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Everything posted by Irysa

  1. Okay PKL was right, this map wasn't so bad at all. Aside from the chests at the bottom. Which took like 10 extra turns to get from what I could have finished the map in because mages keep spawning out of nowhere. >:( [spoiler=Chapter 15] I HATE DESERTS, that's why this took so long. I still had to figure out an opening strategy though but it wasn't too bad. >nullifies all attacks Well. Okay. He also moves. :( Despite his insane speed his mag isn't too high, and luckily, I have a gigantic res tank in Lena, so I can block him off from doing any real damage. Generic mages actually have more mag than Gharnef on this map. Also more than the promoted bishop in fact...? What is with the stat distributions on this map...most units get OHKO'd by these hard hitting mages, but luckily there are a fair amount of units with enough HP to survive, and they're weighed down a lot by their tomes so doubling them is easy. The boss has a siege tome. That's pretty uncool but luckily any Draco (cough, Shiida) can just fly into his range and one round him on my team. The DK next to him may be problematic though...speaking of DKs, there are also a couple to the northeast who beeline down towards me at the start, but I have plans on how to deal with them. Lena when reclassed to Bishop with a Pure Water or Barrier boost actually tinks Gharnef :V Marth gets to use the boots because what the hell, like dondon said, there's no rescuing in this game anyway. Merric hitting C staves on the last map means he can Physic on this map, which should be helpful seeing as healing my royal airforce who are flying over the river is probably only going to be doable with it. spooky music. attempt number 3 lets go! Cain barely survives this and gets a stellar level up! Ogma is unfortunately rather uncooperative...because its the start of the map I reset. Ogma decided to get another 1 statter another two times before we finally get us past the opening moves with something good. Julian is going skinny dipping! Amusingly, the entire sea to the right of the start of the map is actually considered a river, so he's capable of swimming through it :V Marth can also handily walk over the river to start trekking to the throne. Jeorge can as well but its unlikely the poor guy will actually get to do anything on this map. With a Barrier boost, Shiida is 3HKO'd by the mages on this map instead of 2HKO'd. Moving her up this far is actually slightly unsafe because she's in range of 3...but I move Minerva in range of the Bishop, but out of range of the Mages. The Bishop prioritises Minerva because she can't ORKO him, whilst Shiida can. Why wouldn't I want to ORKO the Bishop though? Well...you'll see in a second. Other people just move up and I end my turn These guys have rather cruddy accuracy so misses are unsurprising, but welcome. Shiida dodged one and got hit by another mage, KOing both. This stupid healer heals up the bishop but... This is why! I'm feeding Catria kills. "Catria is unsalvagable" = CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. Besides, Blue Hair > Green Hair. Sedgar unfortunately can't get the positioning to bow chip both of these DKs but one is enough so whatever. Julian's swim in the sea will have to wait a while. I use a save with Shiida since I need to wait here to get in range of the boss for next turn anyway. Thank god for Sedgar. Lena reaches this spot to block Gharnef on turn 3. I had to avoid going too far along on turn 2 or she'd get the DKs on her. I could technically block him off at the south bridge but then the enemy thief can run to the chests which I didn't want to happen. Had to make sure to deequip her so she doesn't waste charges on Fire. With pure water used she has 26 res which will tink Gharnef and the other mage for 2 turns. Back to the DKs, Sedgar's chip on EP gives Castor and easy kill. I get Beck and Jake to kill the other one. Base 1 skill stat is pretty lol, glad it's going up. Merric heals Ogma, levels up, and then Ogma kills the thief, who was weakened by Sedgar. I save with Barst because I'm about to kill the boss, and to rig Catria a level up. ...maybe more for Catria than the boss. No rigging required! She is however in range of the DK but I have a plan to deprioritise her Marth is just in range. Being in WTD and being the Lord should theoretically make the DK decide to attack him instead of Catria. People move up and stuff and end turns. lol Oh shit oh fuck oh god. The 3rd DK from the top started flying