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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. The Draconic Aura banner seems..... familiar somehow. (Even worse, F!Kana and Lachesis have the same artist. Actually seems intentional.)
  2. So, is SRPG studio and the games made in it Windows only? I wasn't allowed to download the demo for this game, just wanted to know.
  3. Two free banner pulls, let's see.... Another banner with Jaffar (yay) and a Draconic Aura banner that has all the newer users. Also, both have a Mystletainn. Refine No. 2 first. 3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Green (Red it is) 3* Lilina (Honestly might not bother with SI here. +Spd/-Def. So close to great) Draconic Aura now. This one has units I'd probably prefer to get, but not too enthused to bother with the banner itself. 3 Red, 1 each Green, Colourless 3* Frederick (Luna. +Res/-Def, that's just terrible)
  4. I'm sorry, I assume you were looking for something a bit scarier.
  5. Instead of the dragons being slow and looming above everyone, the dragon is now fast and quick moving. A much tougher opponent that would actually be able to fly a bit too!
  6. "You might want to brace yourself for this hammer test, I had to go to the hardware store to replace the usual one."
  7. So, a shot at a better Lyn, Ephraim or CC fodder. I'd take any of those. 3 Colourless, 1 each Blue, Green (Ephraim?) 5* Shiro (First 5* of these banners! Not Ephraim! Don't Care, Shiro's a pretty great unit! Even if he's a dupe. +HP/-Def, good. He's fodder then. Def Tactic or Steady Stance though, that's the trick)
  8. Well then, Odin!Dark Knight (Will ask to change depending on who he's paired up with) You also get the Godess Icon from Visit Rewards.
  9. So, This TT is neat with all the previous TT maps. Tried a cav team with Clive, BKhrom, GrooMarth and Summelinde. After failing to get A/A because 2 fury units and no healing is a great idea for 7 maps, switched to Joshua, Ishtar, Linus and Genny. Will also have teams for Tobin and Arden if needed, just you wait.
  10. Wrath banner. So, let's roll for NEPH NEPH! 2 each Red, Green, 1 Blue (No whammy, no whammy....) 3* Mathilda (Whammy. +Atk/-Res, not as bad as I expected but I don't think I will.) Still 0 5* from these banners.
  11. Cavalry is just the worst for this imo. Took way too long, but cleared with Reinhardt and Zweihardt on the right and Camus and Xander on the left. It's initially about baiting the axe so that it flies into Zweihardt on turn 2, before M!Corrin is in range for Reinhardt to kill. The archer is killed on that side while Camus tanks the blue mage, barely surviving because of Xander support and Ward Cav and then retaliating on the next enemy phase with Vantage. Azura is killed by Reinhardt to end the map. One thing I learned trying to clear with Anna and Sharena is that M!Robin can tank two rounds of attacks from M!Corrin, including the Dragon Fang. The strat I did has Alfonse and Sharena on the rightt, with Anna and Bunnero on the left as Bunnero repositions Anna to the right. Alfonse and Sharena move north and Sharena attack rallies so Alfonse 1-shots the flier on enemy phase. Then Corrin attacks Sharena, doesn't get the dragon fang proc because of Sharena having the special refine and she kills him on player phase, getting dragged back by Alfonse. Bunnero moves left to distract the archer while the mage goes for everyone, attacking and then getting killed by Sharena after being danced after attacking Anna. Anna moves into Azura's range, killing her easily but the archer's now too close for comfort so everyone moves into the corner while Alfonse takes a hit. After that, Anna is repositioned to kill off the archer, ending the map. Also, wow Sharena needed the refine for this map, at least with what I had. Alfonse next for refine then. I'm going to be messing with all three of them for the future, Sharena's getting Fury, Alfonse already has Brazen atk/def equipped and Anna's gotten Swift Sparrow.
  12. Ooof, if there were a daily banner to pull on, it'd be this one imo. Delthea and Elincia for obvious reasons and even Klein's some damm fine fodder. 3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue (OOOOOOOOOOOF) 4* Shanna (Desperation 3's nice though. +Res/-Def, I do not get her enough)
  13. Give her killer weapons, see if crit can be increased with supports and if forging's a thing give her +crit on everything. Aside from that, there might be choices that encourage more edgy answers. That too.
  14. SO MANY MEMES! Sometimes SI is darker than I expected. It appears we're getting to the point where people are feeling confident enough to write storylines for this (comedic as this looks to be). Tiki being Grima's adopted kid is a bit strange imo.
