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Everything posted by Irysa

  1. The Elibe/Magvel ones are doujin and look amateury as all fuck, please do not use those. [spoiler=IT HURTS TO LIVE]
  2. Lowen has better con than the others so he takes less AS penalty from heavy weapons at least.
  3. There are only so many knight crest to go around for the earlier half of the game and focusing exp into less units > spreading out exp among lots of units.
  4. When I said "other weapon types" I don't mean other brave weapons, I just mean weapon choices in FE6 in general. <_<
  5. Zealot used a steel axe in 13, MIledy used a javelin in 14. I can't really remember anything else. The amount of RNs needed is a fair point though, but if you aren't accessing the string or trying to manipulate it then you over double the amount of chances to get a string in your favor (and you attack twice before the enemy gets to move). I think this goes back to mostly what Espinosa said WRT high risk/high damage without relying on a crit, which is exactly what the brave axe offers. Again, I can't dispute that the Killer Axe is a better weapon...I just am not convinced that it's in any worse a position than many other weapon types in comparison to killers in FE6, which are kind of all round amazing in that game.
  6. You used a bunch of Javelins though which have 55 base hit which is equal. Even the steel lance also has 55 base hit and causes AS penalties (although not as severe admittedly). I'm not denying the Killer Axe is a statistically better weapon ( Killers in FE6 in general are all round amazing and easy to stock up on ) but on paper, if you don't double the enemy normally (which is an issue for a bunch of candidates with it) then it's not the worst thing in the world. The hitrates are poor but as I said its in the same general area of potency of a Javelin so it's worth trying to use for the benefits it provides when you have a potential user. Of course the latter is basically the "real" problem with the weapon, there's no good users of it aside from a Hero with good skill and axe rank, and the one you get for free has awful con that prevents 4x from ever happening, so as you say, it leaves Deke (who doesn't get time to shine normally).
  7. He can't actually reach the fort tile to stand on so the first one's out. I take like...a hour to clear a map with combined checking enemy stats and movement and all hitrates for applicable people to use and stuff (i'm bad), not even counting resets. I tried to make videos initially but if you want something that doesnt take forever, that requires me to rehearse the execution of the whole thing, or start planning out moves beyond the first couple of turns (since thats typically what I actually base my strategy around, get a well executed first couple of turns out and then roll from there). idk. It just doesnt seem worth it.
  8. Eh, the hitrate is about as poor as a handaxe or javelin, and I get veritable use out of them in FE6 even with accuracy problems. I think Geese sits on like 90 hit with a Brave Axe with a level or two and promotion, which is definitely "workable" (though the real question is why would you use Geese/why is the map not over because of Miledy and Percy anyway). In my current run I think Dieck will make it to B axes so he could put it to good use with only 2 AS loss and 20 + skill as of right now (Echidna can use it but eats such a huge AS penalty its really only worth it if you can't ORKO with a doubling steel sword or w/e)
  9. That still doesn't make sense because I can rescue any of the said units you're proposing and he still will not attack her on those two tiles. Also the tile directly southeast of the fort has the same amount of "potential" attackers yet still causes him to attack Sue. Only 2 units can hit him without moving WRT the fort + the tile to the east. Note that I also though it may be because a unit can get on the fort and attack him, but even that fails because the tile to the north of the fort yields an attack. :\
  10. The only supports I have on this file are Alan Lance B (not in effect) and Roy Lance C (also not in effect)
  11. You can use statbooster right? If you get that far, I think Gerik with stacked statbooster can still take on most things with myrrh for bosskill. Yeah thats how I feel about FE8 in general too. I enjoy the first 8 maps and then its just...really boring. Like the enemies never really got any stronger so its all set for your units to wallop the game. Even phantom ship is easy if you know where the enemies come from, or just let Duessel, Seth and Franz obliterate it.
  12. But he attacks her on ANY other tile. That can't be it.
  13. Give him a Prf staff. <_< The other starting class healbots you get by default have them. As to what it would have to be to actually make you use him more, maybe a status stave? I dunno.
  14. I can go one up and say that even if Sue is rescuing somebody and has the brave bow equipped, leaving her with 2 AS (more than enough to get doubled) and 17 avoid, the Merc will still not attack her on those tiles <_< Also for the healing thing, I've never observed the enemy AI to actually move away to get healed in FE6 before when there are non retaliating targets in range. Basically all GBA enemies will just kamikaze all day.
  15. I don't really see how you'd get obsoleted with 19/12/13 (assuming most common rolls + promotion gain) offensive stats. Give him a speedwing and he is pretty much set to ORKO every single lance enemy in the game if he can hit. Leveling him up when he has 5 levels to get to a promotiom when he's sitting on like 80 base hit, which goes down into like 60 or worse on axers (don't even bring up mercs, archers or magic users), and has barely any lance enemies to fight seems pretty silly, especially when he is only a few points from capping his str anyway. I guess chapter 13 could be a pretty decent time for him to get some levels in, but you have to be careful there of the axereaver cavaliers too.
  16. That's fair, and you get the Brave Axe really early in FE6 as well. I've used Geese to decent success in FE6 because he has good weapon rank and has an acceptable skill stat + the massiver zerker crit bonus, AND always comes in at level 10. I really never bothered to use Gonzales though since I've never actually done Elphin's route, so I've never had the ability to instapromote him since he desperately needs the +5 skill gain from zerker promo. And Lot and Wade always get benched. :\
  17. Yeah I'm pretty much stumped. You can't even rig Klein to crit from the Ballista or something (actually does that even work in non killer ballistae?) Aside from going back to 16x to save a warp use. That will cost a turn though, unless you rig Lalum and Roy obscene dodges to 2 warp it though (don't even think Roy would have a displayed dodge rate on 0% growth vs some of the shit up there).
  18. Hit but don't KO another unit slightly outside of the priest's range to make him move to physic it?
  19. It does but its most pronounced on axe users because they tend to have crappy skill as well. The first half of the game your accuracy isn't bad with swords (aside from the fucking nomads and cavs), and by the time you get to the desert and beyond, lance users have acceptable hit rates on most things that aren't valkyries or a boss (assuming you use irons and killers mostly. If you go for handaxes/javelins you know what you're going for unless it's Dieck). Axes still obviously have their uses but you really need the skill buffer to make them decent imo.
  20. Axe users wouldn't be half as bad if the hitrates didn't obliterate them. (ward really needs more growth though...) Bowing with them as Warriors is far more useful, but that hero crest in high demand.
  21. Dat 39% hitrate on arcard. Also, WRT arena enemies, I think they always have to be based off your stats, thats why you fight silver enemies when your def gets too high. I think they try to avoid stuff that can actually double you as well.
  22. PoR EP is nowhere near as bad as RD EP. Like, nowhere. I actually was playing advance wars during the EP of the last parts of 3 and most of 4 because it takes so long.
  23. Actually the Dark Rank is important to Niime as well because she can get +5 mag for having Apocalypse as her weapon (since staves don't equip), which means her staff range gets increased even more. Also, her def and con suck but thats why I said you throw a body ring to her and let her nosferatank. I mean whole else are you putting it on? She'll basically go to max hp on every nosteratu counter because of her ridiculous mag and crappy enemy res, and 20 skill means she's not liable to miss. She won't get doubled by most enemies with the body ring either.
  24. Derp, I really should have checked the site first. Sorry. Thanks anyway. Only other thing I can think of, if any of those units die, does their accumulated EXP still count?
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