE YOURSELF! PREPARE YOURSELF! PREPARE YOURSELF! PREPARE YOURSELF! PREPARE YOURSELF! PREPARE YOURSELF! PREPARE YOURSELF! PREPARE YOURSELF! PREPARE YOURSELF! PREPARE YOURSELF! PREPARE YOURSELF! PREPARE YOURSELF! PREPARE YOURSELF! PREPARE YOURSELF! PREPARE YOURSELF! PREPARE YOURSELF! PREPARE YOURSELF! PREPARE YOURSELF! PREPARE YOURSELF! PREPARE YOURSELF! PREPARE YOURSELF! PREPARE YOURSELF! PREPARE YOURSELF! PREPARE YOURSELF! PREPARE YOURSELF! PREPARE YOURSELF! PREPARE YOURSELF! PREPARE YOURSELF! PREPARE YOURSELF! PREPARE YOURSELF! PREPARE YOURSELF! PREPARE YOURSELF! Ike's easiest enemy is Bowser, since speedy characters like Fox and MetaKnizzight are the best way to counter Ike. Bowser's biggest strength is his heaviness, making it hard for most characters to kill him. Ike has no trouble getting past that. 9-11 have been mentioned already IIRC, and his >B is shite because all your enemy has to do to gimp it is jump in the way. And trust me, its always better to take a hit then to let your enemy recover, soooo...
  13. :o methinks the advertising in my sig over at FEEF is working well.
  15. That's the most arrogant idea I've ever heard. Fighting games aren't supposed to be even, putting everybody in middle tier takes all the fun out of the game. Also, if they did that, they'd be buffing Yoshi, and that would increase people's reasons to play him, and he's already too overused for my liking. I only started maining him beacause the smashboards character rankings put him at the very bottom. Now everybody is picking him up as an alt, and I can't call myself a cool indie kid for maining him. Oh, and all the Snake, MK, D3, and Wario players would bitch to no end if this was instated. The Falco players would be cool about it, since Falco players are generally cool people that stick with Falco regardless of nerfs.
  16. I think a better way of putting it would be "WHY do the Flaming Lips still exist?" beat me to it :< Anyways, I listen to quite the range of music. Including, but definitely not limited to, REAL metal. I like the heavy shit like Braindrill, Gojira, See You Next Tuesday, Whitechapel, Impending Doom, etc., but I'm also a big fan of soft indie stuff like Pinback, Sufjan Stevens, Death Cab, and so on. I also like a lot of lesser-known rap artists like Spank Rock and Hoodstarz, and electronic stuff, such as Crystal Castles and Justice. Still, my favorite genre will always be Math Rock (which MySpace doesn't even recognize as a genre yet LAWL). Tera Melos is the greatest band on the planet. TL;DR: I like all the stuff that the radio overlooks. EDIT: Oh not cool. I set imeem to "auto-recommend" and it was playing a bunch of Postal Service, which I was happy about, and then it threw "Fight Test" by The Flaming Lips in there. On a nicer note, the Flaming Lips are a LOT more talented than I remembered.
  17. Krevin

    Desktop thread

    Cleaned up my desktop on my dad's compy quite a bit. http://i41.tinypic.com/vdogub.png And thats as clean as it'll get, since I don't have administrative rights and thereby can't get rid of those dll files and I probably can't delete any of those shortcuts, I tried a few of them and it wouldn't let me. And they're friggin' shortcuts! EDIT: http://i42.tinypic.com/334khp1.jpg I can delete the dll files, and the shortcuts I couldn't delete were moved offscreen.
  18. Who cares about art? This is a video game, not a gallery of Fine Greek Sculptures. Also, PAL covers are taking the risk that the buyer will 1) have heard of the game or 2) decided to pick a game at random for to purchasing and came across their specific game. American game covers are different: If you've heard of the game, the cover shouldn't change a thing. And if you haven't heard of the game, the cover gives you a bit of insight as to what it's about, so you know whether or not you wanna buy it. Also, if you wanna talk about artistic quality, most PAL covers are text-only, and there's very little artistic quality in that. *kills self* Hmmm, definitely interesting. I can't honestly say which country I prefer in general, but a few games were obviously in one countries favor.
  19. Name: Krevin Species: Laguz Class: Werewolf I figure if you're taking Freohr's vampire idea, you might as well do Werewolves as well. The werewolf laguz is very similar to the wolf laguz, but it doesn't control its transformation. Instead, it will transform and revert and random times in the presence of open wounds (ergo it will stay human if it's not in battle). Also, when transformed, it stands on two feet instead of all fours. It gets even stronger than normal laguzes (if we're talking stats, x3 human form stats instead of x2 and a +20 crit boost), but occasionally loses its better judgment and goes berserk, attacking anyone nearby, be they friend or foe.
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