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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. Disclaimer: I have yet to play the game. I do not know the exact situation. However, it would seem to me that Corrin is essentially Nohrian royalty, because Nohrian tax dollars have been paying for him. I myself view royalty as a contract. You live off your people's tax dollars, and in exchange you give your all for them. If you are male, you join the army. If you are female, get married to secure an alliance. What you don't do is run off to join the nation your country is at war with. That is why Corrin should join Nohr. Thane, feel free to rip this a new one.
  2. The glorious Proletarian sister of Comrade Marx is clearly better than the filthy feudalist bourgeoisie scum Sakura. For even asking that question, comrade, you get sent to gulag.
  3. Guys, I think I just found Trump's start of darkness: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AC-dRwTFkzc Go to 7:40.
  5. Meat pies will never not be glorious, and Hoshido will never not be filthy Japanese Imperialists! Resist them to the last man!
  6. Well, a Kakapo Parrot lives on average 95 years. You could have it as a baby and theoretically spend your whole life with it at your side.
  7. Jesus Christ, what a dumbass. I don't know what people who resort to thuggery like this hope to,achieve with their violent actions. Well, okay, I have a pretty good idea, but that goal is dumb.
  8. Sanders and Trump are more similar than one would think. If you listen to his speeches, in terms of economics he is almost as anti corporate and anti free trade as Sanders is. He is appealing to poor whites in a very real way. Chances are you said you don't want corporations controlling everything, and the Republican candidate that matched most with was Trump.
  9. Mexico could easily ask for help. I highly doubt even Trump would put ground troops in Mexico without first asking the Mexican government.
  10. All of Jerusalem is obviously unacceptable, then. TBH it should probably be international, lest some of the ugliest borders in history be created.
  11. Israel really can't afford any more expansion; that would just give it even more angry potential terrorists, stretch its army even more thin, and alienate its allies. I wouldn't worry about that.
  12. Hear that, Tuvarkz? The wall requires patrols. Now, how many patrols would it take to have that kind of coverage on the American border with Mexico?Does pre 1967 borders mean a total withdrawal from the PA, or withdrawing the settlements? I am fine with the latter, I can see why the former is unworkable.
  13. Democrats don't necessarily support the Palestinians. What has a democratic administration done to support them? My support for them extends to "withdraw the wall to the Green Line" but that's mostly settlement related. The key difference here is that the US is only facing illegal immigration, while Israel is facing the threat of terrorism. It's an absurd comparison to make.
  14. The Kennedys fled to Europe (Patrick Kennedy supported the Wilson government, so he has to go; being politically active and not Communist was too dangerous) and Kissinger is still in Germany, where he will play a role. Also, to be clear, I know that the Corleones are not real, I just wanted a shout out to one of the greatest movies ever made.
  15. Question: is Mexico still issuing the pamphlet? I notice that the source was dated as being from 2005. A lot can happen in 10 years. Also, Israel's security fence isn't just fence, it also has checkpoints. I was more referring to the resources needed to control passage through the wall in the same way Israel controls passage in and out of Palestine. Obviously you need something like that if you don't want trade to be hit hard.
