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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. I must admit I tried. I got a bunch of bad fodder, I really shouldn't bother on that few.
  2. Some legends are worth pulling for (I looked at what was on for October, decided I might as well (Tiki's not until January)) 3 Red, 1 each Blue, Green 3* Cordelia (Meh at this rarity. +Atk/-HP), 4* Laslow (WHEN HINATA? +Atk/-HP), 3* Olivia (Meh. +Spd/-Res, have similar), 3* Hana (L&D. Neutral) 8.5% 3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless 4* M!Robin (..... Neutral), 4* Olivia (+10 isn't exactly useful for guides. +Res/-Def), 4* Draug (Why can't there be more good fodder? +HP/-Res), 4* A!Tiki (..... +Res/-HP) 9% 2 each Red, Green, 1 Blue 4* Clair (Please stand aside, I could use better. +HP/-Spd), 4* Olivia (Why so many Olivias? +Spd/-Res again), 4* Seliph (Ugh. +Atk/-Spd, might be decent.) 3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Green (FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF- So I'll be waiting until January then?) 4* Henry (Henreally? +Atk/-Spd, have already), 4* Beruka (Berukugh. +HP/-Def), 4* Saizo (Saizofuckno. +Def/-Res), 4* Niles (He's crying Croconile tears at this endeavour. +Spd/-Atk, wow that attack sucks), 4* Klein (Not even good fodder can save this failed desperation. +Def/-Spd) 9.5%, where it'll stay because I am stupid. For future reference, really shouldn't bother when below 100 orbs. Also, I just kind of feel like decent fodder is such a pain in the hole to find. It kind of feels intentional and I'm kind of sick of it.
  3. Question: Should I try to pull with 65 orbs for the legendary banner? Asking as I didn't get much out of it and unless I get a big surprise I doubt that I'll be that interested in the Hallow'een banner (But then again I have been easily surprised lately).
  4. Hard cleared with low HM units, though it took a few retries and I was using Karla and Peganino (Peganino needed an attack boost because she's -Atk, anything better than that will sit in that corner and destroy 4 units just fine) Surprisingly, Lunatic tripped me up the most, mainly because it was the first I tried and it also needed the most fine tuning to get right. Cleared with M!Robin (Reposition, TA3, Bowbreaker, Spur Def/Res 2, Initiate Atk +1), Nephenee (Dauntless Lance +Eff, Rally Spd/Res, Drive Spd, Atk +1 seal), Sonya (Draw Back, G Tomebreaker, Atk Ply 3 Seal) and D!Ike (Swap, QR2, Drive Spd 2, Res +1 seal). I start with Sonya moving into the tree, Nephenee rallying Ike and Robin repositioning him so he can sit in the archer and manakete's range. Ike barely doesn't kill either of them (Causing so much trouble with the archer Robin has no way of getting to) while the horses move for Sonya. I can now spilt them up, letting Sonya kill the green mage while Nephenee waits next to her while Ike and Robin pull back. The next turn sees Sonya and Nephenee take out Zweihardt while Ike and Robin sit in wait for the Manakete, with Ishtar nearby. At this point the archer (with Vengeance) and Ishtar are coming in. What I do is have Ike attack with the Aether proc that's reade after the manakete attacked and Robin finishes (he needed the seal to do this), while Sonya finishes the archer, ending the map. Holy shit Infernal was easier than I expected it to be. Used the usual crew of Witch!Nowi (Draconic Aura, ER3, Iote's Shield seal), Newzura (+Def Haigota, Sol, Def +3, Blaze Dance 1 seal), Newmilla (+Def Kadomatsu, Reposition, Desperation 3) and Valter (Reposition, Renewal 3, Havey Blade seal). Started by having Nowi reposition Newmilla just below the manakete's range, then Newzura danced Nowi so she could sit right in the range of the archer and manakete. The archer dies, the infantry move after the manakete and the cavs go the other route. I pull back this turn out of range, which leaves me in range of nearly everything. Then I take out Zweihardt and the green mage, though I am cunfusing how a little here. Anyways, I pull back to the bottom right, leaving Newmilla in range of the manakete. It dies and Ishtar is coming in hot. Newmilla and Newzura defeat her, leaving the red mage to attack Newzura, not kill and get killed in return. Yeah, this could have been worse honestly.
  5. So, Reinhardt, Reinhardt and his boss are on a banner. 3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue 4* Reinhardt (DISAPPOINTED! +Res/-HP, already have +Atk/-Spd) Question: Should I try to pull on the Legendary banner again before it goes? Asking as I only got Karla.
  6. Arivs takes a surprise win (I had expected the pattern to hold with Julia winning), so I keep on trucking with him. Not like I had another option because it turns out the other dads are out. Team HELLFIRE!
  7. Edit: There's a few other 3 5* in circle pulls too. New years, had 4% or something. Just wanted Newzura, Newmilla has been so useful as well. Hinoka gave Hone Fliers at least (I just cannot get a good one).
