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Everything posted by Krevin

  1. I'm aware of that, and I wasn't making an argument against it. I was just pointing out that tiers shouldn't have substantial influence on your character choices.
  2. This statement is also false. Look at older tier lists: Sheik was the very top for quite a while, and it wasn't until the metagame was ridiculously advanced that Fox went above her. Unless you're playing at a pro-level, Sheik is likely to have more potential. Fox requires a dramatic amount of ATs and tech-skill in order for him to be better than Sheik (though I won't debate the fact that he's comparable to her without said ATs), and at extremely low skill levels recovery matters more than speed, and shitty players might be better off with Kirby or Jigglypuff. I don't have much to say about the rest of your post, so I'll just leave it at that.
  3. Again, they probably won't even ANNOUNCE a new SSB until at least 2012, at which point I'm thinking we'll have a new FE game. They were trying to keep Roy in, but were short on time/space. They actually didn't mean to cut characters other than Young Link (replaced by Toon Link), but again, there wasn't enough time, and probably not enough room. They should've made Brawl a 2-disc game: Disc 1 with 1-player modes and co-op modes, and Disc 2 with Multiplayer. That way, they could have a LOT more in the game. But I don't think space was the primary issue, considering how they had to keep pushing back the release date. No, it was probably a bunch of anonymous death-threats saying "DO IT NAO OR I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU".
  4. If laughing at Sky's grammar is wrong, baby, I don't wanna be right.
  5. Nino gets her own subfolder in my loli folder and I'm proud of it On the sly?
  6. ROY'S OUR BOY~ No, the reason has nothing to do with him dying in his own game. If that were true, they wouldn't have put in Captain Olimar, because we all know the secret Pikmin 2 ending.
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