  16. Chapter 2 Europe to 1950 The Second World War left all of Europe west of Poland a mess. The war had devastated both Germany and France, though France absolutely got the worst of it. Meanwhile, Italy was divided, Iberia was under Communism, Britain was reduced to being neutral, Ireland was liberated but internally divided, and the Imperium of Mann existed as a pariah state. Fortunately for Western Europe, the newly elected Russian Prime Minister, Count Mikhail Tolstoy, had a plan to fix this. The Russian economy had survived the war relatively stable. Although Russia’s far eastern territories were devastated, the Russian economic heartland in Europe had been untouched by violence from the land, sea, or air. Thus, the new Russian Cadet government resolved to pump money into the European economy, revitalizing it for the future to act as a bulwark against Communism. By 1950, the economies of Germany and North Italy had recovered. France, however, was not so lucky. If Germany’s economy was harmed by the war, France’s was devastated. King Henri moved out of the destroyed Paris and chose the city of Lyon as the permanent French capitol. It was no coincidence that Lyon was within striking distance of the German Panzers on the border. Germany was not taking any chances. The infrastructure, industry, and agriculture of France had all been annihilated by the war. With no industry, virtually all of France’s working class were unemployed. Furthermore, the lack of agriculture lead to a famine breaking out across France. The king, ultimately, could do nothing, as he was still trying to establish his government. The new French Prime Minister, Andre Dessault, could do nothing either. German liberal politicians proposed an aid bill for France in 1947, but it was easily defeated in the Reichstag. The Germans, understandably, were not keen to help their old enemy that had just destroyed one of their cities, especially not when they still had to rebuild themselves. Thus, in 1948, the situation in France finally spiraled out of control. While a low level insurgency had been raging on since the French surrender, more and more unemployed Frenchmen and women flocked to the banner of the French Liberation Front, an organization dedicated to kicking out the German puppet king (no air quotes, because he kind of was). Terror attacks by the FLF got more and more frequent. Adding to this problem, the CIA began influencing the FLF to become more and more leftist in nature. This influence came from across the Pyrenees mountains, where the Socialist Federation of Iberia, led by Juan Negrin, was cementing its own power. The Negrin government, controlling both Spain and Portugal, were faced with a stridently anticommunist population. Negrin reacted brutally, waging three successive campaigns against his enemies. The first, the “War against Oppression”, initiated in 1945, made every person with a noble title subject to imprisonment, as well as anyone who owned a business. Any noble or businessperson over the age of fifteen was executed. The rest of them were sent to Negrin’s infamous “tolerance camps”, where the children were brainwashed to reject their pasts. Those who did before the age of fifteen were permitted to return to society. Those who did not were promptly sent to the second division of the tolerance camps, where they were used for slave labor. In fact, any political dissident or criminal was used as a slave for life. Negrin considered it to be a massive waste of resources to execute anyone. People who were opposed to the proletariat were enslaved by them. Negrin’s second campaign, the “War on Superstition”, beginning in 1946, outlawed religion. The clergy of Iberia were sent to the tolerance camps, once again to be worked as slaves. Negrin then unleashed his secret police on anyone who was a member of a church or a synagogue. Members who renounced their faith by burning a Bible or a Torah were allowed to keep their children. If they did not, they were sent to the Tolerance Camps, and their children were sent to Iberia’s infamous orphanages, where they were brainwashed, once again, to be “good Communists”. The conditions in these orphanages were horrific, and pedophilia was rampant. This of course sparked a massive amount of resistance to the Negrin regime, but the brutal Iberian People’s Army was only too happy to retaliate, sometimes going as far as destroying entire villages to discourage rebellion. The worst, however, was yet to come. By 1950, Negrin has cemented his position as leader of Iberia, had crushed all dissent within and without the party, had committed class genocide against the bourgeoisie and nobility, and had broken the church. His final, most infamous campaign, the “War on Memory”, then began. Negrin believed that the idea of a culture was outdated. Culture, he argued, was an obstacle to Proletarian solidarity. The reason why the USSA had been so successful, he argued, was that it had a homogenous culture. With this in mind, Negrin decided to embark on a campaign of cultural genocide against Iberia’s minorities. Catalans, Portuguese, Galicians, and Basques were all targeted by the Negrin government. Once again, children were taken from their parents, but this time, never returned. Negrin reasoned that if future generations were never taught culture, that it would disappear on its own. While the Portuguese culture survived the War, the Catalan culture is now, unfortunately, a thing of the past. Iberia was internationally reviled for these atrocities, even by the USSA, who still grudgingly supported them. At first, Negrin tried to cover this up, but it was quickly revealed to the public by the British reporter Eric