down and he's in range of Lena. But I can't let Lena back off the bridge now or she'll let Gharnef loose D: However...I think I can manipulate the AI here again by putting Castor in range. He has significantly less AVD than Lena and can't retaliate, but is bulky enough to take one hit. Hopefully this works, if not I've got the save. Meanwhile Catria got another kill. Wendell went to sit on a fort because fuck reinforcements. Yesssss With Jake's help Castor easily kills the third DK and levels up. From here on out...basically all I'm doing is stalling until Gharnef decides to leave, and feeding Catria kills, along with a little shopping. There isn't really much interesting to comment on besides Julian swimming for like 10 turns until mage reinforcements from the south east stop (I plugged the forts though). Wait, is that a fish? That is most definitely a fish. What the fuck. Marth could have seized on turn 6 but since I want those chests it's not to be. Inefficiency general. On paper I could have warped someone into the treasure room instead once Gharnef left I guess? Imposing enough my ass. You can't touch Lena. Gharnef leaves but... Then this happens for the next 10 turns. zzzz.... Catria kills more things... Castor not proccing HP proved to be annoying as he was still OHKO'd by mages until the reinforcements started being 25 Atk instead of 26, and then got to B bows. YES, now I don't have to use Jeorge for Silver anymore. Merric healed people on the mage chokepoint a lot. Enough till both heals broke. When everything was finally gone and stopped spawning Julian dogpaddled his way to shore to go grab the chests. In hindsight it actually achieved nothing because he could have gotten there faster without swimming anyway. If the stupid mages didnt keep appearing from the bottom he could have dodged Gharnef for the chests though :( These are probably worth it. Or would be if I wasn't so indecisive about stat boosters... Marth seizes on turn 17 (lol) Chapter 15 turns - 17 Total turncount - 233
  2. Is Merlinus still deployable after he dies like in FE7? I've honestly never deployed him out of his default chapters in FE6 so I've never known what happens if he dies <_<
  3. Blade Lord Lyn in general. She is one of the very few units in GBA FE who actually get completely different animations for crits as opposed to windup + attack which is nearly everything else except Hero.
  4. Alright, it's time to man up and actually do this desert map! (I hate deserts) However...I got a few things to ask first. Are Catria and Palla worth using long term? I mean "duh, they're fliers" but their stats aren't really impressive for this point, and I can make promoted cavaliers into DKs. In terms of immediate value, this is a desert map so I figured fliers would be useful, but looking at stats, even with res Catria is still OHKO'd without barrier/pure water by a lot of the mages on this map, and fails to one round almost all of them. Conversely, Palla can one round most of the mages with a steel and survives one attack, even without a boost, so she'd probably actually be helpful. She also has B Lances which makes capable of doing flying silver lance things.
  5. I couldn't even beat the map without underdeploying and letting Miledy solo everything on 0%, let alone do this. Truly humbling.
  6. Lord : Ephraim Lance wielder on foot (my fetish), one of the few Lords with common 1-2 at base, Reginleif is amazing (extra MT, accurate, isn't heavy, loads of uses, crit) gets a horse on promotion (lets him keep up), amazing growths and bases, cool and calculated yet also passionate, Overall just a suave motherfucker. Honorable mention - Ike (generally kicks ass, isn't a royal and is earnest and pure), Lyn (appealing design, some of the coolest crits, bows and swords is a cool combo) Cavalier : Marcus Helps out across 2 games (as the actual Jeigan), and carries the team when its needed harder than any other unit of his archetype. Titania and Seth are "better" Jeigans but they exist in a games with generally far more capable growth units. Honorable mention - Kieran (really funny), Titania (beautiful redhead, yolos entire segments of maps, fully armored female) Wyvern: Jill Beautiful redhead, has some of the best development and focus of any side character in the series, female who actually wears full armor, obliterates lategame, has a res stat. Honorable mention - Miledy (carries the team super hard) Pegasus: Shiida WIN SPEAR, best recruit convos, is beautiful, original PK. Honorable mention - Marcia (cuts all the turns!), Elincia (Prf Brave Sword and Staffbots while flying!) Soldier: Nephenee Lance wielder on foot, great growths and bases, wrath, great design, hot, has a shield, cute supports/personality. Honorable mention - Aran (isn't anyone else to mention lol but I dig that he's basically a Knight with proper mov) Knight: Oswin One of the two armors who actually gets to ever do anything in FE games that I've played. Honorable mention - Gatrie (the other one, but his maps aren't as kind to him as Oswin's were) Myrmidon: Mia Sparky and fun personality goes against the Myrmidon trend, great design, hot. Honorable mention - Rutger (bosskills like...a boss, 30% base crit, can get to over 100% :VVV), Karel (amazing supports, amusing growth in FE6) Mercenary: Dieck Won his way to top because he's carrying me pretty hard in my FE6 challenge run. Funny name, massive con lets him use everything easily. Actually having accuracy with handaxes in FE6 is amazing. Looks like a badass. Gives em the Dieck. Honorable mention - Raven (ballin' jacket as a Hero), Echidna (fast as fuck, can use Brave Axe at base, female hero!) Archer: Igrene Hot. Great bases, Blicks in Ilia. Hot. Honorable mention - Shinon (being so tanky makes him capable of actually being a crazy Knight Archer in RD, and snipers have critbonus in that game) Nomad/Bow Knight: FE9 Astrid Cute, Paragon, brings Knight Ward, levels up like a fucking Manakete on her join chapter. FE10 Astrid can go to hell, unsalvagably weak and no training time, awful taste in men. Honorable mention - Sue (Shin is better but Sue is cute), Sedgar (IS CARRYING ME HARD IN H5, WOLF IS AN EMO) Fighter: Barst Incredible bases, amazing growths, good weapon rank, is actually accurate. If only more games had Barsts instead of Bord and Cords... Honorable mention - Nolan (pseudo Jeigan when you need it in FE10, hot, great growths and bases, crossbows), Boyd (great growth/bases, crossbows, funny and cute supports) Pirate: Geese Brings a Brave Axe. Has a skill stat and solid growths, 30% crit in FE6. That's really all it takes considering what this class is like... Honorable mention - Dart (not many others to name, he's decent) Mage: Soren Kuudere to the max. Cute. Honorable mention - Merric (EXCALIBLICK), Pent (amazing bases and weapon rank, solid growth, fashion sense) Monk: Lucius The best glass cannon. Hot. (couragewolf.jpg) Honorable mention - Micaiah (not really a Monk but there are barely any other pure light magic users to list, and Miccy is cute, Thanibombs things and then staffbots) Shaman: Niime Godly staff user. Can nosferatank. Old as the hills and still kicks ass. Honorable mention - Canas (monocle, killed a snowstorm, amusing supports), Knoll (Phantoms are a really fun tool, supports are revealing) Priest/Cleric/Troubador: Mist Gets a horse and swords (Sonic Sword!) on promo for some fun combat. FE10 has swords at base and Florete is an amazing Prf Weapon. Cute. Honorable mention - Moulder (great stats/growths, best con on a magic user ever), Saul (great stats/growths, pimpin' promotion outfit, promotes just in time to save you from hellish chapters with warp) Thief: Volke Smokes a pipe (classy), has insanely good bases and str meaning he actually has good combat (only limited by his weapontype in FE9), has the best lethality animations (FE9 is hilarious, FE10 is badass) Honorable mention - Colm (easy support with Neimi + Assassin + KE = Funny Lethality gimmicks) Laguz: Volug Helps out a lot in 10 when it matters. Ripped as fuck, hot. Loyal. Wolves are fucking cool. Honorable mention - Naesala (cool battle theme, interesting character, CAW) Dragon: Myrrh Is super effective vs monsters in a game full of them. Cute. Honorable mention - Fae (tanks status staves like nobody's business) Dancer: Reyson CAN DANCE 4 PEOPLE AND FLIES AND HEALS AND CANTO HOLY FUCK. Contrasting design and personality is amusing. Honorable mention - Leanne (dances two people at base, flies and canto, thats cool I guess)
  7. Make archers get double exp for chipping.
  8. Sigurd has no potential because he's dead. As for Sigrun...she's forced and close to a tier 3 so that...probably works in her favor a bit? Dunno how much though, litearlly never used her.
  9. Some of the ideas in that map, like being able to call in reinforcements, Ike perma rescuing Leanne during part 3, are sort of cool but yeah overall those maps are really bland. 17-4 isn't too bad though, you can do some neat things there. Ultimately I think they wanted to make this big ordeal thing before Ike gets promoted but it doesn't achieve it too well.
