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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. The Chile thing could be easily changed to Argentine, though. It has similar geography to Chile in some places, and is actually quite diverse, from the Plata River Basin to Patagonia. It would also be unique in having an ice region in the South.
  2. No, it's fine, she's right. I was just saying that exploring technocracy (as Team Flare were essentially just the Nazis except just the Lebensraum part) would be interesting, not that Hawaii especially is suited for that, but I could have worded it better admittedly.
  3. You and Rommel are accepted. Also after reading the TL I have concluded the Revolution actually started 1916. That is now fixed.
  4. Just saw it was your birthday today. Assuming you're the same Nivek from AH.com, I love your TL.

  5. So can I have a subplot with something going on at the Water Empire as a part of Phillipe's story?
  6. Well. I... don't really know how to respond to that. But... I look up. "I can't claim to know how it must have been growing up in fear of such attacks," I say, "but I think that your goal of protecting others from them is noble. I would be happy to assist you in it."
  7. The evil team can be either Team American Fillibusterers (joke) or something based on Technocracy. I think an evil team based on the idea of the March of technology and industrialization would be quite interesting; it would also work well with Hawaii and the Industrial Revolution. Also, can we please get an actual look at the political structure of the region in this game? We got so close in X/Y, and then they backed out!
  8. Me and my friend Sebastian already made a contract on who gets what version. Getting Sun myself. My other friend views us as being too hypocritical for liking Pokemon but shitting on Naruto, perhaps missing the fact that a literal toilet has more literary worth than Naruto. Regardless, the hype is real!
  9. Eh, maybe it's just that I hate historically inaccurate films, but I really feel history deserves more respect than films like Pearl Harbor, 300, and yes, Anastasia, give it. If you're looking for good Don Bluth historical films American Tale is actually quite good, despite using the Maus substitution method. It captures Czarist Russia, the American Dream, and the reality of said dream quite well. I also haven't seen all Don Bluth movies. What pisses me off about it is that he could have chosen any generic kingdom with an evil wizard and it would have been fine. By choosing to use a historical setting you are making some form of commitment to actually represent history well. You don't have to do a good job, but don't do shit like portraying the Bolshevik Revolution as the handiwork of some evil sorcerer.ANYWAY! Yeah, it will probably end 1920 with the firm establishment of the USSA.
  10. ...we don't mention THAT movie around me. Second only to A Troll In Central Park in terms of bad Don Bluth movies.Edit: really though, please enter. We can't very well have an RP with one participant.
  11. Well, one of them sides with a horrifically aggressive regime who are unashamed in their goals for extermination, defends war criminals, and willingly wages a war of aggression. The other is the protagonist of Fates. In all seriousness, yeah, this is hard. I think Corrin is worse overall because the narrative around him is worse. Micaiah, though, is still pretty bad. I feel like her decision to give Daein Independance at all was terrible. To use something from history, what if Germany, just THREE YEARS after WWII, was granted total Independance, no strings attached? The narrative even shows this as an issue but drops it, with Daein soldiers basically saying "Yeah, let's kill the sub humans!" and Micaiah being "K". She makes no attempt to actually reform Daein, to rid it of the bad shit that happened to it. As for the soldiers in the work camps? I would have done the same thing. These are basically the FE versions of the SS being freed from prison. Begnion was shown to be prepared to send in someone better than Jarod, so their offer should have been accepted. It doesn't help when Ludveck is treated as being the bad guy for being all "Hey yeah, maybe this is a problem?" On the other hand, Micaiah doesn't have anything akin to the venerable Corrin Dick Sucking Brigade, and the narrative does call her out on some of her shit, and she is far, far more interesting than Corrin. She also, though, knowingly supports a brutal racist regime without the intention to eventually expose them as a slime monster, so there's that.
  12. Yep, the Romanovs are still in charge. Nicholas II is still the Little Father who won WWI, Russians are quite satisfied with bitchslapping the Austrians, Ottoman's, and French, and Russia is a somewhat Constitutional Monarchy in the light of Germany, who they are also allied to. In anticipation of your next question, yes, you can be Anastasia so long as you have a good justification for why she's in America.
  13. Oh no, it won't be better than RL, that's for sure, but on the other hand it's going to do something badass.
  14. Yeah, it is regrettable; the problem is that my knowledge of Latin America is mostly centered around the Brzaillian Empire and its various opponents; Rosas, Lopez, and the like. Latin America was of the US basically what Africa was to Europe, though the Americans were kinder overlords. I can promise that Latin America is going to vindicate itself later in the story in a way that should satisfy you.
  15. "So, wait," I ask, somewhat apprehensively, "Do you consider this to be a permanent settlement? I'll stay for a while, to be sure, but I have to return home eventually." I privately scoff at his ideas of meritocracy. Meritocracy, I think, is completely unworkable in the long run. Those in power will always entrench themselves further, so it is best to have a system ensuring that those that will come to power get the best education possible. I don't say that out loud, though. I know enough history to know that having the two leaders of a place be antagonistic is a terrible idea.
