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Everything posted by Krevin

  1. Don't worry, TLS supplies all the pictures. Just make captions for them.
  2. I take it you don't main Yoshi. The Eggroll gives only a couple frames of lag when its broken, and has quite a bit of priority now (IIRC it clanks with MK's whorenado). If used properly, it can punish spot-dodgers and deal shitloads of damage to enemies with low jumps like Ganon and Link. You can also pressure with it, which is pretty nice. I'm not saying its one of his best attacks or anything, but definitely a good move to rely on when you're just starting out and haven't quite learned the DR or any of his epic combos. Also, I take it you're referring to the Dragonic Reverse when you say "Yoshi wave dash". DRing is ridiculously hard to execute, I wouldn't recommend trying to incorporate it in a beginner's Yoshi strategy. Also, its completely unnecessary for landing jabs, since the dash can combo into the jab on most characters at low damages (against Bowser you can combo it until like 80 damage lolololol). And nair should NEVER be spaced, the closer you are the more effective it is. And fair should only be used off the ledge, as a spike (it can actually be combo'd into, which is nifty for 0-deaths) or for DI purposes.
  3. For the record, this is Bubscruffy, right?

  4. Guise this topsik is so not confrontational. Also, byo, you could stand to lose a few pounds. You're starting to let yourself go :o
  5. Should stop being greedy and find contempt in the shitty music software I steal for him.
  6. Jesus, he is... a friend of your?

  7. Should confirm my request for kinky sex.
  8. I'm sexier than all of them combined and divided by 8!
  9. Really? Meh, it works in 64, I don't play Yoshi much in Melee so I just assumed it'd still work. Its really hard to do in 64 though.
  10. Guess who's hiding in your tree with a camera~
  11. Should make me a sammich. Already did. Twice. Once dubbed once subbed. Both were amazing. Good call, though.
  12. alls i gotta say is SHAMWOW!
  13. Oh I get it. You're pretending to post a link to another thread, but its actually a link to a video thats been posted at least fifty times in FFTF already. I almost tee-hee'd.
  14. Krevin


    I like you already.
  15. Krevin


    Oh ho ho, Sexman's here. Its gonna be a day to really REALLY never to forget.
  16. Should remember that it was Rugrats.
  17. Well yeah, 10 years from now if they want to reuse the commercial, they won't be able to advertise that it lasts 10 years because they'll have proven it doesn't.
  18. If we're talking about Brawl, start by spamming his bair and his egg-roll, then learn the rest afterwards. If we're talking about 64 or Melee, work on DJC -> dair -> Z/L-Cancel -> utilt, repeat. If you land it properly, you can take your enemy from 0 to like 60 or 70.
  19. Protip: Watch moar House. Actually, thats probably a good way to get your mind off the whole dad incident.
  20. Should make moar music. JESUS LISTENS TO SLAYERRRR! <3
  21. Just thought we need moar topics about
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