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Everything posted by Irysa

  1. Thats a 3 turn, he's aiming for 4. I think a bigger problem is less warpers and no seige magic.
  2. if you still had chad he can steal her lockpick and then she can't do anything.
  3. reinforcements on ch6 from below dont trigger if you keep at least 1 unit at the start of the map.
  4. Weren't combined reclass tables discussed earlier though? he could make a neat DK with his axe rank if that was allowed.
  5. Yeah I think those are fair, you really need to steal narcian's delphi shield anyway.
  6. Hmm. I was going to say use Saul since he can make it to Warp for 14x on time but I'm not sure if he can without the promotion. Then again I guess you're slowing down a lot. Not having warp or a flier for 14x just makes me go D: since its entirely reliant on both the boss and bolting sage missing together and they have pretty good hit. I'm pretty sure they will KO anyone if they both hit even if you have everyone with barrier/pure water. EDIT: Derp you get Cecilia so technically under your rules you can't warpskip that map. IDK man, I think you can buy vulneraries in chapter 2, maybe go back and redo that and buy some more with merlinus.
  7. Garret is actually pretty decent if you can throw him on a peak, he will bait fliers and stuff really easily and be nearly untouchable. He has trouble hitting back but I think he's better than "terrible. Douglas is invincible for most of midgame, which is generally irrelevant but he can block a choke or just tank reinforcements if neccessary. He won't hit anything and never double though. You shouldn't underrate Niime's combat. She needs to do quite a bit of combat to get to Apocalypse anyway, and if you give her some statboosters and put her on a fort/forest she has a pretty low chance of death with nosferatu. And being able to berserk/silence crucial enemies with 100% hitrate kinda counts as combat <_< I'm still really worried about chapter 14 for this though. And 14x if he goes there. I don't think Echidna can handle all those mercenaries and heroes (Marcus and Zealot will get doubled unless they proc a lot of speed) and no flier on 14x AND no warper is like a death sentence on HM.
  8. use [spoiler][/spoiler] for drops, and i reccomend uploading screenshots to imgur in batch. Marcus has great luck and skill and will easily get to C or better Swords if he's soloing.
  9. You can bind a hotkey for it, go to the control config and set screen capture to a button. And yeah just use all the prepromos. Chapter 4 will be rather painful with just Marcus though, and you'll probably have to either accept Treck's death in 7 or use some unpromoted mounted units to rescuedrop Roy to recruit Zealot on turn 2. If you can get past 7 I think you have smooth sailing until the desert, which Echidna will probably have to do a lot of work in....if you get past that then you have Percival and he can smash the rest of it with his bases, and Niime can nosferatank all the really hard lategame enemies he would have trouble with, like Wyvern Lords. Man, thinking about desert with no fliers and only Marcus Zealot Echidna Cecilia and Klein sounds really really scary on HM. :S
  10. Nah, she doesnt get doubled by the mercs in ch 11. In fact iirc she isn't doubled at base DK speed to anything for quite a few chapters aside from horsemen thieves and snipers, two of which she's dead to insatntly anyway so... EDIT: Oh yeah and Heroes, but they double almost everyone <_<
  11. Since PKL doesn't update, here's a random throwout: FE11 Minerva should get C lances and like, 30 hp (+6 off her base) or something.
  12. Well crap, the secret shop here doesn't sell arms scrolls. <_< This sort of makes the boss a little problematic. Maybe Ogma gets to help one more map. Or I just make Swordmaster!Shiida kill him with a Wyrmslayer. Or maybe I should just keep Ogma around period because aside from Marth (lol) nobody else has a good sword rank without a SM reclass. Then again...that can't be THAT demanding, I have so many units who could become an SM if i really needed one. Ehhhh. Is having a dedicated hero with C sword or better important? Or can I just get away with making people SMs when neccessary. EDIT: Wow I'm dumb, I have dragonpikes. I don't need that at all. Facepalm.
  13. ^ You can't even arena abuse the dude because his def gets so high every enemy has silvers so he's 2hko'd. sad.
