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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. Ike is overrated, but still decent. Elincia is the most interesting character in Tellius. POR has the stupidest plot point in the entire series next to all of Conquest when they invade Daein first. In what world has that strategy been used? Sanaki is the second most interesting character in Tellius. Archanea, with some fine tuning, has he potential to be the best story in FE history, and it was a major missed opportunity when Shadow Dragon didn't reimagine the story. Gallia is a social Darwinistic hellhole that really isn't all that different from Ashnard's ideals, only the writers say we should idolize Gallia. I have absolutely no problem with Ryoma withholding the medicine from Elise. FE4's map design is something that the Devs were crazy not to bring back. I find it quite interesting that FE3 forcing you to play almost the entire first game again to get what you payed for isn't recognized as the horrible idea that it is more. Ike not being royalty or nobility contributes HEAVILY to my dislike for him as a character, because he represents the beginning of FE stories thematically moving away from the responsibilities and difficulties of leadership and towards a more generic military story. Admittedly, though, Part 2 of RD was a last hurrah for responsibility as a theme.
  2. No, seriously? Why are people getting pissed that the AVGN isn't going to see Ghostbusters? It really makes very little sense to me, and I haven't even seen the original. Basically, the film looks shit. The Honorable Mr. Rolfe would rather not see a shit movie, so what's the problem?
  3. That would definitely work very well for a TV show, but the problem is there would be simply no time to fit all that. I think if you're going to mention all the minor chapters it should be as part of a montage.
  4. Archanea film outline: Film opens with narration outlining the nation's of the continent. Gharnef is shown killing Marth's father. There is then a single condensed opening action scene of the 4 prologue sas Marth escapes from Altea. Marth and acted a spend a few scenes together to build chemistry between them. The pirate attack doesn't happen because it's just filler. Then Marth decides to liberate the continent. Cut to Medeus, receiving the news that Marth attacks. Expand on his motivations more; make him more nuanced and feuled by hate and a desire for revenge. Also, mention that a ritual involving Gharnef using the Fire Emblem to reclaim Medues's Dragonstone. This explains why Medeus even needed Grust and Macedonia, as well as why he doesn't just crush Marth to begin with. Marth and his army meet up with Hardin; there isn't a battle because that would waste time. They resolve to liberate Archanea. Cut to Camus and Nyna having a scene. Give Camus some characterization. The first big battle scene then happens with the liberation of the Imperial Capitol. Nyna gives Marth his sword as before. Here's where things begin to diverge for condensing the story. Make Minerva the true heir to Macedonia, and her brother Michealis was passed over in the succession for Minerva by their father. This gives him motivation to be a Quisling for Medeus. Cut to Medues meeting with Michealis and Camus. Medeus tells Michealis he'd better stop Marth from liberating Altea, or else. Well, Michealis doesn't stop Marth from liberating Altea, dying in the process. Marth finds out about Elise, and has his whole I am a Prince before I am a brother moment. Camus is then fought, in a similar fashion, although his death is far more regrettable. After Camus dies, Gharnef tells Marth where he has Elise, and dares him to come get her. When Marth comes there, Gharnef uses the Fire Emblem, brought there by Marth, to get a Dragonstone for Medeus. Medeus comes to take his Dragonstone, but leaves Gharnef high and dry, because he hates humans so much. However, to fuck with Marth Gharnef murders Elise, leading to Marth killing Gharnef in cold blood. Caeda, though, comforts him. After Gharnef dies, cut to Medeus giving a speech to his Manakete soldiers about how the true power of the Manaketes has been awakened, and they will exterminate all humans. Marth also gives a rousing speech to his troops. The final battle happens, Marth wins. Most of the named cast is cut out, except for Caeda, Hardin, Nyna, Minerva, and Elise. All unseeded parts, then, are cut out. The story would have a far clearer theme about the responsibilities of royalty, which is a good message and a unique one in a world so dominated by individualism. So yeah, how is this pitch? Does it cut out enough?
  5. Well yeah, the same applies to the Crescent though.
  6. Yeah; and the problem wasn't that he didn't talk, to say the least. The problem with a Zelda movie is deciding which dungeons to cut out.
  7. Ooh, if there's any movie you want to avoid emulating, though, it's Hardcore Henry. One of the most phenomenally boring action films I've ever seen.
  8. This, basically. The symbol for the Gerido,vthough, simply doesn't make sense. The Gerudo, except for being in a desert, aren't like any Islamic civilization in history, simply because they're matriarchal. There was some controversy over them being based on Gypsies, IIRC. The Gerudo also aren't associated with religion in any way. So I do actually agree with changing the emblem, but because it doesn't make any sense from a design perspective, not because it's offensive; it's more bizarre than anything. It would be like having a proud warrior slime being culture from Pluto have the Hammer and Sickle as their emblem for no reason at all.
  9. That's actually a somewhat decent idea. My idea involves, essentially, Hoshido supplying Nohr with food in exchange for Nohr not killing them, but then they go all Tokugawa isolationist; Nohr has to conquer them to avoid starvation. Maybe the Faceless steal food or something.Edit: And yeah, zombie Takumi is great as a villain. Another idea I had was to have Ryoma die in Chapter 13, making Takumi King. Then, Corrin lets Garon die after witnessing the Chevoise massacre, but the extra rage Takumi has allows the spirit to fully posses him and he declares war.
  10. The problem with that path, though, is that that's just Birthright-lite. You fight Nohr on both paths, so, ultimately, what's the difference? I still think the best route would be to have grey and grey morality; I do, after all, want to fight Hoshido in some manner.
