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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. I got Froakie, but I'm Turtwig with a Fennekin partner. I kinda wish I had went with Froakie and had Pikachu or Torchic as a partner though, but it's too late to change my mind. I was going to delete my file an hour in but then it showed your Pokemon's sad/shocked portrait and asked if you REALLY wanted to delete and thus I backed down ;_;
  2. okay how does Ana magically have the right to call other people's rosters awful I don't even like Zangoose, but it's the best Normal type I could think of other than Miltank or something. I despise lopunny, keldeo, and infernape and have ambivalence toward zebstrika (how would that even work prey tell) but I'm not going to slam you about it and call your roster awful and Hoenn had equal Pokemon to Gen I and like slightly more than Gen VI (Greninja, Pikachu Libre, Florges) besides if I made a list of wants it would just be Samurott, Delphox, Serperior, Greninja, Ampharos, Florges, Zoroark, and Hydreigon EDIT: also yeah I've noticed this in other topics but you constantly bring your disdain for Hoenn into every single conversation. I don't even WANT Zangoose that much, and Swampert is just sort of cool. Right now there's three Hoenn Pokemon. Three. I think you can handle it.
  3. This tbh The new areas are also really off compared to BW's. That weird desert town in particular. However, I will say that you get Riolu early in XY too
  4. People are predicting 18 characters, right? Because of the space left? Here's my roster: 1. Pikachu 2. Charizard 3. Gengar 4. Machamp 5. Shadow Mewtwo 6. Suicune 7. Blaziken 8. Sceptile 9. Gardevoir 10. Lucario 11. Weavile 12. Pikachu Libre 13. Ampharos 14. Swampert 15. Zangoose 16. Hydreigon 17. Greninja 18. Florges complete water/dark bias but whatever every type is there
  5. Yeah, I don't play a game to lose my entire cast of characters half way through. Sorry, but no. FE4's kids were complete cardboard compared to the adults in that same game. Why should I care about Lana or Lester when Aideen was so much better? Is Arthur even anywhere close to Tiltyu or even Teeny? Leif, Ced, Altena, Delmud, and Nanna succeeded. Thracia did wonders for a ton of characters.
  6. I tried that Pokedraw and I think I made Sugimori turn over in his sleep with how badly I butchered Pidgeotto and Nidoking
  7. Not seeing your point. Time chambers were indeed weird, but time travel was done excellently. The children's future was desolate, so it gave their personalities an amazing opportunity to grow. I've seen time travel so much that it could not ever bother me. FE4's children seemed like complete cardboard compared to their parents. Everyone remembers Titlyu, Sigurd, Lex, and Ayra, but the children were relatively boring. Except for the ones in Thracia of course, because Thracia had good writing. I don't want to see Belhalla happen again and to lose all my parents, because that's terrible, but I do want an Avatar, marriage, and children in the next game. There's a reason FE13 and 14 are my favorites (but also because <3 Kozaki)
  8. This was already a bad situation, but the fact that animals like birds could be in danger makes me insanely mad. Why should anyone have the right to trample over laws and animals so flagrantly like this militia? Their demands are incredibly selfish.
  9. Loves Xenoblade not quite as much as I do
  10. I admit that I benched Elma and Lin pretty hard so I could use other people, but I'm also guilty of abusing the level-down mechanic on the Chapter 4 boss. Phog is probably my favorite character in the game, but I still prefer Fiora. I chose Cristina Vee as my avatar's voice, but as soon as I get the option, I'm going Carina Reeves immediately. I kinda regret not starting out with her voice. I like actually follow Carina Reeves on Twitter and stuff because I'm a weirdo.
  11. OVER A MILLION TIMES! I dropped my glasses! I dropped my glasses! Do you LIKE evidence, Sir Defender? Do you LOVE proof, Sir Top Hat? Then prove I dropped my glasses at the crime scene! Ha, you can't prove it!

    1. solrocknroll


      In. Other. Words. You LOSE.