  14. [spoiler=Chapter 16] This map really kind of made me want to warpskip until I figured out something that made it a lot easier. It's still annoying though, the layout is just awful. I mean, why the fuck are the villages so far away from the throne? Theres a thief there too so he'll raid them if you dont get there quick. And this recruitable is on the other side of the map from the villages. At the least, he can't attack, so I'm not in a big rush to recruit him. Enemy forged ridersbanes :( There's a lot of shit like that on this map, its pretty lame. Not to mention another fortify curate... I forged another Wing Spear since this one is almost broken. Named it in honor of Ephraim. Fun fact: Reginleif means Valkyrie. Shiida fits it pretty well imo :V I gave Catria a drop as well, and arms scrolled Lena so she can use Aura (oops, forgot to do that last chapter since she was busy tinking ) With the drop, Catria can oneshot this guy with a Ridersbane. Although we may not need that. Oh yeah and there are a set of forts here that no doubt spawn reinforcements... Anyone, attempt something-i-forgot here we go. (don't ask why Shiida is a Paladin. I really can't remember <_< ) I like the intro to this map but theres not much to say or point to showing the conversation. First things first, kill this stupid curate with my Ballista. A considerable amount of misses and resets later... Beck killed him with a much more accurate hoistflame because my patience was done. Marth and Shiida charge east to get to the villages, and will be going the long way around the map. Everyone else goes bottom. And as you probably guessed, Sedgar is going to go bait the DKs. le sedgar face The third dk likes to be a derp and fly into dumb places instead of hitting Sedgar, so I had Barst and Castor hang back a little in case the position was off. Sometimes he actually is untouchable on the water which is really annoying and forces an instant reset since he's in range of your entire army. :\ Barst chips, gets B axes, solid growth. Castor gets to put his shiny new silver bow to use now. For a dude with 40% in like everyting he likes to dissapoint. Catria gets fed more kills... Catria is trying her damndest to outdo Shiida and get Marth's attention. Note that Sedgar is in the red for enemies on the center island. This has some fun side effects which we see in a minute. :V This also makes allll the AI who have 2 range stop going round the map and come back up to try to tink Sedgar, and activates the general and Paladin to start moving as well. I think I may have originally made her a Paladin because I wanted her to be able to fight on the east witout getting blicked by horsemen but forgot to turn her into a DK after I figured this out. I could open the door now but I can't because this other stupid Hero actually has a mag stat with a levin sword, and the damage the two of them can do is enough to fuck anyone up bad (even Sedgar). The plan is to get Lena to kill the first hero, then have her kill levin sword one from behind the door before I open it up. You can only visit one of these villages. I went for Arran because he comes with a silver lance and killer lance, wheras Samson comes with a Silver Axe. They'd both be sitting on the bench anyway. Pop the save for something fun next turn. I want to feed this to Marth so I'm going to rig him a crit. After like 15 resets (that is so not a 29% chance to crit...) marth pulls it off and levels up. Well I'll be damned, Jake actually hit so Sedgar could kill that dude this turn. I have nothing witty to say this time, sorry :( ...why didn't I think this would be a problem. Okay plan B, marth chips the ridersbane cav then Shiida will KO him next turn. Between Lena and Sedgar I'm untouchable, screw your forges! Jesus christ, aren't your growth rates supposed to be garbage? Mission accomplished. Marth runs away like a pussy to let his girl look after his mess. With all the horsemen done, Catria goes to kill this javelin cav. Don't let Xane block the door! A Lances for Shiida, both the cav and paladin suicide on her. Shiida owns and has blue hair, Marth is hers and she won't share (too bad Catria) Seriously is everyone with blue hair in this game rigged? (ignore Marth...wait and Midia. Nevermind) Unfortuantely, Shiida is now so low hp that she will die to the General and can't OHKO him. So instead of using a physic, I cheese out and have