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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Well that's some fast turnabout, eh? That GHB's timing is really awkward considering it's on the day before the second banner so it could be either one. Also, Ishtar + Reinhardt and Saias rerun likely doesn't mean Thracia but I can dream dammit! Personally, BB and Thracia should be the next two. I'd hope, but I doubt it. I'd guess the end of the story is that second banner as well, with 3.0 next month. Get hype?
  2. Maeda spends most of the time asking about where Tiki is from and being excited to talk to someone from the Wars of Heroes and Shadows who they don't know from the palace. Tiki ends up transforming and playing along with the legend of Anri after one of them mentions it. A tree almost certainly gets burned in the aftermath. It is adorable. Ninian and Shigure, Ilian mountains, Slush drinks. @Hawkwing I'm just giggling at that Mako face.
  3. I'm not exactly pining for axe armours honestly, though Ephraim is something that could be put into an armour team just fine with how built he already is. I was lucky enough to get two of the brave units from the banner quickly enough, but that drought to 5% before that dupe Nephenee killed my drive for the banner. Veronica is useful by the way, hopefully it won't be too long before she shows up again. So long as she isn't dealing with attack or speed banes you're good to go imo. Oh hey, I don't have either of them.The point of the HP loss is as tradeoff because +3 to all the non-HP stats is really good honestly. I still use it on quite a few units like my Eirika (gives her decent defence and attack and makes her very speedy) or Chrissa (because 41 on each defensive stat is hilarious). It's useful for pretty much anything that isn't CC/TT/RD (because trying to keep that unit for 10 maps is unlikely) unless they're tanking just about everything and there's no healing for them, which Fury actually can allow some units to do.
  4. Orochi was horrified at Loki's suggestion of using Faceless for a meal, but the date took a turn for the better after Orochi suggested fucking with their respective royals with their talents. Corrin and Kris, meeting in Pales, eating a buffet. Any gender combo.
  5. Legendary Leif with Bragi Sword then? I could see it, much as I'd rather legendary Leif wield something else (and be on a horse). Hell, maybe Ronan of all characters gets that effect on a weapon as a joke. Hell, Quan, Jamka and Silvia should have had it if they wanted to be consistent with every character, but that's not how Heroes works with it.
  6. Let's go really dunb: Baron von Leon. Edit: with how few pitchforks there are, ignore that. Baron Atlas
  7. "My husband's coming home. Thanks for helping me prepare the surprise party." "My pleasure."
  8. Well, at least Xander can laugh Lewyn off with it. I already had it on him for Desperation countering, but that works too. Either way, what are the chances we see more effects like Forseti on weapons?
  9. So, let's go. 4 Blue, 1 Colourless (FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-) 4* Sakura (Nearly anything else would suck less. +Spd/-Res), 3* Mae (Desperation 2 is not enough. We need more Desperation 3 fodder guys. +Atk/-Res), 5* Nephenee (NEPH NEPH WOO! Sure, she's a dupe. She'a also either a: my new base or b: Wrath fodder. +Spd/-Atk, that's a Wrath Fodder), 4* Est (........... +Spd/-HP), 3* M!Robin (I was looking for Bonfire. +Atk/-Def) Either way, should have gotten more than 3 5*s the way I invested. Hopefully I can get at least Quan next time. I wash my hands of Arrival of the Brave. First things first though, the free pull. Out of Ephraim or Celica, I think I'll go for Ephraim, Celica is more likely to come up in a banner where she won't share a colour imo and I am drowning in swordlords.
  10. So, I might as well see if I don't cry in misery from green orbs in some banner. 3 Blue, 2 Colourless (not even a chance of dupe Sigurd?) 4* Priscilla (Not nearly Nanna enough to be an interesting pull personally at this point. +Spd/-Atk)
  11. Once more unto the breach! 2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless (When you want greens.....) 4* Libra (A NEW UNIT! IT'S SOMETHING! +Res/-Spd, is that worthwhile?), 4* Soleil (Well, hopefully that can be useful. +Atk/-Spd not worth it.), 4* Raigh (NOT. HELPING. +Spd/-Res, really?), 4* Niles (See you later, Alleygator? Hopefully not for a while, Croconiles. +HP/-Res), 4* Mathilda (..... +Atk/-Def) 5%
  12. Brave banner is still calling me, so let's try there first. 3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless (Seriously Ephraim?) 3* Caeda (Well, could be worse. +HP/-Def, have better), 4* Ares (GOOD FODDER! +Res/-Def, no guilt about foddering him!), 4* Stahl (I don't want him. +Res/-Def, definitely don't), 4* Lukas (Merge fodder. +HP/-Spd, have better), 4* Kaze (I want to be pitybroken soo much right now. +Spd/-Atk, Atk Smoke fodder then.) 4.5% I'll be honest, I paid for the orb pack, partly because of refining stones. 2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Green 4* Soren (Dammit all Soren! +Def/-HP, couldn't even be good.), 4* Lucius (Ugh. +Atk/-HP), 4* Rebecca (PITYBREAK ME DAMMIT! +Atk/-Spd), 4* Jagen (Least Veronica gets a horse buff. +HP/-Def), 4* Donnel (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa- +Def/-Spd) 4.75%, fucking Gacha.
