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Crimson Red

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Everything posted by Crimson Red

  1. dude I already talked to you about this two other places, cut me some slack even tho I probably should have just said nothing lol (that's not as fun tho)
  2. watch that double negative buddy
  3. Yeah, and it might be other things too such as a a "monopoly" on the copies (not exactly that but if there are less places to get it from that means less competitive pricing which is bad for the consumer), and perhaps more people keep the game or something so there are less copies in circulation or there weren't originally a lot of copies put out lol, just theorizing here though EDIT: it's possible demand also went up a while after (e.g. because of Awakening) and I know Xenoblade Chronicles and Metroid Prime Trilogy have similar circumstances though still somewhat different but the prices are equally if not moreso high
  4. NO! Don't settle for less! Finish this thing! *angry motivation face* also this, even I'm not that bad when I purposely act like an asshole lol, guess I can't beat the real thing
  5. early game bandit chapter? 0/10 wouldn't play
  6. There are some LPs on youtube of hacks etc. you could potentially list in a directory but yeah putting any more than minimal effort into this seems redundant or maybe I'm just lazy, think what you will
  7. going to second what Brendor said and the general notion that there should be some kind of replacement, just removing features without adding anything new isn't very enticing in a general sense
  8. I would participate but I wouldn't want to beat anyone so badly they got depressed and killed themselves so I guess I'll hold back for your sakes... kiddingkidding
  9. I totally know what you mean here, best of luck in getting things to go in your favor, this hack's completion is definitely something to look forward to...
  10. Permadeath being outdated is definitely one opinion on the matter but I wouldn't say it's an absolute fact I changed up my tactics way differently between classic and casual mode in FE13, both have their pros and cons... one isn't totally devoid of purpose or logic making it an absolutely superior option over the other, I don't think *shrug*
  11. You can probably beat it with Anakin and the 3 Falcoknights due to OP triangle attack but in general you need a solid healer and you need to be able to swarm bosses, so it's extremely difficult to beat with less than 5 characters pfft what am i saying i suck at this game what do i know
  12. Oh, this is still going, huh? Glad to hear it. is that a watermark on that portrait?
  13. pfft noob Camtech this is an easy hack jk it's not but I have some notes on making custom items if it helps, pretty much I think you'll need to expand a few tables and copy the entry for a very simple item to get a replica of sorts working, then just link it to a custom ASM routine which adds WEPX to the current character. Only problem with this is getting it to work in battle preps, idk how to do that, haha. edit: inb4 CT says he already knew all this and that im wasting my time or w/e lol
  14. you quoted it twice but you only gave one answer
  15. "...Challenging... at the last moment." - Sqawl "...this hack easily has the highest quality... RNG" - General Ciraxis "there's no readme" - Agro "I murdered... the hack" - Zahlman getting ready for the TV commercial with epic review snippets in a dramatic voice
  16. Have you looked up Ys: Memories of Celceta? It's a great (IMO ofc) action-RPG. I think it was top-rated in yesterday's poll of the day on Gamefaqs by quite a bit P4G is also great and uh there are some freebies via PS+ if you have that and are willing to play them as for Japanese ports I have no idea what interests you but there are definitely some exclusive RPG's and stuff lol
  17. make a level with a puzzle element to it (like a crossover of Zelda and FE lol) make a level where units start with the wrong equipment and you have to trade between units to get them to have the right equipment or something
  18. most of those clothes are uncomfortable so uh I think I'd rather just be on the looking side plus it's not like all girls have sexy bodies/this is some anime where almost everyone has near-flawless skin and other features, if you were a girl you'd have to worry more about comparing yourself to all the girls who you felt looked better than you amongst other things so yeah I get where you're coming from (and I'd second what Red Fox of Fire said, something like "I'm less surprised you feel this way and more surprised you came out and said it") but I think I'm okay with being the gender I am lol, "the grass is greener on the other side" as some people say, though in terms of flexibility in what they can wear without seeming extremely socially awkward, girls definitely have more of it (you hear more about 'tomboys' than 'tomgirls' last I checked)
  19. I feel betrayed DH. So betrayed. Karina and Rachel should be saved (saving the girls but only 2 can be saved so I let go of Cia who has way too many fans) ... I just saw your personal pref after, total coincidence there XD anyhow this is a great idea and holy crap Ace is strength-screwed ._.
  20. it's not a true translation until it's as literal as possible, that is to say i won't accept this
  21. What? Doesn't everyone use Just F Patch now adays? Get with the times. Or step to the beat.
  22. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=45350 already a topic old news already
  23. Was it? You tell me. :P Everyone has different skills and expectations and ideas of what easy/hard mean. The game can "easily" become easy or hard depending on how you approach it and what you allow yourself to do. The game is extremely easy, for instance, if you use DLC or grinding. The game can even be easy if you don't do that depending on how you play, how lucky you are, how much you know about the game and the units you use and the units you'll be facing, etc. But if you're just asking for everyone's individual opinions, I thought the difficulty was just right. Having different modes is the whole idea behind catering to different skill and experience levels, and I thought Normal was just right; any easier and it would've made the gameplay a bit obsolete, and any harder and it would've turned away newcomers or people who aren't geniuses at Fire Emblem like some of us here (myself not included, I'm pretty bad at Fire Emblem compared to the average person here).
  24. my average dreams are at least this weird if not weirder you and I are probably both playing a little too many video games
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