  8. For my first Corrin, I decided Azura as it seemed to make the most sense and I didn't get chased off by their supports. I was disappointed when Azura didn't respond at all to Birthright Chapter 13 Camilla as they'd just hit S rank. Come Revelation Chapter 24, I regretted everything.
  9. It seems that Agnatic (with varying degrees on how strict that is) inheritance is pushed throughout Judgral, much as it doesn't usually have the inevitable consequences if the major blood child is female occur. Usually. (keep in mind that the miracle at Darna is only a bit over 100 years from the events of GotHW) First off, in Augustria we know why Hezul major blood is in Eldigan's family: his ancestor married a daughter who happened to be the only child to get major Hezul in that generation. They began the oath Nordin would hold until Augustria went to hell under Shaggy. Naturally, Ares would make sense as the first choice for Augustria after the Liberation. In Issach Maricle's sister also had major Odo married the chief of Rivough, which led to a rebellion and the destruction of Rivough and the exile of Galzus. Clearly holy blood was enough of a concern there. Grandvalle being ruled by the child who turned out to be its first child regardless of gender would indicate that major Naga was not being considered as a factor, likely partly because Seliph was at the helm of the Liberation army. Thracia is where we have to think a bit. Leif does have the position of being involved the longest of himself, Altena and Arione. Altena and Arione also have the difficulty of being associated with the legacy of Travant. So while Leif being the most likely choice of the three makes sense, it's complicated by Altena, who has the advantage of having ties to both sides of Thracia. It's probably the point of wanting their main lords to have their prominent positions. Hilariously enough, he would be able to. If he married Linoan, who is supposed to have minor Naga. How that would occur is another matter. Something to consider is that not all of the nations would have the same method for inheritance and that these inheritances were right after one of the largest wars in Judgral, so the idea that these might be irregular successions is unsurprising. Certainly the long term consequences weren't considered in the story for this game.
  10. I was hoping that I could get some second opinions, but despite having Robin and Hector to pick over him I picked Arvis. He's already behind, though by surprisingly little.
  11. 29 days until my birthday gets subsumed into Hallow'een. Time to see all the chrtistmas stuff right next to the hallow'een stuff as well (See, this is where the war on christmas needs to be) Aside from that, ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  12. It's interesting to see it's 2.10. When book 3? Abyssal GHB. Yeah, that'll go down well. Also, Tana and Innes are finally up. I might utilise that lite data version, especially if it runs faster. Sure, it'll be butt ugly, but I could actually use the space on the phone.
  13. Considering it doesn't mess with anything else, the first option by miles. WYR make pasta out of bread or bread out of pasta?
  14. Seriously, trying to use my dress like Mary Poppin's umbrella has not been my greatest idea.
  15. @SoulWeaverI just call her Fellica, which makes sense with the banner name and considering she's been possessed by what is considered a dark god also fits in the religious sense (as much as that leaves some unfortunate implications). I know it's off topic, but considering this GHB's difficulty....
  16. So, I have Julia and three daddies to choose from: Julia has Naga going for her, Hector was pretty much my first armour that didn't suck, Arvis is a unit I'm still using in places especially with Fjorm and M!Robin was my first 5* and is someone I still use. All of them have been around for some time and I'm not sure who I'm siding with.
  17. I do think you're putting it down unfairly. Not that they can't work with others but to say that this is bad is a bit of an unfair shake imo. Hilariously enough they don't. Seriously, the volume of arena abuse in this game is absurd. Hell, one trick you didn't mention is that you can save while doing arena so long as nobody's cone anything outside of the town (actually used their action, like healing, dancing or leaving the castle). So Arena abuse is as infinite as you can manage it. Nope, she's Lachesis again. Never forget Raquesis though, ugh. One point not raised is related to criticals. Criticals happen in two situations, where the unit has it as a skill like Noish or if a weapon has over 50 kills on it (+1% for each kill over 50). Naturally enough you actually might want kills on more powerful weapons, as the crit can help with later situations. However, this is one of the few games where I think you don't really need them either in casual play. They also stack. Aside from that, I'll just hint at the more out there recruitments. The first is pretty early on and has a swordwoman who won't join you until you take the castle she's standing outside and the talk to her. Thing is, she'll attack and she has a powerful skill to make things more difficult. The next two in Chapter two are one guy at the end of the arena who joins after you beat him and the second requires you giving him money (talk to him with someone with 10k gold). Aside from that, there's one guy pretty late on who will fight you unless you pass his castle, take the next castle in line and then take a child from there to the first castle to talk to him.
