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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. No, they aren't going to put it in the movies; Joss Whedon is too smart for that. Did they make Iron Man in Civil War how he was in the comics?
  2. When has he shown patriotism for Crimea? When has he even given a reason beyond his contract? The problem with Ike is that he really doesn't show any of the strain that comes with being a leader; he feels like much more of an Everyman, which isn't suited to games like Fire Emblem. He doesn't feel like a natural leader, and he doesn't grow into being a leader, either; we're supposed to assume that being a mercenary commander makes him a good general of an entire army suddenly. Him not being involved in politics is diasastrous for the narrative, too. Since the main character isn't involved with political intrigue, the politics are shoved to the side, a shame since they are the best part of Tellius. The Endgame is a perfect example: fighting Ashnard is by all accounts Elincia's fight. This is the man who killed her parents and raped her homeland. But Ike is the one who has to deliver the finishing blow, because he's the hero. I'll admit that the fight with the Black Knight is good, but the Black Knight spent the entire game stealing the entire plot from Ashnard, who is simply much more interesting, especially after you find out who the Black Knight really is. The Black Knight has NO CHARACTER; none. Ashnard, meanwhile, is brimming with character even in the few scenes he's in. The second narrative problem with the Black Knight and Ike is by building up the confrontation between them, the last two chapters of the game feel anticlimactic. The fight between Ike and the Black Knight is the narrative climax of the game, and two chapters away from the endgame is the last place you want that climax to be. The Elincia-Ashnard rivalry should have been the focus.
  3. The problem with Ike is actually his position as a commoner though. It moves the story away from one about leadership and essentially makes it a more generic adventure story. Take Ike, for example. The idea of a young inexperienced leader forced to take power after their father dies is an interesting idea, but it makes no sense in the context of a mercenary group. Mercenary groups don't work in a hereditary way. The second problem is, essentially, Ike has very little stake in liberating Crimea. He is motivated by the power of boners, as Cinemasins would put it, and by the desire for revenge. Elincia would be motivated by the desire to liberate her people, and that in my eyes is much more interesting than what motivates Ike. Seriously, what reason would Ike have to fight Daein; to stay after doing his job and delivering Elincia to Begnion I mean, if the Black Knight hadn't killed his father?
  4. Actually come to think of it if POR and RD were one story and Ashnard could be using the Senate as a Fifth Column that would actuality turn out pretty great.
  5. Honestly, if you love learning history as much as I do it just sticks in your brain naturally; the brain doesn't have to work to remember something when you want to remember it; thats the best way I can explain it.
  6. Nah this racism is so hard it's used to cut diamonds. Not sure if parody but the Middle East is a good idea. Making the evil team religious extremists would be fine if a bit cliche. Alternately, base them off of the Baathists and Nasserists. I suppose the problem with the Middle East is that it's politically divided, and culturally very much diverse. I'd want a region based in Persia, but not the later Muslim Dynasties; I want some good wholesome Achaemenid, Parthian and Sassanid family entertainment, dammit. Seriously though, Persia would be a good location for a region. You could even include a city based on Bahrain! The best part is that the Suadis already ban Pokemon, so you aren't even removing a potential market.
  7. I have no problem with casual mode. I have a problem with Phoenix Mode if only because programming literally anything would be a better use of time than Phoenix Mode. I honestly wonder if anyone's played Phoenix Mode. As stated before, though, I have no problem with casual mode. If you don't like it don't play it. Phoenix mode is a bit much though.
  8. Called Wayward Son, in the written works section. It is quite long, but it's damn good.
  9. Oh, MLK isn't a Mandela equivalent. You'll see what he gets up to.
  10. The nuking of Soweto was an atrocity done by a Fascist government who knew it was fucked and wanted to take as many "inferiors" down with it as possible. The reason why the world invaded was because now South Africa doesn't have the one thing it could really fight back with; the nuke.
