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Crimson Red

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Everything posted by Crimson Red

  1. what game is it? reminds me of that one mech series I've seen videos of... something robot taisen something or something
  2. I lol'd kinda hard, too I wonder how DH is going to feel about this ._.
  3. come on guys where are the bad suggestions then again most characters in TLP are pretty viable IMO if you put a wee bit of effort into them lol
  4. If you could put your overall progress on not only the chapters but all the assets required to finish the game, what would you put it at? Just an estimate.
  5. lolRey so I hear no Awakening Miiverse community yet, thats unfortunate, I also think its unfortunate you can't tie multiple systems to one PSN but oh well, I mean doesn't Sony basically have the same thing (you can only tie it to a PSP, PS3, PS Vita, and now the Vita TV or w/e)?
  6. Heh, Europeans usually have the shorter end of the stick so I can't get myself to complain about this one game... though admittedly I've already pre-ordered the collector's edition, I hope I like it~
  7. I could dig this. Maybe. We'll see. Uh, how hard is it? XP
  8. Idk, "sort of lost"? shit out of luck? If it's not typical MIDI format (which can be ripped with Sappy or gba2mid) then you probably won't be able to extract it as a MIDI since well... it's not in that format. You might be able to get a WAV or something else but idk.
  9. Seems like they do, not sure on limitations (as good as it sounds I'm reluctant to believe it has as few restrictions as it implies) but I think you're good to go; check your cPanel to make sure you have an open database and access to phpMyAdmin EDIT: sorry for being so negative, I've become really skeptical. I think you found a good host here. Now just get a fancy domain name ;)
  10. Celice ... no, nevermind. @Jubby ... no, nevermind. >_>;
  11. Crimson Red


    noob, I could've wrote it in 1/3 the time with 1/3 the code in all seriousness idk how to get this working either and macs are dumb never underestimate ourmy incapability to figure out something on my own
  12. not enough AI hax, obviously not that anyone ever hacks AI
  13. If it's free hosting, you probably don't. Might want to check into that (i.e. whether you have all the capabilities you need to even do it).
  14. I dunno I was just joking haha though what I did for one of my hacks was create a web page and track the web page visits since it automatically downloads on said page, but I'm pretty sure there's a file host somewhere out there that can track downloads, or just a better way somewhere (my 10-second method isn't even all that accurate). I just didn't feel like figuring it out, probably because it doesn't really matter lol
  15. Awesome news, hope I get to play this soon >_<; It's one of the more exciting and quality hacks and (gasp) actually has progress, you can't really go wrong unless you're a greedy bastard who's never happy oh wait that's a lot of people I tweeted about it so maybe you'll get some more downloads... you should totally start a download tracker for this kind of thing lolol
  16. yeah having submissions manually approved (again, like RHDN) is practically a must. anti-spam measures as well lol heck yeah pessimism w00t you might be surprised to know how much isn't on Serenes or is hard to find or how much an elaborate hacking site could help... if hacking were still as popular as it were or you might not, i don't feel like investing enough to make a point about anything *shrug* I don't agree lol it's way out of date and too inconvenient, if I had time I'd revamp it but alas I don't and there's not enough of a push for me to bump it up on my list of priorities. More importantly, I don't have dedicated dropbox links set up for two reasons. The first and most important is that if patches get updated, the link suddenly becomes old; it's more convenient if people can update the patch on their own wherever it's most convenient for them. So for a lot of hacks, I don't put static links to downloads. Also, that takes a lot of dropbox space, but I have my own server space so I could just host it there if I didn't have the first problem lol but yeah there's potential for this to be cool it's just like... can you get it done reasonably well in a reasonable time frame. lol if it's going to take a year, FE hacking is going to be even more dead by then now that I stopped pumping hacks out *shot*. and the elitism issue has been one for a while and while it'd be nice if things changed it's probably not and I gave up trying to change it some time ago, I used to get e-mails and skype messages from people and they'd always complain about how they didn't want to go on forums because they saw how unfriendly and unwelcoming people were and that they'd rather just keep to themselves since they didn't want to get shot down lol, well that sucks because I would tell them "don't PM me your questions, that's what forums are for!" and then I ended up answering them anyway because they didn't want to register on forums OR they'd register on my forum and I'd answer them there rofl
  17. that won't be very hard to beat thena lot of this comes down to your own abilities and patience for the tedious, e.g. I imagine you're going to need skills with HTML, PHP, and mySQL, at the least, on top of someone to actually compile all this, since otherwise it'll never happen (though having a system where people can automatically submit it themselves [EDIT: like ROMHacking.net, for instance] would be nice).
  18. Part of me wishes you had just typo'd "Marth" and didn't know he was already confirmed/didn't figure that there was practically no way they wouldn't include him; the letters 'y' and 'h' are right next to each other.
  19. ... Good luck. /I second what Aleph said but more power to you if you actually succeed in completing something and people actually use it.
  20. lol yeah guys do real ASM hacks first then talkjk i'm the real noob this is silly, stop arguing just for the sake of arguing. to insert an ASMC command on your own you need to at least know how to disassemble an event, find where to do it, and repoint that event so the added code doesn't overwrite anything. that qualifies as event experience. and it's suggested to do things in order because it's more difficult to do certain things without previous experience, that's all. If he asks "how do I make this ASM hack" I don't want to have to explain what's hexadecimal or how offsets work, that's foundation stuff ><
  21. you'd need an ASM hack to make someone start berserk'd. it's generally considered one of the hardest parts of hacking and many people can't do it. I suggest tackling smaller things like hex editing and event hacking as that knowledge is practically necessary to successfully implement an ASM hack of this nature.
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