  12. Yeah I barely watch tournaments but I want to play against people who aren't faceless For Glory people so Idk how to even really do this I'm guessing striking stages is done in whatever way but aside from Dream Land's low ceiling they're all pretty much the same stage characters is something but I play probably bad characters so I won't be offended to have someone slay Mewtwo with Sheik or something. either way I've already said who I'm using the entire time so Ice Sage can take that advantage if they want. I just really want to show off my Ryu/Mewtwo/Cloud more than anything.
  13. Also, when it comes to stage picks, I don't really care about striking out any. I'm fine with using Gentleman's Rule even in the case of say my opponent really liking Dream Land or something but if I counter pick I'm picking Gaur Plain/Midgar Omega every time mark my words
  14. why does character choice even matter I know I'm playing Cloud, Ryu, and Mewtwo probably every match. Maybe Lucas or Roy. I don't really care if someone counter picks Fox against my Lucas. I'll just work around it. also yeah only DLC characters because I'm bad at Shulk and Villager, my base game mains I was just slightly better with them than anyone else
  15. That was quite a leap in logic up there with the Working Designs thing. Ace Attorney Dual Destinies has references to 50 Shades of Gray, Sharknado, the afformentioned SPARDA thing again (which doubles as a Devil May Cry reference), and probably more stuff I'm missing. case 5-2 accurately predicted the Yo-Kai craze in Japan Do these references ruin the game? I'd hardly think so. The bulk of the game is the same. Trials and Tribulations had a Harlem Shake joke at least 6 years before the meme even started. Ace Attorney is known for the charming script changes. Setting the game in Los Angeles was a major change from the Japanese version. Majora's Mask 3D in Germany iirc has a hipster reference, and the less said about Link's Awakening's German version the better (buzz blobs omg). I'm finding it hard to believe that it ruins a game to reference pop culture and memes. If you want to talk dated, look at Pokemon Gen IV with it's SA references (I legitimately have no idea why so many translators had a SA fetish tbh). I brought up the British terms because they aren't in the Japanese version. Some people on the internet seem to be obsessed with just making a straight translation instead of adding flare like Xenoblade did. As a whole, games that bring up Something Awful are the only things that really make no sense. I have otherwise never been bothered by any references as a whole. I know a work is fiction and seeing real life being references does not remove me in any way.
  16. I despise weapon weight. I love marriage and avatars. I love Awakening and Birthright more than any other FE. I love branching promotions and reclass and Casual Mode even if I don't use it. When it comes to non-mechanics, I enjoy having generic evil antagonists. Any time FE has tried at antagonists with depth, they've failed (Lyon/Hardin/Zephiel) so I enjoy entertaining antagonists like Gangrel. FE5 already has generic antagonist Berdo as the final boss, so anything else is an improvement. I actually like the designs of the kids and I enjoy their personalities. I'd prefer a better explanation than what we have in Fates, but I love what we have now. Ests have been in literally every game in the series. Est? Check. Elincia? Check. Zeiss or Sophia? Check. Thracia has Sara. RD has some spoilery Ests. It seems you have a fundamental issue with a regular FE archetype.
  17. I was wrong, but you are seriously misusing the term meme. Memes are typically a certain subset of things. You mean pop culture references. There is a difference. Adding a line from a movie is completely different from le Mudkipz and Doge.
  18. ^FFV wasn't a Nintendo localization but a Square Enix one yes that is true but the princess bride is a great movie so it's okayI'm still in support though. I'd love it if Lazward's name was localized as Montoya tbh
  19. I'm not going for optimization or anything. I'm not even going to reclass or grind. I'm still going to try to play online though with my best 5 units. Right now I'm thinking it'll end up being Corrin, Ryoma, Felicia, Hinoka, and Oboro or something along those lines.
  20. I'm not following you. Awakening has almost no memes or even pop culture references whatsoever, and any that exist come from Henry IIRC. I think he says something about "this one time at Mage Camp" or something, and that's about it. He also asks Cordelia if she has a case of the "bloody Mondays" which is... something. Otherwise, you have stuff like Ribald Tales of the Faith War that is just cute references to stuff like other FE games.I'm of the opposite opinion translation-wise. Pokemon, EarthBound, and Ace Attorney are all series with a massive amount of liberties taken, and they have my favorite localizations. I find Gen VI's references refreshing. EarthBound would not be what it is today without the US script having such an excellent head. Transliterations seem to end up feeling stiff. Final Fantasy VI is known for it's Woolsey-isms. It made Kefka so beloved. Who can forget "son of a submariner?"
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