  16. Oh yeah, forgot to mention, the factions are as such: USSA, US military, KKK, foreign volunteers, neutral civilian. If at all possible I'd like to have at least one for the USSA, KKK, and military. I also would like at least one person playing as a Black in the south, as there is a whole story for that.
  17. Yep okay, I give. I do think its bad writing (what else is new) because its inconsistent with his earlier actions. Regardless, his hatred for Nohr is a character flaw. Then again for true story to be good it would have to be completely rebuilt.
  18. "Well, of course you can't," I reply. "Our philosophy, though, is essentially legalism. We believe that its better to stick with the devil that you know, i.e a tyrannical leader, than to risk everything with a revolution. Of course if a leader is tyrannical enough then its obvious Arceus's approval has been lost, so they are to be assassinated and a new leader is to take the throne. These instances are very rare though, as few of our leaders have been tyrants. The main thing I disapprove of is that this appears to be somewhat similar might makes right, which is simply barbarism."
  19. Oh god... that bad, huh? Yeah there are a lot of things I would do differently now; I might do a rewrite if I get the chance.
  20. You can just use the main thread. No one comments in the feedback thread anyway, just the main thread.
  21. Um. No? Will this be a problem? Also, Acacia, re your feedback, shoot. I'm aware that the first parts aren't all that good.
  22. For Kennedy I was never planning t o have that family play a big role so do whatever you want with him, basically.
  23. And here we have a character tie in RP focusing on the rise of the USSA. I highly encourage any loyal readers to join: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=63633
  24. America, the land of the free, has greatly deteriorated. The First American Civil War proved to only be a temporary stop to the problems facing the nation. To add to the problems the land of the free faces, the Capitalist class has only strengthened its hold on the nation. Robber Barons exploit the proletariat as they see fit. Congress, the supposed representative of the people, does nothing against them, as hey are all in the pockets of the Capitalists. Theodore Roosevelt seemed like he might provide a check to the power of the Robber Barons, but then he was shot charging up San Juan Hill. For the Proletariat, the only option is Socialism. Vote Eugene Debs for President, 1908! -Socialist Party of America pamphlet distributed for the 1908 elections Although the Democrat candidate Woodrow Wilson would defeat Eugene Debs and William Howard Taft and become President of the United States in 1908, for the first time in American history the Socialists won a good portion of electoral votes, winning most states in New England, as well as swathes of the Midwest. This election, then, was crucial to building the importance of he Socialist Party and thus was a necessary step for the beginning of the Revolution. -History textbook from the United Socialist States of America President Wilson's decision to enter WWI on the side of the Triple Entente, going to war with Russia, Germany, and Italy in 1911, would prove diasastrous. The Americans were poorly trained, poorly equipped, and poorly led, and they were going up against veteran German and Russian troops on the Western Front. American soldiers were dying by the hundreds of thousands, leading to America's eventual surrender to the Triple Alliance in 1912... -lecture given by Professor Anna Liebert, University of Hiedelburg America's humiliating defeat in WWI would prove a massive boon to Deb's Socialists. Even after the Republicans withdrew from the Presidential Race and threw all their support behind the Incumbant President Wilson, the Socialists still managed to defeat Wilson's bid for reelection. Eugene Debs was to become the first Socialist President of America. Or he would have been, but the Robber Barons had one last trick up their sleeves. They contacted General John Pershing and offered him a deal: stage a coup against Debs and keep their economic rights, and Pershing would be the dictator of America. Pershing liked the sound of that, and so assasinated Debs and seized power for himself. For American democracy, it was the beginning of the end. -from a Russian history textbook Comrades! I speak to you today to bring you grave news. Long has the Proletariat tried to advance its rights in the face of Bourgoisie opposition within the democratic framework of the Constitution. Now, though, that framework has been shattered! For as Comrade Debs was sworn in as America's lawfully elected President, the perifidous Robber Barons showed their true colors once and for all! Their thug, Pershing, marched on Washington and brutally murdered Comrade Debs. He then declared elections cancelled for the foreseeable future. We have tried to settle this peacefully, and yet the Capitalists have left us with no other course. Now is the time to, like Washington before us, throw off the Chains of oppression! LONG LIVE THE REVOLUTION! -speech given by Jack Reed, Deb's successor and first Premier of the United Socialist States of America, just before declaring that said nation was now the lawful government of the United States, beginning the Second American Civil War, November 20, 1916 So there you have it! This is a tie in to my alternate timeline on this very site, exploring in more detail the Second American Revolution and the rise of the USSA. America is divided into the federal government, led by military dictator John Pershing, and the USSA, led by Jack Reed. The USSA controls only the Northeast and Midwest, but the Militarists are unstable. Meanwhile, the Ku Klux Klan is only loosely affiliated with the Militarists, and many assume that they have the ultimate goal of a Second Confederacy. You, my fellow forumites, will take on the role of anyone during the war. You can be a soldier, civilian, black, white, even a foreign volunteer. Your stories will intersect with this alternate history, and you must decide what to do in these troubled times. Application: Name: Sex: Age: Hometown: Faction supported: Any Additional information:
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