marth pull a vulnerary out and give it to her so she can heal herself and hit the general with her 1 use remaining Win Spear, then marth can take the kill. Rip in peace. Whoop whoop. I walled Xane in so he doesnt do anything stupid whilst Marth runs over. Threw sedgar out the door solo with a javelin and he crit killed one of em. Don't even need a Ridersbane to finish these dudes off. Abel killed the other one. Popped the save since we're near the end now. Well shit, reinforcements. Check the top left too...they spawn on turn 11 EP. I reloaded my save and checked and Shiida can just about make it to the boss in time to kill it on turn 11 without any warp use, but wont be able to get healed since she has to run full mov range every turn to make it. Luckily, she's still carrying a vulnerary. Wth that, I can do it easily. Of course I'm greedy and just reset till I get a crit/miss on the boss since she's only 1 hp off surviving the boss, and I obviously can't use up that precious vulnerary/physic! <_< Soup. Kay. Turning into people is cool. Too bad he can't copy their held weapons too, INFINITE WIN SPEAR. Being able to clone Barst kinda obsoletes Ogma a bit...now that I think about it, another Ballista would be cool too. Actually I wonder, can Xane seize in place of Marth? Don't care about this crap. Now THESE i can get behind. I'm doing a few rounds in the arena beacuse Sedgar Lena and Shiida kinda ate all the exp on the map >_> Xane can't seize :( Catria stopped proccing str :(( Marth could seize but I'm dumping some more arena time into my crew. Meh.... Abel thinks he's a Pegasus Knight. Thank you for not sucking. God DAMN Barst is a beast. Marth seizes turn 23. Okay that's a little bit over localised... Chapter 16 turns - 23 Total turncount - 256 I have a bunch of statboosters lying around and the boss of the next chapter has another speedwing! Lemme know who you wanna see them go to, since I'm rather undecided. 1 Talisman, 1 Dracoshield (probably Barst), 1 Goddess Icon (probably Sedgar), 1 Spirit Dust (probably Lena?), 2 Speedwings (Cain?) and 1 Energy drop. I am thinking about benching Ogma and Cord, Cord simply doesn't have deployment room anymore and is lagging behind in levels and Ogma's stats, whilst nice, don't compare to Barst's and Hero!Sedgar, and I can just arms scroll them for weapon ranks if neccessary (i know the next map has the secret shop since the vip card is there and jake said so! ). [spoiler=Unit stats] UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL MARTH LORD 12.86 28 11 09 13 15 11 01 C SWORD SHIIDA PALADIN 11/06.79 37 14 17 24 20 13 06 A LANCE E SWORD CAIN CAVALIER 13.30 28 14 13 12 09 11 00 D SWORD C LANCE ABEL CAVALIER 13.08 28 12 13 14 06 10 00 D SWORD C LANCE BARST FIGHTER 14.19 35 17 12 15 10 08 00 B AXE CASTOR HUNTER 14.22 27 13 11 13 07 06 00 B BOW CATRIA PEGASUS KNIGHT 09.23 24 11 11 17 09 09 06 C LANCE SEDGAR GENERAL ??/10.34 45 17 12 12 06 25 02 C LANCE C BOW LENA SAGE 20/04.39 27 15 15 15 21 05 17 B TOME A STAFF MERRIC CURATE 18.90 31 09 14 15 12 06 03 B STAFF (C TOME) OGMA MERCENARY 12.60 30 12 16 16 07 09 00 B SWORD CORD FIGHTER 10.64 26 14 08 14 12 07 00 C AXE JULIAN THIEF 09.58 22 09 11 16 12 07 00 D SWORD
  15. In what world do you live in to make Karel's bases bad? 23 speed is enough to double everything and he has like a billion crit, and comes with free S rank to use Durandal with. He's not going to be as good as your godmode MIledy or Percival or w/e but being worse than some of the best units in the game doesn't make him "ireedeemably bad". This is why I'm questioning your definition of the term, a unit not being as good as another or preforming a function that is doable by another unit does not make said unit bad at all, they actually have to be not just worse, they have to SUUUUUCK.
  16. What exactly are you trying to say with "ireedeemably bad" when you list Karel there? That alone just makes me feel like not even responding to that post seriously...
  17. Douglas is invincible to tons of things in Sacae and Ilia, even if he can't hit them. That has to count for something <_< Being unrescuable is pretty damning though.
  18. I'm pretty sure they don't use him for the ingame designs though, I would have preffered that. The ingame art is like...GBA with a fakey shading to try to add depth that just makes it look really weird. I find it really unsettling especially on Marth's face.
