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Status Updates posted by Gunlord

  1. Thanks guys :D

  2. Thanks for moving my topic! Sorry for the trouble ^^;

  3. Thanks for the bday wishes erryone :D

  4. Totally random question, but are you the "Airship Canon" from fanfiction.net? :o

  5. Yeah, I guess I can see NoA's reasoning now. From what I've gathered, the plot of FE13 is kinda dark--not exactly FE4 level dark, but up there. They may not have wanted to place an emphasis on that sort of stuff.

  6. It's complicated. I *might* go on with the Ph.D program, or I might leave with an MA instead if I don't want to spend more years in academia. I'm taking a year off to decide.

  7. Lol same XD Its so ironic they didnt mention FE during the presentation but Reggie told it to the IGN guys. xD

  8. Hey, it's nice to see you around too! I've been doing alright. Just popped by Serenes Forest to check out the E3 presentation, and also to ask a couple of questions in the SNES game forum about an FE3 fic I might wanna write soon. =D

  9. Yeah, man! Haven't you seen my Wayward Son topic over in the Creative Writing forum? LD

  10. Sure is, brother! I'm the Gunlord who's been timing the most recent episodes from /m/subs. Our translators been busy recently, but hopefully we'll have new eps sooner rather than later. XD

  11. Joshy-sama...;_; *hugs*

  12. Ah, so that's who you are? Nice to see you here ^^

  13. Hey <3 Pardon my ignorance but it's been a while ;_; Where do I know u from again? :D

  14. A backlog means I have a lot of stuff I need to review. Need to leave stuff for a couple other fics before I get to yours ^^

  15. Yeah, I'll get to it eventually. I got a backlog to work through...t_T

  16. Yeah, I remember you :D I thought you used to be Eternal Bond on here, though? Did you change your name? ^^

  17. :thumbsup:

    Dunno when the next episode is out (we released one a little while ago) but hopefully it won't take too long. Keep the faith, brother 8)

  18. Hey man! Sorry for wandering by, but I was lurkin on the forums and I just happened to see your sig...sorry for asking, but are you a Layzner fan? :D :D :D

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