  11. Chapter 7 Decolonization in Africa, or the Adventures of Young Donald Trump Since the rise of Hendrik Voerward in South Africa and the passing of the Apartheid laws, South Africa had been in a state of civil war. The war had started in 1948 when Voerward attempted to forcibly integrate South Africa’s autonomous African Kingdoms into the nation. This led to said Kingdoms rising against the Apartheid regime in revolt. They were led by the charismatic King Rolihlahla Mandela, who vowed that the war would continue until Apartheid fell. Voerward used this rebellion very much to his advantage. He would launch into furious tirades at Nationalist rallies declaring that South Africa was the last bastion of the White Race (the Germans, Russians, and Americans, of course, were all race traitors). Africans, he declared, were made by God to be nothing more than slaves to the White Race. Thus, the rebels were quite literally Satanists. South Africa, as the only Fascist state left in the world (openly Fascist, anyway; it could be argue that the Baathists and Turanians were as well) was a pariah. Neither the Monarchists nor the Communists had anything to do with them. The South Africans, however, had leverage in the form of a nuclear bomb that had been brought in by a French exile. Neither power bloc was willing to risk one of their cities to take down South Africa. As such, South Africa continued without foreign intervention for a little while longer. The rebellion, meanwhile, remained essentially a guerrilla war. The native rebels knew the layout of the land and outnumbered government forces, but they also were outgunned; whenever government forces showed up in force, the rebels were beaten easily. The war quickly turned ugly as the South African army began wiping villages off the map to cleanse regions of guerrilla activity. In response, Mandela’s forces began massacring Boer settlers in the savannah. By 1955, essentially all Boer settlers had fled into the cities. The rebels also got a major boost to their power in 1955. By 1954, the greater European economy, especially the German economy, had finally recovered completely from the Second World War. In 1955, the outspokenly anti racist war hero Erwin Rommel was elected as Chancellor of Germany. Rommel had developed an affinity for Africa after serving there, and one of the platforms he ran on was the destruction of the Apartheid regime. As such, in early 1955, Rommel authorized modern weapons and vehicles being shipped to the rebels. Rolihlahla would put these supplies to excellent use throughout the late 1950s and early 1960s. South African armies were actually occasionally meeting with defeat now. In the summer 1965, rebel forces assaulted Soweto, a majority black city. With their modern equipment, they took it after weeks of intense street fighting. The war in South Africa appeared to have reached a turning point. Then Voerward panicked. He used South Africa’s only atomic bomb on June 3, 1965 to destroy Soweto and everyone in it. A massive amount of rebel soldiers and civilians, both Black and White, died in the blast. In the short term, Voerward had won a decisive victory. In the long term, he had doomed Apartheid. The UN convened later that week to discuss the crisis. There was very little doubt as to what to do. The new German Chancellor Konrad von Richtofen was in complete agreement with Russian PM Bronislav and Premier Long. For the first time since WWII, the Russian Empire, the German Empire, and the USSA entered a war as allies. At around this time, Donald Trump, a 20 year old resident of New York, was in the army. Trump, like any good American kid, spent every day filled with gratitude that Comrade Long was looking out for America. Trump, though, actively admired Long, using the dictator as his role model. He absolutely despised those traitorous Sons of Liberty led by that snake Martin Luther King, Jr., and he wanted to fight them, dammit! First, though, he was going to fight some South Africans. That suited Trump just fine. The Royal Namibian Army launched its initial assault into South Africa on August 1 of that year. The South African army was sent reeling by the assault, and the north of the country fell by the end of the month. August 16 saw the American Red Army, with Trump in tow, land in the south of the country. By October 4, Voerward was dead, and all major cities had been taken by the Allies, the northern territories under the rule of Mandela’s forces and the southern area under Communist control. Thus, Capitalists and Communists decided to do to South Africa what they did best: divide it. The North was made into the Federal Kingdom of South Africa, with each tribe being represented by a King, and with King Rohilahla being the “first among equals”. The South, meanwhile, was the People’s Republic of South Africa. As mentioned before, though, Communism was increasingly unpopular with South Africans, especially with their “hero king” so against it. Thus, a large American occupation force in the area was needed. This occupation force included Trump, now a Sergeant. We’ll return to him in a little while. Communism, though, had significantly more attraction with Germany’s colonial subjects. The German colonial administration in Africa was already essentially dead and buried after WWII, and it was hanging on by a thread. Opposition to German rule quickly took the form of Communism. Although in some areas where Germany ruled through native Kings Communism met with little success, in others, such as German Cameroon, and especially in the German Congo, Communism triumphed. This triumph followed a guerrilla war lasting from 1950 to 1966, which ended in Germany’s full withdrawal from West Africa, the Congo, and Cameroon. These new Communist nations quickly received the blessing of Long. In response to this, Germany granted full independence to its protectorate Kingdoms in Africa. South Africa, Namibia, and East Africa, then, became independent Kingdoms acting as counterweights to Communism. They were joined by the Empire of Ethiopia. Liberated from Italian occupation in the first months of WWII, Ethiopia was a staunch ally of Germany and Russia, although, being Orthodox, it tended to lean more towards Russia. Thus, by the mid 60s European rule over Africa had effectively ended. Europe, though, now looked inwards, as a new movement was taking the continent by storm: the Jewish Rights Movement.
