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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. There's nothing wrong with it in principle, but in practice I really want to know how well moderated these moderators will be. I don't approve of letting just anyone be a moderator, who ch is what this is doing. Can you imagine how much SF would suck if anyone could be a mod no strings attacked?
  2. Oh yeah, also: Paul Atishon's grandfather gave him a small loan of one million dollars.
  3. Okay, I want to say this: so Dhurke, infamous rebel leader of the Defiant Dragons, managed to get to the US. How? Are the TSA really this incompetant? "Okay, sure, Mr. Infamous Terrorist, you can get on the plane, right next to Ho Chi Minh, Che Guevara, and Osama Bin Laden, all of whom are also definitely model citizens who met with great scrutiny on the plane!" Also, are they really being so obvious about the main villain? I guess Dahlia Hawthorne wasn't much of a surprise, but she wasn't the killer in that case, either. Now, if Dhurke pulled a Matt Engarde and was actually evil and was manipulating things to make the Monarchy look bad, that would be good. Ah well, that's probably just the Monarchist in me talking. Then again, they're pretty clearly setting it up so that Rayfa leads Khu'rain after Ga'ran is inevitably outed as evil (not saying this is going to happen, just a prediction, I don't actually know this, this is not a spoiler) so at least Khu'rain isn't a Republic. Also, Rayfa, you saying your country has never been invaded might be the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Being on the western edge of East Asia would put the country in the crosshairs of so many Great powers it's mind boggling. I mean, the Chinese, Mongols, Russians, British, Japanese, Timurids, and Muslims would all probably be gunning for you at some point. Bullshit.
  4. Amusingly enough Begnion is pretty obviously based on the late Roman Empire, so the connection is oddly appropriate.
  5. Okay but legitimately comparing the Communist Manifesto to Mein Kampf is pretty damn stupid because Marx was actually occasionally right about things and, although I disagree with Communism, was not a shit writer, which Hitler totally was. Also, 1984 is one of the greatest works of literature ever written, and Fahrenheit 451 is overhyped and pretentious.
  6. Well, Serena was an adopted daughter of Roman Emperor Theodosius I. She would marry Flavius Stillicho, one of Theodosius's advisors and de facto ruler of the Empire after Theodosius died and he was made regent for the new Emperor Honorius. However, Serena was sidelined and eventually murdered following the assassination of Stillicho in 408.
  7. Holy shit. I'm more for censorship than most, but this goes too far.
  8. Because I have the striped shirt, apparently.
  9. What part of "it's just friendly screwing around" don't you understand?...don't answer that.
  10. Represent! Although, unfortunately, tough times are ahead for the Spanish monarchy, but no tougher than IRL.
  11. Oh no, it's fine, it's just friendly screwing around when he does it, so it's not a sore spot.
  12. So isn't it just SPLENDID that every single country not taking in refugees is doing a program exactly like what you proposed?
  13. I was saying ass as an expression of frustration, not of sexual interest.
  14. So essentially welfare, but with a touch of Keynes. In other words, essentially how the US solved the Great Depression. Now it would be nice if a government that wasn't taking refugees actually did that.
  15. I would rather have Trump than Harambe. Harambe is a creature of evil who heartlessly assaulted an innocent child. Harambe cannot be trusted with our nukes, because he will use them to nuke young children. Also Queen Elizabeth II should be head of state.
  16. I'm afraid I don't quite understand the joke.
  17. ASS That's legitimately what one of my friends says to me every damn time I wear this shirt.
  18. ...but then when it comes time to actually help said own people you aren't prepared to do welfare, because, you know, fuck those lazy moochers?
  19. I will say this about Athena: her Pursuit theme is amazing. Then again, I'm tone deaf, so take it with a grain of salt, I suppose.
  20. Newsflash: the King of ALOLA has officially declared naming an Oranguru Harambe punishable by death.
  21. At Letna Park, with Prague in the background.
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