  15. I've already pulled Hinoka without trying to lately as well WHAT THE HELL GACHA 2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red No second Minerva then. Caeda?) 4* Roy (TA3. +Atk/-Def, I think I'm looking for -HP regardless of the boon.)
  16. Yesterday was a disappointment, what with pulling an off-focus Jaffar instead of a dancer. Now Jaffar's a focus unit on today's banner. I feel like screaming. 4 Colourless, 1 Green (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA) 3* Setsuna (Could be worse fodder. +Atk/-Res, could be more balanced than -Def?)
  17. The rerun of old banners has been reminding us of the bad old days (especially personally with this one. :P)
  18. I'd like to suggest three things (Though I understand if you want to ignore the second and third): First, Slim weapons lose their might but gain 10 Crit for each point of might lost. Second, is there any chance that the Gespenst druid could be made into Teodor with improved stats from the generic? Or is that stupid? Third, adjust Eligood's combined bases to (18 HP, 5 Mag, 4 Skl, 6 Spd, 7 Luk, 2 Def and 5 Res) and growths to (60 HP, 55 Mag, 45 Skl, 40 Spd, 40 Luk, 25 Def and 60 Res).
  19. So looking at the event calender, I suspect that the CYL banner will end up being the September new heroes banner. One reason is that the legendary banner runs during the other banner and the idea of a legendary and CYL banner running at the same time could end up resulting in less payments for them overall than I think they'd get as separate banners. The first CYL was released on the 31st of August, so neither banner seems to be more obvious a starting date imo. There is also a GHB running during the next new hero banner, which suggests that it is unlikely to be CYL unless they make Marth as a GHB CYL unit. However, there's also a Forging bonds event during the banner and it would also make sense for that to run with CYL. However, it's also important to note that we don't know what events are on during early September so these assumptions have that flaw as is.
  20. DB banner this time. I'd be kind of tempted, but I'd wait until the second rerun. 2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless 4* Wrys (More humble clerics. +Atk/-HP) Now, the dancing banner. I'll take Xander or Elincia to be honest. I have 0 Ryomas or Michiahs but I'm not all that interested in either. 3 Green, 1 each Red, Blue (AGAIN, WHY NEXT TO NONE ON THE LEGENDARY BANNER?) 3* Frederick (Luna. +Atk/-Res, have at 5*), 3* Beruka (Glimmer. +Spd/-HP, nope), 4* Hawkeye (I would have been fine getting him on the other banner. +Spd/-Res, nah) 2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless 4* Serra (Bleh. +Res/-Def, might be better than I have), 4* Frederick (Luna. +Atk/-Spd) 3.25% 3 Red, 1 each Green, Colourless 3* Priscilla (This might be the first one I get at 3*. +Res/-Spd, fodder she be), 3* Barst (Reposition! +Atk/-Res, might have it already. On checking, no, that is my best Barst. Dangit.) 2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless 3* Niles (Iceberg. +Res/-Atk), 3* Gunter (Hone Cav. +HP/-Spd), 3* Cherche (Atk +3 is a decent filler skill at least. +Res/-Atk) 3.5% 4 Red, 1 Colourless 5* Jaffar (HOLY FUCK IS THIS WRONG. +Def/-Res, dammitall), 4* Eirika (Well, it's Hone Spd. +Res/-HP), 4* Seth (Well, he's a thing. +Atk/-HP), 3* Chrom (What a waste. +Atk/-Res, is that for the best?), 3* Seth (Blech. +Spd/-HP) So, a pitybreaker. I think I'm done with this banner.
  21. It's another month, another SA. Is 13 the unlucky number?
  22. Yeah, I noticed that afterwards. You think they might have the seasonal and non-seasonal units separate? I definitely agree on the first (I would be more than willing to get more Canas), while I'm not so sure about the seasonal units, as much sense as it would make (as well as getting more unit options for colours that need them)
  23. Yeah, good points. Irrelevant personally though, as someone who's never tried to get to that tier and has only gotten as far as 19 once or twice ever. Bit doubtful any of these can get to T20 at all even with +10 when they have 161 BST at most though.
  24. So, with these units, I've come to the conclusion I should have a team each for Tobin, Joshua, Clive and Arden. Still not sure who yet, will probably decide when the unit types for the last map are known. (The M!Marth should have been someone else, like Marisa or Gerome)
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