  19. Wut. The only irreedeemably bad units are like, Wendy, Sophia, and Cath. Cath has thief utility but is pointless since you have 2 thieves by this point anyway. Wendy completely pointless and nigh impossible to train, so is Sophia (Sophia gets you a guiding ring but thats not really counting her actual usability...). Lilina is borderline just because she's an anima mage (not terrible accuracy for 1-2 chipping or feeding a kill) and has a stupid fast support with Roy. Being outclassed does not make you unreedeemable. Pretty much everyone else is more than usable, even shit like Barth can get insta knight crested and become basically invincible for quite a while.
  20. Just make sure you get him to S rank swords over S rank lances for the +5 res from Audhulma.
  21. Prepare for the most boring chapter 15 ever. Also I redid 14x a bit to distribute the weapons better (Marcus used an Iron Sword with the least uses to get it closer to breaking :V ) [spoiler=Chapter 15] So this is a very very easy map when compared to what we've been going up against lately. It's also easy to do very fast - get Roy dropped on the mountain and he's pretty safe, then get Miledy (or in my case, Thany) to wreck the very slow boss with a horsekiller or killer lance. Seize. However, since the map is so easy (reinforcements only start coming in on turn 12 for christs sake), I'm going to take it a bit slowly to give Alan and Roy a chance to get some levels. This is probably the last chance Roy has to actually do anything meaningful, and Alan really wants to be promoted before we get into the later chapters. The only things to really be careful about on this chapter are that the Mercs and Valkyries are VERY fast. The Mercs eat a bit of an AS penalty from their weapons, but the Valkyries are nigh undoubleable. I also need to break some more stupid low use weapons. My god, after having the merge feature in 11 I find it hard to live without it. Alan is yet salvagable! I have to burn an RN after this, which I'll explain in a second. Too bad Saul can't use it yet since he starts at D Light. Although considering FE6 promo weapon rank gains, he's lucky to not start at E. Anyway, I had to burn an RN here because Lugh is a derp and misses his Aircalibur with like 80 disp hit on this Silver Lance WK on ep if I don't. The game actually doesnt expect you to recruit Percival till chapter 15 so his post recruitment conversation with Roy actually only happens on this chapter, despite the fact he's been with us for like 3 chapters now :V Rescue drops all day, every day. Note in my dry runs, I had Thany run up further but that aggro's more of the first group of cavaliers, wheras with this we only pull a valkyrie and one cav, which is much more managable. Lugh doesn't quite OHKO the Wyvern, so I fed it Cecila. Saul killed an Archer. Bishop and Valkyrie bonus exp gain is a cool thing! Yet another 1 use weapon is about to bite the dust If there was a posterchild for Roy level ups this would be it... I have two main ways to deal with this stupid Valkyrie. She's using Aircalibur (although Thany's res is good enough to mean she'll survive fine against it). Thany is my only unit fast enough to double her, and even then I have to use a non AS penalty weapon, like a slim lance or iron sword. And I'd still have to get someone like Sue to finish her off. Fuck that noise, we go for critz. Booyakasha Lance and Thany share an intimate moment (since she's just in range of the rest of the cavs) to tradeswap, then Alan kills the cav with Sue's support. Thany's the only one who will take any combat this EP. This is good because one of those cavaliers has a Horseslayer, which even if the hitrates aren't great on, you really don't want to gamble your Paladin's life against. More rescue drops... God forbid, Roy's rapier actually is coming in useful again. Annoying silver bow sniper. I "could" double him with Thany and then kill him with Lance's Javelin but you know me... Killer crits all day yo. (Although you have to turn order a bit with the rest of my units as you can see to secure it...) Speed cap here we come! Alan takes the kill that Percy chipped, and Cecila goes around continuing to spam healing on people, and making sure Percy isn't misequipped to for the Mercs. I would really like her to make it to Physic (+1 rank over her base), but FE6 weapon ranks make it a little steep of a demand. Lance is like, Thany's golf caddy or something, always putting her weapons right. Or her lance caddy. His name is actually Lance too...oh god. Chip chip (if you watched my AI video you can see what's coming next), bro speedy gonzales level etc. So because I already know the Merc AI next to Lance has a brainfart, I'm going to abuse it a little, since it also conveniently pulls