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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. He has that going for him. I'm just disappointed that he can't wall magic much at all. Sure that would be a different kit, but still. I guess I shouldn't be looking over too much. Especially with the horseslaying dagger. Aside from that, while Michiah has that massive res and attack, I don't think I'm interested in more slow mages, I have enough of them, never mind that I think I have about 10 red infantry mages at 5* and just stop IS. I think you're giving the other two a bit too little credit, though Ryoma's kit in particular isn't all that good. If only Ryoma actually had more Res he'd be a good choice for the dragonslaying dagger.
  2. One more summer's day, so I'll pull now. Also, Threaten Def. Threaten Def first. 3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue (Well, roll of the dice for a second 5* Peri. Ugh) 3* Cordelia (Honestly, I'd have preferred if she hadn't dropped to 3*. Neutral) So, the last day of Sketchy Summer. 2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red (Great if I just want a focus unit. Alright for who I want) 3* Seliph (Rally Spd? +Spd/-HP, nah.), 4* Wendy (I could try to build up a bunch for 5* +10. Is that worthwhile? +Spd/-Def, aparrently actually pretty good from a meta perspective though -HP would be better), 4* Effie (Is this finally a good enough one? +Res/-Def, nope) 2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green 3* Clair (Spur Spd fodder. Is +Spd/-Res actually good though?), 4* Draug (Have not pulled in a long time. +Spd/-Def, that sucks) 2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless 5* Hinoka (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA- Alright, that's Hinoka number 3 that I unintentionally pulled. She's +Atk/-Spd, infuriatingly. Really? Not one with an uncompromised nature.), 4* Reinhardt (*sigh. +Res/-HP), 3* Chrom (I could stand to see better fodder. +Res/-Def), 4* Barst (REPOSITION! +Def/-Atk), 4* Serra (Well, recover is good build up for my Elise fodder. +HP/-Def) Well that's annoying. Once again a blue mage flier eludes me. Guess that might happen again on the legendary banner and I'll wait a whole year for a miserable rerun to pull Summilla.
  3. "Wait, that's not a man..... ..... you're a manakete Albertus?" (The hype man's only lines for the entire time in Elibe not being Albertus's hype man. :P) I actually expected Albertus to have said it to Matthis already, Honestly, so has Matthis if that's the case Albertus. Well, I understand why you'd want to do that. It's not like she knows Astore is Gorlois either. Man Sid needs a plastic cleric. Maybe he aged even further since and wore a different generic robe that day. I guess his lot in life is not to be a well known warrior. I assume he's okay with this. Of course you do. I bet his last words were FOR PHERAE. Huh. One of the only justifications for it. I never noticed that before, could probably still do that in the remake. Jeez Margaret, you were a mad one on the fighting. (Also was higher than Albertus (GWAN MARGARET!). Again, my Legolas/Gimli comparion feels apt) So 155 without a dragonstone. Good man the Albertus. Also that's just crazy from Matthis, are we sure that LP canon doesn't have Sacae be a two man operation? Wrys the white was still willing to fight rather than go to the Gray Havens (now the name of his monastery). So how far away is Archanea from Elibe in universe then? Also, I assume the Wrys squad joined under Matthis? I think that's Guinevere's. Git gud scrub is also not appropriate right? THAT'S NOT VERY HELPFUL AS WE ALL KNOW You're not wrong, but I've seen what Lunatic reverse looks like and I don't know sometimes. Fair warning, it's less coherent and far more expletives are involved. Anyway, autistic screeching for those who are interested. Manfroy also comes up as the villain who does the most damage, but just skip the first paragraph. Eh, I wouldn't go that far. After all, where else can I pair Arvis with someone not named Deirdre in a vain attempt to prevent Julius? Where else can I use a team of Elincia, Valter, Azura and Nowi who are all flying and not be making a fan hack? Where else can I complain about an excuse plot with a villain so boring that people are favourably talking about Garon? Where else can I make Lynodia or have two Reinhardts tear through a map? Where else can I attempt to still use regular Robin at their worst in the series? Or use Wendy at her best? Or Ursula/Linus/Arvis/Zephiel/Grima at all? Or successfully use War Cleric Lissa? Where else can I.... you get the idea. I've seen him use it, though unless he's doing a lot or killing a low defence enemy it's unlikely he would. He didn't dab before SoV though. Eh, he's a clone of Roy with Marth and Ike mixed in at least. I'd use him if I get Smash Ultimate. As for commentary, story wise I do think you've gotten stronger and stronger overall in this LP. As for gameplay, I can't really give hints without knowing what's next can I? With that, I guess this is the end of BB. I guess I should get on with it.