  11. Oh, come on. At this point the Senate has literally tried to bring about the apocalypse. There is no way their commands mean anything, if they even exist anymore. Even if by some miracle the Senators survive they don't have any political power whatsoever. Think the Roman Senate in the Empire; it was kept around for nostalgia but if it ever actually defied the Emperor it was in for a reality check, free of charge.
  12. Blah the asshole pretentious film student disagrees; there's lots of opportunity for visual storytelling, which is what film is all about.
  13. Okay, I'm fine with most of this (especially Soren overthrowing King Pissant) but please no Sanaki abdicating to Micaiah! Not one of the best characters in FE history! Please, no!
  14. We aren't debating if reoccupying Daein is good from the perspective of the Senate; I say it would be good for the geopolitical scene of Tellius, not for the Senate. And on the contrary, there is no guarentee that the reconstruction will succeed, and generally once any ruler actually starts to rule, they become less and less popular. There is no way for any ruler to reign without pissing off someone, so Micaiah's popularity really is at a high water mark at the end of Part 1. And the good word could be in secret, to Pelleas, which wouldn't disrupt the reconstruction and might convince him to stop being racist, and if it fails Micaiah could pretend to back down. Risk free, and only good can come of it. And yet, since the game mentions nothing of the sort, we can only assume that she didn't do this. Edit: Right. I'm not saying that Micaiah should lead witch hunts against racists. But if the people rebel because she doesn't consider Laguz subhuman, they're the aggressors. That isn't peace, that's appeasement, and we all know how that turned out. Civil War is better than appeasement. Also, I'm pretty sure that no minority group in history would prefer oppression and peace to civil war and equality. Of course peace is to be preferred, but if you need to make a choice it is better to destroy racism now.
  15. Neither of those would be a major change, especially for Port Toha. Stories have been changed in film before for the better; the best example is probably A Clockwork Orange.
  16. Ranulf wouldn't realize the BK was Zelgius if he didn't fight both normal Zelgius and Zelgius as the BK. My goodness, am I tongue tied!
  17. No, they also make the concerns seem unfounded. And yeah, I know Ludveck is an asshole.
  18. She has no guarentee whatsoever that Pelleas will listen to her. How long would she obey his commands? Because she doesn't just tolerate the racism, she outright goes along with it in Chapter I forget- whichever one was the Laguz hunt one. And I am aware Begnion didn't want to occupy Daein. I'm saying they should have reoccupied it. And I am also not saying they should have lived in squalor, nor am I saying rebuilding isn't more important. I am saying, though, that it isn't hard at all for Micaiah to put in a good word for the Laguz. Actually right after the liberation is the best time, since her popularity will be the highest it will ever be, probably. Of course, King Pelleas isn't making that easy. Regretting supporting him now, Micaiah? Finally, the point I was getting across with the usurpation part is that Pelleas was unseeded for Daein's prosperity. It would be the same if Micaiah became Queen from the get go, so she shouldn't support him.
  19. Daein's new King, everybody! That Micaiah is perfectly fine with installing! I mean, honestly I feel like you just argued against Micaiah. And Daein should be occupied because in the eyes of the international community they shouldn't be trusted. Look at it from the eyes of literally everyone else. Part of being a leader is doing things that piss off your people. If you can't control them you shouldn't be in charge. A leader, especially not a King, shouldn't have to be at the mercy of the masses, especially when they're a bunch of racist fucks. And, finally, all Micaiah needs to do is oppose racism for now. The game, though, gives no indication she openly opposed racism. And, finally, I hardly think it's Pelleas leading Daeon to prosperity if Micaiah basically usurped the throne.Edit: And then the game demonizes Ludveck for daring to worry that there is a problem. Don't get me wrong, Ludveck's an asshole, but he's right here.
  20. Ooh! Ooh! Here's what Pelleas should have said:Pelleas: What? Guards, arrest this sick fuck, now. I mean, seriously, this isn't a sorry, won't happen again crime. I meant, by the way, a real response, instead of what is functionally "eh". Micaiah doesn't know any of this, though. She doesn't know what the Senate is planning. Oh, and do you know how long it takes to arrest someone? Well, you can put someone under arrest in the time it took you to read this, especially if you're the King. Not what I'm saying. Daein should be occupied. Then it should be given Independance. No annexation involved. In addition, a strong leader should be able to see when someone is objectively evil. I hope if someone close to me pulled what Izuka did I'd recognize them as scum. Also, Pol Pot wanted the best for his country. So did Mao and Hitler. "Wanting the best" isn't enough to ensure that someone's definition of best is actually desirable. Hell, Ashnard wanted the best for Daein.
  21. Then don't have Ranulf find out at all. Or at least have it be done in a way that can be shown not told. It might be more emotional for Ike and Zelgius if they had any screen time together that wasn't professional in some way. Having Zelgius be more of a character in POR would go a long way towards giving the reveal more of an emotional impact.
  22. Why shouldn't Begnion do it again? Just don't put the Senate in charge of the occupation. In any sensible government, the son of the King who just tried to take over the damn continent, supported by a good deal of said King's former generals, ascending to the throne violently should raise major alarm bells. At least an occupation should be installed to make sure he behaves. Yes, I know Pelleas isn't evil, but NO ONE ELSE KNOWS THAT. A second occupation demand, by Begnion, is entirely reasonable. And the reason why they'd want to occupy it is to ensure he doesn't try something. The issue is that Begnion basically unconditionally withdrew from Daein, which could cause a whole host of problems. If Begnion really wanted to they could easily crush the revolt. As for Izuka, he had already tried to start shit with Maurim. That, essentially, is enough. And as I said before, if Pelleas is tacitly okay with Izuka doing this, this then is the time when Micaiah should be wondering if Daein under him will be any better off than before. And he is tacitly okay, because he doesn't respond to Izuka essentially attempting murder.
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