  18. Infernal was an undertaking, but I managed with no strats. Even pulled an odd idea off. My team was Reinhardt (Draw Back, Moonbow, Lancebreaker, Heavy Blade Seal), Gronnwen (Draw Back, Iceberg, Desperation, Hone Cav, Drive Atk Seal), B!Lyn (Summoner S Rank, Swap, Desperation, Hone Cav, DD Seal) and B!Veronica (Atk 3, Fortify Cav, LTS Seal). I start by having Gronnwen and Lyn take out the sword user, while Lyn 1-shots the raven mage with a special proc on EP. The next turn sees Veronica 1-round the archer, Lyn 1-round the cav and Gronnwen sits next to Veronica (with Rein under Veronica) for the mage to attack her, still get 1-rounded and leave her below 75% HP. This is important for the next player phase. Lyn takes out the archer while under the pillar wall, Veronica heals her and the Windfire Balm means Gronnwen 1-rounds Tiki on her defence tile, ensuring she's no problem later on. Rein drags her back and Lyn only takes an attack from the troubadour. This turn has Veronica damage the green mage, Rein 1-round the red mage and Lyn moves onto the defence tile, finishes the green mage and Gronnwen moves Rein back. This EP sees Lyn proceed to tank the troubadour, axe cav, archer and thief with 1 HP left. From here I have to try an alternate way, where Lyn damages the axe cav, Rein 1-rounds the other dragon and I'm going to be honest, I'm a bit scrambled on what Gronnwen and Veronica do here to save me (Moreso Veronica, I'm pretty sure Gronnwen finishes the thief) but only the archer, mage and troubadour are left. Rein takes out the mage and I pull back. Lyn tanks the archer and I clean up at this point. Tiki never even got a chance to destroy me. Abyssal will need a strat, that inflation was insane as is.
  19. So, two new banners. Dad first 3 Green, 1 each Blue, Colourless (FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF so many possible Hectors/Bartres) 4* Gunter (Oh well. +HP/-Res) Daughters next. 3 Green, 1 each Red, Blue (Guess a shot at Julia merge?) 4* Soren (Bet this one sucks too. +HP/-Def, so close) Back to the legendary banner. 3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless 4* Effie (*Sigh. +HP/-Atk), 4* Seliph (Merge fodder. +HP/-Def), 5* Karla (I would rage because she of all units got a buff from the original, but still. +HP/-Res, honestly sucky nature), 3* Eirika (Should I start an Eirika merge? +Spd/-Atk, an awful base.), 4* Clarine (She's not Maribelle. +Def/-HP, definite drop.)
  20. Are we sure this isn't hell incarnate? Cleared Normal and Hard with low HM units. After Lunatic. Fucking Lunatic took ages to figure out with M!Robin, M!Morgan (Who replaced Ayra who just didn't work), Julia and Nephenee. Robin was a surprise hero netting kills left and right with all the reds and colourless, Nephenee was solid for the 1-range units, Morgan chipped in and Julia needed Dragon Fang ready to take out Tiki. Naga cannot save us, her child is too strong. Naturally enough, Infernal will likely hurt and FUCK Abyssal, I'll just get a guide.
  21. Ignoring the current banner (There are a few there I could easily add): Quan- Entirely because Ethlyn. Lewyn- I have quite a few infantry mages, but none can do it as well as he would. Legault: Have still not pulled him or Sylvia. I would say I have been cursed with the fangs banner (Considering I got 4.75% focus with nothing to show and Canas was shafted by IS (Still salty about that)) except I got Peganino without much pain recently (barring -Atk). EDIT: I have gotten everyone except for Legault now. What the hell? Ryoma: Some form of him would be nice, especially the flying form. Catkura: Because SP grinding 4* dagger units is horrible. (IS, just give Axe and Dagger valour. Please!) A dancer from the summer banner: Xander or Elincia would be nice. Flylivia: Sword Uror, dancing flier and a great skillset? Why not? The coloured summer units from this year (The red ones, Innes, Camilla): I got 3 pitybreakers from those banners. 3. That hurt. Linde was at least alright but still. A not -Spd Chrissa: *Cries in July Legendary banner (I got Lilina and Lyn instead on the same circle. You get that?)
  22. We'll all need Naga's help with this legendary hero. 2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green 4* M!Robin (Dash my hopes why don't you. +Res/-HP), 4* Tharja (Meh at this point. +Res/-Def) 2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Green 3* Peri (Man, you hope you never see the psycho again... +HP/-Spd), 4* Est (Utterly worthless. +HP/-Res), 4* Nino (Barst would have been worth it. +Spd/-Atk) 8.5% 3 Red, 2 Green 4* Morgan (Well that could be worse. Neutral), 3* Selena (Good fodder. +HP/-Spd), 3* Eliwood (Ward cav, nice. +Spd/-Res) Could have been better.
  23. Well, now that she's got her stats out, I am so happy I have a Julia. That is literally my best bet. We all need Naga's help to slap her super child down. (Sure I have Nephenee, but have you seen that defence? Same with Frederick or Cherche.)
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