the northern Valkyrie down very far to Physic him (which means I can kill her without caring about the rest of her troupe) As you'll see in a minute, if Sue stands here, even without a 1 range weapon equipped, despite being in range of a Merc the Merc just peaces out and doesn't attack her. See :V I like Garret actually. Doesn't take up a Hero Crest, sits on peaks and becomes untouchable while baiting fliers and shit all day. Too bad he's banned. Here's the Valk that gets pulled early to heal. Another 1 use weapon to break. Alan I swear to god... Still being outdone by Roy. Shamefur dispray. Whilst cleaning up, Sue hits A bows, yay! Igrene sadly starts with B, so I dunno if she'll make it in time to S for Murgleis (that S rank bow that sounds like you're gargling), meaning Sue might be my only candidate. May as well give her this Silver I've been packing. Lalum is a walking armory right now, full of shit I might need. <_< We're all cleaned up and Garret can now only attack Thany (who he will never hit) or Sue (can only attack with a Hand Axe so...not going to hit), and will come down to be recruited by Lilina immediatly. Lies, he's looting already! This is a non Aircalibur Valk so I don't really care about just chipping her this time. Fed the kill to Roy, since I think I can squeeze one more level out for him this map. Lance's great skill makes him actually surprisingly accurate with Steel Axes, and he hits really hard too! I could have upped the hitrates even more if Alan moved up a few tiles but derp. Also note, the other Horseslayer cav along with his buddy didn't get pulled so it's safe to move up here. Percival unfortuately doesn't do as well with steel so I left him with iron instead. (he'll go down to like 65 disp hit against cavs...that's too low for my liking) Which means he can't ORKO but that's cool because... More things for Roy to be fed! I get Lugh to chip and then Percy kills the Horseslayer without risk of retaliation. Alan and Thany kill a Brigand, then Lance continues to smash things with his steel axe and ORKO like a boss. We also have some nice safe positioning from the Wyverns up there! Blimey, didn't even realise I was building DieckxThany. I got Saul to chip the Brigand instead because why not. The single WK that can attack either Lugh or Saul should go for them due to their low def and no weapon triangle ADV, but their mag + double retaliation means it's a good trade for me, even if they get hit. Saul also kind of wants to get to something better than Lightning, his stats are actually better than Lugh's as far as offensive prowess goes. He has 0 chance of making to to S rank though unless he gets arena abused to hell and back. I didn't really care about the silver card here because all I bought was 2 door keys which are pennies to my current funds. We are on a roll of shit to break this map. Roy gets his more than likely last level in his first tier. If he ever actually gets to contribute in combat before his promotion again I'll be surprised. (he actually is pretty useful endgame with some levels dumped into him with his Prf 18 fucking mt weapon that triples vs dragons and has 1-2) Cecila killed the Wyvern that Saul chipped on EP for a surprisingly good level! Then I got Saul to kill this WK because he's like level 15 so he gives jack shit experience to anyone else. A few rescue chain drops later... That sniper is Alan's ticket to level 20! Well, almost. I proved myself wrong already, by dumping Roy up this far I actually got him to help a bit. Saul tradeswapped him his Rapier back to top and killed the annoying longbow Archer. Mag for the Warp God! Cleaned up the other Merc with Thany and Percy. Spread here keeps Roy and Saul safe. God dammit Lugh. Take a lesson from Saul for once. Roy actually contributed twice AGAIN, on EP he chipped a cav with his Rapier for Alan to kill, then chipped the other one and broke it. Only low use stuff to break remaning now are Dieck's axes. Alan has been holding that one in for 20 freaking levels, thank fuck. At least now with promo gains he isn't wholly outclassed by Percy. Cecila ran around healing people some more. Lilina's been carrying his Knight Crest all this time too. Oh god, what have I done. I let a Merc get onto a forest tile on EP. AHHH Igrene ends the reign of terror. I figure I'll let Lance try his hand at bosskilling today. Solid all round. I might toss a speedwings on him. He can keep up with Lance now too. With the double support bonuses, his hit is pretty decent. Surely this is an easy KO right? Now THAT is something you do not see every day, Lalum proccing str. Dieck comes in to show Lance how real men handle boss killing. And how real men level up. Roy seizes turn 11
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