  13. SA14, I just hadn't gotten around to yet. It also has a reinforcement map. Lovely.
  14. Had a similar thought reading it. These recent revelations seem to confirm stuff about how Trump acts that have been at least suggested over the two years: The fact that wars have been prevented in these manners is the kind of stupid that fits political fiction. Sadly, it's reality. Help us all, he'll likely be in Ireland during the post-election news for the US (and coincidentally the aftermath of our presidential elections. To be blunt, none of the people putting themselves forward seem to be painting themselves well at all, it's the incumbent's to lose.), I would not be surprised if his reaction spill onto the golf course he has here.
  15. So, not enough orbs for the CYL banner, but enough about that, there's another furious banner. Myrrh's on it, so that's worth trying for at least. 2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless 3* Hawkeye (Ugh the unit, I really do not care for him in Heroes. +Atk/-Def ain't worth it imo.)
  16. Least it's not 3am. Then again, I'm at 11pm. I would be surprised if Let's Go! gets nothing, Smash possibly will get nothing as it got its own direct last month, Switch's online will probably be a big part because it's out this month I think and maybe we'll finally know when TWEWY Switch is out. As for Three Houses, maybe next time imo. We might get a minute at most here but I wouldn't be surprised if it's a while before we get a big infodump, but hey it's 35 minutes, I could very well be wrong.
  17. I'm a monster who joined Lyn. I probably should have discussed beforehand.
  18. So, I was spoiled. This was a badly kept secret anyway, so whatever. First off, it's Quan with a Q (DAMMIT ALL IS, Q IS NOT A LETTER IN IRISH, KEEP SOME CONSISTENCY WHEN YOU STEAL FROM A LANGUAGE). Gae Bolg gives him +5 Atk/Def against anything that isn't flying (I see what they did there. How dare they), a new skill (Well, Nephenee has it in her personal but eh) with +4 Spd/Def on enemy phase, Drive Atk (like father like son) as well as a special and assist (That's bizarre for a non-healer) Edit: TURNS OUT RALLY DEF/SPD IS ACTUALLY SPD/DEF+, SO HE GIVES +6 TO THE STATS. QUAN YOU'RE CONCERNING ME. Sylvia is here too, comes with Barrier Blade (That's for Laylea though. Is this warning of no subs?), Mirror Stance and Deluge Dance. Might go down, but as with Leen that's not a certainty. Lewyn (WHY GET THIS ONE RIGHT IS?) is coming with some interesting stuff. Forseti's actually underwhelming with what seems like Desperation 2 until you see he actually has it above 50% (WOAH). he comes with Swift Sparrow (Of course), Odd Wave Atk and then there's Special Spiral. Similar to Ares, only it's a skill and he'll pretty much just have it on with Glimmer as his special. Also, Nordin's now Njorun (With a double dotted letter and all). Huh, bit tricky to change the pronunciation. I'll have to see stats, but I kind of want Quan entirely because Ethlyn is the TT unit while Lewyn and Sylvia are also interesting for reasons.
  19. I wonder if FE could pull off some sentai team in the main series.
  20. After failing to get the abyssal maps, this is more my speed. Cleared Hard with low HM units (which today included HK!Marth and Veronica. Poor enemies, 4* Julius just ate the map barring the flier.) Did Lunatic with M!Robin, Canas, Saias and B!Ike. Barring switching off TA3 for once (Because Jamke 1-shot Robin with Astra despite Saias ploying him) it was fine. I managed to get Infernal on a technicality. I started with Nino, Eirika, HK!Marth and Dorcas (All of which have fire blessings except for Dorcas who didn't need it) after about a dozen failures with about 5 different team compositions. I start by having Nino tank and 1-round the mages thanks to Eirika's buffs, Fury 3 and the fire blessing while Dorcas and Marth move out of the way. The next turn I decide to experiment with putting Dorcas in range of the flier (with boosted defence from Eirika's rally), which I expect to fail as Jamke is in range and has Astra to blow up everyone. Instead, Dorcas manages to 1-round Jamke (Which naturally surprised me) after taking "only 40 damage", tanks the flier for a grand total of 0 damage and leaves the cav scratching his head as he arrives to see the boss dead and a small child having stabbed the mages to death. Eirika and Marth wreck the cav and while the knight takes time to come over it gets bombarded by Nino and slain by Marth, ending this map. Did it first this time.
  22. "Yes, Mr. Ramirez, you are the father. Now I'll be going home, where I won't see your wife."
  23. Well, GC got me enough orbs for this. 2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red (Fuck.) 3* Ogma (THAT'4 3* Ogmas on this banner! What the hell? +Spd/-Atk) 4 Red, 1 Green (............) 4* Barst (Well, it's Reposition. Neutral), 4* Lon'qu (Well, Vantage could be worse. Neutral), 4* Soleil (Again, could be worse. +Def/-Spd I was wrong.), 4* Henry (..... +HP/-Atk), 4* Draug (Nope, not even useful for the Ephraim I didn't pull. +Spd/-Res) 4.25%. Crap.
  24. "Adopted" That would totally happen. "We are going to have an actually nice time at the bar luv, none of us are mad with the barkeepers."
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