  4. So, Castlevania is now crossing over with two reps and a ridiculously enemy filled stage, Chrom and Dark Samus are echo fighters (Chrom looks pretty neat as a Roy alt with Ike and Marth also thrown in) and the next villain too big to get in is now in as well. This feels more and more like "Well, here you go. this time the wild ride will take the hype train ALL the way!" in terms of new and returned content. I am okay with this, though I wonder if they'd even have the time to make any more echo fighters.
  5. Oh, which colour tome do I need more? Blue for Summer Corrin, Red for someone like MagEirika or Green for Cecilia? Blue it is. If not then Green 2 each Red, Blue, 1 Green 3* Clair (Spur Spd fodder. +Atk/-Spd)
  6. Alm and BK, among two of the series's strongest units, realising their reputation start up the revolution of Red units in Heroes, leading to the insurrection of the meta with them at the helm.
  7. The new version of that track's nice in this trailer.
  8. I do want to save for a last pull on the banners that are gone in a few days. That Fighter banner though..... Oh and L&D I guess. L&D first 4 Colourless, 1 Blue (Really?) 4* Nanna (Is she a good nature? +HP/-Res, sigh) No the Fighter banner. Do I go for Grima or Hardin? 3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue (Hardin it is) 3* Effie (Not even 4*. +Def/-Spd is good though!) Well that was meh.
  9. Well, I guessed Ryoma the moment I saw the image. Guess the consensus is him. Also, it would be hilarious if it turned out that was Xander on the right. With a staff. Aside from that, won't pull unless the units interest me in gameplay terms. It's probably pure Fates as well, though they could be hiding the second game involved as well (Three Houses anyone?).
  10. I may have forgotten I could have Fjorm and Betrayal kill one of each Betrayal. So they're in separate clears. Fjorm was joined by Arvis, Nohrzura and M!Marth, while I got a clear without killing Betrayal with Betrayal alongside Leif, Nephenee and M!Morgan (Found one in AA, first time since Alfonse with Arvis) and armour was cleared by LALyn, Hunktow, BK and Chrissa, reminding me just why I hate this map entirely because of the dammnable cleric.
  11. Sadly, I'm not going to be getting another Chrissa, though the QR banner is one of the trickier ones to decide on. Leo chance, Klein or Subaki for fodder? 2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Blue (Where were the greens in the legendary banner?) 3* Est (I am not wasting 2000 feathers on a merge. +HP/-Def, no thanks)
  12. This banner..... F!Corrin maybe? 2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Green (Nino merge then?) 4* Fae (Renewal! +Atk/-Spd, is that better than -Def?)
  13. The character formerly known as Fury. That's pretty crazy. How difficult is Midori in general? I assume it's a bit high on stats in late game if this is something that happens. Dammit Lance don't keep this up.
  14. A friend came over earlier on in the week so a mattress was put down in my room. Not being sure when I could put it back away I had it across from my room. This evening, I come back to see my niece has decided she's going to sleep there and put her duvet and toys on it, with the mattress on the ground now going through my bedroom's doorway. Seriously. This is ongoing.
  15. The Fury banner- Let's get Eldigan? 2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless 4* Lilina (There's better fodder. +Atk/-Res, so close to perfect.)