Blair. Blair snuck in to Iberia, and visited a tolerance camp and an orphanage. After returning to the UK, he published a report on what he saw, titled “1948”. Its publication led to the entire Capitalist world embargoing Iberia, and led to public opinion in the USSA turning against Iberia. It was nothing, however, that J. Edgar Hoover couldn't handle. The other Communist state in Europe, South Italy, was a different kind of nightmarish. When the Communist revolts of 1940 broke out, the Italian Communists in the south were greatly aided by the Sicilian Mafia, who had suffered repression under the Mussolini government. This led to the South Italian government being dominated by the Mafia. In addition, the rampant unemployment in South Italy drove many into the mob. By 1949, the unquestioned leader of the Italian Mafia was Don Vito Corleone. In mid 1949, the remnants of the rival gangs attempted to defeat the Corleones by assassinating Vito, but his son Micheal took over. By 1950, Micheal Corleone had utterly destroyed all opposition to his family in the criminal underground. Corleone, now the de facto leader of South Italy, looked for ways to expand his position further. To do so, he turned to piracy. South Italy was ideally situated in the Mediterranean for piracy. Any and all shipments coming from Asia were subject to frequent raids by Corleone’s ships. The South Italian government didn't do much to stop the piracy, since Corleone’s gangs would most likely have been able to overthrow the South Italian government if they had to. Eventually, two entire battle fleets, one from the Kaiserliche Marine and one from the Imperial Russian Navy, were deployed to fight Corleone, who the German press began to refer to as the “Pirate King”. Corleone, however, won support for his actions from the USSA. They would pay him to deliver their weapon shipments to the Jewish rebels, and they would advocate for him in the International League. The “Mafia Dictatorship” of Micheal Corleone was obviously here to stay. This was the state of affairs which Europe found itself in as it entered the 1950s. A great amount of tension was beginning to erupt between the two power blocks, and the First Cold War had well and truly begun. In the USSA, though, opposition had finally begun to surface. It was led from a direction completely unexpected to Long: a black man. That black man was Martin Luther King, Jr.
  17. Alright, time to OPVL the shit out of this. Origin: This appears to be a campaign add for Donald Trump of some kind, or an info graphic that is very much pro Trump. No one is credited as being the creator, and the forumite who posted it, Tuvarkz, got it from Imgur. It could come from anywhere. Purpose: The purpose of this info graphic is quite clearly to convince the viewer that building a wall on the Mexican border is the correct course of action. Value: The info graphic shows the pro wall perspective, meaning that, for the first time, you don't have to go to Stormfront to get it! Thanks, info graphic! Limitations: Many. Firstly, while sources are cited, they are not linked, making it much, much harder to investigate their credibility. Secondly, the info graphic uses the example of Israel, ignoring the fact that the Israeli frontier with the Palestinian Authority is not nearly as long as the American frontier with Mexico. Israel is also far more militarized than the USA. Finally, the purpose of the security fence is not to prevent illegal immigration, as the info graphic would have you believe, but rather to prevent Palestinian terrorism against Israel. When Mexicans start regularly blowing up Americans, then we can have a conversation about building a wall. The two situations are clearly not comparable. Finally, the info graphic consistently uses Donald Trump's own estimations for how much the wall would cost. Donald Trump, rather obviously, has a pretty damn clear bias in this matter. The use of a more unbiased estimate would be appreciated.
  18. It would be a waste of resources. We need to save our own planet first.
  19. Don't compare the two situations. TBH the border wall is defendable, but the thing with Hadrian's Wall was that Roman territory extended quite far into Caledonia, and scouts at that border would run back and tell the legions where the track would fall. The wall was never 100% manned at any given time.
  20. Ah, I thought you meant if the Internet existed in the thirties. I will say, though, that modern society is very much a product of the Nazis and the Second World War. The Nazis are one of the main reasons we are so sensitive to Trump's rhetoric now.
  21. Takumi is an annoying little bitch who is basically the Japanese version of Trump. So, wait, Tojo? Yeah, I guess. Generally speaking I thought that the Nohr siblings were far more interesting.
  22. Really? I think you are greatly overestimating the goodness of the average person in the 1930s. Hitler said pretty much the same things he said in Mein Kampf that he did in his Jitler over Germany campaign, the campaign widely credited with getting the Nazis in power.
  23. I would actually compare Trump more to the French Jacobins than to the Nazis. The thing with Trump is that he doesn't have full control over the mobs that support him. The supporters of Hitler supported Hitler the man, not the ideas he supported (okay, they supported his ideas too, but had Hitler died during the war the Reich would have fallen apart). Hitler had a consistent set of beliefs that he tied to himself. Trump seems to so,ply be attcking whoever it would benefit him to attack. Not saying that makes Trump better, but there is a difference.
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