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Everything posted by Krevin

  1. I'm guessing you also forgot he could use his ^B after using his >B.
  2. Meh, he's not bad. Nothing amazing, or anything, but noting special. Kind of reminds me of my Roy, if I wavedashed moar and started playing Gold instead of Alternate-Blue
  3. Their recovery isn't hard to control. It's slow and gimpable, but not hard to control. Ness is fine where he is, I was just wondering why Lucas is so goddamn low. Game & Watch made Top Tier on the first list based almost entirely off of his High-Priority attacks. Lucas has strong, quick, high-priority attacks as well but he's in the lower regions of the list. Anyways, my friend explained it to me, though. Lucas' awkward size, weight, and floatiness make it so that almost everybody can chaingrab him. Same with Ness, but all Ness had going for him to begin with was his overpowered PKT2 so it's nothing worth getting upset about. Yeah, sure, and I assume you think Snake is only up there because of his mortar slide <_<
  4. That's why they left in rolling. -_-
  5. Also, can't Ike's bair help him DI? IIRC It can bring him in close enough that Aether is almost always safer than Quick Draw. But then again, I don't play as or against Ike very often, sooo...
  6. Its entirely useless. Why would you want to go the length of Pichu's foot when you could run at least 4 times as far in the same amount of time? I was over-exaggerating to prove a point. Playing with absolutely none of the popular Melee AT's gives you a disadvantage against players who can efficiently use them. No offense, but you're a tard. Here, I'll explain it tier by tier Top Tier: Wavedashing is almost entirely unnecessary for Sheik, it's all for mindgames and showing off. Her running is significantly faster, and her dash attack links into combos so it's almost a bad thing to wavedash as it removes one of your better moves. Marth can wavesmash pretty well, but his true reason for being top tier is because the lag of his aerials is almost entirely post-attack, and thereby he can do tricks like SHFFLing to combo without attack lag. Fox is top tier because of being one of the fastest attacking characters in the game (and because of the ATs that have been discovered thusfar he can be the fastest, but he has been in the top 3 since day 1, before anybody cared about wavedashing) and Falco is top tier because his fast moves and his happy feet. High Tier: Peach doesn't wavedash. She's High Tier because of her float and her dsmash. Captain Falcon's wavedash sucks. He's got the SHFFL and the Moonwalk as his primary AT's. Jigglypuff might occasionally wavedash when she lands to give herself a slight boost in a specific direction, but she plays primarily by staying in the air while low to the ground, racking up a bit of damage with her aerials and then just fighting as a stalling mechanism 'til she can land her Rest. Ice Climbers rely on synchronizing/desynchronizing, MAD DI SKILLZZZZZ, SHFFLing, and yes Wavedashing, but they can hold their own without it. Mid Tier: Ganon and DK definitely don't rely on wavedashing. Samus is a great character with or without wavedashing, because she has things like missile canceling and RRRRRAAAAAAAAANNNNNNGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEEE. Luigi's being placed here instead of Low/Bottom is almost entirely based on wavedashing, but as you can tell that's not the case with everyone. Mario and the Doc are speedy little runts, their disadvantages lie in their short limbs though. Link is at the top of Low Tier, and we all know he doesn't wavedash. Need I go on? Also, you said Mewtwo isn't negative tier because of wavedashing. That made me lol, because Mewtwo IS negative tier. Worse than Bowser = Total shite .
  7. I love how is the first related video.
  8. He's not just the boss of you, he's the FINAL BOSS OF THE INTERNET! God damn it learn to speak English better.
  9. Weegee's >B uncharged ends farther than Ike's. Also, you said you thought it was better than Luigi's RECOVERY, not better than Luigi's >B. Also, I reiterate how easy it is to gimp Ike's >B, and how you can't gimp Weegee.
  10. I thought this was supposed to be a troll post, why you gotta put facts?
  11. http://www.snorgtees.com/evengodknowsit-p-40.html http://www.snorgtees.com/i_fullpic.php?pi_...u_Fullpic_1.gif http://www.snorgtees.com/empireurbanregeneration-p-626.html http://www.snorgtees.com/ihavethebodyofagod-p-247.html http://www.snorgtees.com/ipissexcellence-p-286.html http://www.snorgtees.com/ilovelamp-p-260.html http://www.snorgtees.com/1threattoamericabears-p-250.html http://www.snorgtees.com/cantreadgood-p-284.html http://www.snorgtees.com/myotherrideisyourmom-p-214.html http://www.snorgtees.com/knowingishalfthebattle-p-620.html http://www.snorgtees.com/angularmomentum-p-628.html http://www.snorgtees.com/letsgethammered-p-300.html http://www.snorgtees.com/tuxedotshirtjesus-p-296.html http://www.snorgtees.com/thecatalinawinemixer-p-575.html http://www.snorgtees.com/singlediseasefree-p-31.html http://www.snorgtees.com/aluminumfalcon-p-482.html http://www.snorgtees.com/meatisneat-p-332.html http://www.snorgtees.com/wishyouwerebeer-p-225.html http://www.snorgtees.com/thisshirtisnotblack-p-329.html http://www.snorgtees.com/icanhascatz-p-494.html
  12. THIS made me laugh. Your story fucking sucked, DH.
  13. Display Name History For: Ivan Ooze From To Change Date MattLocke Ivan Ooze 4th January 2009 - 09:14 PM Oliver is in Control Again MattLocke 25th December 2008 - 08:08 PM Blue Fox of Water Oliver is in Control Again 1st December 2008 - 07:51 PM Locke Cole Blue Fox of Water 18th November 2008 - 02:31 PM Matthew O'Connell Locke Cole 5th November 2008 - 06:05 AM Ivan Lysen Matthew O'Connell 19th October 2008 - 06:04 AM Google Adsense Ivan Lysen 8th October 2008 - 06:00 PM Mathew O'Connell Google Adsense 8th October 2008 - 05:21 PM Tibarn Mathew O'Connell 13th August 2008 - 06:56 AM Oliver is in Control Tibarn 1st August 2008 - 06:19 AM Tibarn Oliver is in Control 22nd July 2008 - 03:57 AM Ephraim Tibarn 8th July 2008 - 05:49 AM Giffca Ephraim 29th June 2008 - 02:57 PM sothe Giffca 29th June 2008 - 01:50 PM Display name history WHAT FUCK THE OH SHI- How exactly do you study this? I mean, the sun is gonna blow up in a few million years, but other than that there's no scientific evidence of the earth ending any time soon.
  14. No, Winds of PLAGUE http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=hi-ykpDFKwA
  16. It doesn't violate normal physics. And there's actually no hard-evidence that it was discovered during beta and left in, but the rumors about it say that it was left in because it could prove potentially useful for the competitive players. Link can't wavedash, he just lands on the ground. Wavedashing isn't necessary for Peach for the same reason it's minimally necessary for Jigglypuff, they both focus almost entirely on air-game close to the ground. Wavedashing really isn't that special, though. Its only significant uses are cancelling jumps (and since jumps cancel running and shining, this makes it so you can perform both of those without ending lag) and adding a bit more range to certain moves (mostly dsmashes and ftilts, or any of Weegee's moves). That, and it can be helpful for moving backwards as some characters, which helps for ledgestealing.
  17. I hope she's aware that all that twirling and hand-changing serves no purpose in a fight, and attacking the air makes her look quite foolish. :P EDIT: And yes, I did have to watch it 3 times before realizing she was holding nunchucks.
  18. xRoyx, yeah? Also, I think Zakelina might be your name. You admitted to being a girl once, and you have previously used the name Zäk...
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