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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. They'll make an actual wall too, not just some crates
  2. You know they were an essential part of the lore of Neosparthia, but are inappropriate to any other!
  3. Fans of FE awaiting a new title after Fire Emblem ΒΕΣΤ, released on Stardate 3497235.0899, reportedly wailed in anguish
  4. Donte's a half angel fighting demons, I feel like you can explain that one. And Doom is Doom. All too likely to ignore. Now now, you know it'll be Blue Star and Red Comet, with Green Moon and Yellow Earth intervening
  5. OH JEEZ, THERE'S TWO OF THEM. They're spreading. Does Mario Odyssey do anything befitting that?
  6. Splatoon too if I've heard correctly. BotW and KatFW are both changes in how they handle their gameplay in 3D with world ending going on too (Though it's a bit more standard on Kirby's end?) Dread also acts as an end to story beats from the rest of the main Metroid titles, while AW 1+2 seems like an end to the series too due to how the game will never release killing the series. Edit: There's also Luigi's Mansion 3 being a third title in a trilogy, which is telling I forgot to mention it.
  7. And hey, least they're not Orson. The least controversial SV take. That's a pretty open entrance area. I'll have to see if I end up there.
  8. Okay, so there's no Pokemon Centre in NY? Feels like both could be there, they can't have that little merch for there to be only one building? Or is this shop bigger than I'm giving credit for? I'll go get them. I'll worry about it if I actually end up there. There's a wedding I might be going to next year, though it might end up being a farther away than would be suitable for a stop in NY. We're putting Oifey, Gilliam and Frey in S tier? Come now.
  9. Honestly? Same. And come to think of it, if the number of DP is tied to difficulty and that's it that'd be alright.
  10. @Saint RubenioI found your kinda tierlist I've seen plush Marth is a thing, I'm more surprised I haven't seen more. Didn't know this was a thing. I'd have a bunch more reasons to see New York in fairness. *sigh
  11. 5 Minutes. They couldn't keep out France.... For 5 minutes! Oh no.
  12. Apparently vampires can die of embarrassment. Or cringe. One of thee two.
  13. I mean, the first Octopath got ported to PC, so I suspect they decided to not do exclusivity this time. It's not like HD2D is forced to be Switch exclusive, I'm somewhat surprised I haven't heard about Livealive getting a port. Both characters being night focused suggests two are better in the sun. "Have you got a loisence for that job?"
  14. Sounds like someone like Ray Romano responding to someone opening the warp. Is this about the E4 itself? Should we rank the gym leaders? Kinda feel like it. Are we saying Diantha's harder? Ouch.
  15. Not without getting him in DLC/playing online, neither of which I have at the minute. And besides, this way I can do it with punches from a small child. Or daggers from a guy who when they ask if he dresses in black asks "you don't?". But I can't use Kirby or Pikachu in Engage, so there's that.
  16. Nobody told me Dwarf Fortress has a look that isn't ASCII. Apparently that port's doing well. Which comedian said this? In response to what? So we can get to beating the tar out of Byleth. This is...... acceptable. Mock battles being random, wonder if it's just opponents or if both sides randomise and if it accounts for you emptying your entire party's equipment.
  17. Admittedly, there's that, arguable prologue stuff and not much else. That'd be the real twist. And Move isn't in the level up screen unlike Build.......
  18. DO YOU SMELL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKIN' -The books, it's the books. France aren't on home turf this time Man, I'm sad this moment has not been recorded for posterity.
  19. Different story, that. I didn't. Also don't know who The Spot is. Don't tell me anything. No 2018 rematch.... Unless Morocco win tomorrow. Go Morocco!
  20. That line's from SD though. I'm not calling him an astounding lord or anything, but I just didn't agree on the tier. Arguably NMotE takes away from Marth too. The dialogue is pretty straightforward in the original, but I'm not going into what NMotE does. 😛 That one's fanon, but one I almost want to buy as the real motive. Just a shame she never gets to do it. Then again, the story role of all the cast seems to serve that to me. Teehee Oh look, that trailer. Hold on, does she know? Oh man. Also, I see we're getting an accused villain out of Miles here? We'll see in June I suppose.
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