  12. Also, what's wrong with Sanaki? I suppose that ELincia's character arc might make her somewhat redundant, but I'd see them as both being two inexperienced leaders thrust into positions of power during a crisis and earning to cope with that.
  13. Ooh, you know what? Have the lord be based on Cyrus the Great, IMO the single greatest leader ever to live. Then the whole game could be conquering the evil Empire based on Babylon. Act 1 could be unifying the tribes of your home country into a single nation, act 2 could by the Empire's invasion, and act 3 could be conquering the Empire.
  14. Elincia and Sanaki are both miles more interesting than Ike. Xander and Ryoma should have been the lords instead of Corrin.
  15. ...huh. I actually somewhat agree with you. Gamgrel had the potential to be a genuinely interesting antagonist, and if he had done worse stuff to Ylisse he could have been compelling. I still want DLC chronicling his liberation of allegiance and descent into hatred.
  16. Hey, come on, history has cool battles! I mean, come on, you can't possibly turn down the Battle of Nations, which decided the Napoleonic Wars, and which basically every European country participated in. Actually, a lot of FE is already based on history. The Mad King's War is essentially WWII, and the Valmese are to some extent the Mongols.Edit: Oh yeah, and I also very much like the idea of a female warrior Queen (as opposed to a male warrior Queen?) as the next main character. I am very much a fan of the Woman wearing the Queenly Mask trope.
  17. The Napoleonic Wars is NOT Binding Blade. Just because one country fights a bunch of other countries doesn't make it the Napoleonic Wars. Actually if anything it's the 7 Years War; Bern is quite similar to Prussia in its militaristic nature. But yeah, blah the Official SF History Nerd likes the idea of basing more stories on history; it's a sure fire way to avoid plot holes, at least. But why limit the historical inspiration to Europe? I've been kicking around the idea of an FE game in a country based on the Ottoman Empire for a while. Alternately, how about following the adventures of a young General as he abolishes a corrupt Republic, Julius Caesar style? Or basing a lord off of a little known but still utterly badass monarch, Mithradates VI? This King fought to liberate the Greeks from the Romans, though he failed in the end. His story would fit with the General FE "beat the evil Empire" storyline, while still allowing the hero to be a badass conquered instead of, well, Corrin.
  18. So Ashnard, basically FE's Hitler, is redeemable? I mean, Ashnard is pure evil, in both actions and ideology. And as for the Senate, their power as an institution would be completely and unalterably broken by the events of RD.
  19. Wait what? The FE wiki lied to me? It said that you had to play through a condensed remake of FE1 without losing anyone and then play the actual game.
  21. Oh my god. Comparing him to Trump? That's a new low.
  22. This again? Look, anyone could cow the Senate after RD. I probably could, given that the Senate is all dead. And define main antagonist. Because, for example, yeah Arvis has a justifiable reason for doing what he does, but Julius doesn't.
  23. U wot m8? Honestly, though, this actually really bothers me in general. I hate it when people think power is something desirable to have. I wouldn't wish being put in charge of the most powerful nation on the continent bar Goldoa on my worst enemies. And yeah, I agree that the hide and seek was bad, but it was more a fault of the game's writing than the story itself. Royalty deserve their palaces for doing the worst job in the entire country, especially when they're kids, and especially when they don't do a bad job given their circumstances.
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