  10. Like complaining about FE6 in every thread? <_<
  11. + 2 luk to Jagen. That is all.
  12. I dont know if Nicolas' FE7/8 gba sprite thing is broke for Sage but I definitely prefer 6's Sage because they do not have a silly half skirt tunic half toga thing. FE6 is just pants and a top. Saul probably had the best Bishop sprite until FE11. http://www.feplanet.net/sprites-archive-battle-sheets/7/294/2 http://www.feplanet.net/sprites-archive-battle-sheets/6/1183 Is Erk's right leg actually exposed? Is he not wearing trousers?
  13. Sedgar beause he's carrying me through H5 so hard
  14. I was taking FE10's international NM as compared to FE6's NM. FE after 7 basically started making Hard Mode into the standard normal mode of games before it, and modes below that basically catering to "I only want the story" type of players. FE10 was just more like a return to form. It still had things that made it easier compared to JP even if HM was made into NM via level 21 tier 3s and items like Tarvos being gained for free, and Forges not needing "forge points" in order to be used.. There are other differences but I don't remember them off the top of my head.
  15. Uh, for your battery save, is that a necessary setup for turn 2? Since it loads on turn 2 of the map with nobody having moved at all. Or can I at least restart and actually do things on turn 1? (99% sure I will not be able to help but at the least this should be interesting)
  16. I haven't played it yet but the only thing I did know about it's escape was you lost the units who did not escape before Leif. I did not however know you could get them back!
  17. The entire game being seize is rather repetitive but seize is by far the most strategically demanding objective in FE tbh (well...FE5's version of Escape I guess maybe trumps it). FE9 had objective variety (that was arguably ruined by just letting Marcia blitz everything), and FE10 has "variety" that suffers from the same problem (minus Marcia, sub your choice of fed unit). For every interesting map in that game I feel there are another 2 that are just a complete chore to play. This is divulging from the main point though. In relation to difficulty, I do think that FE10 Part 1 is challenging, even in a non LTC context. However that difficulty falls off very hard once you get to Part 2 and beyond. FE6 earlygame in NM is not particularly challenging outside of shitty hitrates (artificial difficulty) and chapter 7 (aaaaa), but the mid and lategame are substantially more difficult than 10. MIledy wrecks the game in NM but there are still a fare share things (read, status stave) that can make her life hell, even after Delphi Shield if you aren't careful, and this is not even counting the rest of your team trying to keep up whilst getting rained down upon. Luckily the enemy AI picks magic users to stave more often than not and you have barriers/pure water but the point here isn't "is it really hard", it's just "is it comparatively more challenging", and I say: Yes, because you have to be just a bit more careful and plan just a bit more. And like I said Roy is mediocre and has to be looked after since he's unbenchable, which is already an added challenge.
  18. I break it every game for exp and repairing superweapons/warp/seige tome. If only I could be that assertive about using statboosters....I will sit on a speedwings forever unless its plain as day that a unit can put it to good use immediately (ie, Haar)
  19. Haar isn't an OP unit now? Even ignoring him, the other GMs are pretty stupidly overcapable compared to the chumpy DB or CKs, and letting Jill solo 3-6 and 3-13 is generally the most pain free method of beating those chapters too. And 2-3, 2-E (unless you're sane and just let Haar kill the boss quickly), 3-P, 3-4, 3-10, 3-12, 3-13, 3-E (kill me, dont get me started on part 4 either), are all way way way too fucking long for what the map actually ask you to do (move to end of linear map, "survive" x turns, or dump someone in the middle of a lot of enemies) , not only in terms of actual objective, but also as mentioned the large amount of neutral/other units that waste time on the map... I don't hate FE10 or anything, there are some cool maps in there too. It's just segregated between all that...
  20. I wasn't entirely serious about that statement. Next time I'll have to use strikeout instead of emoticons.... I still don't really see how FE10 NM after part 1 is hard though. The maps are the epitome of "throw op unit into the middle of everything", and they take forever because of the animations/excessive amounts of ally/other forces present constantly. Even if FE6 maps are wide open, at least there's not another 20 units who need to have their turn after enemy phase... At the least you kind of need to plan with your positioning in FE6, even on NM or you will get berserked and shit hits the fan. Roy is also still fucking mediocre and annoying to have to look after compared to Miccy, Ike or Elincia.