  16. Gave up, took Phoenixmaster's strat for Infernal. It actually deviated with the lance pegasus and Lucina staying beside each other, so had to rethink the end- Olivia was able to finish the pegasus after Gunter tanked it (Fury was a good choice after all!) and Gunter and Lyn were barely able to finish Lucina off (again, thank fuck my B!Lyn has S support)
  17. THE KING IS VULNERABLE! Alright, let me clarify. The last map in Mystery is like these maps in BB, but it's shorter, so therefore less tedious. Trust me, this still wasn't as angry as the Anankos rant. Well, the moment you talk about being a shadow of someone this is just too obvious. Sure, let's forget how shafted by Heroes Athena was (after Ayra happened). Also, well someone isn't bitter. :P So, that explains how the screen looked like it was was Missingno, Missingno is pure energy. That's how Missingno worked the whole time! It works on E = mc2 after all. .......In the rare camp of..... Wow, she stands alone. Okay, I think Formortiis might be attackable without being countered, but that's only if he equipped Ravager. So, that's something to fix in SSremake. His other weapon's 1-3 range though. I'm sorry, I have to reference this now. Well, Humphrey, you always sounded like the rival in a showjumping direct to TV movie. No wonder your nigh is a whinny. Alm was not the first lord to dab all over his enemies after all. Humphrey is LP canon. I'm just smiling at that. Well, this is not the twist I anticipated. However, it is neat to see that he's more like the BS dragons. Also that horse jumping, pfft. Oh no a dragon. You sly dog Albertus, you got him monologuing! I assume the same genius who decided war dragons were a future civilisation. That many bodies hit the floor, it's a surprise that this party made it after all. Also RIP Humphrey. Congrats, we're almost at the end. I assume you're going to have a hiatus, right?
  18. Much as I'm a fan of having them in a manner similar to book 1 + 2 with the option of having data from 7 having effects on 6, I think @Light Strategist might have put the most likely approach towards it out there. The only reason this has come up is because the director for SoV said he'd like to do BB next and we know nothing about what's after Three Houses. We have no idea if that's what would happen at all.
  19. So, the Vantage banner. I want a Brave Bow more than a Rein merge. 2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless 4* Sothe (L&D is fine. +Spd/-Atk, so close to me keeping him.) So, I'm going to try for more Chrissas. 2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless 3* Bartre (It has been a long time since I pulled the man, the meme, the legend. +Spd/-Res, if this were a different unit this would be great), 3* Marth (Disappointing? Neutral, not when Spur Spd 2 is a fodder I use quite often) 2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green 4* Raven (Man, is he good? +HP/-Atk, Sol I guess), 3* M!Corrin (What a waste. +Atk/-HP), 3* Reinhardt (If only he were better fodder. +Res/-Def, nah) 9% 2 each Blue, Green, 1 Colourless 5* L!Lyn (Well, not quite what I wanted, but.... +Atk/-Spd, so I need to figure out who gets Spd Tactic), 5* LAlina (ARE YOU SHITTING ME? Anything but Chrissa apparently! +Def/-Spd that's just awful), 3* Lukas (Mrege fodder. +HP/-Atk), 3* F!Corrin (Fodder. +HP/-Def, nope), 4* Jeorge (Are you the one I'd think about promoting? +Res/-HP, nope) Chrissa, the one I want and the one green I don't get when I get 2 at once. To be expected, but still that stings.
  20. FREE PULLS ERRY DAY! TA banner interests me for Titania because of Guard and that's it really. 2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green 4* Gunter (Merges I guess. +Spd/-Def, nope)
  21. I;m kicking myself because grounded would have been even more punny because of Raijinto.
  22. Fun things that happened: My phone's SD card died on me. I had my heroes data linked to an account already, but the fact that I thought that would be the end of my time with this game after 18 months has to count for something. Also, those infernal LHBs am I right?
  23. Regal Blade has a Luna effect, Rex Hasta has a brave effect, Basilikos has a Nosferatu effect, Reinfleche is effective against Armours and Dragons, Excaliber gives Speed and Luck +3, Luce gives Magic and Skill +3 and Gespenst gives Defence and Resistance +3.
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