  21. RD is already easier than any other game on NM beacuse of battle save <_< Ignoring that, Part 1 is reasonably challenging from the start but I really don't see how the rest of RD is hard, it's mostly just tedious. FE6 NM siege magic/status stave spam is annoying but I've heard that FE5 has the same deal but staves still have infinite range in that game soooo....
  22. I like to pretend RD's story doesn't exist.
  23. Yeah, fuck Sacae. Ugh. FE6 is a weird game, when I actually just play it I have fun but whenever I look back on it and all the stupid misses, resets, annoying enemies and shit I get mad. Love hate relationship. But everything gets 2/1HKO'd by supermages and the boss has a siege tome... Ugh I'll get around to it eventually but I'm still not looking forward to it. Maybe tomorrow.
  24. Thank god this is done. Probably warpskipping 14x (or at the very least, Warping Dieck to kills the boss and letting Thany take Roy to the throne). ch 15 should be relatively easy, and 16 may or may not be hell. [spoiler=Chapter 14] I hate this map...with only one flier this is going to be incredibly annoying. Luckily, Lugh's promotion, and the Killer Lances I bought last chapter are going to help. Ellen is fielded solely to give Cecila a restore stave (in case saul gets silenced or slept), and a Fire in case she needs to hit anyway. Lilina is fielded for being a unit with 5 mov so she can pick up some items <_< Lugh will wait up here with an Elfire. He fails to one round all of the Wyverns but can kill one and leave the other two severely wounded. I'm so glad I found about the reset trick for items in the desert on this place. (reset the cart, load the suspend, look at someone's stats, move them over, 100% chance to pick up item) Thany rescues Lance (who is going to be dealing with most of the Mercs/Heroes on the ledge, thank god he's fast enough to double them), Saul gives Thany a Barrier boost to help her out vs the Sleep Bishop, and Thany gets danced by Lalum and drops Lance. This situation is all sorts of dumb. Lance HAS to have a Killer Equipped because otherwise he can't cleanly one round the first merc that attacks him on EP, but I need him NOT to crit the Hero because he can't ORKO the Hero with a crit, and if he crits the hero's hp will go low enough that the recover priest next to him will heal him to full. Silver would also ORKO the first Merc but again puts the Hero too low. Lance can only 2RKO the hero if he crits on his next PP or EP attack (which is not 100% neccessary because he can sustain himself here with Saul's Physic). However I'm going to admit that I rng abused this to a degree, although it's more like indeterminate RN burning since I just randomly burn RNs with Thany and savestate until what I want happens. There are like 6 more attempts that failed after this anyway, at which point I went back to the savestate, and burned more stuff randomly until another matching scenario occured, so it's fairly random what happens after this point. At least it's just a turn 1 thing (I wish GBA didn't have a fixed RNG) Lugh gets 2HKO'd by the Wyverns but their accuracy on him is pretty poor. 1 Wyvern dead. Both the Silence and Sleep staves miss Saul and Thany. Welcome to one of the two things Sue gets to do on this map. Lugh kills the other Wyvern, avoiding the Dragon. Note that there is still a Wyvern Lord who will go for Sue but she's tanky enough to take the hit and she and Lugh will finish him off next turn. Thany kills off a mage. Lance crit the Hero! My luck was running high on attempt number 6, maybe it inspired me to think better too <_< Reset trick for the Speedwings. Sophia runs back to avoid the mage, Dieck moves up with a hand axe. Saul gives Lugh a heal with Physic (not needed, he can heal or restore somebody instead), gets danced and then tries to go here to bait the aircalibur mage (this is another reason why Thany is barriered or she is at risk of dying to him) The WL flies down and hits Sue, and Dieck chips a a Wyvern and kills a mage with his hand axe. The mage went after Lance, but annoyingly Lance didn't get attacked by any Mercs this turn because the stupid priests actually walled him in (what the fuck). Sue and Lugh have no trouble dealing with him. Thanks for your help Sue! Now you're useless. :\ Lance kills the Recover Priest, Thany busts out her Silver Lance to double these Mercs. I can't remember but I think her speed proc (which is at least "fairly" reliable) is what lets her barely double them now instead of having to rely on a Killer crit to ORKO them. Lance gets topped up by Saul's Physic. At this point I get a danced Cecilia to start carrying Roy across the desert. Because of the silly Silence priest blocking Lance, this merc actually comes to die on Thany. Then...the Priest actually UNBLOCKS Lance and ran back. The weird behaviour of the AI here around Lance was a big contributor in what made this attempt successful I think. Also, Saul and Cecilia have not had to restore ANYBODY, which is also flukely lucky. The Aircalibur mage missed Thany but you can see she'd barely survive even after taking the hit from a Merc thanks to the barrier boost. Lance should change his name to Rance IYKWIM After killing the aircalibur mage, we've crossed the first gauntlet of the map! The rest of it from here is "fairly" smooth sailing, the only inhibiting factor being if I can beat the map before the reinforcement Berserkers show up and kill Sue whilst she tries to run away. Reset trick, Lugh grabs the Silver Card. Dieck stands here to kill more Wyverns and Mages on EP (I do not actually remember what happened on this EP explictly, there might not have been a mage derp. I "think" I just killed a Wyvern in one round with his steel axe.) The sleep bishop is pissed off because he broke his stave and actually comes out to fight! Lugh starts running over to try to help out, gets danced by Lalum and moves closer, but not close enough to help yet. I really should have let him keep carrying the silver card because he actually makes it to the shop before the end of the map, but fuck me if I'm going to get this lucky again. Oh and Lalum leveled. These hitrates are almost as shaky as chapter 4...luckily we pull through. Poor Sue will never get anywhere but has to keep moving to get a head start on the reinforcements. One Man Army Dieck is here to bait more things with his hand axe! I also manage to break another stupid low dur lance on EP since the enemies quite nicely attack Lance (beacuse he's using a weaker weapon than Thany) instead of the silver lance pegasus! Dieck and Echidna clean up more Wyverns. Warp lies somewhere down here but there's a fucking Dragon to deal with. Wyrmslayer Dieck should be up to the challenge though. Amazingly, Ellen actually gets to contribute again (really didn't anticipate this.) The FoW range is JUST short of letting me see an enemy hero that I know is somewhere down there, and considering I the other mercs get ORKO'd by Lance anyway I'd rather spend time hitting him. However...Saul needs to Physic Lance, so Ellen trades for the torch to get vision. Booyah. Well, kind of. Everyone is just out of range thanks to the sand mov penalty. Down south, Dieck and Echidna kill what I "think" is the last of the Wyverns. Ouch, Lance took a lot of damage this turn :( He also missed the merc to the north twice, but at least he killed the other one and did good damage to the hero. Dieck missed a mage as well... No matter. Gotta kill this Dragon next turn so I can pick up the Warp. Lugh Thany and Lance finish off the Merc and Hero. Home stretch! (also not bad Lugh) RUN FOR YOUR LIFE SUE. Give em the Dieck. Sophia is actually in danger of being hit by the last mage so I have to rescue her (thank god for FE wod so I knew about the last mage despite not seeing him). In case you forgot, Cecilia is slowly ferrying Roy to the throne. I want to squeeze one more level out of Saul so he can promote on this map (saves me having to do it on 14x) Thats about it for generics (fuck the remaning Dragons.) Now I need to kill the boss before Sue dies <_< Not a good start. Got a Guiding Ring. Bought an Elfire and 3 Pure Waters. God fucking dammit. Luckily Lugh is MTA vs Light Brand! Not a single crit on the boss. Whatever. He's dead. Thank god. I don't seize just yet though. I use boots on Thany. I heal/dance abuse with Saul a bit because he's just barely away from one more level. Oh god. Saul's last level in tier 1 and promotion. Roy seizes turn 13.
  25. Any desert map. Ever. In fact I am currently procrastinating so hard about continuing my H5 Playlog or FE6 no HM char log because of fucking deserts. I hate deserts. FUCK. I want an FE game with no deserts. I have to go play Pokemon until I can muster up the effort to do one of those two...
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